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ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor Class Reference

The on-storage meta-data of an ntuple.

Represents the on-disk (on storage) information about an ntuple. The meta-data consists of a header and one or several footers. The header carries the ntuple schema, i.e. the fields and the associated columns and their relationships. The footer(s) carry information about one or several clusters. For every cluster, a footer stores its location and size, and for every column the range of element indexes as well as a list of pages and page locations.

The descriptor provide machine-independent (de-)serialization of headers and footers, and it provides lookup routines for ntuple objects (pages, clusters, ...). It is supposed to be usable by all RPageStorage implementations.

The serialization does not use standard ROOT streamers in order to not let it depend on libCore. The serialization uses the concept of frames: header, footer, and substructures have a preamble with version numbers and the size of the writte struct. This allows for forward and backward compatibility when the meta-data evolves.

Definition at line 304 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.


class  RClusterDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over all the clusters of an ntuple (in unspecified order) More...
class  RColumnDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over a field's associated columns. More...
class  RFieldDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over a field's child fields. More...

Public Member Functions

 RNTupleDescriptor ()=default
 RNTupleDescriptor (const RNTupleDescriptor &other)=delete
 RNTupleDescriptor (RNTupleDescriptor &&other)=default
DescriptorId_t FindClusterId (DescriptorId_t columnId, NTupleSize_t index) const
DescriptorId_t FindColumnId (DescriptorId_t fieldId, std::uint32_t columnIndex) const
DescriptorId_t FindFieldId (std::string_view fieldName) const
 Searches for a top-level field.
DescriptorId_t FindFieldId (std::string_view fieldName, DescriptorId_t parentId) const
DescriptorId_t FindNextClusterId (DescriptorId_t clusterId) const
DescriptorId_t FindPrevClusterId (DescriptorId_t clusterId) const
std::unique_ptr< RNTupleModelGenerateModel () const
 Re-create the C++ model from the stored meta-data.
std::string GetAuthor () const
const RClusterDescriptorGetClusterDescriptor (DescriptorId_t clusterId) const
RClusterDescriptorIterable GetClusterIterable () const
const RColumnDescriptorGetColumnDescriptor (DescriptorId_t columnId) const
RColumnDescriptorIterable GetColumnIterable (const RFieldDescriptor &fieldDesc) const
RColumnDescriptorIterable GetColumnIterable (DescriptorId_t fieldId) const
std::string GetCustodian () const
std::string GetDescription () const
const RFieldDescriptorGetFieldDescriptor (DescriptorId_t fieldId) const
RFieldDescriptorIterable GetFieldIterable (const RFieldDescriptor &fieldDesc) const
RFieldDescriptorIterable GetFieldIterable (const RFieldDescriptor &fieldDesc, const std::function< bool(DescriptorId_t, DescriptorId_t)> &comparator) const
RFieldDescriptorIterable GetFieldIterable (DescriptorId_t fieldId) const
RFieldDescriptorIterable GetFieldIterable (DescriptorId_t fieldId, const std::function< bool(DescriptorId_t, DescriptorId_t)> &comparator) const
const RFieldDescriptorGetFieldZero () const
DescriptorId_t GetFieldZeroId () const
 Returns the logical parent of all top-level NTuple data fields.
std::uint32_t GetFooterSize () const
RNTupleUuid GetGroupUuid () const
std::uint32_t GetHeaderSize () const
std::string GetName () const
std::size_t GetNClusters () const
std::size_t GetNColumns () const
NTupleSize_t GetNElements (DescriptorId_t columnId) const
NTupleSize_t GetNEntries () const
std::size_t GetNFields () const
std::uint64_t GetOnDiskFooterSize () const
std::uint64_t GetOnDiskHeaderSize () const
RNTupleUuid GetOwnUuid () const
std::string GetQualifiedFieldName (DescriptorId_t fieldId) const
 Walks up the parents of the field ID and returns a field name of the form a.b.c.d In case of invalid field ID, an empty string is returned.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point GetTimeStampData () const
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point GetTimeStampWritten () const
RFieldDescriptorIterable GetTopLevelFields () const
RFieldDescriptorIterable GetTopLevelFields (const std::function< bool(DescriptorId_t, DescriptorId_t)> &comparator) const
RNTupleVersion GetVersion () const
RNTupleDescriptoroperator= (const RNTupleDescriptor &other)=delete
RNTupleDescriptoroperator= (RNTupleDescriptor &&other)=default
bool operator== (const RNTupleDescriptor &other) const
void PrintInfo (std::ostream &output) const
std::uint32_t SerializeFooter (void *buffer) const
 Serializes cluster meta data. Returns the number of bytes and fills buffer if it is not nullptr.
std::uint32_t SerializeHeader (void *buffer) const
 We deliberately do not use ROOT's built-in serialization in order to allow for use of RNTuple's without libCore Serializes the global ntuple information as well as the column and field schemata Returns the number of bytes and fills buffer if it is not nullptr.

