15#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
31 Form(
"REveSceneInfo of scene '%s'", scene->GetCName())),
55 static const REveException eH(
"REveSceneInfo::AcceptElement ");
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Formats a string in a circular formatting buffer.
virtual Int_t WriteCoreJson(nlohmann::json &cj, Int_t rnr_offset)
Write core json.
ElementId_t GetElementId() const
REveException Exception-type thrown by Eve classes.
Int_t WriteCoreJson(nlohmann::json &j, Int_t rnr_offset) override
Fill core part of JSON representation.
Bool_t AcceptElement(REveElement *el) override
Virtual from REveElement.
REveViewer Reve representation of TGLViewer.