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Reference Guide
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1// @(#)root/ged:$Id$
2// Author: Denis Favre-Miville 08/09/05
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12#ifndef ROOT_TStyleManager
13#define ROOT_TStyleManager
16#include "TGFrame.h"
17#include "TGNumberEntry.h"
19class TGButtonGroup;
20class TGCheckButton;
21class TGColorSelect;
22class TGComboBox;
26class TGFileInfo;
28class TGHButtonGroup;
31class TGLabel;
32class TGLayoutHints;
35class TGMainFrame;
36class TGMatrixLayout;
37class TGMenuBar;
38class TGPicture;
39class TGPictureButton;
40class TGPopupMenu;
41class TGRadioButton;
42class TGStatusBar;
43class TGTab;
44class TGTextButton;
45class TGTextEntry;
46class TGToolBar;
47class TGVerticalFrame;
48class TList;
49class TObject;
50class TStyle;
51class TStylePreview;
52class TVirtualPad;
54class TStyleManager : public TGMainFrame {
57 static TStyleManager *fgStyleManager; ///< singleton style manager
59 TStyle *fCurSelStyle; ///< current selected style
60 Bool_t fLastChoice; ///< kTRUE if the user choose OK in the last TStyleDialog
61 Bool_t fRealTimePreview; ///< kTRUE if auto refreshed preview
62 Int_t fCurTabNum; ///< current opened tab number
63 Int_t fCurTabAxisNum; ///< current opened axis tab number
64 UInt_t fSMWidth; ///< style manager's width
65 UInt_t fSMHeight; ///< style manager's height
66 Bool_t fStyleChanged; ///< kTRUE if the style has been modified
68 Bool_t fMoreAndNotLess; ///< kTRUE when editor is open
69 Bool_t fSigSlotConnected; ///< kTRUE when signal/slots connected
70 Bool_t fAllAndNotCurrent; ///<kTRUE when apply on 'All canvases'
71 TList *fTrashListFrame; ///< to avoid memory leak
72 TList *fTrashListLayout; ///< to avoid memory leak
74 TGMenuBar *fMenuBar; ///< the main window menu bar
75 TGPopupMenu *fMenuStyle; ///< the 'Style' popup menu
76 TGPopupMenu *fImportCascade; ///< Cascaded menu 'Import'
77 TGPopupMenu *fMenuHelp; ///< the 'Help' popup menu
79 TGToolBar *fToolBar; ///< the tool bar
80 TGPictureButton *fToolBarNew; ///< tool bar 'New' button
81 TGPictureButton *fToolBarDelete; ///< tool bar 'Delete' button
82 TGPictureButton *fToolBarImportCanvas;///< tool bar 'Import from canvas' button
83 TGPictureButton *fToolBarImportMacro; ///< tool bar 'Import from macro' button
84 TGPictureButton *fToolBarExport; ///< tool bar 'Export' button
85 TGPictureButton *fToolBarHelp; ///< tool bar 'Help' button
86 const TGPicture *fToolBarNewPic; ///< tool bar 'New' picture
87 const TGPicture *fToolBarDeletePic; ///< tool bar 'Delete' picture
88 const TGPicture *fToolBarImportCanvasPic;///< tool bar 'Import from canvas' picture
89 const TGPicture *fToolBarImportMacroPic; ///< tool bar 'Import from macro' picture
90 const TGPicture *fToolBarExportPic; ///< tool bar 'Export' picture
91 const TGPicture *fToolBarHelpPic; ///< tool bar 'Help' picture
92 TGHorizontal3DLine *fHorizontal3DLine; ///< a line under the tool bar
94 TGLabel *fListLabel; ///< label 'Available Styles:'
95 TGComboBox *fListComboBox; ///< list of available styles
96 TGFileInfo *fCurMacro; ///< current macro
97 TGLabel *fCurStylabel; ///< label 'gStyle is set to:'
98 TGTextEntry *fCurStyle; ///< label showing gStyle's name
99 TGLabel *fCurPadLabel; ///< label 'Canvas:'
100 TGTextEntry *fCurPadTextEntry; ///< label showing current pad's name
101 TVirtualPad *fCurPad; ///< current pad
102 TGLabel *fCurObjLabel; ///< label 'Object:'
103 TGTextEntry *fCurObjTextEntry; ///< label showing current object's name
104 TObject *fCurObj; ///< current object
105 TGCheckButton *fPreviewButton; ///< if checked, preview is visible
106 TGCheckButton *fPreviewRealTime; ///< if checked, real time preview
108 TGPictureButton *fMakeDefault; ///< selected style becom gStyle
109 const TGPicture *fMakeDefaultPic; ///< button picture
111 TGHButtonGroup *fApplyOnGroup; ///< 'Apply on' button group
112 TGRadioButton *fApplyOnAll; ///< 'Apply on' button group
113 TGRadioButton *fApplyOnSel; ///< 'Apply on' button group
114 TGTextButton *fApplyOnButton; ///< apply style on object(s)
116 TGTextButton *fMoreLess; ///< open/close the editor
117 TGStatusBar *fStatusBar; ///< status bar
120 TGTab *fEditionTab; ///< editor's tabs
121 TGTab *fHistosTab; ///< histos' tabs
122 TGTab *fAxisTab; ///< axis' tabs
125 TGTextButton *fEditionHelp; ///< help button
126 TGTextButton *fEditionUpdatePreview; ///< update preview button
127 TGTextButton *fEditionReset; ///< reset button
129 TGColorSelect *fFillColor; ///< general fill color selection widget
130 TGedPatternSelect *fFillStyle; ///< general fill pattern selection widget
131 TGLineWidthComboBox *fHatchesLineWidth; ///< general hatches width combo box
132 TGNumberEntry *fHatchesSpacing; ///< general hatches spacing number entry
133 TGColorSelect *fTextColor; ///< general text color selection widget
134 TGNumberEntry *fTextSize; ///< general text size number entry
135 TGCheckButton *fTextSizeInPixels; ///< general text size check box
136 TGFontTypeComboBox *fTextFont; ///< general text font combo box
137 TGComboBox *fTextAlign; ///< general text align combo box
138 TGNumberEntry *fTextAngle; ///< general text angle number entry
139 TGColorSelect *fLineColor; ///< general line color selection widget
140 TGLineWidthComboBox *fLineWidth; ///< general line width combo box
141 TGLineStyleComboBox *fLineStyle; ///< general line style combo box
142 TGTextButton *fLineStyleEdit; ///< general line style editor open button
143 TGColorSelect *fMarkerColor; ///< general marker color selection widget
144 TGedMarkerSelect *fMarkerStyle; ///< general marker style entry
145 TGComboBox *fMarkerSize; ///< general marker size combo box
146 TGNumberEntry *fScreenFactor; ///< general screen factor number entry
147 TGColorSelect *fCanvasColor; ///< canvas fill color selection widget
148 TGNumberEntry *fCanvasDefX; ///< canvas abscissa number entry
149 TGNumberEntry *fCanvasDefY; ///< canvas ordinate number entry
150 TGNumberEntry *fCanvasDefW; ///< canvas width number entry
151 TGNumberEntry *fCanvasDefH; ///< canvas height number entry
152 TGButtonGroup *fCanvasBorderMode; ///< canvas border mode button group
153 TGLineWidthComboBox *fCanvasBorderSize; ///< canvas border size combo box
154 TGCheckButton *fOptDateBool; ///< canvas date show/hide check box
155 TGColorSelect *fAttDateTextColor; ///< canvas date color selection widget
156 TGNumberEntry *fAttDateTextSize; ///< canvas date size number entry
157 TGCheckButton *fAttDateTextSizeInPixels; ///< canvas date size check box
158 TGComboBox *fOptDateFormat; ///< canvas date format text entry
159 TGFontTypeComboBox *fAttDateTextFont; ///< canvas date font combo box
160 TGNumberEntry *fAttDateTextAngle; ///< canvas date angle number entry
161 TGComboBox *fAttDateTextAlign; ///< canvas date align combo box
162 TGNumberEntry *fDateX; ///< canvas date abscissa number entry
163 TGNumberEntry *fDateY; ///< canvas date ordinate number entry
164 TGNumberEntry *fPadLeftMargin; ///< pad left margin number entry
165 TGNumberEntry *fPadRightMargin; ///< pad right margin number entry
166 TGNumberEntry *fPadTopMargin; ///< pad top margin number entry
167 TGNumberEntry *fPadBottomMargin; ///< pad bottom margin number entry
168 TGButtonGroup *fPadBorderMode; ///< pad border mode button group
169 TGLineWidthComboBox *fPadBorderSize; ///< pad border size combo box
170 TGColorSelect *fPadColor; ///< pad fill color selection widget
171 TGCheckButton *fPadTickX; ///< pad ticks along X show/hide check box
