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1// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$
2// Authors: L. Moneta, A. Zsenei 08/2005
5#include "Math/Math.h"
7#include "SpecFuncCephes.h"
8#include <limits>
11namespace ROOT {
12namespace Math {
16 double beta_quantile_c(double z, double a, double b) {
17 // use Cephes and property of icomplete beta function
18 if ( z < 0.5)
19 return 1. - ROOT::Math::Cephes::incbi(b,a,z);
20 else
21 return ROOT::Math::Cephes::incbi(a,b,1.0-z);
23 }
26 double beta_quantile(double z, double a, double b ) {
27 // use Cephes function
30 }
33 double cauchy_quantile_c(double z, double b) {
34 // inverse of Caucy is simply the tan(PI(z-0.5))
35 if (z == 0) return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
36 if (z == 1) return - std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
37 if (z < 0.5)
38 // use fact that tan(PI(0.5-z)) = 1/tan(PI*z)
39 return b / std::tan( M_PI * z );
40 else
41 return b * std::tan( M_PI * (0.5 - z ) );
42 }
46 double cauchy_quantile(double z, double b) {
47 // inverse of Caucy is simply the tan(PI(z-0.5))
48 if (z == 0) return - std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
49 if (z == 1) return + std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
50 if (z < 0.5)
51 // use fact that tan(PI(0.5-z)) = 1/tan(PI*z)
52 return - b / std::tan( M_PI * z );
53 else
54 return b * std::tan( M_PI * ( z - 0.5 ) );
56 }
60 double chisquared_quantile_c(double z, double r) {
61 // use Cephes igami which return inverse of complemented regularized gamma
62 return 2.* ROOT::Math::Cephes::igami( 0.5 *r, z);
64 }
67 double chisquared_quantile(double z, double r) {
68 // if possible, should use MathMore function ROOT::Math::chisquared_quantile for z close to zero
69 // otherwise will always return zero for z value smaller than eps
70 return 2.* ROOT::Math::Cephes::igami( 0.5 *r, 1. - z);
71 }
74 double exponential_quantile_c(double z, double lambda) {
76 return - std::log(z)/ lambda;
78 }
82 double exponential_quantile(double z, double lambda) {
83 // use log1p for avoid errors at small z
84 return - ROOT::Math::log1p(-z)/lambda;
86 }
89 double fdistribution_quantile_c(double z, double n, double m) {
90 // use cephes incbi function and use properties of incomplete beta for case <> 0.5
91 if (n == 0) return 0; // is value of cdf for n = 0
92 if (z < 0.5) {
93 double y = ROOT::Math::Cephes::incbi( .5*m, .5*n, z);
94 return m/(n * y) - m/n;
95 }
96 else {
97 double y = ROOT::Math::Cephes::incbi( .5*n, .5*m, 1.0 - z);
98 // will lose precision for y approx to 1
99 return m * y /(n * ( 1. - y) );
100 }
101 }
103 double fdistribution_quantile(double z, double n, double m) {
104 // use cephes incbi function
105 if (n == 0) return 0; // is value of cdf for n = 0
106 double y = ROOT::Math::Cephes::incbi( .5*n, .5*m, z);
107 // will lose precision for y approx to 1
108 return m * y /(n * ( 1. - y) );
109 }
112 double gamma_quantile_c(double z, double alpha, double theta) {
114 return theta * ROOT::Math::Cephes::igami( alpha, z);
116 }
118 double gamma_quantile(double z, double alpha, double theta) {
119 // if possible, should use MathMore function ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile for z close to zero
