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Reference Guide
runProof.C File Reference

Detailed Description

Macro to run examples of analysis on PROOF, corresponding to the TSelector implementations found under <ROOTSYS>/tutorials/proof .

This macro uses an existing PROOF session or starts one at the indicated URL. In the case non existing PROOF session is found and no URL is given, the macro tries to start a local PROOF session.

To run the macro:

root[] .L proof/runProof.C+ root[] runProof("<analysis>")

Currently available analysis are (to see how all this really works check the scope for the specified option inside the macro):

  1. "simple"

    Selector: ProofSimple.h.C

    root[] runProof("simple")

    This will create a local PROOF session and run an analysis filling 100 histos with 100000 gaussian random numbers, and displaying them in a canvas with 100 pads (10x10). The number of histograms can be passed as argument 'nhist' to 'simple', e.g. to fill 16 histos with 1000000 entries use

    root[] runProof("simple(nevt=1000000,nhist=16)")

    The argument nhist3 controls the creation of 3d histos to simulate merging load. By default, no 3D hitogram is created.

  2. "h1"

    Selector: tutorials/tree/h1analysis.h.C

    root[] runProof("h1")

    This runs the 'famous' H1 analysis from $ROOTSYS/tree/h1analysis.C.h. By default the data are read from the HTTP server at root.cern.ch, the data source can be changed via the argument 'h1src', e.g.

    root[] runProof("h1,h1src=/data/h1")

    (the directory specified must contain the 4 H1 files).

    The 'h1' example is also used to show how to use entry-lists in PROOF. To fill the list for the events used for the final plots add the option 'fillList':

    root[] runProof("h1,fillList")

    To use the list previously created for the events used for the final plots add the option 'useList':

    root[] runProof("h1,useList")

  3. "event"

    Selector: ProofEvent.h,.C

    This is an example of using PROOF par files. It runs event generation and simple analysis based on the 'Event' class found under test.

    root[] runProof("event")

  4. "eventproc"

    Selector: ProofEventProc.h.C

    This is an example of using PROOF par files and process 'event' data from the ROOT HTTP server. It runs the ProofEventProc selector which is derived from the EventTree_Proc one found under test/ProofBench. The following specific arguments are available:

    • 'readall' to read the whole event, by default only the branches needed by the analysis are read (read 25% more bytes)
    • 'datasrc=<dir-with-files>' to read the files from another server, the files must be named 'event_<num>.root' where <num>=1,2,... or
    • 'datasrc=<file-with-files>' to take the file content from a text file, specified one file per line; usefull when testing differences between several sources and distributions
    • 'files=N' to change the number of files to be analysed (default is 10, max is 50 for the HTTP server).
    • 'uneven' to process uneven entries from files following the scheme {50000,5000,5000,5000,5000} and so on

    root[] runProof("eventproc")

  5. "pythia8"

    Selector: ProofPythia.h.C

    This runs Pythia8 generation based on main03.cc example in Pythia 8.1

    To run this analysis ROOT must be configured with pythia8.

    Note that before executing this analysis, the env variable PYTHIA8 must point to the pythia8100 (or newer) directory, in particular, $PYTHIA8/xmldoc must contain the file Index.xml. The tutorial assumes that the Pythia8 directory is the same on all machines, i.e. local and worker ones.

    root[] runProof("pythia8")

  6. "ntuple"

    Selector: ProofNtuple.h.C

    This is an example of final merging via files created on the workers, using TProofOutputFile. The final file is called ProofNtuple.root and it is created in the directory where the tutorial is run. If the PROOF cluster is remote, the file is received by a local xrootd daemon started for the purpose. Because of this, this example can be run only on unix clients.

    root[] runProof("ntuple")

    By default the random numbers are generate anew. There is the possibility use a file of random numbers (to have reproducible results) by specify the option 'inputrndm', e.g.

    root[] runProof("ntuple(inputrndm)")

    By default the output will be saved in the local file SimpleNtuple.root; location and name of the file can be changed via the argument 'outfile', e.g.

    root[] runProof("simplefile(outfile=/data0/testntuple.root)") root[] runProof("simplefile(outfile=root://aserver//data/testntuple.root)")

  7. "dataset"