172 TGCheckButton *fPadTickY; ///< pad ticks along Y show/hide check box
173 TGCheckButton *fPadGridX; ///< pad grid along X show/hide check box
174 TGCheckButton *fPadGridY; ///< pad grid along Y show/hide check box
175 TGColorSelect *fGridColor; ///< pad grid line color selection widget
176 TGLineWidthComboBox *fGridWidth; ///< pad grid line width combo box
177 TGLineStyleComboBox *fGridStyle; ///< pad grid line style combo box
178 TGColorSelect *fHistFillColor; ///< histograms fill color selection widget
179 TGedPatternSelect *fHistFillStyle; ///< histograms fill pattern selection widget
180 TGColorSelect *fHistLineColor; ///< histograms fill color selection widget
181 TGLineWidthComboBox *fHistLineWidth; ///< histograms line width combo box
182 TGLineStyleComboBox *fHistLineStyle; ///< histograms line style combo box
183 TGNumberEntry *fBarWidth; ///< histograms bar width number entry
184 TGNumberEntry *fBarOffset; ///< histograms bar offset number entry
185 TGCheckButton *fHistMinimumZero; ///< histograms minimum zero check box
186 TGTextEntry *fPaintTextFormat; ///< histograms format text entry
187 TGNumberEntry *fNumberContours; ///< histograms number of contours number entry
188 TGNumberEntry *fLegoInnerR; ///< histograms lego inner radius number entry
189 TGColorSelect *fFrameFillColor; ///< frame fill color selection widget
190 TGedPatternSelect *fFrameFillStyle; ///< frame fill pattern selection widget
191 TGColorSelect *fFrameLineColor; ///< frame line color selection widget
192 TGLineWidthComboBox *fFrameLineWidth; ///< frame line width combo box
193 TGLineStyleComboBox *fFrameLineStyle; ///< frame line style combo box
194 TGTextButton *fPaletteEdit; ///< palette editor open button
195 TGButtonGroup *fFrameBorderMode; ///< frame border mode button group
196 TGLineWidthComboBox *fFrameBorderSize; ///< frame border size combo box
197 TGColorSelect *fFuncColor; ///< function color selection widget
198 TGLineWidthComboBox *fFuncWidth; ///< function width number entry
199 TGLineStyleComboBox *fFuncStyle; ///< function line style combo box
200 TGCheckButton *fDrawBorder; ///< function border show/hide check box
201 TGNumberEntry *fEndErrorSize; ///< end error size number entry
202 TGNumberEntry *fErrorX; ///< error along abscissa number entry
203 TGNumberEntry *fTimeOffsetDate; ///< axis time offset (mm/dd/yyyy) number entry
204 TGNumberEntry *fTimeOffsetTime; ///< axis time offset (hh:mm:ss) number entry
205 TGCheckButton *fStripDecimals; ///< axis label's decimal part show/hide check box
206 TGTextButton *fApplyOnXYZ; ///< axis apply on XYZ text button
207 TGNumberEntry *fXTitleSize; ///< X axis title size number entry
208 TGCheckButton *fXTitleSizeInPixels; ///< X axis title size check box
209 TGColorSelect *fXTitleColor; ///< X axis title color selection widget
210 TGNumberEntry *fXTitleOffset; ///< X axis title offset number entry
211 TGFontTypeComboBox *fXTitleFont; ///< X axis title font combo box
212 TGNumberEntry *fXLabelSize; ///< X axis label size number entry
213 TGCheckButton *fXLabelSizeInPixels; ///< X axis label size check box
214 TGColorSelect *fXLabelColor; ///< X axis label color selection widget
215 TGNumberEntry *fXLabelOffset; ///< X axis label offset number entry
216 TGFontTypeComboBox *fXLabelFont; ///< X axis label font combo box
217 TGColorSelect *fXAxisColor; ///< X axis color selection widget
218 TGNumberEntry *fXTickLength; ///< X axis tick length number entry
219 TGCheckButton *fOptLogx; ///< X axis logarithmic scale check box
220 TGNumberEntry *fXNdivMain; ///< X axis primary division number entry
221 TGNumberEntry *fXNdivSub; ///< X axis secondary division number entry
222 TGNumberEntry *fXNdivSubSub; ///< X axis tertiary division number entry
223 TGCheckButton *fXNdivisionsOptimize;///< X axis division optimization check box
224 TGNumberEntry *fYTitleSize; ///< Y axis title size number entry
225 TGCheckButton *fYTitleSizeInPixels; ///< Y axis title size check box
226 TGColorSelect *fYTitleColor; ///< Y axis title color selection widget
227 TGNumberEntry *fYTitleOffset; ///< Y axis title offset number entry
228 TGFontTypeComboBox *fYTitleFont; ///< Y axis title font combo box
229 TGNumberEntry *fYLabelSize; ///< Y axis label size number entry
230 TGCheckButton *fYLabelSizeInPixels; ///< Y axis label size check box
231 TGColorSelect *fYLabelColor; ///< Y axis label color selection widget
232 TGNumberEntry *fYLabelOffset; ///< Y axis label offset number entry
233 TGFontTypeComboBox *fYLabelFont; ///< Y axis label font combo box
234 TGColorSelect *fYAxisColor; ///< Y axis color selection widget
235 TGNumberEntry *fYTickLength; ///< Y axis tick length number entry
236 TGCheckButton *fOptLogy; ///< Y axis logarithmic scale check box
237 TGNumberEntry *fYNdivMain; ///< Y axis primary division number entry
238 TGNumberEntry *fYNdivSub; ///< Y axis secondary division number entry
239 TGNumberEntry *fYNdivSubSub; ///< Y axis tertiary division number entry
240 TGCheckButton *fYNdivisionsOptimize;///< Y axis division optimization check box
241 TGNumberEntry *fZTitleSize; ///< Z axis title size number entry
242 TGCheckButton *fZTitleSizeInPixels; ///< Z axis title size check box
243 TGColorSelect *fZTitleColor; ///< Z axis title color selection widget
244 TGNumberEntry *fZTitleOffset; ///< Z axis title offset number entry
245 TGFontTypeComboBox *fZTitleFont; ///< Z axis title font combo box
246 TGNumberEntry *fZLabelSize; ///< Z axis label size number entry
247 TGCheckButton *fZLabelSizeInPixels; ///< Z axis label size check box
248 TGColorSelect *fZLabelColor; ///< Z axis label color selection widget
249 TGNumberEntry *fZLabelOffset; ///< Z axis label offset number entry
250 TGFontTypeComboBox *fZLabelFont; ///< Z axis label font combo box
251 TGColorSelect *fZAxisColor; ///< Z axis color selection widget
252 TGNumberEntry *fZTickLength; ///< Z axis tick length number entry
253 TGCheckButton *fOptLogz; ///< Z axis logarithmic scale check box
254 TGNumberEntry *fZNdivMain; ///< Z axis primary division number entry
255 TGNumberEntry *fZNdivSub; ///< Z axis secondary division number entry
256 TGNumberEntry *fZNdivSubSub; ///< Z axis tertiary division number entry
257 TGCheckButton *fZNdivisionsOptimize;///< Z axis division optimization check box
258 TGCheckButton *fOptTitle; ///< title show/hide check box
259 TGColorSelect *fTitleColor; ///< title fill color selection widget
260 TGedPatternSelect *fTitleStyle; ///< title fill pattern selection widget
261 TGColorSelect *fTitleTextColor; ///< title text color selection widget
262 TGNumberEntry *fTitleFontSize; ///< title font size number entry
263 TGCheckButton *fTitleFontSizeInPixels; ///< title font size check box
264 TGFontTypeComboBox *fTitleFont; ///< title font combo box
265 TGComboBox *fTitleAlign; ///< title align combo box
266 TGLabel *fTitleBorderSizeLabel; ///< label 'Title's'
267 TGLineWidthComboBox *fTitleBorderSize; ///< title border size combo box
268 TGNumberEntry *fTitleX; ///< title abscissa number entry
269 TGNumberEntry *fTitleY; ///< title ordinate number entry
270 TGNumberEntry *fTitleW; ///< title width number entry
271 TGNumberEntry *fTitleH; ///< title height number entry
272 TGLabel *fLegendBorderSizeLabel; ///< label 'Legend's'
273 TGLineWidthComboBox *fLegendBorderSize; ///< legend border size combo box
274 TGColorSelect *fStatColor; ///< stats fill color selection widget
275 TGedPatternSelect *fStatStyle; ///< stats fill pattern selection widget
276 TGColorSelect *fStatTextColor; ///< stats text color selection widget