Static Public Member Functions

static void LocateMetadata (const void *postscript, std::uint32_t &szHeader, std::uint32_t &szFooter)
 Given kNBytesPostscript bytes, extract the header and footer lengths in bytes.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr std::uint16_t kFrameVersionCurrent = 0
 In order to handle changes to the serialization routine in future ntuple versions.
static constexpr std::uint16_t kFrameVersionMin = 0
static constexpr unsigned int kNBytesPostscript = 16
 The last few bytes after the footer store the length of footer and header.
static constexpr unsigned int kNBytesPreamble = 8
 The preamble is sufficient to get the length of the header.

Private Attributes

std::string fAuthor
 The origin of the data.
std::unordered_map< DescriptorId_t, RClusterDescriptorfClusterDescriptors
 May contain only a subset of all the available clusters, e.g.
std::unordered_map< DescriptorId_t, RColumnDescriptorfColumnDescriptors
std::string fCustodian
 The current responsible for storing the data.
std::string fDescription
 Free text from the user.
std::unordered_map< DescriptorId_t, RFieldDescriptorfFieldDescriptors
RNTupleUuid fGroupUuid
 Column sets that are created as derived sets from existing NTuples share the same group id.
std::string fName
 The ntuple name needs to be unique in a given storage location (file)
std::uint64_t fOnDiskFooterSize = 0
 Like fOnDiskHeaderSize, contains both cluster summaries and page locations.
std::uint64_t fOnDiskHeaderSize = 0
 Set by the descriptor builder when deserialized.
RNTupleUuid fOwnUuid
 Every NTuple gets a unique identifier.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fTimeStampData
 The time stamp of the ntuple data (immutable)
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fTimeStampWritten
 The time stamp of writing the data to storage, which gets updated when re-written.
RNTupleVersion fVersion
 The version evolves with the ntuple summary meta-data.


class RNTupleDescriptorBuilder

#include <ROOT/RNTupleDescriptor.hxx>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RNTupleDescriptor() [1/3]

ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::RNTupleDescriptor ( )

◆ RNTupleDescriptor() [2/3]

ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::RNTupleDescriptor ( const RNTupleDescriptor other)

◆ RNTupleDescriptor() [3/3]

ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::RNTupleDescriptor ( RNTupleDescriptor &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ FindClusterId()

ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::FindClusterId ( DescriptorId_t  columnId,
NTupleSize_t  index 
) const

Definition at line 705 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ FindColumnId()

ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::FindColumnId ( DescriptorId_t  fieldId,
std::uint32_t  columnIndex 
) const

Definition at line 694 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ FindFieldId() [1/2]

ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::FindFieldId ( std::string_view  fieldName) const

Searches for a top-level field.

Definition at line 687 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ FindFieldId() [2/2]

ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::FindFieldId ( std::string_view  fieldName,
DescriptorId_t  parentId 
) const

Definition at line 649 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ FindNextClusterId()

ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::FindNextClusterId ( DescriptorId_t  clusterId) const

Definition at line 721 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ FindPrevClusterId()

ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::FindPrevClusterId ( DescriptorId_t  clusterId) const

Definition at line 736 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ GenerateModel()

std::unique_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel > ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GenerateModel ( ) const

Re-create the C++ model from the stored meta-data.

