12#ifndef ROOT_TProofPlayer
13#define ROOT_TProofPlayer
138 const char *selector,
Option_t *option =
148 const char *selection,
Option_t *option =
251 const char *selector,
Option_t *option =
301 const char *defpackdata);
330 const char *selection,
Option_t *option =
434 initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti); }
#define ClassDef(name, id)
void(* ErrorHandlerFunc_t)(int level, Bool_t abort, const char *location, const char *msg)
static unsigned int total
Array of floats (32 bits per element).
Array of integers (32 bits per element).
Array of long64s (64 bits per element).
TClass instances represent classes, structs and namespaces in the ROOT type system.
Manages an element of a TDSet.
This class implements a data set to be used for PROOF processing.
Utility class to draw objects in the feedback list during queries.
Special iterator class used in TProofPlayer to iterate over events or objects in the packets.
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format.
THashList implements a hybrid collection class consisting of a hash table and a list to store TObject...
Mother of all ROOT objects.
virtual ~TProofPlayerLocal()
void StopFeedback()
Stop feedback (may not be used in this class).
Long64_t Process(TDSet *set, const char *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process specified TDSet on PROOF worker.
Long64_t Process(const char *selector, Long64_t nentries=-1, Option_t *option="")
Process the specified TSelector file 'nentries' times.
TProofPlayerLocal(Bool_t client=kTRUE)
Long64_t Process(TDSet *set, TSelector *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process specified TDSet on PROOF worker with TSelector object The return value is -1 in case of error...
void SetupFeedback()
Set up feedback (may not be used in this class).
ErrorHandlerFunc_t fErrorHandler
tdset for current processing
Int_t InitPacketizer(TDSet *dset, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first, const char *defpackunit, const char *defpackdata)
Init the packetizer Return 0 on success (fPacketizer is correctly initialized), -1 on failure.
void NotifyMemory(TObject *obj)
Printout the memory record after merging object 'obj' This record is used by the memory monitor.
void Progress(TSlave *, TProofProgressInfo *pi)
void StopProcess(Bool_t abort, Int_t timeout=-1)
Stop process after this event.
TObject * HandleHistogram(TObject *obj, Bool_t &merged)
Low statistic histograms need a special treatment when using autobin.
Bool_t IsClient() const
Is the player running on the client?
TList * MergeFeedback()
Merge feedback lists.
void SetInitTime()
Set init time.
TVirtualPacketizer * fPacketizer
void Progress(TSlave *, Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti)
void RedirectOutput(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Control output redirection to TProof::fLogFileW.
void AddOutput(TList *out)
Incorporate the content of the received output list 'out' into the final output list fOutput.
TString fSelectorFileName
void Feedback(TList *objs)
Feedback signal.
TMessage * fProcessMessage
Histogram with packets being processed (owned by TPerfStats)
virtual ~TProofPlayerRemote()
Bool_t MergeOutputFiles()
Merge output in files.
virtual Long64_t Finalize(Bool_t force=kFALSE, Bool_t sync=kFALSE)
Finalize query (may not be used in this class).
Int_t Incorporate(TObject *obj, TList *out, Bool_t &merged)
Incorporate object 'newobj' in the list 'outlist'.
void StoreOutput(TList *out)
Store received output list.
virtual void MergeOutput(Bool_t savememvalues=kFALSE)
Merge objects in output the lists.
void SetSelectorDataMembersFromOutputList()
Set the selector's data members: find the mapping of data members to otuput list entries in the outpu...
void SetMerging(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Switch on/off merge timer.
void Progress(TSlave *, Long64_t total, Long64_t processed)
TProofPlayerRemote(TProof *proof=0)
Bool_t HistoSameAxis(TH1 *h0, TH1 *h1)
Return kTRUE is the histograms 'h0' and 'h1' have the same binning and ranges on the axis (i....
Int_t AddOutputObject(TObject *obj)
Incorporate the received object 'obj' into the output list fOutput.
virtual void StoreFeedback(TObject *slave, TList *out)
Store feedback results from the specified slave.
void StopFeedback()
Stop reporting of feedback objects.
virtual Bool_t JoinProcess(TList *workers)
Prepares the given list of new workers to join a progressing process.