    Selector: ProofNtuple.h.C

    This is an example of automatic creation of a dataset from files created on the workers, using TProofOutputFile. The dataset is called testNtuple and it is automatically registered and verified. The files contain the same ntuple as in previous example/tutorial 6 (the same selector ProofNTuple is used with a slightly different configuration). The dataset is then used to produce the same plot as in 5 but using the DrawSelect methods of PROOF, which also show how to set style, color and other drawing attributes in PROOF. Depending on the relative worker perforance, some of the produced files may result in having no entries. If this happens, the file will be added to the missing (skipped) file list. Increasing the number of events (via nevt=...) typically solves this issue.

    root[] runProof("dataset")

  8. "friends"

    Selectors: ProofFriends.h(.C), ProofAux.h(.C)

    This is an example of TTree friend processing in PROOF. It also shows how to use the TPacketizerFile to steer creation of files.

    root[] runProof("friends")

    The trees are by default created in separate files; to create them in the same file use option 'samefile', e.g.

    root[] runProof("friends(samefile)")

  9. "simplefile"

    Selector: ProofSimpleFile.h.C

    root[] runProof("simplefile")

    This will create a local PROOF session and run an analysis filling 16+16 histos with 100000 gaussian random numbers. The merging of these histos goes via file; 16 histos are saved in the top directory, the other 16 into a subdirectory called 'blue'. The final display is done in two canvanses, one for each set of histograms and with 16 pads each (4x4). The number of histograms in each set can be passed as argument 'nhist' to 'simplefile', e.g. to fill 25 histos with 1000000 entries use

    root[] runProof("simplefile(nevt=1000000,nhist=25)")

    By default the output will be saved in the local file SimpleFile.root; location and name of the file can be changed via the argument 'outfile', e.g.

    root[] runProof("simplefile(outfile=/data0/testsimple.root)") root[] runProof("simplefile(outfile=root://aserver//data/testsimple.root)")

  10. "stdvec"

    Selector: ProofStdVect.h.C

    This is an example of using standard vectors (vector<vector<bool> > and vector<vector<float> >) in a TSelector. The same selector is run twice: in 'create' mode it creates a dataset with the tree 'stdvec' containing 3 branches, a vector<vector<bool> > and two vector<vector<float> >. The tree is saved into a file on each worker and a dataset is created with these files (the dataset is called 'TestStdVect'); in 'read' mode the dataset is read and a couple fo histograms filled and displayed.

    root[] runProof("stdvec")

General arguments

The following arguments are valid for all examples (the ones specific to each tutorial have been explained above)

  1. ACLiC mode

    By default all processing is done with ACLiC mode '+', i.e. compile if changed. However, this may lead to problems if the available selector libs were compiled in previous sessions with a different set of loaded libraries (this is a general problem in ROOT). When this happens the best solution is to force recompilation (ACLiC mode '++'). To do this just add one or more '+' to the name of the tutorial, e.g. runProof("simple++")

  2. debug=[what:]level

    Controls verbosity; 'level' is an integer number and the optional string 'what' one or more of the enum names in TProofDebug.h . e.g. runProof("eventproc(debug=kPacketizer|kCollect:2)") runs 'eventproc' enabling all printouts matching TProofDebug::kPacketizer and having level equal or larger than 2 .

  3. nevt=N and/or first=F

    Set the number of entries to N, eventually (when it makes sense, i.e. when processing existing files) starting from F e.g. runProof("simple(nevt=1000000000)") runs simple with 1000000000 runProof("eventproc(first=65000)") runs eventproc processing starting with event 65000 runProof("eventproc(nevt=100000,first=65000)") runs eventproc processing 100000 events starting with event 65000

  4. asyn

    Run in non blocking mode e.g. root[] runProof("h1(asyn)")

  5. nwrk=N

    Set the number of active workers to N, usefull to test performance on a remote cluster where control about the number of workers is not possible, e.g. runProof("event(nwrk=2)") runs 'event' with 2 workers.

  6. punzip

    Use parallel unzipping in reading files where relevant e.g. root[] runProof("eventproc(punzip)")

  7. cache=<bytes> (or <kbytes>K or <mbytes>M)

    Change the size of the tree cache; 0 or <0 disables the cache, value cane be in bytes (no suffix), kilobytes (suffix 'K') or megabytes (suffix 'M'), e.g. root[] runProof("eventproc(cache=0)")

  8. submergers[=S]

    Enabling merging via S submergers or the optimal number if S is not specified, e.g. root[] runProof("simple(hist=1000,submergers)")

  9. rateest=average

    Enable processed entries estimation for constant progress reporting based on the measured average. This may screw up the progress bar in some cases, which is the reason why it is not on by default . e.g. root[] runProof("eventproc(rateest=average)")

  10. perftree=perftreefile.root

    Generate the perfomance tree and save it to file 'perftreefile.root', e.g. root[] runProof("eventproc(perftree=perftreefile.root)")

  11. feedback=name1[,name2,name3,...]|off

    Enable feedback for the specified names or switch it off; by default it is enabled for the 'stats' histograms (events,packest, packets-being processed).