277 TGNumberEntry *fStatFontSize; ///< stats font size number entry
278 TGCheckButton *fStatFontSizeInPixels; ///< stats font size check box
279 TGFontTypeComboBox *fStatFont; ///< stats font type combo box
280 TGNumberEntry *fStatX; ///< stats abscissa number entry
281 TGNumberEntry *fStatY; ///< stats ordinate number entry
282 TGNumberEntry *fStatW; ///< stats width number entry
283 TGNumberEntry *fStatH; ///< stats height number entry
284 TGLabel *fStatBorderSizeLabel; ///< label 'stats' shadow
285 TGLineWidthComboBox *fStatBorderSize; ///< stats border size combo box
286 TGCheckButton *fOptStatName; ///< stats name show/hide check box
287 TGCheckButton *fOptStatEntries; ///< stats entries show/hide check box
288 TGCheckButton *fOptStatOverflow; ///< stats overflow show/hide check box
289 TGCheckButton *fOptStatMean; ///< stats mean show/hide check box
290 TGCheckButton *fOptStatUnderflow; ///< stats underflow show/hide check box
291 TGCheckButton *fOptStatRMS; ///< stats RMS show/hide check box
292 TGCheckButton *fOptStatSkewness; ///< stats Skewness show/hide check box
293 TGCheckButton *fOptStatIntegral; ///< stats integral show/hide check box
294 TGCheckButton *fOptStatKurtosis; ///< stats kurtosis show/hide check box
295 TGCheckButton *fOptStatErrors; ///< stats errors check box
296 TGLabel *fStatFormatLabel; ///< label 'stats format'
297 TGTextEntry *fStatFormat; ///< stats format text entry
298 TGCheckButton *fOptFitValues; ///< fit values show/hide check box
299 TGCheckButton *fOptFitErrors; ///< fit errors check box
300 TGCheckButton *fOptFitProbability; ///< fit probability show/hide check box
301 TGCheckButton *fOptFitChi; ///< fit Chi show/hide check box
302 TGLabel *fFitFormatLabel; ///< label 'fit format'
303 TGTextEntry *fFitFormat; ///< fit format text entry
304 TGTextEntry *fHeaderPS; ///< ps/pdf header text entry
305 TGTextEntry *fTitlePS; ///< ps/pdf title text entry
306 TGButtonGroup *fColorModelPS; ///< ps/pdf color model button group
307 TGRadioButton *fColorModelPSRGB; ///< RGB radio button
308 TGRadioButton *fColorModelPSCMYK; ///< CMYB radio button
309 TGNumberEntry *fLineScalePS; ///< ps/pdf line scale number entry
310 TGComboBox *fPaperSizePredef; ///< ps/pdf paper size combo box
311 Bool_t fPaperSizeEnCm; ///< kTRUE if the paper size is in cm
312 TGNumberEntry *fPaperSizeX; ///< ps/pdf paper size width number entry
313 TGNumberEntry *fPaperSizeY; ///< ps/pdf paper size height number entry
315 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutExpandX; ///< often used layout
316 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutExpandXMargin; ///< often used layout
317 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutExpandXY; ///< often used layout
318 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutExpandXYMargin; ///< often used layout
321 void AddMenus(TGCompositeFrame *p);
322 void DoNew();
323 void DoDelete();
324 void DoRename();
325 void DoExport();
326 void DoExit();
327 void DoHelp(Int_t i);
328 void DoImportCanvas();
329 void CreateMacro();
334 void UpdateStatusBar();
335 void UpdateEditor(Int_t tabNum);
336 void ConnectAll();
337 void DisconnectAll();
338 void ConnectEditor(Int_t tabNum);
339 void DisconnectEditor(Int_t tabNum);
340 void DoEditor();
421 void AddTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s);
427 Int_t e3, Int_t id, const char *s, Double_t init, Int_t digits,
432 TGTextButton *AddTextButton(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id);
437 TGCheckButton *AddCheckButton(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id, Int_t e1 = 0, Int_t e2 = 2);
438 TGTextEntry *AddTextEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id);
442 TStyleManager(const TGWindow *);
443 virtual ~TStyleManager();
445 static void Show();
446 static void Terminate();
447 static TStyleManager *&GetSM();
449 void Init();
450 void Hide();
453 void SetLastChoice(Bool_t choice) { fLastChoice = choice; }
455 void DoMenu(Int_t menuID); // SLOT
456 void DoImportMacro(Bool_t create); // SLOT
457 void DoListSelect(); // SLOT
458 void DoRealTime(Bool_t b); // SLOT
459 void DoPreview(Bool_t b); // SLOT
460 void DoPreviewClosed(); // SLOT
461 void DoMakeDefault(); // SLOT
462 void DoApplyOnSelect(Int_t i); // SLOT
463 void DoApplyOn(); // SLOT
464 void DoMoreLess(); // SLOT
465 void DoEditionUpdatePreview(); // SLOT
466 void DoChangeTab(Int_t i); // SLOT
467 void DoChangeAxisTab(Int_t i); // SLOT
468 void BuildList(TStyle *style = 0);
469 void DoSelectNoCanvas(); // SLOT
470 void DoSelectCanvas(TVirtualPad *pad,
471 TObject *obj, Int_t mouseButton); // SLOT
472 void CloseWindow(); // SLOT
475 void ModFillColor(); // SLOT
476 void ModFillStyle(); // SLOT
477 void ModHatchesLineWidth(); // SLOT
478 void ModHatchesSpacing(); // SLOT
479 void ModMarkerColor(); // SLOT
480 void ModMarkerStyle(); // SLOT
481 void ModMarkerSize(); // SLOT
482 void ModScreenFactor(); // SLOT
483 void ModLineColor(); // SLOT
484 void ModLineWidth(); // SLOT
485 void ModLineStyle(); // SLOT
486 void ModLineStyleEdit(); // SLOT
487 void ModTextColor(); // SLOT
488 void ModTextSize(); // SLOT
489 void ModTextSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
490 void ModTextFont(); // SLOT
491 void ModTextAlign(); // SLOT
492 void ModTextAngle(); // SLOT
494// CANVAS
495 void ModCanvasColor(); // SLOT
496 void ModCanvasDefX(); // SLOT
497 void ModCanvasDefY(); // SLOT
498 void ModCanvasDefW(); // SLOT
499 void ModCanvasDefH(); // SLOT
500 void ModCanvasBorderMode(); // SLOT
501 void ModCanvasBorderSize(); // SLOT
502 void ModOptDateBool(); // SLOT
503 void ModAttDateTextColor(); // SLOT
504 void ModAttDateTextSize(); // SLOT
506 void ModOptDateFormat(); // SLOT
507 void ModAttDateTextFont(); // SLOT
508 void ModAttDateTextAngle(); // SLOT
509 void ModAttDateTextAlign(); // SLOT
510 void ModDateX(); // SLOT
511 void ModDateY(); // SLOT
513// PAD
514 void ModPadTopMargin(); // SLOT
515 void ModPadBottomMargin(); // SLOT
516 void ModPadLeftMargin(); // SLOT
517 void ModPadRightMargin(); // SLOT
518 void ModPadBorderMode(); // SLOT
519 void ModPadBorderSize(); // SLOT
520 void ModPadColor(); // SLOT
521 void ModPadTickX(); // SLOT
522 void ModPadTickY(); // SLOT
523 void ModPadGridX(); // SLOT
524 void ModPadGridY(); // SLOT
525 void ModGridColor(); // SLOT
526 void ModGridWidth(); // SLOT
527 void ModGridStyle(); // SLOT
530 void ModHistFillColor(); // SLOT
531 void ModHistFillStyle(); // SLOT
532 void ModHistLineColor(); // SLOT
533 void ModHistLineWidth(); // SLOT
534 void ModHistLineStyle(); // SLOT
535 void ModBarWidth(); // SLOT
536 void ModBarOffset(); // SLOT
537 void ModHistMinimumZero(); // SLOT
538 void ModPaintTextFormat(); // SLOT
539 void ModNumberContours(); // SLOT
540 void ModLegoInnerR(); // SLOT
543 void ModFrameFillColor(); // SLOT
544 void ModFrameFillStyle(); // SLOT
545 void ModFrameLineColor(); // SLOT
546 void ModFrameLineWidth(); // SLOT
547 void ModFrameLineStyle(); // SLOT
548 void ModPaletteEdit(); // SLOT
549 void ModFrameBorderMode(); // SLOT
550 void ModFrameBorderSize(); // SLOT
553 void ModFuncColor(); // SLOT
554 void ModFuncWidth(); // SLOT
555 void ModFuncStyle(); // SLOT
556 void ModDrawBorder(); // SLOT
557 void ModEndErrorSize(); // SLOT
558 void ModErrorX(); // SLOT
560// AXIS
561 void ModTimeOffset(); // SLOT
562 void ModStripDecimals(); // SLOT
563 void ModApplyOnXYZ(); // SLOT
566 void ModXTitleSize(); // SLOT
567 void ModXTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
