Sometimes the Divide() method is not appropriate to divide a Canvas. Because of the left and right margins, all the pads do not have the same width and height. CanvasPartition does that properly. This example also ensure that the axis labels and titles have the same sizes and that the tick marks length is uniform.
void canvas2()
if (C) delete C;
C =
new TCanvas(
h =
new TH1F(
"x axis");
"y axis");
for (
Int_t i=0;i<Nx;i++) {
for (
Int_t j=0;j<Ny;j++) {
char pname[16];
char hname[16];
if (!C) return;
Float_t vStep = (1.- bMargin - tMargin - (Ny-1) * vSpacing) / Ny;
Float_t hStep = (1.- lMargin - rMargin - (Nx-1) * hSpacing) / Nx;
Float_t vposd,vposu,vmard,vmaru,vfactor;
Float_t hposl,hposr,hmarl,hmarr,hfactor;
for (
Int_t i=0;i<Nx;i++) {
if (i==0) {
hposl = 0.0;
hposr = lMargin + hStep;
hfactor = hposr-hposl;
hmarl = lMargin / hfactor;
hmarr = 0.0;
} else if (i == Nx-1) {
hposl = hposr + hSpacing;
hposr = hposl + hStep + rMargin;
hfactor = hposr-hposl;
hmarl = 0.0;
hmarr = rMargin / (hposr-hposl);
} else {
hposl = hposr + hSpacing;
hposr = hposl + hStep;
hfactor = hposr-hposl;
hmarl = 0.0;
hmarr = 0.0;
for (
Int_t j=0;j<Ny;j++) {
if (j==0) {
vposd = 0.0;
vposu = bMargin + vStep;
vfactor = vposu-vposd;
vmard = bMargin / vfactor;
vmaru = 0.0;
} else if (j == Ny-1) {
vposd = vposu + vSpacing;
vposu = vposd + vStep + tMargin;
vfactor = vposu-vposd;
vmard = 0.0;
vmaru = tMargin / (vposu-vposd);
} else {
vposd = vposu + vSpacing;
vposu = vposd + vStep;
vfactor = vposu-vposd;
vmard = 0.0;
vmaru = 0.0;
if (pad) delete pad;
pad =
new TPad(
R__EXTERN TStyle * gStyle
virtual void SetTitleOffset(Float_t offset=1)
Set distance between the axis and the axis title.
virtual void SetLabelSize(Float_t size=0.04)
Set size of axis labels.
virtual void SetTitleFont(Style_t font=62)
Set the title font.
virtual void SetLabelOffset(Float_t offset=0.005)
Set distance between the axis and the labels.
virtual void SetLabelFont(Style_t font=62)
Set labels' font.
virtual void SetTitleSize(Float_t size=0.04)
Set size of axis title.
virtual void SetTickLength(Float_t length=0.03)
Set tick mark length.
virtual void SetNdivisions(Int_t n=510, Bool_t optim=kTRUE)
Set the number of divisions for this axis.
virtual void SetBottomMargin(Float_t bottommargin)
Set Pad bottom margin in fraction of the pad height.
virtual void SetLeftMargin(Float_t leftmargin)
Set Pad left margin in fraction of the pad width.
void SetFrameBorderMode(Int_t mode=1)
void SetFrameFillStyle(Style_t styl=0)
virtual void SetRightMargin(Float_t rightmargin)
Set Pad right margin in fraction of the pad width.
virtual void SetTopMargin(Float_t topmargin)
Set Pad top margin in fraction of the pad height.
void CenterTitle(Bool_t center=kTRUE)
Center axis title.
virtual void SetRangeUser(Double_t ufirst, Double_t ulast)
Set the viewing range for the axis from ufirst to ulast (in user coordinates, that is,...
1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
virtual void Reset(Option_t *option="")
TAxis * GetXaxis()
Get the behaviour adopted by the object about the statoverflows. See EStatOverflows for more informat...
TObject * Clone(const char *newname=0) const
Make a complete copy of the underlying object.
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Search object named name in the list of functions.
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this histogram with options.
The most important graphics class in the ROOT system.
void SetBorderSize(Short_t bordersize) override
void SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle) override
Override TAttFill::FillStyle for TPad because we want to handle style=0 as style 4000.
Double_t GetAbsWNDC() const override
TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const override
Search if object named name is inside this pad or in pads inside this pad.
TVirtualPad * cd(Int_t subpadnumber=0) override
Set Current pad.
void Draw(Option_t *option="") override
Draw Pad in Current pad (re-parent pad if necessary).
void SetBorderMode(Short_t bordermode) override
Double_t GetAbsHNDC() const override
void SetOptStat(Int_t stat=1)
The type of information printed in the histogram statistics box can be selected via the parameter mod...
constexpr Double_t C()
Velocity of light in .