120 // otherwise will always return zero for z value smaller than eps
121 return theta * ROOT::Math::Cephes::igami( alpha, 1.- z);
122 }
126 double normal_quantile_c(double z, double sigma) {
127 // use cephes and fact that ntri(1.-x) = - ndtri(x)
128 return - sigma * ROOT::Math::Cephes::ndtri(z);
130 }
134 double normal_quantile(double z, double sigma) {
135 // use cephes ndtri function
138 }
143 double lognormal_quantile_c(double z, double m, double s) {
144 // if y is log normal, u = exp(y) is log-normal distributed
145 double y = - s * ROOT::Math::Cephes::ndtri(z) + m;
146 return std::exp(y);
147 }
151 double lognormal_quantile(double z, double m, double s) {
152 // if y is log normal, u = exp(y) is log-normal distributed
153 double y = s * ROOT::Math::Cephes::ndtri(z) + m;
154 return std::exp(y);
156 }
159// double tdistribution_quantile_c(double z, double r) {
161// return gsl_cdf_tdist_Qinv(z, r);
163// }
167// double tdistribution_quantile(double z, double r) {
169// return gsl_cdf_tdist_Pinv(z, r);
171// }
175 double uniform_quantile_c(double z, double a, double b) {
177 return a * z + b * (1.0 - z);
179 }
183 double uniform_quantile(double z, double a, double b) {
185 return b * z + a * (1.0 - z);
187 }
189 double landau_quantile(double z, double xi) {
190 // LANDAU quantile : algorithm from CERNLIB G110 ranlan
191 // with scale parameter xi
192 // Converted by Rene Brun from CERNLIB routine ranlan(G110),
193 // Moved and adapted to QuantFuncMathCore by B. List 29.4.2010
195 static double f[982] = {
196 0 , 0 , 0 ,0 ,0 ,-2.244733,
197 -2.204365,-2.168163,-2.135219,-2.104898,-2.076740,-2.050397,
198 -2.025605,-2.002150,-1.979866,-1.958612,-1.938275,-1.918760,
199 -1.899984,-1.881879,-1.864385,-1.847451,-1.831030,-1.815083,
200 -1.799574,-1.784473,-1.769751,-1.755383,-1.741346,-1.727620,
201 -1.714187,-1.701029,-1.688130,-1.675477,-1.663057,-1.650858,
202 -1.638868,-1.627078,-1.615477,-1.604058,-1.592811,-1.581729,
203 -1.570806,-1.560034,-1.549407,-1.538919,-1.528565,-1.518339,
204 -1.508237,-1.498254,-1.488386,-1.478628,-1.468976,-1.459428,
205 -1.449979,-1.440626,-1.431365,-1.422195,-1.413111,-1.404112,
206 -1.395194,-1.386356,-1.377594,-1.368906,-1.360291,-1.351746,
207 -1.343269,-1.334859,-1.326512,-1.318229,-1.310006,-1.301843,
208 -1.293737,-1.285688,-1.277693,-1.269752,-1.261863,-1.254024,
209 -1.246235,-1.238494,-1.230800,-1.223153,-1.215550,-1.207990,
210 -1.200474,-1.192999,-1.185566,-1.178172,-1.170817,-1.163500,
211 -1.156220,-1.148977,-1.141770,-1.134598,-1.127459,-1.120354,
212 -1.113282,-1.106242,-1.099233,-1.092255,
213 -1.085306,-1.078388,-1.071498,-1.064636,-1.057802,-1.050996,
214 -1.044215,-1.037461,-1.030733,-1.024029,-1.017350,-1.010695,
215 -1.004064, -.997456, -.990871, -.984308, -.977767, -.971247,
216 -.964749, -.958271, -.951813, -.945375, -.938957, -.932558,
217 -.926178, -.919816, -.913472, -.907146, -.900838, -.894547,
218 -.888272, -.882014, -.875773, -.869547, -.863337, -.857142,
219 -.850963, -.844798, -.838648, -.832512, -.826390, -.820282,
220 -.814187, -.808106, -.802038, -.795982, -.789940, -.783909,
221 -.777891, -.771884, -.765889, -.759906, -.753934, -.747973,
222 -.742023, -.736084, -.730155, -.724237, -.718328, -.712429,
223 -.706541, -.700661, -.694791, -.688931, -.683079, -.677236,
