38 bool)
const {
return nullptr; }
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
static void indent(ostringstream &buf, int indent_level)
RooAbsAnaConvPdf is the base class for PDFs that represent a physics model that can be analytically c...
RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value and a "shape" in RooFi...
RooAbsCollection is an abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
RooAbsGenContext is the abstract base class for generator contexts of RooAbsPdf objects.
RooAbsRealLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may a...
RooAddModel is an efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form.
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
RooConvGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAbsAnaConvP...
RooDataSet is a container class to hold unbinned data.
RooRealVar represents a variable that can be changed from the outside.
RooResolutionModel is the base class for PDFs that represent a resolution model that can be convolute...
~RooResolutionModel() override
TObject * clone(const char *newname) const override=0
double getValV(const RooArgSet *nset=nullptr) const override
Modified version of RooAbsPdf::getValF().
virtual void changeBasis(RooFormulaVar *basis)
Change the basis function we convolute with.
virtual Int_t basisCode(const char *name) const =0
virtual RooResolutionModel * convolution(RooFormulaVar *basis, RooAbsArg *owner) const
Instantiate a clone of this resolution model representing a convolution with given basis function.
double getNorm(const RooArgSet *nset=nullptr) const override
Return the integral of this PDF over all elements of 'nset'.
static RooFormulaVar * identity()
Return identity formula pointer.
bool redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection &newServerList, bool mustReplaceAll, bool nameChange, bool isRecursive) override
Forward redirectServers call to our basis function, which is not connected to either resolution model...
const RooRealVar & basisConvVar() const
Return the convolution variable of the selection basis function.
bool _ownBasis
Flag indicating ownership of _basis.
bool isBasisSupported(const char *name) const
bool selfNormalized() const override
Shows if a PDF is self-normalized, which means that no attempt is made to add a normalization term.
virtual void normLeafServerList(RooArgSet &list) const
Floating point error checking and tracing for given float value.
virtual RooAbsGenContext * modelGenContext(const RooAbsAnaConvPdf &, const RooArgSet &, const RooDataSet *, const RooArgSet *, bool) const
void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, bool verbose=false, TString indent="") const override
Print info about this object to the specified stream.
Int_t _basisCode
Identifier code for selected basis function.
RooAbsRealLValue & convVar() const
Return the convolution variable of the resolution model.
RooFormulaVar * _basis
Basis function convolved with this resolution model.
const RooFormulaVar & basis() const
RooTemplateProxy< RooAbsRealLValue > x
Dependent/convolution variable.
Mother of all ROOT objects.