103 Error(
"Widget already exists.");
124 Error(
"Widget does not exist.");
The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.).
virtual void AddFrame(TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l=0)
Add frame to the composite frame using the specified layout hints.
virtual void Layout()
Layout the elements of the composite frame.
virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const
std::cout << fWidth << "x" << fHeight << std::endl;
virtual void MapSubwindows()
Map all sub windows that are part of the composite frame.
virtual void RemoveFrame(TGFrame *f)
Remove frame from composite frame.
virtual void DeleteWindow()
Delete window.
virtual void Resize(UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
Resize the frame.
virtual void MapWindow()
map window
virtual void UnmapWindow()
unmap window
Minimal GL-viewer that can be embedded in a standard ROOT frames.
void CreateFrames()
Internal frames creation.
Destroy standalone viewer object.
virtual void DestroyGLWidget()
Destroy the GLwidget, it is an error if it does not exist.
TGLEmbeddedViewer(const TGLEmbeddedViewer &)
void Init(const TGWindow *parent)
Common initialization from all constructors.
TGCompositeFrame * fFrame
virtual void CreateGLWidget()
Create a GLwidget, it is an error if it is already created.
Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL.
TGEventHandler * fEventHandler
select record from last overlay select
TGedEditor * fGedEditor
event handler
friend class TGLEventHandler
This class describes layout hints used by the layout classes.
ROOT GUI Window base class.
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.