In all cases, to run on a remote PROOF cluster, the master URL must be passed as second argument; e.g.

root[] runProof("simple","master.do.main")

A rough parsing of the URL is done to determine the locality of the cluster. If using a tunnel the URL can start by localhost even for external clusters: in such cases the default locality determination will be wrong, so one has to tell explicity that the cluster is external via the option field, e.g.

root[] runProof("simple","localhost:33002/?external")

In the case of local running it is possible to specify the number of workers to start as third argument (the default is the number of cores of the machine), e.g.

root[] runProof("simple",0,4)

will start 4 workers. Note that the real number of workers is changed only the first time you call runProof into a ROOT session. Following calls can reduce the number of active workers, but not increase it. For example, in the same session of the call above starting 4 workers, this

root[] runProof("simple",0,8)

will still use 4 workers, while this

root[] runProof("simple",0,2)

will disable 2 workers and use the other 2.

Finally, it is possible to pass as 4th argument a list of objects to be added to the input list to further control the PROOF behaviour:

root [] TList *ins = new TList root [] ins->Add(new TParameter<Int_t>("MyParm", 3)) root [] runProof("simple",0,4,ins)

the content of 'ins' will then be copied to the input list before processing.

#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TChain.h"
#include "TDSet.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TEntryList.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TFrame.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TPaveText.h"
#include "TProof.h"
#include "TProofDebug.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "getProof.C"
void plotNtuple(TProof *p, const char *ds, const char *ntptitle);
void SavePerfTree(TProof *proof, const char *fn);
// Variable used to locate the Pythia8 directory for the Pythia8 example
const char *pythia8dir = 0;
const char *pythia8data = 0;
void runProof(const char *what = "simple",
const char *masterurl = "proof://localhost:40000",
Int_t nwrks = -1, TList *ins = 0)
TString u(masterurl);
// Determine locality of this session
Bool_t isProofLocal = kFALSE;
if (!u.IsNull() && u != "lite://") {
TUrl uu(masterurl);
TString uopts(uu.GetOptions());
if ((!strcmp(uu.GetHost(), "localhost") && !uopts.Contains("external")) ||
!strcmp(uu.GetHostFQDN(), TUrl(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostFQDN())) {
isProofLocal = kTRUE;
// Adjust URL
if (!u.BeginsWith(uu.GetProtocol())) uu.SetProtocol("proof");
uopts.ReplaceAll("external", "");
u = uu.GetUrl();
const char *url = u.Data();
// Temp dir for PROOF tutorials
// Force "/tmp/<user>" whenever possible to avoid length problems on MacOsX
TString tmpdir("/tmp");
if (!ug) {
Printf("runProof: could not get user info");
us.Form("/%s", ug->fUser.Data());
if (!tmpdir.EndsWith(us.Data())) tmpdir += us;
gSystem->mkdir(tmpdir.Data(), kTRUE);
Printf("runProof: unable to get a writable tutorial directory (tried: %s)"
" - cannot continue", tmpdir.Data());
TString tutdir = Form("%s/.proof-tutorial", tmpdir.Data());
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(tutdir)) {
Printf("runProof: creating the temporary directory"
" for the tutorial (%s) ... ", tutdir.Data());
if (gSystem->mkdir(tutdir, kTRUE) != 0) {
Printf("runProof: could not assert / create the temporary directory"
" for the tutorial (%s)", tutdir.Data());
// For the Pythia8 example we need to set some environment variable;
// This must be done BEFORE starting the PROOF session
if (what && !strncmp(what, "pythia8", 7)) {
// We assume that the remote location of Pythia8 is the same as the local one
pythia8dir = gSystem->Getenv("PYTHIA8");
if (!pythia8dir || strlen(pythia8dir) <= 0) {
Printf("runProof: pythia8: environment variable PYTHIA8 undefined:"
" it must contain the path to pythia81xx root directory (local and remote) !");
pythia8data = gSystem->Getenv("PYTHIA8DATA");
if (!pythia8data || strlen(pythia8data) <= 0) {
gSystem->Setenv("PYTHIA8DATA", Form("%s/xmldoc", pythia8dir));
pythia8data = gSystem->Getenv("PYTHIA8DATA");
if (!pythia8data || strlen(pythia8data) <= 0) {
Printf("runProof: pythia8: environment variable PYTHIA8DATA undefined:"
" it one must contain the path to pythia81xx/xmldoc"