TProof * GetProof() const
TDSetElement * GetNextPacket(TSlave *slave, TMessage *r)
Get next packet for specified slave.
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *timer)
Send feedback objects to client.
void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed)
Progress signal.
Long64_t DrawSelect(TDSet *set, const char *varexp, const char *selection, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Draw (support for TChain::Draw()).
void SetLastMergingMsg(TObject *obj)
Set the message to be notified in case of exception.
virtual Bool_t SendSelector(const char *selector_file)
Send the selector file(s) to master or worker nodes.
TVirtualPacketizer * GetPacketizer() const
void SetupFeedback()
Setup reporting of feedback objects.
virtual Long64_t Process(TDSet *set, const char *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process specified TDSet on PROOF.
void SetupFeedback()
Setup feedback.
Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *timer)
Handle timer event.
void StopFeedback()
Stop feedback.
void HandleGetTreeHeader(TMessage *mess)
Handle tree header request.
TProofPlayerSlave(TSocket *socket=0)
void SetupFeedback()
Setup reporting of feedback objects and progress messages.
void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti)
Progress signal.
TArrayL64 fSlaveBytesRead
Long64_t Process(TDSet *set, const char *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process specified TDSet on PROOF.
TProofPlayerSuperMaster(TProof *proof=0)
Long64_t Process(TDSet *set, TSelector *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process specified TDSet on PROOF.
virtual ~TProofPlayerSuperMaster()
Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *timer)
Send progress and feedback to client.
void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed)
Progress signal.
void Progress(TProofProgressInfo *pi)
Progress signal.
TCleanup(TProofPlayer *p)
Internal class steering processing in PROOF.
Long64_t fReadCallsRun
Bytes read in this run.
TQueryResult * GetCurrentQuery() const
void HandleGetTreeHeader(TMessage *mess)
Handle tree header request.
void Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed)
Report progress (may not be used in this class).
Bool_t fCreateSelObj
the latest selector
virtual void StopFeedback()
Stop feedback (may not be used in this class).
TList * GetListOfResults() const
virtual Int_t DrawCanvas(TObject *obj)
Draw the object if it is a canvas.
void AddOutput(TList *out)
Incorporate output list (may not be used in this class).
static THashList * fgDrawInputPars
void Feedback(TList *objs)
Set feedback list (may not be used in this class).
TEventIter * fEvIter
period (ms) for sending intermediate results
TTimer * fFeedbackTimer
class of the latest selector
TProofPlayer(TProof *proof=0)
Default ctor.
TList * GetOutputList() const
Get output list.
Int_t SavePartialResults(Bool_t queryend=kFALSE, Bool_t force=kFALSE)
Save the partial results of this query to a dedicated file under the user data directory.
void RestorePreviousQuery()
void RemoveQueryResult(const char *ref)
Remove all query result instances referenced 'ref' from the list of results.
void SetDrawFeedbackOption(TDrawFeedback *f, Option_t *opt)
Set draw feedback option.
void UpdateProgressInfo()
Update fProgressStatus.
Long64_t GetEventsProcessed() const
void UpdateAutoBin(const char *name, Double_t &xmin, Double_t &xmax, Double_t &ymin, Double_t &ymax, Double_t &zmin, Double_t &zmax)
Update automatic binning parameters for given object "name".
Long64_t GetCacheSize()
Return the size in bytes of the cache.
TProofProgressStatus * GetProgressStatus() const
Int_t GetLearnEntries()
Return the number of entries in the learning phase.
void SetOutputFilePath(const char *fp)
virtual void SetMerging(Bool_t=kTRUE)
void Progress(TSlave *, Long64_t total, Long64_t processed)
EExitStatus fExitStatus
status of query in progress
Long_t fFeedbackPeriod
timer for sending intermediate results
TList * fQueryResults
Events processed in this run.
virtual Bool_t JoinProcess(TList *workers)
Not implemented: meaningful only in the remote player. Returns kFALSE.
virtual void MergeOutput(Bool_t savememvalues=kFALSE)
Merge output (may not be used in this class).
void MapOutputListToDataMembers() const
void FeedBackCanvas(const char *name, Bool_t create)
Create/destroy a named canvas for feedback.
