12#ifndef ROOT_TEveWindow
13#define ROOT_TEveWindow
23class TEveWindowMainFrame;
99 UInt_t top_frame_height = 14,
100 UInt_t mini_bar_height = 4,
232 TEveWindow(
const char*
const char* t=
ULong_t Pixel_t
Pixel value.
#define ClassDef(name, id)
An EVE window-slot contained within a TGMainFrame.
TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame(const TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame &)
virtual void Destroy()
Virtual function called from eve side when the frame should be destroyed.
TEveWindow * fOriginalContainer
void SetOriginalSlotAndContainer(TEveWindow *slot, TEveWindow *container)
Set the container where to return the contained window on destruction.
virtual void WindowNameChanged(const TString &name)
Update widgets using window's name or title.
void SomeWindowClosed(TEveWindow *w)
Slot called when a window is closed ... we check that this was not our original container.
TEveWindow * GetOriginalSlot() const
TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame & operator=(const TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame &)
TEveWindow * GetOriginalContainer() const
void MainFrameClosed()
Slot for main-frame's "CloseWindow()" signal.
virtual ~TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame()
TEveWindow * fOriginalSlot
An EVE window-slot contained within one frame of a TGPack.
virtual void Destroy()
Virtual function called from eve side when the frame should be destroyed.
TEveCompositeFrameInPack & operator=(const TEveCompositeFrameInPack &)
virtual ~TEveCompositeFrameInPack()
TEveCompositeFrameInPack(const TEveCompositeFrameInPack &)
An EVE window-slot contained within one tab of a TGTab.
Int_t FindTabIndex()
Return index of this frame in the tab.
TGCompositeFrame * fParentInTab
virtual ~TEveCompositeFrameInTab()
virtual void SetCurrent(Bool_t curr)
Set current state of this frame.
virtual void Destroy()
Virtual function called from eve side when the frame should be destroyed.
virtual void WindowNameChanged(const TString &name)
Update widgets using window's name or title.
TEveCompositeFrameInTab(const TEveCompositeFrameInTab &)
TEveCompositeFrameInTab & operator=(const TEveCompositeFrameInTab &)
Abstract base-class for frame-slots that encompass EVE-windows (sub-classes of TEveWindow).
TGLayoutHints * fEveWindowLH
TEveWindow * GetEveWindow() const
static Bool_t fgAllowTopFrameCollapse
static void SetupFrameMarkup(IconBarCreator_foo creator, UInt_t top_frame_height=14, UInt_t mini_bar_height=4, Bool_t allow_top_collapse=kTRUE)
Set properties of the EVE frame.
void FlipTitleBarState()
Change display-state of the title-bar / mini-bar.
virtual TEveWindow * RelinquishEveWindow(Bool_t reparent=kTRUE)
Remove window and decrease its deny-destroy count.
virtual void ShowNormalDecorations()
Show title-bar or mini-bar, as dictated by the window.
virtual void WindowNameChanged(const TString &name)
Update widgets using window's name or title.
TEveCompositeFrame & operator=(const TEveCompositeFrame &)
void ActionPressed()
The action-button of the title-bar was pressed.
TGCompositeFrame * fTopFrame
TEveWindow * GetEveParentAsWindow() const
Returns eve-parent dynamic-casted to TEveWindow.
static UInt_t fgMiniBarHeight
TGTextButton * fToggleBar
TGFrame *(* IconBarCreator_foo)(TEveCompositeFrame *, TGCompositeFrame *, Int_t)
virtual void AcquireEveWindow(TEveWindow *ew)
Accept window and increase its deny-destroy count.
static UInt_t fgTopFrameHeight
static TList * fgFrameList
static TEveContextMenu * fgCtxMenu
virtual void HideAllDecorations()
Hide title-bar and mini-bar.
virtual void SetShowTitleBar(Bool_t show)
Set state of title-bar.
TEveCompositeFrame(const TEveCompositeFrame &)
virtual ~TEveCompositeFrame()
If fEveWindow != 0 we are being deleted from the ROOT GUI side.
static const TString fgkEmptyFrameName
virtual void SetCurrent(Bool_t curr)
Set current state of this frame.
void TitleBarClicked()
Slot for mouse-click on the central part of the title-bar.
static IconBarCreator_foo fgIconBarCreator
Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and...
Encapsulates TGFrame into an eve-window.
TEveWindowFrame & operator=(const TEveWindowFrame &)
TGCompositeFrame * GetGUICompositeFrame()
Returns the registered top-frame of this eve-window dynamic-casted to composite-frame.
virtual TGFrame * GetGUIFrame()
virtual ~TEveWindowFrame()
TEveWindowFrame(const TEveWindowFrame &)
Encapsulates TGPack into an eve-window.
virtual TGFrame * GetGUIFrame()
Return top-frame of this eve-window - the pack.
void FlipOrientation()
Flip orientation of the pack (vertical / horizontal).
TEveWindowPack(const TEveWindowPack &)
void SetVertical(Bool_t x=kTRUE)
Set orientation of the pack (vertical / horizontal).
virtual TEveWindowSlot * NewSlotWithWeight(Float_t w)
Create a new weighted frame-slot at the last position of the pack.
void EqualizeFrames()
Refit existing frames so that their lengths are equal.