" subdirectory (local and remote) !");
TString env = Form("echo export PYTHIA8=%s; export PYTHIA8DATA=%s",
pythia8dir, pythia8data);
TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_INITCMD", env.Data());
Printf("tutorial dir:\t%s", tutdir.Data());
// Get the PROOF Session
TProof *proof = getProof(url, nwrks, tutdir.Data(), "ask");
if (!proof) {
Printf("runProof: could not start/attach a PROOF session");
// Refine locality (PROOF-Lite always local)
if (proof->IsLite()) isProofLocal = kTRUE;
#ifdef WIN32
if (isProofLocal && what && !strcmp(what, "ntuple", 6)) {
// Not support on windows
Printf("runProof: the 'ntuple' example needs to run xrootd to receive the output file, \n"
" but xrootd is not supported on Windows - cannot continue");
TString proofsessions(Form("%s/sessions",tutdir.Data()));
// Save tag of the used session
FILE *fs = fopen(proofsessions.Data(), "a");
if (!fs) {
Printf("runProof: could not create files for sessions tags");
} else {
fprintf(fs,"session-%s\n", proof->GetSessionTag());
if (!proof) {
Printf("runProof: could not start/attach a PROOF session");
// Set the number of workers (may only reduce the number of active workers
// in the session)
if (nwrks > 0)
// Where is the code to run
char *rootbin = gSystem->Which(gSystem->Getenv("PATH"), "root.exe", kExecutePermission);
if (!rootbin) {
Printf("runProof: root.exe not found: please check the environment!");
TString rootsys(gSystem->DirName(rootbin));
rootsys = gSystem->DirName(rootsys);
TString tutorials(Form("%s/tutorials", rootsys.Data()));
delete[] rootbin;
// Parse 'what'; it is in the form 'analysis(arg1,arg2,...)'
TString args(what);
args.ReplaceAll("("," ");
args.ReplaceAll(")"," ");
args.ReplaceAll(","," ");
Ssiz_t from = 0;
TString act, tok;
if (!args.Tokenize(act, from, " ")) {
// Cannot continue
Printf("runProof: action not found: check your arguments (%s)", what);
// Extract ACLiC mode
TString aMode = "+";
if (act.EndsWith("+")) {
aMode += "+";
while (act.EndsWith("+")) { act.Remove(TString::kTrailing,'+'); }
Printf("runProof: %s: ACLiC mode: '%s'", act.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Parse out number of events and 'asyn' option, used almost by every test
TString aNevt, aFirst, aNwrk, opt, sel, punzip("off"), aCache, aOutFile,
aDebug, aDebugEnum, aRateEst, aPerfTree("perftree.root"),
Long64_t suf = 1;
Int_t aSubMg = -1;
Bool_t useList = kFALSE, makePerfTree = kFALSE;
while (args.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
// Debug controllers
if (tok.BeginsWith("debug=")) {
aDebug = tok;
Int_t icol = kNPOS;
if ((icol = aDebug.Index(":")) != kNPOS) {
aDebugEnum = aDebug(0, icol);
aDebug.Remove(0, icol+1);
if (!aDebug.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: %s: error parsing the 'debug=' option (%s) - ignoring", act.Data(), tok.Data());
aDebug = "";
aDebugEnum = "";
// Number of events
if (tok.BeginsWith("nevt=")) {
aNevt = tok;
if (!aNevt.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: %s: error parsing the 'nevt=' option (%s) - ignoring", act.Data(), tok.Data());
aNevt = "";
// First event
if (tok.BeginsWith("first=")) {
aFirst = tok;
if (!aFirst.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: %s: error parsing the 'first=' option (%s) - ignoring", act.Data(), tok.Data());
aFirst = "";
// Sync or async ?
if (tok.BeginsWith("asyn"))
opt = "ASYN";
// Number of workers
if (tok.BeginsWith("nwrk=")) {
aNwrk = tok;
if (!aNwrk.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: %s: error parsing the 'nwrk=' option (%s) - ignoring", act.Data(), tok.Data());
aNwrk = "";
// Parallel unzipping ?
if (tok.BeginsWith("punzip"))
punzip = "on";
// Number of workers
if (tok.BeginsWith("cache=")) {
aCache = tok;
if (aCache.EndsWith("k")) { aCache.Remove(TString::kTrailing, 'k'); suf = 1024; }
if (aCache.EndsWith("K")) { aCache.Remove(TString::kTrailing, 'K'); suf = 1024; }
if (aCache.EndsWith("M")) { aCache.Remove(TString::kTrailing, 'M'); suf = 1024*1024; }
if (!aCache.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: %s: error parsing the 'cache=' option (%s) - ignoring", act.Data(), tok.Data());
aCache = "";
// Use submergers?
if (tok.BeginsWith("submergers")) {
aSubMg = 0;
if (tok.BeginsWith("=")) {
if (tok.IsDigit()) aSubMg = tok.Atoi();
// H1: use entry-lists ?
if (tok.BeginsWith("useList")) {
useList = kTRUE;