568 void ModXTitleColor(); // SLOT
569 void ModXTitleOffset(); // SLOT
570 void ModXTitleFont(); // SLOT
571 void ModXLabelSize(); // SLOT
572 void ModXLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
573 void ModXLabelColor(); // SLOT
574 void ModXLabelOffset(); // SLOT
575 void ModXLabelFont(); // SLOT
576 void ModXAxisColor(); // SLOT
577 void ModXTickLength(); // SLOT
578 void ModOptLogx(); // SLOT
579 void ModXNdivisions(); // SLOT
582 void ModYTitleSize(); // SLOT
583 void ModYTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
584 void ModYTitleColor(); // SLOT
585 void ModYTitleOffset(); // SLOT
586 void ModYTitleFont(); // SLOT
587 void ModYLabelSize(); // SLOT
588 void ModYLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
589 void ModYLabelColor(); // SLOT
590 void ModYLabelOffset(); // SLOT
591 void ModYLabelFont(); // SLOT
592 void ModYAxisColor(); // SLOT
593 void ModYTickLength(); // SLOT
594 void ModOptLogy(); // SLOT
595 void ModYNdivisions(); // SLOT
598 void ModZTitleSize(); // SLOT
599 void ModZTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
600 void ModZTitleColor(); // SLOT
601 void ModZTitleOffset(); // SLOT
602 void ModZTitleFont(); // SLOT
603 void ModZLabelSize(); // SLOT
604 void ModZLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
605 void ModZLabelColor(); // SLOT
606 void ModZLabelOffset(); // SLOT
607 void ModZLabelFont(); // SLOT
608 void ModZAxisColor(); // SLOT
609 void ModZTickLength(); // SLOT
610 void ModOptLogz(); // SLOT
611 void ModZNdivisions(); // SLOT
613// TITLES
614 void ModOptTitle(); // SLOT
615 void ModTitleFillColor(); // SLOT
616 void ModTitleStyle(); // SLOT
617 void ModTitleTextColor(); // SLOT
618 void ModTitleFontSize(); // SLOT
619 void ModTitleFontSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
620 void ModTitleFont(); // SLOT
621 void ModTitleAlign(); // SLOT
622 void ModTitleBorderSize(); // SLOT
623 void ModTitleX(); // SLOT
624 void ModTitleY(); // SLOT
625 void ModTitleW(); // SLOT
626 void ModTitleH(); // SLOT
627 void ModLegendBorderSize(); // SLOT
629// STATS
630 void ModStatColor(Pixel_t color); // SLOT
631 void ModStatStyle(Style_t pattern); // SLOT
632 void ModStatTextColor(Pixel_t color); // SLOT
633 void ModStatFontSize(); // SLOT
634 void ModStatFontSizeInPixels(Bool_t b); // SLOT
635 void ModStatFont(); // SLOT
636 void ModStatX(); // SLOT
637 void ModStatY(); // SLOT
638 void ModStatW(); // SLOT
639 void ModStatH(); // SLOT
640 void ModStatBorderSize(); // SLOT
641 void ModOptStat(); // SLOT
642 void ModStatFormat(const char *sformat); // SLOT
643 void ModOptFit(); // SLOT
644 void ModFitFormat(const char *fitformat); // SLOT
646// PS / PDF
647 void ModHeaderPS(); // SLOT
648 void ModTitlePS(); // SLOT
649 void ModColorModelPS(); // SLOT
650 void ModLineScalePS(); // SLOT
651 void ModPaperSizePredef(); // SLOT
652 void ModPaperSizeXY(); // SLOT
654 ClassDef(TStyleManager, 0) // Graphical User Interface for managing styles
ULong_t Pixel_t
Pixel value.
Definition GuiTypes.h:40
#define b(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:100
#define f(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:104
int Int_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:45
bool Bool_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:63
double Double_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:59
short Style_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:89
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition Rtypes.h:325
Organizes TGButton widgets in a group.
Selects different options.
Definition TGButton.h:264
Like a checkbutton but instead of the check mark there is color area with a little down arrow.
A combobox (also known as a drop down listbox) allows the selection of one item out of a list of item...
Definition TGComboBox.h:47
The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.).
Definition TGFrame.h:287
The TGFontTypeComboBox is user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the font.
Definition TGComboBox.h:177
Organizes TGButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row.
A horizontal 3D line is a line that typically separates a toolbar from the menubar.
Definition TG3DLine.h:18
A composite frame that layout their children in horizontal way.
Definition TGFrame.h:386
This class handles GUI labels.
Definition TGLabel.h:24
This class describes layout hints used by the layout classes.
Definition TGLayout.h:50
The TGLineStyleComboBox user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the line style.
Definition TGComboBox.h:139
The TGLineWidthComboBox user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the line width.
Definition TGComboBox.h:157
Defines top level windows that interact with the system Window Manager.
Definition TGFrame.h:398
This layout managers does not make use of TGLayoutHints.
Definition TGLayout.h:269
The TGMenu.h header contains all different menu classes.
Definition TGMenu.h:282
TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons.
Yield an action as soon as it is clicked.
Definition TGButton.h:228
The TGPicture class implements pictures and icons used in the different GUI elements and widgets.
Definition TGPicture.h:25
This class creates a popup menu object.
Definition TGMenu.h:110
Selects different options.
Definition TGButton.h:322
Provides a StatusBar widget.
Definition TGStatusBar.h:21
A tab widget contains a set of composite frames each with a little tab with a name (like a set of fol...
Definition TGTab.h:46
Yield an action as soon as it is clicked.
Definition TGButton.h:142
A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget.
Definition TGTextEntry.h:24
A toolbar is a composite frame that contains TGPictureButtons.
Definition TGToolBar.h:33
A composite frame that layout their children in vertical way.
Definition TGFrame.h:375
ROOT GUI Window base class.
Definition TGWindow.h:23
The TGedMarkerSelect widget is a button showing selected marker and a little down arrow.
is a button with pattern area with a little down arrow.
A doubly linked list.
Definition TList.h:38
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition TObject.h:41
This class provides a Graphical User Interface to manage styles in ROOT.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarHelp
tool bar 'Help' button
void ModXLabelFont()
Slot called whenever the X axis label font is modified by the user.
void ModOptDateFormat()
Slot called whenever the date text format is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * fHistFillStyle
histograms fill pattern selection widget
void ModTitleBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the title border size is modified by the user.
const TGPicture * fToolBarHelpPic
tool bar 'Help' picture
void AddHistosHistosAxis(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Axis' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
void ModStatFontSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the text size mode is modified by the user.
void ModYTitleSize()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title size is modified by the user.
void DoPreview(Bool_t b)
Slot called when the user click on the preview check button.
void ModPadBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the pad border size is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fYTickLength
Y axis tick length number entry.
void ModPadTickX()
Slot called whenever the pad tick X boolean is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fXLabelSizeInPixels
X axis label size check box.