224 -.671402, -.665576, -.659759, -.653950, -.648149, -.642356,
225 -.636570, -.630793, -.625022, -.619259, -.613503, -.607754,
226 -.602012, -.596276, -.590548, -.584825, -.579109, -.573399,
227 -.567695, -.561997, -.556305, -.550618, -.544937, -.539262,
228 -.533592, -.527926, -.522266, -.516611, -.510961, -.505315,
229 -.499674, -.494037, -.488405, -.482777,
230 -.477153, -.471533, -.465917, -.460305, -.454697, -.449092,
231 -.443491, -.437893, -.432299, -.426707, -.421119, -.415534,
232 -.409951, -.404372, -.398795, -.393221, -.387649, -.382080,
233 -.376513, -.370949, -.365387, -.359826, -.354268, -.348712,
234 -.343157, -.337604, -.332053, -.326503, -.320955, -.315408,
235 -.309863, -.304318, -.298775, -.293233, -.287692, -.282152,
236 -.276613, -.271074, -.265536, -.259999, -.254462, -.248926,
237 -.243389, -.237854, -.232318, -.226783, -.221247, -.215712,
238 -.210176, -.204641, -.199105, -.193568, -.188032, -.182495,
239 -.176957, -.171419, -.165880, -.160341, -.154800, -.149259,
240 -.143717, -.138173, -.132629, -.127083, -.121537, -.115989,
241 -.110439, -.104889, -.099336, -.093782, -.088227, -.082670,
242 -.077111, -.071550, -.065987, -.060423, -.054856, -.049288,
243 -.043717, -.038144, -.032569, -.026991, -.021411, -.015828,
244 -.010243, -.004656, .000934, .006527, .012123, .017722,
245 .023323, .028928, .034535, .040146, .045759, .051376,
246 .056997, .062620, .068247, .073877,
247 .079511, .085149, .090790, .096435, .102083, .107736,
248 .113392, .119052, .124716, .130385, .136057, .141734,
249 .147414, .153100, .158789, .164483, .170181, .175884,
250 .181592, .187304, .193021, .198743, .204469, .210201,
251 .215937, .221678, .227425, .233177, .238933, .244696,
252 .250463, .256236, .262014, .267798, .273587, .279382,
253 .285183, .290989, .296801, .302619, .308443, .314273,
254 .320109, .325951, .331799, .337654, .343515, .349382,
255 .355255, .361135, .367022, .372915, .378815, .384721,
256 .390634, .396554, .402481, .408415, .414356, .420304,
257 .426260, .432222, .438192, .444169, .450153, .456145,
258 .462144, .468151, .474166, .480188, .486218, .492256,
259 .498302, .504356, .510418, .516488, .522566, .528653,
260 .534747, .540850, .546962, .553082, .559210, .565347,
261 .571493, .577648, .583811, .589983, .596164, .602355,
262 .608554, .614762, .620980, .627207, .633444, .639689,
263 .645945, .652210, .658484, .664768,
264 .671062, .677366, .683680, .690004, .696338, .702682,
265 .709036, .715400, .721775, .728160, .734556, .740963,
266 .747379, .753807, .760246, .766695, .773155, .779627,
267 .786109, .792603, .799107, .805624, .812151, .818690,
268 .825241, .831803, .838377, .844962, .851560, .858170,
269 .864791, .871425, .878071, .884729, .891399, .898082,
270 .904778, .911486, .918206, .924940, .931686, .938446,
271 .945218, .952003, .958802, .965614, .972439, .979278,
272 .986130, .992996, .999875, 1.006769, 1.013676, 1.020597,
273 1.027533, 1.034482, 1.041446, 1.048424, 1.055417, 1.062424,
274 1.069446, 1.076482, 1.083534, 1.090600, 1.097681, 1.104778,
275 1.111889, 1.119016, 1.126159, 1.133316, 1.140490, 1.147679,
276 1.154884, 1.162105, 1.169342, 1.176595, 1.183864, 1.191149,
277 1.198451, 1.205770, 1.213105, 1.220457, 1.227826, 1.235211,
278 1.242614, 1.250034, 1.257471, 1.264926, 1.272398, 1.279888,