if (tok.BeginsWith("fillList")) {
opt += "fillList";
// H1: change location of files?
if (tok.BeginsWith("h1src=")) {
if (!(tok.IsNull())) aH1Src = tok;
Printf("runProof: %s: reading data files from '%s'", act.Data(), aH1Src.Data());
// Rate estimation technique
if (tok.BeginsWith("rateest=")) {
if (!(tok.IsNull())) aRateEst = tok;
Printf("runProof: %s: progress-bar rate estimation option: '%s'", act.Data(), aRateEst.Data());
// Create and save the preformance tree?
if (tok.BeginsWith("perftree")) {
makePerfTree = kTRUE;
if (tok.BeginsWith("perftree=")) {
if (!(tok.IsNull())) aPerfTree = tok;
Printf("runProof: %s: saving performance tree to '%s'", act.Data(), aPerfTree.Data());
// Location of the output file, if any
if (tok.BeginsWith("outfile")) {
if (tok.BeginsWith("outfile=")) {
if (!(tok.IsNull())) aOutFile = tok;
Printf("runProof: %s: output file: '%s'", act.Data(), aOutFile.Data());
// Feedback
if (tok.BeginsWith("feedback=")) {
if (tok == "off" || tok == "OFF" || tok == "0") {
aFeedback = "";
} else if (!(tok.IsNull())) {
if (tok.BeginsWith("+")) {
tok[0] = ',';
aFeedback += tok;
} else {
aFeedback.Form("fb=%s", tok.Data());
Printf("runProof: %s: feedback: '%s'", act.Data(), aFeedback.Data());
Long64_t nevt = (aNevt.IsNull()) ? -1 : aNevt.Atoi();
Long64_t first = (aFirst.IsNull()) ? 0 : aFirst.Atoi();
Long64_t nwrk = (aNwrk.IsNull()) ? -1 : aNwrk.Atoi();
from = 0;
// Set number workers
if (nwrk > 0) {
if (proof->GetParallel() < nwrk) {
Printf("runProof: %s: request for a number of workers larger then available - ignored", act.Data());
} else {
// Debug controllers
if (!aDebug.IsNull()) {
Int_t dbg = aDebug.Atoi();
if (!aDebugEnum.IsNull()) scope = getDebugEnum(aDebugEnum.Data());
proof->SetLogLevel(dbg, scope);
Printf("runProof: %s: verbose mode for '%s'; level: %d", act.Data(), aDebugEnum.Data(), dbg);
// Have constant progress reporting based on estimated info
// (NB: may screw up the progress bar in some cases)
if (aRateEst == "average")
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_RateEstimation", aRateEst);
// Parallel unzip
if (punzip == "on") {
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_UseParallelUnzip", (Int_t)1);
Printf("runProof: %s: parallel unzip enabled", act.Data());
} else {
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_UseParallelUnzip", (Int_t)0);
// Tree cache
if (!aCache.IsNull()) {
Long64_t cachesz = aCache.Atoi() * suf;
if (cachesz <= 0) {
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_UseTreeCache", (Int_t)0);
Printf("runProof: %s: disabling tree cache", act.Data());
} else {
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_UseTreeCache", (Int_t)1);
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_CacheSize", cachesz);
Printf("runProof: %s: setting cache size to %lld", act.Data(), cachesz);
} else {
// Use defaults
// Enable submergers, if required
if (aSubMg >= 0) {
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_UseMergers", aSubMg);
if (aSubMg > 0) {
Printf("runProof: %s: enabling merging via %d sub-mergers", act.Data(), aSubMg);
} else {
Printf("runProof: %s: enabling merging via sub-mergers (optimal number)", act.Data());
} else {
// The performance tree
if (makePerfTree) {
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_StatsHist", "");
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_StatsTrace", "");
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_SlaveStatsTrace", "");
// Additional inputs from the argument 'ins'
if (ins && ins->GetSize() > 0) {
TObject *oin = 0;
TIter nxo(ins);
while ((oin = nxo())) { proof->AddInput(oin); }
// Full lits of inputs so far
// Action
if (act == "simple") {
// ProofSimple is an example of non-data driven analysis; it
// creates and fills with random numbers a given number of histos
if (first > 0)
// Meaningless for this tutorial
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
// Default 10000 events
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 100000 : nevt;
// Find out the number of histograms
TString aNhist, aNhist3;
while (args.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
// Number of histos
if (tok.BeginsWith("nhist=")) {
aNhist = tok;
if (!aNhist.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: error parsing the 'nhist=' option (%s) - ignoring", tok.Data());
aNhist = "";
} else if (tok.BeginsWith("nhist3=")) {
aNhist3 = tok;
