Handle_t Window_t
Window handle.
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Concrete class describing an orientated (free) or axis aligned box of 8 vertices.
Abstract base camera class - concrete classes for orthographic and perspective cameras derive from it...
Viewport (pixel base) 2D rectangle class.
Bool_t HighColorFormat(Int_t)
TGOSXGLManager(const TGOSXGLManager &)
CtxToWindowMap_t fCtxToWin
Int_t GetVirtualXInd(Int_t devInd)
TGOSXGLManager & operator=(const TGOSXGLManager &)
void ReadGLBuffer(Int_t devInd)
void ExtractViewport(Int_t devInd, Int_t *vp)
Bool_t AttachOffScreenDevice(Int_t ctxInd, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Bool_t ResizeOffScreenDevice(Int_t devInd, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void PaintSingleObject(TVirtualGLPainter *)
Int_t InitGLWindow(Window_t winID)
Bool_t SelectManip(TVirtualGLManip *manip, const TGLCamera *camera, const TGLRect *rect, const TGLBoundingBox *sceneBox)
void SelectOffScreenDevice(Int_t devInd)
void PanObject(TVirtualGLPainter *o, Int_t x, Int_t y)
void MarkForDirectCopy(Int_t devInd, Bool_t)
Int_t CreateGLContext(Int_t winInd)
void PrintViewer(TVirtualViewer3D *vv)
void DeleteGLContext(Int_t devInd)
char * GetPlotInfo(TVirtualGLPainter *plot, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Bool_t PlotSelected(TVirtualGLPainter *plot, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Bool_t MakeCurrent(Int_t devInd)
std::map< Handle_t, Window_t > CtxToWindowMap_t
Abstract 3D shapes viewer.