12#ifndef ROOT_THnSparse_Internal
13#define ROOT_THnSparse_Internal
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Array of doubles (64 bits per element).
void SetAt(Double_t v, Int_t i)
Double_t GetAt(Int_t i) const
Abstract array base class.
virtual void SetAt(Double_t v, Int_t i)=0
virtual Double_t GetAt(Int_t i) const =0
Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects.
TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT.
THnSparseArrayChunk is used internally by THnSparse.
Bool_t Matches(Int_t idx, const Char_t *idxbuf) const
Check whether bin at idx batches idxbuf.
TArrayD * fSumw2
Bin errors.
virtual ~THnSparseArrayChunk()
Int_t fCoordinatesSize
Size of the bin coordinate buffer.
THnSparseArrayChunk(const THnSparseArrayChunk &)
Int_t fSingleCoordinateSize
Size of a single bin coordinate.
THnSparseArrayChunk & operator=(const THnSparseArrayChunk &)
void AddBinContent(Int_t idx, Double_t v=1.)
void Sumw2()
Turn on support of errors.
Char_t * fCoordinates
[fCoordinatesSize] compact bin coordinate buffer
TArray * fContent
Bin content.
void AddBin(Int_t idx, const Char_t *idxbuf)
Create a new bin in this chunk.
Int_t fCoordinateAllocationSize
! Size of the allocated coordinate buffer; -1 means none or fCoordinatesSize
Efficient multidimensional histogram.
Mother of all ROOT objects.