if (!aNhist3.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: error parsing the 'nhist3=' option (%s) - ignoring", tok.Data());
aNhist3 = "";
Int_t nhist = (aNhist.IsNull()) ? 100 : aNhist.Atoi();
Int_t nhist3 = (aNhist3.IsNull()) ? -1 : aNhist3.Atoi();
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"simple\" with nhist= %d, nhist3=%d and nevt= %lld\n", nhist, nhist3, nevt);
// The number of histograms is added as parameter in the input list
proof->SetParameter("ProofSimple_NHist", (Long_t)nhist);
// The number of histograms is added as parameter in the input list
if (nhist3 > 0) proof->SetParameter("ProofSimple_NHist3", (Long_t)nhist3);
// The selector string
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofSimple.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it for nevt times
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), nevt, xopt);
} else if (act == "h1") {
// This is the famous 'h1' example analysis run on Proof reading the
// data from the ROOT http server.
// Create the chain
TChain *chain = new TChain("h42");
chain->Add(TString::Format("%s/dstarmb.root", aH1Src.Data()));
chain->Add(TString::Format("%s/dstarp1a.root", aH1Src.Data()));
chain->Add(TString::Format("%s/dstarp1b.root", aH1Src.Data()));
chain->Add(TString::Format("%s/dstarp2.root", aH1Src.Data()));
// We run on Proof
// Set entrylist, if required
if (useList) {
TString eln("elist"), elfn("elist.root");
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(elfn)) {
Printf("\nrunProof: asked to use an entry list but '%s' not found or not readable", elfn.Data());
Printf("\nrunProof: did you forget to run with 'fillList=%s'?\n", elfn.Data());
} else {
TFile f(elfn);
if (!(f.IsZombie())) {
TEntryList *elist = (TEntryList *)f.Get(eln);
if (elist) {
elist->SetDirectory(0); //otherwise the file destructor will delete elist
} else {
Printf("\nrunProof: could not find entry-list '%s' in file '%s': ignoring",
eln.Data(), elfn.Data());
} else {
Printf("\nrunProof: requested entry-list file '%s' not existing (or not readable):"
" ignoring", elfn.Data());
// The selector
sel.Form("%s/tree/h1analysis.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"h1\"\n");
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
// Cleanup the input list
TObject *o = 0;
while ((o = nxi())) {
if (!strncmp(o->GetName(), "elist", 5)) {
delete o;
} else if (act == "pythia8") {
if (first > 0)
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
TString path(Form("%s/Index.xml", pythia8data));
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path)) {
Printf("runProof: pythia8: PYTHIA8DATA directory (%s) must"
" contain the Index.xml file !", pythia8data);
TString pythia8par = TString::Format("%s/proof/pythia8.par", tutorials.Data());
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(pythia8par.Data())) {
Printf("runProof: pythia8: par file not found (tried %s)", pythia8par.Data());
// Show enabled packages
Printf("runProof: pythia8: check settings:");
proof->Exec(".!echo hostname = `hostname`; echo \"ls pythia8:\"; ls pythia8");
// Loading libraries needed
if (gSystem->Load("libEG.so") < 0) {
Printf("runProof: pythia8: libEG not found \n");
if (gSystem->Load("libEGPythia8.so") < 0) {
Printf("runProof: pythia8: libEGPythia8 not found \n");
// Setting the default number of events, if needed
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 100 : nevt;
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"Pythia01\" nevt= %lld\n", nevt);
// The selector string
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofPythia.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it for nevt times
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), nevt, xopt);
} else if (act == "event") {
if (first > 0)
// Meaningless for this tutorial
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
TString eventpar = TString::Format("%s/proof/event.par", tutorials.Data());
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(eventpar.Data())) {
Printf("runProof: event: par file not found (tried %s)", eventpar.Data());
Printf("Enabled packages...\n");
// Setting the default number of events, if needed
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 100 : nevt;
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"event\" nevt= %lld\n", nevt);
// The selector string
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofEvent.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it for nevt times
