12#ifndef ROOT_TProofResourcesStatic
13#define ROOT_TProofResourcesStatic
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void value
The purpose of this class is to provide a complete node description for masters, submasters and worke...
The purpose of this class is to provide a standard interface to static config files.
virtual ~TProofResourcesStatic()
static void SetOption(TProofNodeInfo *nodeinfo, const TString &option, const TString &value)
Static method to set the node info options.
TString GetFileName() const
static TProofNodeInfo * CreateNodeInfo(const TString &name)
Fill out the preliminary TProofNodeInfo structure.
TProofNodeInfo * GetMaster()
Get the master node.
TList * GetSubmasters()
Get the list of submaster nodes.
This ctor is used in TProofServ::Setup() in combination with GetWorkDir() for a quick scan of the con...
static EInfoType GetInfoType(const TString &word)
Static method to determine the info type.
TList * GetWorkers()
Get the list of worker nodes.
void InitResources()
Create master node info and submaster/worker lists, and set default values.
Bool_t ReadConfigFile(const char *confDir, const char *fileName)
Read the PROOF config file and fill the master and worker list.