16#ifndef ROOT_Math_GaussLegendreIntegrator
17#define ROOT_Math_GaussLegendreIntegrator
User class for performing function integration.
User class for performing function integration.
virtual double DoIntegral(double a, double b, const IGenFunction *func)
Integration surrugate method.
virtual void SetAbsTolerance(double)
This method is not implemented.
virtual ~GaussLegendreIntegrator()
Default Destructor.
virtual void SetOptions(const ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions &opt)
set the options (should be re-implemented by derived classes -if more options than tolerance exist
int GetNumberPoints() const
void GetWeightVectors(double *x, double *w) const
Returns the arrays x and w containing the abscissa and weight of the Gauss-Legendre n-point quadratur...
int NEval() const
return number of function evaluations in calculating the integral This is equivalent to the number of...
void CalcGaussLegendreSamplingPoints()
Type: unsafe but fast interface filling the arrays x and w (static method)
virtual void SetRelTolerance(double)
Set the desired relative Error.
void SetNumberPoints(int num)
Set the number of points used in the calculation of the integral.
virtual ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions Options() const
get the option used for the integration
Interface (abstract class) for generic functions objects of one-dimension Provides a method to evalua...
Numerical one dimensional integration options.
Namespace for new Math classes and functions.
tbb::task_arena is an alias of tbb::interface7::task_arena, which doesn't allow to forward declare tb...