| imt001_parBranchProcessing.C |
| Demonstrate how to activate and use the implicit parallelisation of TTree::GetEntry.
| imt101_parTreeProcessing.C |
| Illustrate the usage of the TTreeProcessorMT::Process method.
| mp001_fillHistos.C |
| Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file.
| mp101_fillNtuples.C |
| Fill n-tuples in distinct workers.
| mp102_readNtuplesFillHistosAndFit.C |
| Read n-tuples in distinct workers, fill histograms, merge them and fit.
| mp103_processSelector.C |
| Illustrate the usage of the multiproc TSelector interfaces with the h1 analysis example.
| mp104_processH1.C |
| Illustrate the usage of the multiproc to process the H1 analysis example.
| mp105_processEntryList.C |
| Illustrate the usage of the multiproc to process TEntryList with the H1 analysis example.
| mp201_parallelHistoFill.C |
| Parallel fill of a histogram This tutorial shows how a histogram can be filled in parallel with a multiprocess approach.
| mp_H1_lambdas.C |
| Lambdas used to check and fit the result of the H1 analysis.
| mt001_fillHistos.C |
| Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file.
| mt101_fillNtuples.C |
| Fill n-tuples in distinct workers.
| mt102_readNtuplesFillHistosAndFit.C |
| Read n-tuples in distinct workers, fill histograms, merge them and fit.
| mt103_fillNtupleFromMultipleThreads.C |
| Fill the same TNtuple from different threads.
| mt201_parallelHistoFill.C |
| Parallel fill of a histogram.
| mt301_TTaskGroupSimple.C |
| Shows how to run items of work asynchronously with a TTaskGroup.
| mt304_fillHistos.C |
| Fill histograms in parallel with automatic binning.
| mtbb001_fillHistos.C |
| Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file.
| mtbb101_fillNtuples.C |
| Fill n-tuples in distinct workers.
| mtbb201_parallelHistoFill.C |
| Parallel fill of a histogram.