279 1.287395, 1.294921, 1.302464, 1.310026, 1.317605, 1.325203,
280 1.332819, 1.340454, 1.348108, 1.355780,
281 1.363472, 1.371182, 1.378912, 1.386660, 1.394429, 1.402216,
282 1.410024, 1.417851, 1.425698, 1.433565, 1.441453, 1.449360,
283 1.457288, 1.465237, 1.473206, 1.481196, 1.489208, 1.497240,
284 1.505293, 1.513368, 1.521465, 1.529583, 1.537723, 1.545885,
285 1.554068, 1.562275, 1.570503, 1.578754, 1.587028, 1.595325,
286 1.603644, 1.611987, 1.620353, 1.628743, 1.637156, 1.645593,
287 1.654053, 1.662538, 1.671047, 1.679581, 1.688139, 1.696721,
288 1.705329, 1.713961, 1.722619, 1.731303, 1.740011, 1.748746,
289 1.757506, 1.766293, 1.775106, 1.783945, 1.792810, 1.801703,
290 1.810623, 1.819569, 1.828543, 1.837545, 1.846574, 1.855631,
291 1.864717, 1.873830, 1.882972, 1.892143, 1.901343, 1.910572,
292 1.919830, 1.929117, 1.938434, 1.947781, 1.957158, 1.966566,
293 1.976004, 1.985473, 1.994972, 2.004503, 2.014065, 2.023659,
294 2.033285, 2.042943, 2.052633, 2.062355, 2.072110, 2.081899,
295 2.091720, 2.101575, 2.111464, 2.121386, 2.131343, 2.141334,
296 2.151360, 2.161421, 2.171517, 2.181648, 2.191815, 2.202018,
297 2.212257, 2.222533, 2.232845, 2.243195,
298 2.253582, 2.264006, 2.274468, 2.284968, 2.295507, 2.306084,
299 2.316701, 2.327356, 2.338051, 2.348786, 2.359562, 2.370377,
300 2.381234, 2.392131, 2.403070, 2.414051, 2.425073, 2.436138,
301 2.447246, 2.458397, 2.469591, 2.480828, 2.492110, 2.503436,
302 2.514807, 2.526222, 2.537684, 2.549190, 2.560743, 2.572343,
303 2.583989, 2.595682, 2.607423, 2.619212, 2.631050, 2.642936,
304 2.654871, 2.666855, 2.678890, 2.690975, 2.703110, 2.715297,
305 2.727535, 2.739825, 2.752168, 2.764563, 2.777012, 2.789514,
306 2.802070, 2.814681, 2.827347, 2.840069, 2.852846, 2.865680,
307 2.878570, 2.891518, 2.904524, 2.917588, 2.930712, 2.943894,
308 2.957136, 2.970439, 2.983802, 2.997227, 3.010714, 3.024263,
309 3.037875, 3.051551, 3.065290, 3.079095, 3.092965, 3.106900,
310 3.120902, 3.134971, 3.149107, 3.163312, 3.177585, 3.191928,
311 3.206340, 3.220824, 3.235378, 3.250005, 3.264704, 3.279477,
312 3.294323, 3.309244, 3.324240, 3.339312, 3.354461, 3.369687,
313 3.384992, 3.400375, 3.415838, 3.431381, 3.447005, 3.462711,
314 3.478500, 3.494372, 3.510328, 3.526370,
315 3.542497, 3.558711, 3.575012, 3.591402, 3.607881, 3.624450,
316 3.641111, 3.657863, 3.674708, 3.691646, 3.708680, 3.725809,
317 3.743034, 3.760357, 3.777779, 3.795300, 3.812921, 3.830645,
318 3.848470, 3.866400, 3.884434, 3.902574, 3.920821, 3.939176,
319 3.957640, 3.976215, 3.994901, 4.013699, 4.032612, 4.051639,
320 4.070783, 4.090045, 4.109425, 4.128925, 4.148547, 4.168292,
321 4.188160, 4.208154, 4.228275, 4.248524, 4.268903, 4.289413,
322 4.310056, 4.330832, 4.351745, 4.372794, 4.393982, 4.415310,
323 4.436781, 4.458395, 4.480154, 4.502060, 4.524114, 4.546319,
324 4.568676, 4.591187, 4.613854, 4.636678, 4.659662, 4.682807,
325 4.706116, 4.729590, 4.753231, 4.777041, 4.801024, 4.825179,
326 4.849511, 4.874020, 4.898710, 4.923582, 4.948639, 4.973883,
327 4.999316, 5.024942, 5.050761, 5.076778, 5.102993, 5.129411,
328 5.156034, 5.182864, 5.209903, 5.237156, 5.264625, 5.292312,
329 5.320220, 5.348354, 5.376714, 5.405306, 5.434131, 5.463193,
330 5.492496, 5.522042, 5.551836, 5.581880, 5.612178, 5.642734,
331 5.673552, 5.704634, 5.735986, 5.767610,
