const char * rangeName
If evaluation should only occur in a range, the range name can be passed here.
RooSpan< double > makeBatch(const RooAbsArg *owner, std::size_t size)
Create a writable batch.
void clear()
Clear all computation results without freeing memory.
std::map< RooFit::Detail::DataKey, std::vector< double > > ownedMemory
Memory owned by this struct. It is associated to nodes in the computation graph using their pointers.
RooSpan< const double > getBatch(const RooArgProxy &proxy) const
std::map< RooFit::Detail::DataKey, RooSpan< const double > > spans
Once an object has computed its value(s), the span pointing to the results is registered here.
RooSpan< double > getWritableBatch(const RooAbsArg *owner)
Check if there is a writable span of data corresponding to the object passed as owner.