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), nevt, xopt);
} else if (act == "eventproc") {
TString eventpar = TString::Format("%s/proof/event.par", tutorials.Data());
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(eventpar.Data())) {
Printf("runProof: eventproc: par file not found (tried %s)", eventpar.Data());
Printf("Enabled packages...\n");
// Load ProcFileElements (to check processed ranges)
TString pfelem = TString::Format("%s/proof/ProcFileElements.C", tutorials.Data());
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(pfelem.Data())) {
Printf("runProof: eventproc: ProcFileElements.C not found (tried %s)", pfelem.Data());
pfelem += aMode;
// Add include to test trasmission
pfelem += TString::Format(",%s/proof/EmptyInclude.h", tutorials.Data());
// Extract the number of files to process, data source and
// other parameters controlling the run ...
Bool_t uneven = kFALSE;
TString aFiles, aDataSrc("http://root.cern.ch/files/data"), aPartitions;
proof->SetParameter("ProofEventProc_Read", "optimized");
while (args.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
// Number of events
if (tok.BeginsWith("files=")) {
aFiles = tok;
if (!aFiles.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: error parsing the 'files=' option (%s) - ignoring", tok.Data());
aFiles = "";
} else if (tok.BeginsWith("datasrc=")) {
if (tok.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: error parsing the 'datasrc=' option (%s) - ignoring", tok.Data());
} else {
aDataSrc = tok;
Printf("runProof: reading files from: %s", aDataSrc.Data());
} else if (tok == "readall") {
proof->SetParameter("ProofEventProc_Read", "readall");
Printf("runProof: eventproc: reading the full event");
} else if (tok == "uneven") {
uneven = kTRUE;
} else if (tok.BeginsWith("partitions=")) {
if (tok.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: error parsing the 'partitions=' option (%s) - ignoring", tok.Data());
} else {
aPartitions = tok;
Printf("runProof: partitions: %s included in packetizer operations", aPartitions.Data());
Int_t nFiles = (aFiles.IsNull()) ? 10 : aFiles.Atoi();
Printf("runProof: found aFiles: '%s', nFiles: %d", aFiles.Data(), nFiles);
if (nFiles > 50) {
Printf("runProof: max number of files is 50 - resizing request");
nFiles = 50;
// We create the chain now
TChain *c = new TChain("EventTree");
if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(aDataSrc, fst) == 0 && R_ISREG(fst.fMode) &&
// It is a local file, we get the TFileCollection and we inject it into the chain
TFileCollection *fc = new TFileCollection("", "", aDataSrc, nFiles);
delete fc;
} else {
// Tokenize the source: if more than 1 we rotate the assignment. More sources can be specified
// separating them by a '|'
TObjArray *dsrcs = aDataSrc.Tokenize("|");
Int_t nds = dsrcs->GetEntries();
// Fill the chain
Int_t i = 1, k = 0;
TString fn;
for (i = 1; i <= nFiles; i++) {
k = (i - 1) % nds;
TObjString *os = (TObjString *) (*dsrcs)[k];
if (os) {
fn.Form("%s/event_%d.root", os->GetName(), i);
if (uneven) {
if ((i - 1)%5 == 0)
c->AddFile(fn.Data(), 50000);
c->AddFile(fn.Data(), 5000);
} else {
delete dsrcs;
// Show the chain
// Only validate the files really needed for the analysis
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_ValidateByFile", 1);
// Send over the partition information, if any
if (!aPartitions.IsNull()) {
aPartitions.ReplaceAll("|", ",");
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_PacketizerPartitions", aPartitions);
// The selector
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofEventProc.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"eventproc\"\n");
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
c->Process(sel.Data(), xopt, nevt, first);
} else if (act == "ntuple") {
// ProofNtuple is an example of non-data driven analysis; it
// creates and fills a disk resident ntuple with automatic file merging
if (first > 0)
// Meaningless for this tutorial
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
// Set the default number of events, if needed
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 1000 : nevt;
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"ntuple\" with nevt= %lld\n", nevt);
// Which randoms to use
Bool_t usentprndm = kFALSE;
while (args.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