TGCheckButton * fHistMinimumZero
histograms minimum zero check box
TGNumberEntry * fStatH
stats height number entry
void ModZLabelColor()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label color is modified by the user.
void ModOptLogx()
Slot called whenever the X axis log scale boolean is modified by the user.
void SetCurSelStyle(TStyle *style)
TGTextButton * fEditionHelp
help button
TGTextButton * fApplyOnButton
apply style on object(s)
TGLineWidthComboBox * fLineWidth
general line width combo box
TGNumberEntry * fZLabelOffset
Z axis label offset number entry.
void ModZNdivisions()
Slot called whenever the Z axis Number of divisions is modified by the user.
TGLineStyleComboBox * fFrameLineStyle
frame line style combo box
void ModYAxisColor()
Slot called whenever the Y axis color is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fXLabelFont
X axis label font combo box.
void ModFrameFillStyle()
Slot called whenever the frame fill style is modified by the user.
void ModTextAngle()
Slot called whenever the text angle is modified by the user.
void AddPadMargin(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Margin' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void ModYLabelColor()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label color is modified by the user.
TGedMarkerSelect * AddMarkerStyleEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a marker style entry to the frame f.
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefH
canvas height number entry
TGComboBox * fAttDateTextAlign
canvas date align combo box
void ConnectAll()
Connect every entry in the top level interface to the slot.
void ModZTickLength()
Slot called whenever the Z axis tick length is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fBarWidth
histograms bar width number entry
Bool_t fAllAndNotCurrent
kTRUE when apply on 'All canvases'
TGNumberEntry * fXTitleOffset
X axis title offset number entry.
void ConnectEditor(Int_t tabNum)
Connect every widget entry of the editor to its specific slot.
TStyle * fCurSelStyle
current selected style
void ModDateX()
Slot called whenever the date abscissa is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fPadTickY
pad ticks along Y show/hide check box
void AddPadGrid(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Grid' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarImportCanvas
tool bar 'Import from canvas' button
void ModStatBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the stats border size is modified by the user.
void AddPadTicks(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Ticks' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void ModXTitleColor()
Slot called whenever the X axis title color is modified by the user.
TGTab * fAxisTab
axis' tabs
TGNumberEntry * fTitleFontSize
title font size number entry
void AddEdition(TGCompositeFrame *p)
Add the editor to the frame 'p'.
void ModLineStyleEdit()
Slot called whenever the line style editor is opened by the user.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fFrameBorderSize
frame border size combo box
TGNumberEntry * fScreenFactor
general screen factor number entry
TGCheckButton * fXNdivisionsOptimize
X axis division optimization check box.
TGColorSelect * fPadColor
pad fill color selection widget
void DoImportCanvas()
Create a new style (a copy of gStyle) and import the properties of the current canvas inside.
static TStyleManager * fgStyleManager
singleton style manager
TGNumberEntry * fYNdivSub
Y axis secondary division number entry.
TGNumberEntry * fEndErrorSize
end error size number entry
void ModOptLogz()
Slot called whenever the Z axis log scale boolean is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefW
canvas width number entry
void ModYTitleOffset()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title offset is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * AddTextAlignEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a text align combo box to the frame f.
void ModTextFont()
Slot called whenever the text font is modified by the user.
const TGPicture * fMakeDefaultPic
button picture
void AddAxisYDivisions(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Divisions' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
TGLineStyleComboBox * fHistLineStyle
histograms line style combo box
Bool_t fPaperSizeEnCm
kTRUE if the paper size is in cm
void DisconnectEditor(Int_t tabNum)
Disconnect every widget entry of the editor from its slot.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fTitleBorderSize
title border size combo box
TGCheckButton * fOptDateBool
canvas date show/hide check box
void ModHistMinimumZero()
Slot called whenever the histos minimum zero boolean is modified by the user.
void AddStatsText(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Text' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void ModXTickLength()
Slot called whenever the X axis tick length is modified by the user.
void AddHistosGraphsLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Histos - Graphs' tab.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fYTitleFont
Y axis title font combo box.
void ModFuncWidth()
Slot called whenever the function line width is modified by the user.
TGMenuBar * fMenuBar
the main window menu bar
TGedPatternSelect * fFrameFillStyle
frame fill pattern selection widget
void ModAttDateTextSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the date text size mode is modified by the user.
void AddCanvasBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Border' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
TGTextButton * fEditionReset
reset button
void AddAxisZDivisions(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Divisions' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
void ModCanvasDefH()
Slot called whenever the canvas default height is modified by the user.
void ModEndErrorSize()
Slot called whenever the end error size is modified by the user.
TGLabel * fTitleBorderSizeLabel
label 'Title's'
TGRadioButton * fColorModelPSCMYK
CMYB radio button.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fLegendBorderSize
legend border size combo box
TGTextEntry * fFitFormat
fit format text entry
void DoImportMacro(Bool_t create)
Slot called to import a style from a C++ macro file.
void CreateTabHistos(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Histos' to the editor.
TGNumberEntry * fZNdivMain
Z axis primary division number entry.
void UpdateEditor(Int_t tabNum)
Update the values of every widget entry in the editor.
TGNumberEntry * fTextSize
general text size number entry
void DoMoreLess()
Slot called when the user try to show or hide the editor part of the style manager.
TGTextEntry * fCurPadTextEntry
label showing current pad's name
void AddStatsFit(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fit Options' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void ModYLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Y axis label size mode is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fHistFillColor
histograms fill color selection widget
void ModFuncStyle()
Slot called whenever the function line style is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * AddCheckButton(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id, Int_t e1=0, Int_t e2=2)
Add a check button to the frame f.
void ModFrameLineColor()
Slot called whenever the frame line color is modified by the user.
void AddMenus(TGCompositeFrame *p)
Add the menu bar to the frame 'p'.
TGNumberEntry * fTitleY
title ordinate number entry
void AddHistosFramesFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Histos - Frames' tab.
void ModGridStyle()
Slot called whenever the grid line style is modified by the user.
static TStyleManager *& GetSM()
static: return style manager
Bool_t fRealTimePreview
kTRUE if auto refreshed preview
TGColorSelect * fStatColor
stats fill color selection widget
void ModHistLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the histos line width is modified by the user.
Bool_t fSigSlotConnected
kTRUE when signal/slots connected
TGRadioButton * fApplyOnSel
'Apply on' button group
void ModStatFont()
Slot called whenever the stats text font is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fLineColor
general line color selection widget
TGLineWidthComboBox * fFrameLineWidth
frame line width combo box
void ModHeaderPS()
Slot called whenever the PS header is modified by the user.
void ModStatW()
Slot called whenever the stats width is modified by the user.
void AddAxisZLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
void DoEditionUpdatePreview()
Slot called when the user clicks on the 'Update preview' button.
void ModTitleTextColor()
Slot called whenever the title text color is modified by the user.
void AddTitleBorderSize(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Shadow' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fTitleX
title abscissa number entry
TGTab * fHistosTab
histos' tabs
TGCheckButton * fOptStatRMS
stats RMS show/hide check box
TGButtonGroup * fPadBorderMode
pad border mode button group
void ModStatFontSize()
Slot called whenever the text size is modified by the user.
void ModStatY()
Slot called whenever the stats ordinate is modified by the user.
TGLabel * fLegendBorderSizeLabel
label 'Legend's'
void ModMarkerColor()
Slot called whenever the marker color is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fTitleFontSizeInPixels
title font size check box
void AddPsPdfTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefY
canvas ordinate number entry
void ModPadLeftMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad left margin is modified by the user.
void AddHistosFramesBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Border' group frame to the 'Histos - Frames' tab.
TStylePreview * fPreviewWindow
void AddAxisXTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
void ModPadGridY()
Slot called whenever the pad grid Y boolean is modified by the user.
void DoPreviewClosed()
Slot called to close the preview, via the preview check button, or when the preview window is closed ...
