12#ifndef ROOT_TEveCaloLegoEditor
13#define ROOT_TEveCaloLegoEditor
ULong_t Pixel_t
Pixel value.
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t height
GUI editor for TEveCaloLego.
TGCheckButton * fAutoRebin
TGVerticalFrame * fRebinFrame
TEveCaloLegoEditor(const TEveCaloLegoEditor &)
TGColorSelect * fPlaneColor
TGNumberEntry * fTransparency
void DoProjection()
Slot for projection.
virtual ~TEveCaloLegoEditor()
TEveGValuator * fCell2DTextMin
TGCheckButton * fNormalizeRebin
void DoBoxMode()
Slot for projection.
void DoFontColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot for FontColor.
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Set model object.
void Do2DMode()
Slot for projection.
void DoTransparency()
Slot for Transparency.
TEveCaloLegoEditor & operator=(const TEveCaloLegoEditor &)
TGColorSelect * fFontColor
void DoCell2DTextMin()
Slot for setting limit in pixels in which cell value is rendered.
TEveGValuator * fPixelsPerBin
ClassDef(TEveCaloLegoEditor, 0)
void DoGridColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot for GridColor.
void DoPlaneColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot for PlaneColor.
void DoPixelsPerBin()
Slot for PixelsPerBin.
TGColorSelect * fGridColor
TGComboBox * MakeLabeledCombo(const char *name, Int_t off)
Helper function. Creates TGComboBox with fixed size TGLabel.
Visualization of calorimeter data as eta/phi histogram.
Composite GUI element for single value selection (supports label, number-entry and slider).
Like a checkbutton but instead of the check mark there is color area with a little down arrow.
A combobox (also known as a drop down listbox) allows the selection of one item out of a list of item...
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons.
A composite frame that layout their children in vertical way.
ROOT GUI Window base class.
Base frame for implementing GUI - a service class.
Mother of all ROOT objects.