49 template<
class... Args_t>
52 template<
class... Args_t>
53 void defineMutex(
const char* head, Args_t && ... tail);
56 bool defineInt(
const char*
const char* argName,
int intNum,
int defValue=0) ;
57 bool defineDouble(
const char*
const char* argName,
int doubleNum,
double defValue=0.0) ;
58 bool defineString(
const char*
const char* argName,
int stringNum,
const char* defValue=
bool appendMode=
false) ;
59 bool defineObject(
const char*
const char* argName,
int setNum,
const TObject* obj=
bool isArray=
false) ;
63 template<
class... Args_t>
66 template<
typename It_t>
67 bool process(It_t begin, It_t end);
69 int getInt(
const char*
int defaultValue=0)
70 double getDouble(
const char*
double defaultValue=0.0)
71 const char*
const char*
const char* defaultValue=
bool convEmptyToNull=
76 bool ok(
bool verbose)
const ;
87 template<
class ...Args_t>
89 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int intIdx,
int defVal, Args_t && ...args);
91 template<
class ...Args_t>
93 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int intIdx,
const char* defVal, Args_t && ...args);
95 template<
class ...Args_t>
97 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int objIdx,
TObject* defVal, Args_t && ...args);
99 template<
class ...Args_t>
101 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int objIdx,
RooArgSet* defVal, Args_t && ...args);
103 static double decodeDoubleOnTheFly(
const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int idx,
double defVal,
104 std::initializer_list<std::reference_wrapper<const RooCmdArg>> args);
class... Args_t>
144 for(
auto const& arg : {
first, args...}) {
class... Args_t>
154 for(
auto const& item : {tail...}) {
class... Args_t>
typename It_t>
177 for (
auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
class ...Args_t>
190 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int intIdx,
int defVal, Args_t && ...args)
194 pc.
"theInt",cmdArgName,intIdx,defVal) ;
195 pc.
196 return pc.
"theInt") ;
class ...Args_t>
206 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int strIdx,
const char* defVal, Args_t && ...args)
211 pc.
212 const char* ret = pc.
true) ;
214 return ret ? ret :
class ...Args_t>
224 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int objIdx,
TObject* defVal, Args_t && ...args)
229 pc.
class ...Args_t>
236 const char* callerID,
const char* cmdArgName,
int objIdx,
RooArgSet* defVal, Args_t && ...args)
240 pc.
"theObj",cmdArgName,objIdx,defVal) ;
241 pc.
242 return pc.
"theObj") ;
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t r
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t result
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Named container for two doubles, two integers two object points and three string pointers that can be...
Class RooCmdConfig is a configurable parser for RooCmdArg named arguments.
std::vector< Var< RooArgSet * > > _cList
RooArgSet list.
void defineMutex(const char *)
void defineMutex(const char *head, Args_t &&... tail)
Define arguments where any pair is mutually exclusive.
bool process(const RooCmdArg &arg)
Process given RooCmdArg.
TList _pList
Processed cmd list.
bool hasProcessed(const char *cmdName) const
Return true if RooCmdArg with name 'cmdName' has been processed.
std::vector< Var< RooLinkedList > > _oList
Object list.
std::vector< Var< int > > _iList
Integer list.
std::vector< Var< double > > _dList
Double list.
double getDouble(const char *name, double defaultValue=0.0) const
Return double property registered with name 'name'.
void print() const
Print configuration of parser.
void defineDependency(const char *refArgName, const char *neededArgName)
Define that processing argument name refArgName requires processing of argument named neededArgName t...
bool defineDouble(const char *name, const char *argName, int doubleNum, double defValue=0.0)
Define double property name 'name' mapped to double in slot 'doubleNum' in RooCmdArg with name argNam...
static void stripCmdList(RooLinkedList &cmdList, const char *cmdsToPurge)
Utility function that strips command names listed (comma separated) in cmdsToPurge from cmdList.
RooArgSet * getSet(const char *name, RooArgSet *set=nullptr) const
Return RooArgSet property registered with name 'name'.
bool defineSet(const char *name, const char *argName, int setNum, const RooArgSet *set=nullptr)
Define TObject property name 'name' mapped to object in slot 'setNum' in RooCmdArg with name argName ...
std::vector< Var< std::string > > _sList
String list.
TList _yList
Dependency cmd list.
TList _fList
Forbidden cmd list.
void defineRequiredArgs(const char *first, Args_t &&... args)
Add condition that any of listed arguments must be processed for parsing to be declared successful.
bool ok(bool verbose) const
Return true of parsing was successful.
static std::string decodeStringOnTheFly(const char *callerID, const char *cmdArgName, int intIdx, const char *defVal, Args_t &&...args)
Static decoder function allows to retrieve string property from set of RooCmdArgs For use in base mem...
bool defineObject(const char *name, const char *argName, int setNum, const TObject *obj=nullptr, bool isArray=false)
Define TObject property name 'name' mapped to object in slot 'setNum' in RooCmdArg with name argName ...
const char * getString(const char *name, const char *defaultValue="", bool convEmptyToNull=false) const
Return string property registered with name 'name'.
bool defineString(const char *name, const char *argName, int stringNum, const char *defValue="", bool appendMode=false)
Define double property name 'name' mapped to double in slot 'stringNum' in RooCmdArg with name argNam...
static double decodeDoubleOnTheFly(const char *callerID, const char *cmdArgName, int idx, double defVal, std::initializer_list< std::reference_wrapper< const RooCmdArg > > args)
Find a given double in a list of RooCmdArg.
const RooLinkedList & getObjectList(const char *name) const
Return list of objects registered with name 'name'.
TList _mList
Mutex cmd list.
bool defineInt(const char *name, const char *argName, int intNum, int defValue=0)
Define integer property name 'name' mapped to integer in slot 'intNum' in RooCmdArg with name argName...
void allowUndefined(bool flag=true)
If flag is true the processing of unrecognized RooCmdArgs is not considered an error.
int getInt(const char *name, int defaultValue=0) const
Return integer property registered with name 'name'.
RooLinkedList filterCmdList(RooLinkedList &cmdInList, const char *cmdNameList, bool removeFromInList=true) const
Utility function to filter commands listed in cmdNameList from cmdInList.
std::string missingArgs() const
Return string with names of arguments that were required, but not processed.
TObject * getObject(const char *name, TObject *obj=nullptr) const
Return TObject property registered with name 'name'.
static TObject * decodeObjOnTheFly(const char *callerID, const char *cmdArgName, int objIdx, TObject *defVal, Args_t &&...args)
Static decoder function allows to retrieve object property from set of RooCmdArgs For use in base mem...
static int decodeIntOnTheFly(const char *callerID, const char *cmdArgName, int intIdx, int defVal, Args_t &&...args)
Static decoder function allows to retrieve integer property from set of RooCmdArgs For use in base me...
static RooArgSet * decodeSetOnTheFly(const char *callerID, const char *cmdArgName, int objIdx, RooArgSet *defVal, Args_t &&...args)
void setVerbose(bool flag)
If flag is true verbose messaging is activated.
TList _rList
Required cmd list.
RooLinkedList is an collection class for internal use, storing a collection of RooAbsArg pointers in ...
The RooStringView is a wrapper around a C-style string that can also be constructed from a std::strin...
void Add(TObject *obj) override
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Collectable string class.
Mother of all ROOT objects.