332 5.799512, 5.831694, 5.864161, 5.896918, 5.929968, 5.963316,
333 5.996967, 6.030925, 6.065194, 6.099780, 6.134687, 6.169921,
334 6.205486, 6.241387, 6.277630, 6.314220, 6.351163, 6.388465,
335 6.426130, 6.464166, 6.502578, 6.541371, 6.580553, 6.620130,
336 6.660109, 6.700495, 6.741297, 6.782520, 6.824173, 6.866262,
337 6.908795, 6.951780, 6.995225, 7.039137, 7.083525, 7.128398,
338 7.173764, 7.219632, 7.266011, 7.312910, 7.360339, 7.408308,
339 7.456827, 7.505905, 7.555554, 7.605785, 7.656608, 7.708035,
340 7.760077, 7.812747, 7.866057, 7.920019, 7.974647, 8.029953,
341 8.085952, 8.142657, 8.200083, 8.258245, 8.317158, 8.376837,
342 8.437300, 8.498562, 8.560641, 8.623554, 8.687319, 8.751955,
343 8.817481, 8.883916, 8.951282, 9.019600, 9.088889, 9.159174,
344 9.230477, 9.302822, 9.376233, 9.450735, 9.526355, 9.603118,
345 9.681054, 9.760191, 9.840558, 9.922186,10.005107,10.089353,
346 10.174959,10.261958,10.350389,10.440287,10.531693,10.624646,
347 10.719188,10.815362,10.913214,11.012789,11.114137,11.217307,
348 11.322352,11.429325,11.538283,11.649285,
349 11.762390,11.877664,11.995170,12.114979,12.237161,12.361791,
350 12.488946,12.618708,12.751161,12.886394,13.024498,13.165570,
351 13.309711,13.457026,13.607625,13.761625,13.919145,14.080314,
352 14.245263,14.414134,14.587072,14.764233,14.945778,15.131877,
353 15.322712,15.518470,15.719353,15.925570,16.137345,16.354912,
354 16.578520,16.808433,17.044929,17.288305,17.538873,17.796967,
355 18.062943,18.337176,18.620068,18.912049,19.213574,19.525133,
356 19.847249,20.180480,20.525429,20.882738,21.253102,21.637266,
357 22.036036,22.450278,22.880933,23.329017,23.795634,24.281981,
358 24.789364,25.319207,25.873062,26.452634,27.059789,27.696581,
359 28.365274,29.068370,29.808638,30.589157,31.413354,32.285060,
360 33.208568,34.188705,35.230920,36.341388,37.527131,38.796172,
361 40.157721,41.622399,43.202525,44.912465,46.769077,48.792279,
362 51.005773,53.437996,56.123356,59.103894 };
364 if (xi <= 0) return 0;
365 if (z <= 0) return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
366 if (z >= 1) return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
368 double ranlan, u, v;
369 u = 1000*z;
370 int i = int(u);
371 u -= i;
372 if (i >= 70 && i < 800) {
373 ranlan = f[i-1] + u*(f[i] - f[i-1]);
374 } else if (i >= 7 && i <= 980) {
375 ranlan = f[i-1] + u*(f[i]-f[i-1]-0.25*(1-u)*(f[i+1]-f[i]-f[i-1]+f[i-2]));
376 } else if (i < 7) {
377 v = std::log(z);
378 u = 1/v;
379 ranlan = ((0.99858950+(3.45213058E1+1.70854528E1*u)*u)/
380 (1 +(3.41760202E1+4.01244582 *u)*u))*
381 (-std::log(-0.91893853-v)-1);
382 } else {
383 u = 1-z;
384 v = u*u;
385 if (z <= 0.999) {
386 ranlan = (1.00060006+2.63991156E2*u+4.37320068E3*v)/
387 ((1 +2.57368075E2*u+3.41448018E3*v)*u);
388 } else {
389 ranlan = (1.00001538+6.07514119E3*u+7.34266409E5*v)/
390 ((1 +6.06511919E3*u+6.94021044E5*v)*u);
391 }
392 }
393 return xi*ranlan;
394 }
396 double landau_quantile_c(double z, double xi) {
397 return landau_quantile(1.-z,xi);
398 }
400} // namespace Math
401} // namespace ROOT
#define b(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:100
#define f(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:104
#define a(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:99
#define M_PI