TGCheckButton * fOptStatEntries
stats entries show/hide check box
void ModYNdivisions()
Slot called whenever the Y axis Number of divisions is modified by the user.
void ModFrameBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the frame border size is modified by the user.
void AddPsPdfLineScale(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line scale' number entry to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatIntegral
stats integral show/hide check box
TGTextButton * fLineStyleEdit
general line style editor open button
TGTextEntry * fTitlePS
ps/pdf title text entry
void ModXAxisColor()
Slot called whenever the X axis color is modified by the user.
TGPopupMenu * fMenuStyle
the 'Style' popup menu
TGNumberEntry * fZNdivSubSub
Z axis tertiary division number entry.
void ModPaintTextFormat()
Slot called whenever the paint text format is modified by the user.
void ModTitleFontSize()
Slot called whenever the text size is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fLineScalePS
ps/pdf line scale number entry
void ModDrawBorder()
Slot called whenever the draw border boolean is modified by the user.
void DoDelete()
Delete the current selected style from the ROOT session.
TGNumberEntry * fYNdivSubSub
Y axis tertiary division number entry.
TGNumberEntry * fDateX
canvas date abscissa number entry
void AddAxisYTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fTitleW
title width number entry
void ModPadRightMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad right margin is modified by the user.
void ModYLabelOffset()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label offset is modified by the user.
void ModAttDateTextAlign()
Slot called whenever the date text align is modified by the user.
TGTab * fEditionTab
editor's tabs
TGNumberEntry * fZLabelSize
Z axis label size number entry.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fTitleFont
title font combo box
void ModFrameLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the frame line width is modified by the user.
void AddHistosHistosLegoInnerR(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the '3D Cylindrical' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXY
often used layout
void ModZLabelOffset()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label offset is modified by the user.
void DoChangeTab(Int_t i)
Slot called when the user changes the current tab.
void AddAxisZLabels(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Labels' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fStatFont
stats font type combo box
TGCheckButton * fOptStatSkewness
stats Skewness show/hide check box
TGNumberEntry * fPadTopMargin
pad top margin number entry
TGColorSelect * fFrameFillColor
frame fill color selection widget
void ModStripDecimals()
Slot called whenever the strip decimal boolean is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fAttDateTextColor
canvas date color selection widget
TGNumberEntry * fPadRightMargin
pad right margin number entry
TGNumberEntry * fAttDateTextAngle
canvas date angle number entry
void ModFitFormat(const char *fitformat)
Slot called whenever the fit paint format is modified by the user.
TGHorizontal3DLine * fHorizontal3DLine
a line under the tool bar
void ModFillStyle()
Slot called whenever the fill style is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * fTitleAlign
title align combo box
TGColorSelect * fFillColor
general fill color selection widget
TGCheckButton * fOptTitle
title show/hide check box
void CreateMacro()
Create a TGFileInfo concerning a macro, if it doesn't exist already.
void AddHistosGraphsBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Draw Border' check button to the 'Histos - Graphs' tab.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fAttDateTextFont
canvas date font combo box
void AddAxisYLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
void CreateTabTitle(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Title' to the editor.
void UpdateStatusBar()
Update the content of the status bar: show the name of the current selected style,...
TGFontTypeComboBox * fZTitleFont
Z axis title font combo box.
Int_t fCurTabNum
current opened tab number
void ModHistLineColor()
Slot called whenever the histos line color is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fStatW
stats width number entry
void ModAttDateTextFont()
Slot called whenever the date text font is modified by the user.
void ModTextAlign()
Slot called whenever the text align is modified by the user.
const TGPicture * fToolBarDeletePic
tool bar 'Delete' picture
void ModBarOffset()
Slot called whenever the histos bar offset is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fYAxisColor
Y axis color selection widget.
void ModTextColor()
Slot called whenever the text color is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatMean
stats mean show/hide check box
void ModStatFormat(const char *sformat)
Slot called whenever the stats paint format is modified by the user.
void ModStatTextColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot called whenever the stats text color is modified by the user.
void ModZLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Z axis Label size mode is modified by the user.
TGButtonGroup * fFrameBorderMode
frame border mode button group
void ModOptFit()
Slot called whenever one of the fit options is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatErrors
stats errors check box
TGNumberEntry * fYTitleSize
Y axis title size number entry.
void AddAxisYLabels(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Labels' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
TGHorizontalFrame * fEditionButtonFrame
editor's buttons
TGColorSelect * fFrameLineColor
frame line color selection widget
TGCheckButton * fPadTickX
pad ticks along X show/hide check box
TGColorSelect * fZTitleColor
Z axis title color selection widget.
TGCheckButton * fPadGridX
pad grid along X show/hide check box
void AddGeneralMarker(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Marker' group frame to the 'General' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fHatchesSpacing
general hatches spacing number entry
void ModPadBorderMode()
Slot called whenever the pad border mode is modified by the user.
TGedMarkerSelect * fMarkerStyle
general marker style entry
TGNumberEntry * fLegoInnerR
histograms lego inner radius number entry
TGNumberEntry * fXNdivSub
X axis secondary division number entry.
void AddAxisXLabels(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Labels' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
void ModLineColor()
Slot called whenever the line color is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fTimeOffsetDate
axis time offset (mm/dd/yyyy) number entry
TGTextEntry * AddTextEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id)
Add a text entry to the frame f. A caption can be added.
TGNumberEntry * fYLabelSize
Y axis label size number entry.
TGStatusBar * fStatusBar
status bar
void ModTextSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the text size mode is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fYTitleOffset
Y axis title offset number entry.
void ModTitleY()
Slot called whenever the title ordinate is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fXTitleSizeInPixels
X axis title size check box.
void ModLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the line width is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fZLabelFont
Z axis label font combo box.
void ModZLabelSize()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label size is modified by the user.
void CreateTabGeneral(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'General' to the editor.
TGedPatternSelect * fTitleStyle
title fill pattern selection widget
void ModHistLineStyle()
Slot called whenever the histos line style is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * AddPaperSizeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a prefered paper size combo box to the frame f.
void ModOptTitle()
Slot called whenever the OptTitle boolean is modified by the user.
void CreateTabPad(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Pad' to the editor.
void ModMarkerStyle()
Slot called whenever the marker style is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptLogy
Y axis logarithmic scale check box.
void CreateTabPsPdf(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'PS / PDF' to the editor.
void AddPadBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Border' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void ModAttDateTextSize()
Slot called whenever the date text size is modified by the user.
void DoMenu(Int_t menuID)
Slot called when an item of the menu is selected.
void ModFrameLineStyle()
Slot called whenever the frame line style is modified by the user.
TGToolBar * fToolBar
the tool bar
TGColorSelect * AddColorEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a color entry to the frame f.
void AddPsPdfPaperSize(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Paper Size' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGCheckButton * fDrawBorder
function border show/hide check box
void ModYTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Y axis title size mode is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fPaperSizeY
ps/pdf paper size height number entry
void ModXTitleOffset()
Slot called whenever the X axis title offset is modified by the user.
TGLabel * fStatFormatLabel
label 'stats format'
TGComboBox * fListComboBox
list of available styles
void ModXLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the X axis label size mode is modified by the user.
TGRadioButton * fColorModelPSRGB
RGB radio button.
void ModXLabelColor()
Slot called whenever the X axis label color is modified by the user.
void ModTitleX()
Slot called whenever the title abscissa is modified by the user.
void CreateTabStats(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Stats' to the editor.
TGFileInfo * fCurMacro
current macro
TGLineStyleComboBox * AddLineStyleEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a line style entry to the frame f.
TGTextButton * fMoreLess
open/close the editor
UInt_t fSMHeight
style manager's height
void ModAttDateTextColor()
Slot called whenever the date text color is modified by the user.
void CreateTabCanvas(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Canvas' to the editor.
void ModOptDateBool()
Slot called whenever the OptDate boolean is modified by the user.
TGTextButton * AddTextButton(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id)
Add a text button to the frame f.
void AddStatsFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void AddTitleText(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Text' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
void DoEditor()
Called each time something is changed in the style editor.
void ModZTitleColor()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title color is modified by the user.
void ModXLabelOffset()
Slot called whenever the X axis label offset is modified by the user.
