25 double dx12 =
x1 -
26 double dx13 =
x1 -
27 double dx23 =
x2 -
31 double xm = (
x1 +
x2 +
x3) / 3.;
41 double a =
y1 / (dx12 * dx13) -
y2 / (dx12 * dx23) + y3 / (dx13 * dx23);
42 double b = -
y1 * (
x2 +
x3) / (dx12 * dx13) +
y2 * (
x1 +
x3) / (dx12 * dx23) - y3 * (
x1 +
x2) / (dx13 * dx23);
45 c += xm * (xm *
a -
60 double y12 = p1.
Y() - p2.
62 double det = xx1 - xx2 - 2. *
x1 * (
x1 -
63 double a = -(y12 + (
x2 -
x1) * dxdy1) / det;
64 double b = -(-2. *
x1 * y12 + (xx1 - xx2) * dxdy1) / det;
65 double c =
y1 -
a * xx1 -
b *
static const double x3[11]
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x1
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y1
MnParabola operator()(const MnParabolaPoint &, const MnParabolaPoint &, const MnParabolaPoint &) const
double Y() const
Accessor to the y (second) coordinate.
double X() const
Accessor to the x (first) coordinate.
This class defines a parabola of the form a*x*x + b*x + c.
This file contains a specialised ROOT message handler to test for diagnostic in unit tests.