Definition Rotated.cxx:105
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t r
double fdistribution_quantile_c(double z, double n, double m)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the f distribution (fdistrib...
double uniform_quantile_c(double z, double a, double b)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the uniform (flat) distribut...
double landau_quantile(double z, double xi=1)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Landau distribution (lan...
double chisquared_quantile_c(double z, double r)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the distribution with degr...
double normal_quantile(double z, double sigma)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the normal (Gaussian) distri...
double exponential_quantile_c(double z, double lambda)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the exponential distribution...
double gamma_quantile_c(double z, double alpha, double theta)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the gamma distribution (gamm...
double landau_quantile_c(double z, double xi=1)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the landau distribution (lan...
double fdistribution_quantile(double z, double n, double m)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the f distribution (fdistrib...
double cauchy_quantile_c(double z, double b)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the Cauchy distribution (cau...
double uniform_quantile(double z, double a, double b)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the uniform (flat) distribut...
double normal_quantile_c(double z, double sigma)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the normal (Gaussian) distri...
double chisquared_quantile(double z, double r)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the distribution with degr...
double beta_quantile_c(double x, double a, double b)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the beta distribution (beta_...
double gamma_quantile(double z, double alpha, double theta)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the gamma distribution (gamm...
double exponential_quantile(double z, double lambda)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the exponential distribution...
double lognormal_quantile(double x, double m, double s)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the lognormal distribution (...
double cauchy_quantile(double z, double b)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Cauchy distribution (cau...
double beta_quantile(double x, double a, double b)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the beta distribution (beta_...
double lognormal_quantile_c(double x, double m, double s)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the lognormal distribution (...
const Double_t sigma
Double_t y[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
const Int_t n
Definition legend1.C:16
Namespace for new Math classes and functions.
double igami(double a, double y)
double incbi(double a, double b, double y)
double log1p(double x)
declarations for functions which are not implemented by some compilers
Definition Math.h:98
This file contains a specialised ROOT message handler to test for diagnostic in unit tests.
TMarker m
Definition textangle.C:8