TGTextEntry * fCurStyle
label showing gStyle's name
TGNumberEntry * fDateY
canvas date ordinate number entry
void DoChangeAxisTab(Int_t i)
Slot called when the user changes the current axis tab.
TGColorSelect * fFuncColor
function color selection widget
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXMargin
often used layout
void ModNumberContours()
Slot called whenever the number of contours is modified by the user.
void AddStatsGeometry(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Geometry' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void ModZTitleOffset()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title offset is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fPadBottomMargin
pad bottom margin number entry
TGColorSelect * fXLabelColor
X axis label color selection widget.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fPadBorderSize
pad border size combo box
TGLineStyleComboBox * fFuncStyle
function line style combo box
void ModStatH()
Slot called whenever the stats height is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * AddMarkerSizeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a marker size entry to the frame f.
TGCheckButton * fOptFitChi
fit Chi show/hide check box
void ModCanvasDefX()
Slot called whenever the canvas default abscissa is modified by the user.
TList * fTrashListLayout
to avoid memory leak
TGCheckButton * fStatFontSizeInPixels
stats font size check box
TGCheckButton * fYNdivisionsOptimize
Y axis division optimization check box.
void DoNew()
Create a new style. Called via the menu bar or the tool bar.
TGTextButton * fPaletteEdit
palette editor open button
void ModFrameBorderMode()
Slot called whenever the frame border mode is modified by the user.
void ModXLabelSize()
Slot called whenever the X axis label size is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fYLabelFont
Y axis label font combo box.
void AddHistosGraphsErrors(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Errors' group frame to the 'Histos - Graphs' tab.
void CreateTabAxis(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Axis' to the editor.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatOverflow
stats overflow show/hide check box
void SetLastChoice(Bool_t choice)
void ModTitleFontSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the text size mode is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fYLabelOffset
Y axis label offset number entry.
TGColorSelect * fXTitleColor
X axis title color selection widget.
void ModTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the title text font is modified by the user.
void ModFillColor()
Slot called whenever the fill color is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * fFillStyle
general fill pattern selection widget
TGNumberEntry * fXNdivSubSub
X axis tertiary division number entry.
void AddStatsStats(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Stat Options' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
TGCheckButton * fOptLogz
Z axis logarithmic scale check box.
TGComboBox * fMarkerSize
general marker size combo box
TGLineWidthComboBox * AddLineWidthEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a line width entry to the frame f.
void ModTitleH()
Slot called whenever the title height is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatUnderflow
stats underflow show/hide check box
TGNumberEntry * fTitleH
title height number entry
void CreateTabAxisY(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Y Axis' to the tab 'Axis'.
TGColorSelect * fTitleColor
title fill color selection widget
TGHButtonGroup * fApplyOnGroup
'Apply on' button group
void ModColorModelPS()
Slot called whenever the PS color model is modified by the user.
void ModTitleStyle()
Slot called whenever the title fill style is modified by the user.
void ModMarkerSize()
Slot called whenever the marker size is modified by the user.
void ModAttDateTextAngle()
Slot called whenever the date text angle is modified by the user.
void ModPadBottomMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad bottom margin is modified by the user.
void ModTitlePS()
Slot called whenever the PS title is modified by the user.
void ModLineScalePS()
Slot called whenever the PS line scale is modified by the user.
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandX
often used layout
void ModZTitleSize()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title size is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fYTitleSizeInPixels
Y axis title size check box.
void ModApplyOnXYZ()
Slot called whenever the apply on XYZ button is clicked.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatKurtosis
stats kurtosis show/hide check box
TGColorSelect * fHistLineColor
histograms fill color selection widget
void ModTitleAlign()
Slot called whenever the title text align is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * fOptDateFormat
canvas date format text entry
void BuildList(TStyle *style=0)
Build the list of styles which will appear in the available styles combo box.
const TGPicture * fToolBarNewPic
tool bar 'New' picture
void DoSelectNoCanvas()
Slot called when the user close a TCanvas.
TGCheckButton * fZTitleSizeInPixels
Z axis title size check box.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fHatchesLineWidth
general hatches width combo box
TGLabel * fCurStylabel
label 'gStyle is set to:'
TGNumberEntry * fPadLeftMargin
pad left margin number entry
void ModYTickLength()
Slot called whenever the Y axis tick length is modified by the user.
void ModHistFillStyle()
Slot called whenever the histos fill style is modified by the user.
void ModBarWidth()
Slot called whenever the histos bar width is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * fStatStyle
stats fill pattern selection widget
TGComboBox * AddDateFormatEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a date format combo box to the frame f.
TGPopupMenu * fMenuHelp
the 'Help' popup menu
TGColorSelect * fTextColor
general text color selection widget
void DoListSelect()
Slot called when the user select an item in the available styles' list.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fHistLineWidth
histograms line width combo box
TGNumberEntry * fStatX
stats abscissa number entry
void AddTitleGeometry(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Geometry' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
void AddTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s)
Add a title to the frame f.
TGButtonGroup * fCanvasBorderMode
canvas border mode button group
void AddPsPdfColorModel(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Color Model' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGComboBox * fTextAlign
general text align combo box
TGCheckButton * fPreviewButton
if checked, preview is visible
TGNumberEntry * fAttDateTextSize
canvas date size number entry
TGCheckButton * fPadGridY
pad grid along Y show/hide check box
void ModTimeOffset()
Slot called whenever the time offset is modified by the user.
void ModPadTopMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad top margin is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fXTitleFont
X axis title font combo box.
void ModXTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the X axis title font is modified by the user.
void ModScreenFactor()
Slot called whenever the screen factor is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fYTitleColor
Y axis title color selection widget.
void ModZTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title font is modified by the user.
void DoApplyOnSelect(Int_t i)
Slot called to choose on which object(s) the 'Apply' button will have an effect.
static void Terminate()
Called to delete the style manager.
void AddCanvasGeometry(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Geometry' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
void ModCanvasBorderMode()
Slot called whenever the canvas border mode is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * AddFillStyleEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a fill style entry to the frame f.
TGLabel * fListLabel
label 'Available Styles:'
TGNumberEntry * fBarOffset
histograms bar offset number entry
TGColorSelect * fMarkerColor
general marker color selection widget
TGLineStyleComboBox * fGridStyle
pad grid line style combo box
void ModCanvasDefW()
Slot called whenever the canvas default width is modified by the user.
void ModZAxisColor()
Slot called whenever the Z axis color is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fXAxisColor
X axis color selection widget.
void AddCanvasFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
void AddHistosHistosContours(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Contours' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fNumberContours
histograms number of contours number entry
Bool_t fLastChoice
kTRUE if the user choose OK in the last TStyleDialog
TGButtonGroup * fColorModelPS
ps/pdf color model button group
void ModStatStyle(Style_t pattern)
Slot called whenever the stats fill style is modified by the user.
TGPictureButton * fMakeDefault
selected style becom gStyle
void ModFuncColor()
Slot called whenever the function line color is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptLogx
X axis logarithmic scale check box.
void ModOptStat()
Slot called whenever one of the stats options is modified by the user.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fStatBorderSize
stats border size combo box
TGCheckButton * fTextSizeInPixels
general text size check box
void CreateTabHistosHistos(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Histos' to the tab 'Histos'.
Int_t fCurTabAxisNum
current opened axis tab number
TGCheckButton * fOptFitValues
fit values show/hide check box
TGNumberEntry * fXTickLength
X axis tick length number entry.
void ModPaletteEdit()
Slot called whenever the palette editor is opened by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fStatFontSize
stats font size number entry
void AddAxisZTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
void ModLineStyle()
Slot called whenever the line style is modified by the user.
void ModZTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Z axis title size mode is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fCanvasColor
canvas fill color selection widget
TGColorSelect * fGridColor
pad grid line color selection widget
void ModLegoInnerR()
Slot called whenever the lego inner radius is modified by the user.
void ModHatchesSpacing()
Slot called whenever the hatches spacing is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fStatY
stats ordinate number entry
TGLabel * fFitFormatLabel
label 'fit format'
TGTextButton * fApplyOnXYZ
axis apply on XYZ text button
TGComboBox * fPaperSizePredef
ps/pdf paper size combo box
static void Show()
Called to show the style manager. Static method.
void DisconnectAll()
Disconnect every entry in the top level interface of the slot.