TVirtualPacketizer * GetPacketizer() const
void ClearInput()
Clear input list.
void Progress(TSlave *, TProofProgressInfo *pi)
Bool_t fSaveResultsPerPacket
Long64_t fProcessedRun
Read calls in this run.
TList * GetInputList() const
Bool_t fSavePartialResults
void AddQueryResult(TQueryResult *q)
Add query result to the list, making sure that there are no duplicates.
void StoreFeedback(TObject *slave, TList *out)
Store feedback list (may not be used in this class).
TDSetElement * GetNextPacket(TSlave *slave, TMessage *r)
Get next packet (may not be used in this class).
TStatus * fSelStatus
iterator on events or objects
Int_t AddOutputObject(TObject *obj)
Incorporate output object (may not be used in this class).
virtual ~TProofPlayer()
TClass * fSelectorClass
kTRUE when fSelector has been created locally
TQueryResult * fPreviousQuery
void SetDispatchTimer(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Enable/disable the timer to dispatch pening events while processing.
void AddEventsProcessed(Long64_t ev)
Long64_t Process(TDSet *set, const char *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process specified TDSet on PROOF worker.
void SetMaxDrawQueries(Int_t max)
TObject * GetOutput(const char *name) const
Get output object by name.
Long64_t Finalize(Bool_t force=kFALSE, Bool_t sync=kFALSE)
Finalize query (may not be used in this class).
void SetExitStatus(EExitStatus st)
TDrawFeedback * CreateDrawFeedback(TProof *p)
Draw feedback creation proxy.
void StopProcess(Bool_t abort, Int_t timeout=-1)
Stop the process after this event.
Int_t GetDrawArgs(const char *var, const char *sel, Option_t *opt, TString &selector, TString &objname)
Parse the arguments from var, sel and opt and fill the selector and object name accordingly.
void DeleteDrawFeedback(TDrawFeedback *f)
Delete draw feedback object.
TProofProgressStatus * fProgressStatus
Int_t ReinitSelector(TQueryResult *qr)
Reinitialize fSelector using the selector files in the query result.
void SetStopTimer(Bool_t on=kTRUE, Bool_t abort=kFALSE, Int_t timeout=0)
Enable/disable the timer to stop/abort processing.
TQueryResult * GetQueryResult(const char *ref)
Get query result instances referenced 'ref' from the list of results.
Long64_t DrawSelect(TDSet *set, const char *varexp, const char *selection, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Draw (may not be used in this class).
virtual void SetupFeedback()
Set up feedback (may not be used in this class).
void StoreOutput(TList *out)
Store output list (may not be used in this class).
void SetCurrentQuery(TQueryResult *q)
Set current query and save previous value.
EExitStatus GetExitStatus() const
void AddInput(TObject *inp)
Add object to input list.
void SetProcessing(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Set processing bit according to 'on'.
virtual void SetInitTime()
Bool_t CheckMemUsage(Long64_t &mfreq, Bool_t &w80r, Bool_t &w80v, TString &wmsg)
Check the memory usage, if requested.
void Progress(TSlave *, Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti)
Int_t AssertSelector(const char *selector_file)
Make sure that a valid selector object Return -1 in case of problems, 0 otherwise.
void HandleRecvHisto(TMessage *mess)
Receive histo from slave.
Container class for processing statistics.
Long64_t GetEntries() const
void IncEntries(Long64_t entries=1)
This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster.
A container class for query results.
A TSelector object is used by the TTree::Draw, TTree::Scan, TTree::Process to navigate in a TTree and...
Class describing a PROOF worker server.
This class holds the status of an ongoing operation and collects error messages.
Handles synchronous and a-synchronous timer events.
The packetizer is a load balancing object created for each query.
Abstract interface for the PROOF player.
static constexpr double pi