TEveWindowPack & operator=(const TEveWindowPack &)
virtual ~TEveWindowPack()
virtual TEveWindowSlot * NewSlot()
Create a new frame-slot at the last position of the pack.
virtual Bool_t CanMakeNewSlots() const
Description of TEveWindowSlot.
TEveWindowSlot & operator=(const TEveWindowSlot &)
TGCompositeFrame * fEmbedBuffer
TEveWindowSlot(const TEveWindowSlot &)
TEveWindowFrame * StopEmbedding(const char *name=0)
An embedded window is created in place of this window-slot.
TGCompositeFrame * StartEmbedding()
Start embedding a window that will replace the current slot.
TEveWindowFrame * MakeFrame(TGFrame *frame=0)
An eve-window-frame is created and frame is passed into it.
TEveWindowTab * MakeTab()
A tab is created in place of this window-slot.
virtual TGFrame * GetGUIFrame()
Return top-frame of this eve-window - the big button to make slot current.
virtual void SetCurrent(Bool_t curr)
Set current state of this window-slot.
virtual ~TEveWindowSlot()
TGTextButton * fEmptyButt
TEveWindowPack * MakePack()
A pack is created in place of this window-slot.
Encapsulates TGTab into an eve-window.
virtual ~TEveWindowTab()
TEveWindowTab(const TEveWindowTab &)
virtual Bool_t CanMakeNewSlots() const
TEveWindowTab & operator=(const TEveWindowTab &)
virtual TGFrame * GetGUIFrame()
Return top-frame of this eve-window - the tab.
virtual TEveWindowSlot * NewSlot()
Create new frame-slot - a new tab.
Abstract base-class for representing eve-windows.
virtual void PreDeleteElement()
Called before the element is deleted, thus offering the last chance to detach from acquired resources...
virtual void PreUndock()
Virtual function called before a window is undocked.
static void SetMiniBarBackgroundColor(Pixel_t p)
Set background-color for mini-bar (collapsed title-bar). Static.
virtual void DestroyWindowAndSlot()
Destroy eve-window and its frame-slot.
static UInt_t GetMainFrameDefHeight()
Get default height for new main-frame windows. Static.
TEveWindow & operator=(const TEveWindow &)
static void SetMainFrameDefWidth(UInt_t x)
Set default width for new main-frame windows. Static.
TEveCompositeFrame * fEveFrame
static void SwapWindows(TEveWindow *w1, TEveWindow *w2)
Swap windows w1 and w2.
TEveWindow(const TEveWindow &)
static void SetMainFrameDefHeight(UInt_t x)
Set default height for new main-frame windows. Static.
static TEveWindowSlot * CreateDefaultWindowSlot()
Create a default window slot.
static void SetCurrentBackgroundColor(Pixel_t p)
Set background-color for marking the title-bar of current window. Static.
Bool_t IsCurrent() const
Returns true if this window is the current one.
Bool_t IsAncestorOf(TEveWindow *win)
Returns true if this is an ancestor of win.
virtual void SetCurrent(Bool_t curr)
Set current state of this eve-window.
void ReplaceWindow(TEveWindow *w)
Replace this window with the passed one.
virtual Bool_t CanMakeNewSlots() const
void MakeCurrent()
Make this window current.
virtual TEveWindowSlot * NewSlot()
static Pixel_t GetMiniBarBackgroundColor()
Get background-color for mini-bar (collapsed title-bar). Static.
void PopulateEmptyFrame(TEveCompositeFrame *ef)
Populate given frame-slot - intended for initial population of a new slot or low-level window-swappin...
static TEveWindowSlot * CreateWindowMainFrame(TEveWindow *eve_parent=0)
Create a new main-frame and populate it with a default window-slot.
virtual TGFrame * GetGUIFrame()=0
void ClearEveFrame()
Clears eve-frame associated with this window.
TEveCompositeFrame * GetEveFrame()
static Pixel_t GetCurrentBackgroundColor()
Get background-color for marking the title-bar of current window. Static.
Bool_t GetShowTitleBar() const
virtual void DestroyWindow()
Destroy eve-window - replace it with an empty frame-slot.
void UndockWindow()
Undock the window - put it into a dedicated main-frame.
static TEveWindowSlot * CreateWindowInTab(TGTab *tab, TEveWindow *eve_parent=0)
Create a new tab in a given tab-widget and populate it with a default window-slot.
void SetShowTitleBar(Bool_t x)
Set display state of the title-bar.
void SwapWindowWithCurrent()
Swap frames with the current window.
static UInt_t fgMainFrameDefHeight
virtual void NameTitleChanged()
Name or title of the window changed - propagate to frames.
void TitleBarClicked()
Slot for clicking on the title-bar.
static UInt_t fgMainFrameDefWidth
static Pixel_t fgMiniBarBackgroundColor
static UInt_t GetMainFrameDefWidth()
Get default width for new main-frame windows. Static.
virtual ~TEveWindow()
void UndockWindowDestroySlot()
Undock the window - put it into a dedicated main-frame.
virtual void PostDock()
Virtual function called after a window is docked.
void SwapWindow(TEveWindow *w)
Swap frames with the given window.
static Pixel_t fgCurrentBackgroundColor
Mother of all ROOT objects.