Definition at line 748 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ GetAuthor()

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetAuthor ( ) const

Definition at line 580 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetClusterDescriptor()

const RClusterDescriptor & ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetClusterDescriptor ( DescriptorId_t  clusterId) const

Definition at line 535 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetClusterIterable()

RClusterDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetClusterIterable ( ) const

Definition at line 573 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetColumnDescriptor()

const RColumnDescriptor & ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetColumnDescriptor ( DescriptorId_t  columnId) const

Definition at line 532 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetColumnIterable() [1/2]

RColumnDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetColumnIterable ( const RFieldDescriptor fieldDesc) const

Definition at line 564 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetColumnIterable() [2/2]

RColumnDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetColumnIterable ( DescriptorId_t  fieldId) const

Definition at line 568 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetCustodian()

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetCustodian ( ) const

Definition at line 581 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetDescription()

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetDescription ( ) const

Definition at line 579 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetFieldDescriptor()

const RFieldDescriptor & ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFieldDescriptor ( DescriptorId_t  fieldId) const

Definition at line 529 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetFieldIterable() [1/4]

RFieldDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFieldIterable ( const RFieldDescriptor fieldDesc) const

Definition at line 539 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetFieldIterable() [2/4]

RFieldDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFieldIterable ( const RFieldDescriptor fieldDesc,
const std::function< bool(DescriptorId_t, DescriptorId_t)> &  comparator 
) const

Definition at line 542 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetFieldIterable() [3/4]

RFieldDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFieldIterable ( DescriptorId_t  fieldId) const

Definition at line 547 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetFieldIterable() [4/4]

RFieldDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFieldIterable ( DescriptorId_t  fieldId,
const std::function< bool(DescriptorId_t, DescriptorId_t)> &  comparator 
) const

Definition at line 550 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetFieldZero()

const RFieldDescriptor & ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFieldZero ( ) const

Definition at line 598 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetFieldZeroId()

ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFieldZeroId ( ) const

Returns the logical parent of all top-level NTuple data fields.

Definition at line 680 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ GetFooterSize()

std::uint32_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetFooterSize ( ) const

Definition at line 522 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetGroupUuid()

RNTupleUuid ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetGroupUuid ( ) const

Definition at line 586 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetHeaderSize()

std::uint32_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetHeaderSize ( ) const

Definition at line 519 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetName()

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetName ( ) const

Definition at line 578 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetNClusters()

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetNClusters ( ) const

Definition at line 590 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetNColumns()

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetNColumns ( ) const

Definition at line 589 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetNElements()

ROOT::Experimental::NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetNElements ( DescriptorId_t  columnId) const

Definition at line 635 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ GetNEntries()

ROOT::Experimental::NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetNEntries ( ) const

Definition at line 626 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ GetNFields()

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetNFields ( ) const

Definition at line 588 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetOnDiskFooterSize()

std::uint64_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetOnDiskFooterSize ( ) const

Definition at line 527 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetOnDiskHeaderSize()

std::uint64_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetOnDiskHeaderSize ( ) const

Definition at line 526 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetOwnUuid()

RNTupleUuid ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetOwnUuid ( ) const

Definition at line 585 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetQualifiedFieldName()

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetQualifiedFieldName ( DescriptorId_t  fieldId) const

Walks up the parents of the field ID and returns a field name of the form a.b.c.d In case of invalid field ID, an empty string is returned.

Definition at line 666 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ GetTimeStampData()

std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetTimeStampData ( ) const

Definition at line 582 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetTimeStampWritten()

std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetTimeStampWritten ( ) const

Definition at line 583 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetTopLevelFields() [1/2]

RFieldDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetTopLevelFields ( ) const

Definition at line 555 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetTopLevelFields() [2/2]

RFieldDescriptorIterable ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetTopLevelFields ( const std::function< bool(DescriptorId_t, DescriptorId_t)> &  comparator) const

Definition at line 558 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ GetVersion()

RNTupleVersion ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::GetVersion ( ) const

Definition at line 584 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ LocateMetadata()

void ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::LocateMetadata ( const void postscript,
std::uint32_t &  szHeader,
std::uint32_t &  szFooter 

Given kNBytesPostscript bytes, extract the header and footer lengths in bytes.