TGNumberEntry * fZTitleSize
Z axis title size number entry.
void CreateTabAxisZ(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Z Axis' to the tab 'Axis'.
TGVerticalFrame * fEditionFrame
void ModXNdivisions()
Slot called whenever the X axis Number of divisions is modified by the user.
void ModTitleW()
Slot called whenever the title width is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fZTitleOffset
Z axis title offset number entry.
TGPopupMenu * fImportCascade
Cascaded menu 'Import'.
TGNumberEntry * fTimeOffsetTime
axis time offset (hh:mm:ss) number entry
TGCheckButton * fStripDecimals
axis label's decimal part show/hide check box
void ModYLabelFont()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label font is modified by the user.
void ModLegendBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the legend border size is modified by the user.
void ModTitleFillColor()
Slot called whenever the title fill color is modified by the user.
void AddHistosHistosBar(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Bar' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
TGLineStyleComboBox * fLineStyle
general line style combo box
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefX
canvas abscissa number entry
TVirtualPad * fCurPad
current pad
void ModYLabelSize()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label size is modified by the user.
TGTextEntry * fStatFormat
stats format text entry
TObject * fCurObj
current object
void CloseWindow()
Slot called to close the style manager via the window manager.
void ModCanvasBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the canvas border size is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * AddFontTypeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a font type combo box to the frame f.
TGLabel * fStatBorderSizeLabel
label 'stats' shadow
void ModHatchesLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the hatches line width is modified by the user.
void ModYTitleColor()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title color is modified by the user.
void AddTitleFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
void AddToolbar(TGCompositeFrame *p)
Add the tool bar to the frame 'p'.
void DoApplyOn()
Slot called when the user clicks on the 'Apply' button.
TGNumberEntry * AddNumberEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t e1, Int_t e2, Int_t e3, Int_t id, const char *s, Double_t init, Int_t digits, TGNumberFormat::EStyle nfS, TGNumberFormat::EAttribute nfA, TGNumberFormat::ELimit nfL, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Add a number entry to the frame f. A caption can be added.
TGCheckButton * fAttDateTextSizeInPixels
canvas date size check box
void AddHistosHistosFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
void ModGridWidth()
Slot called whenever the grid line width is modified by the user.
void ModDateY()
Slot called whenever the date ordinate is modified by the user.
void AddAxisXLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
TGTextEntry * fPaintTextFormat
histograms format text entry
void ModErrorX()
Slot called whenever the error along X is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fStatTextColor
stats text color selection widget
void CreateTabHistosGraphs(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Graphs' to the tab 'Histos'.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarImportMacro
tool bar 'Import from macro' button
TGLabel * fCurObjLabel
label 'Object:'
void ModPadTickY()
Slot called whenever the pad tick Y boolean is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fXLabelSize
X axis label size number entry.
void ModPadColor()
Slot called whenever the pad color is modified by the user.
TGButtonGroup * AddBorderModeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3)
Add a border mode button group to the frame f.
TGNumberEntry * fXLabelOffset
X axis label offset number entry.
void ModOptLogy()
Slot called whenever the Y axis log scale boolean is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fXTitleSize
X axis title size number entry.
void AddHistosHistosLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
void AddTopLevelInterface(TGCompositeFrame *cf)
Add the top level interface to the frame 'cf'.
TGTextButton * fEditionUpdatePreview
update preview button
void DoMakeDefault()
Slot called to make the current selected style (in the ComboBox) become gStyle.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fCanvasBorderSize
canvas border size combo box
TGRadioButton * fApplyOnAll
'Apply on' button group
void Init()
Set up the interface. Called by the ctor or by the 'Show' method.
void ModYTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title font is modified by the user.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fFuncWidth
function width number entry
TGCheckButton * fZNdivisionsOptimize
Z axis division optimization check box.
TGNumberEntry * fErrorX
error along abscissa number entry
TGNumberEntry * fPaperSizeX
ps/pdf paper size width number entry
void ModCanvasColor()
Slot called whenever the canvas color is modified by the user.
UInt_t fSMWidth
style manager's width
const TGPicture * fToolBarImportMacroPic
tool bar 'Import from macro' picture
TGColorSelect * fTitleTextColor
title text color selection widget
void DoSelectCanvas(TVirtualPad *pad, TObject *obj, Int_t mouseButton)
Slot called when the user clicks on a TCanvas or on any object inside a TCanvas.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarNew
tool bar 'New' button
TGTextEntry * fCurObjTextEntry
label showing current object's name
void ModXTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the X axis title size mode is modified by the user.
void AddHistosFramesLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Histos - Frames' tab.
void AddAxisXDivisions(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Divisions' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fGridWidth
pad grid line width combo box
Bool_t fStyleChanged
kTRUE if the style has been modified
TGCheckButton * fYLabelSizeInPixels
Y axis label size check box.
void ModCanvasDefY()
Slot called whenever the canvas default ordinate is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fXNdivMain
X axis primary division number entry.
void ModStatColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot called whenever the stats fill color is modified by the user.
void DoRealTime(Bool_t b)
Slot called when the user click on the run time update check button.
TGNumberEntry * fTextAngle
general text angle number entry
TGCheckButton * fOptFitErrors
fit errors check box
Bool_t fMoreAndNotLess
kTRUE when editor is open
TGPictureButton * fToolBarDelete
tool bar 'Delete' button
TGPictureButton * fToolBarExport
tool bar 'Export' button
void DoExit()
Close the style manager. Called via the menu bar.
void AddPsPdfHeader(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Header' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGCheckButton * fZLabelSizeInPixels
Z axis label size check box.
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXYMargin
often used layout
TGCheckButton * fOptFitProbability
fit probability show/hide check box
void DoExport()
Save the current selected style in a C++ macro file.
TGColorSelect * fZAxisColor
Z axis color selection widget.
void AddCanvasDate(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Date' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatName
stats name show/hide check box
void ModPaperSizePredef()
Slot called whenever the PS paper size is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fTextFont
general text font combo box
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXCenterYMargin
often used layout
const TGPicture * fToolBarImportCanvasPic
tool bar 'Import from canvas' picture
void ModXTitleSize()
Slot called whenever the X axis title size is modified by the user.
void ModPadGridX()
Slot called whenever the pad grid X boolean is modified by the user.
TList * fTrashListFrame
to avoid memory leak
TGNumberEntry * fYNdivMain
Y axis primary division number entry.
TGColorSelect * fYLabelColor
Y axis label color selection widget.
void DoHelp(Int_t i)
Open an help window. Called via the menu bar or the tool bar.
void AddPadFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void AddGeneralText(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Text' group frame to the 'General' tab.
void ModHistFillColor()
Slot called whenever the histos fill color is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fZNdivSub
Z axis secondary division number entry.
TGLabel * fCurPadLabel
label 'Canvas:'
const TGPicture * fToolBarExportPic
tool bar 'Export' picture
void ModPaperSizeXY()
Slot called whenever the PS paper size is modified by the user.
void ModFrameFillColor()
Slot called whenever the frame fill color is modified by the user.
void DoRename()
Rename the current selected style. Called via the menu bar.
TGNumberEntry * fZTickLength
Z axis tick length number entry.
void ModGridColor()
Slot called whenever the grid line color is modified by the user.
void AddGeneralLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'General' tab.
virtual ~TStyleManager()
void ModTextSize()
Slot called whenever the text size is modified by the user.
void CreateTabHistosFrames(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Frames' to the tab 'Histos'.
void ModStatX()
Slot called whenever the stats abscissa is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fPreviewRealTime
if checked, real time preview
TGColorSelect * fZLabelColor
Z axis label color selection widget.
void AddGeneralFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'General' tab.
void ModZLabelFont()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label font is modified by the user.
void Hide()
Called to hide the style manager.
TGTextEntry * fHeaderPS
ps/pdf header text entry
void CreateTabAxisX(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'X Axis' to the tab 'Axis'.
This class may be used to preview the result of applying a style to a canvas.
TStyle objects may be created to define special styles.
Definition TStyle.h:29
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
Definition TVirtualPad.h:51
TCanvas * style()
Definition style.C:1