Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_cms.C tutorial.
[ Recorded using "new TGRecorder" command. ]
- type: .x geom_cms.C
- demonstrate rotation (left-mouse), zoom (right-mouse left-right)
- show GL window Help Window
- show wireframe (w), smooth (r, default) and outline (t) render modes
- show flip of background color dark-light-dark (e pressed twice)
- disable clipping plane in GL-viewer panel
- open "Scene" list-tree and further "Geometry scene"
- disable drawing of muon system and then calorimeters
- select tracker geometry top-node and increase drawing depth
- re-enable clipping plane and zoom into pixel detector.
void geom_cms_playback()
auto r =
new TRecorder(
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t r
Class provides direct recorder/replayer interface for a user.
- Author
- Matevz Tadel
Definition in file geom_cms_playback.C.