Definition at line 614 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

RNTupleDescriptor & ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::operator= ( const RNTupleDescriptor other)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

RNTupleDescriptor & ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::operator= ( RNTupleDescriptor &&  other)

◆ operator==()

bool ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::operator== ( const RNTupleDescriptor other) const

Definition at line 513 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ PrintInfo()

void ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::PrintInfo ( std::ostream &  output) const

Definition at line 82 of file RNTupleDescriptorFmt.cxx.

◆ SerializeFooter()

std::uint32_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::SerializeFooter ( void buffer) const

Serializes cluster meta data. Returns the number of bytes and fills buffer if it is not nullptr.

Definition at line 566 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

◆ SerializeHeader()

std::uint32_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::SerializeHeader ( void buffer) const

We deliberately do not use ROOT's built-in serialization in order to allow for use of RNTuple's without libCore Serializes the global ntuple information as well as the column and field schemata Returns the number of bytes and fills buffer if it is not nullptr.

TODO(jblomer): instead of runtime testing for nullptr, there should be a template for the case where only the size of the buffer is required.

Definition at line 530 of file RNTupleDescriptor.cxx.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ RNTupleDescriptorBuilder

friend class RNTupleDescriptorBuilder

Definition at line 305 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fAuthor

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fAuthor

The origin of the data.

Definition at line 313 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fClusterDescriptors

std::unordered_map<DescriptorId_t, RClusterDescriptor> ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fClusterDescriptors

May contain only a subset of all the available clusters, e.g.

the clusters of the current file from a chain of files

Definition at line 335 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fColumnDescriptors

std::unordered_map<DescriptorId_t, RColumnDescriptor> ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fColumnDescriptors

Definition at line 332 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fCustodian

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fCustodian

The current responsible for storing the data.

Definition at line 315 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fDescription

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fDescription

Free text from the user.

Definition at line 311 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fFieldDescriptors

std::unordered_map<DescriptorId_t, RFieldDescriptor> ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fFieldDescriptors

Definition at line 331 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fGroupUuid

RNTupleUuid ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fGroupUuid

Column sets that are created as derived sets from existing NTuples share the same group id.

NTuples in the same group have the same number of entries and are supposed to contain associated data.

Definition at line 326 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fName

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fName

The ntuple name needs to be unique in a given storage location (file)

Definition at line 309 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fOnDiskFooterSize

std::uint64_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fOnDiskFooterSize = 0

Like fOnDiskHeaderSize, contains both cluster summaries and page locations.

Definition at line 329 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fOnDiskHeaderSize

std::uint64_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fOnDiskHeaderSize = 0

Set by the descriptor builder when deserialized.

Definition at line 328 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fOwnUuid

RNTupleUuid ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fOwnUuid

Every NTuple gets a unique identifier.

Definition at line 323 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fTimeStampData

std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fTimeStampData

The time stamp of the ntuple data (immutable)

Definition at line 317 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fTimeStampWritten

std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fTimeStampWritten

The time stamp of writing the data to storage, which gets updated when re-written.

Definition at line 319 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ fVersion

RNTupleVersion ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::fVersion

The version evolves with the ntuple summary meta-data.

Definition at line 321 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ kFrameVersionCurrent

constexpr std::uint16_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::kFrameVersionCurrent = 0

In order to handle changes to the serialization routine in future ntuple versions.

Definition at line 493 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ kFrameVersionMin

constexpr std::uint16_t ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::kFrameVersionMin = 0

Definition at line 494 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ kNBytesPostscript

constexpr unsigned int ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::kNBytesPostscript = 16

The last few bytes after the footer store the length of footer and header.

Definition at line 498 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

◆ kNBytesPreamble

constexpr unsigned int ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor::kNBytesPreamble = 8

The preamble is sufficient to get the length of the header.

Definition at line 496 of file RNTupleDescriptor.hxx.

Libraries for ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor:

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