if (tok == "inputrndm") {
usentprndm = kTRUE;
if (usentprndm) Printf("runProof: taking randoms from input ntuple\n");
// Output file
TString fout(aOutFile);
if (fout.IsNull()) {
fout.Form("%s/ProofNtuple.root", gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
// Cleanup any existing instance of the output file
if (!isProofLocal) {
// Setup a local basic xrootd to receive the file
Bool_t xrdok = kFALSE;
Int_t port = 9000;
while (port < 9010) {
if (checkXrootdAt(port) != 1) {
if (startXrootdAt(port, gSystem->WorkingDirectory(), kTRUE) == 0) {
xrdok = kTRUE;
if (!xrdok) {
Printf("runProof: could not start basic xrootd on ports 9000-9009 - cannot continue");
fout.Insert(0, TString::Format("root://%s:%d/", TUrl(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostFQDN(), port));
// Make a copy of the files on the master before merging
proof->AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", "LOCAL"));
proof->AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE", fout.Data()));
// If using the 'NtpRndm' for a fixed values of randoms, send over the file
if (usentprndm) {
// The file with 'NtpRndm'
TString fnr = TString::Format("%s/proof/ntprndm.root", tutorials.Data());
// Set as input data
// Set the related parameter
// Notify
Printf("runProof: taking randoms from '%s'", fnr.Data());
// The selector string
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofNtuple.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it for nevt times
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
Printf("runProof: selector file '%s', options: '%s'", sel.Data(), xopt.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), nevt, xopt);
// Reset input variables
if (usentprndm) {
} else if (act == "dataset") {
// This is an example of analysis creating data files on each node which are
// automatically registered as dataset; the newly created dataset is used to create
// the final plots. The data are of the same type as for the 'ntuple' example.
// Selector used: ProofNtuple
if (first > 0)
// Meaningless for this tutorial
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
// Set the default number of events, if needed
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 1000000 : nevt;
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"dataset\" with nevt= %lld\n", nevt);
// Ask for registration of the dataset (the default is the the TFileCollection is return
// without registration; the name of the TFileCollection is the name of the dataset
// Do not plot the ntuple at this level
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_NTUPLE_DONT_PLOT", "");
// The selector string
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofNtuple.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it for nevt times
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), nevt, xopt);
// The TFileCollection must be in the output
if (proof->GetOutputList()->FindObject("testNtuple")) {
// Plot the ntuple via PROOF (example of drawing PROOF actions)
plotNtuple(proof, "testNtuple", "proof ntuple from dataset");
} else {
Printf("runProof: dataset 'testNtuple' not found in the output list");
// Do not plot the ntuple at this level
} else if (act == "friends") {
// This is an example of analysis creating two data files on each node (the main tree
// and its friend) which are then processed as 'friends' to create the final plots.
// Selector used: ProofFriends, ProofAux
if (first > 0)
// Meaningless for this tutorial
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
// Find out whether to use the same file or separate files
Bool_t sameFile = kFALSE;
while (args.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
// Number of histos
if (tok == "samefile") {
sameFile = kTRUE;
// File generation: we use TPacketizerFile in here to create two files per node
TList *wrks = proof->GetListOfSlaveInfos();
if (!wrks) {
Printf("runProof: could not get the list of information about the workers");
// Create the map
TString fntree;
TMap *files = new TMap;
TIter nxwi(wrks);
TSlaveInfo *wi = 0;
while ((wi = (TSlaveInfo *) nxwi())) {
fntree.Form("tree_%s.root", wi->GetOrdinal());
THashList *wrklist = (THashList *) files->GetValue(wi->GetName());
if (!wrklist) {
wrklist = new THashList;
files->Add(new TObjString(wi->GetName()), wrklist);
wrklist->Add(new TObjString(fntree));
// Generate the files
if (sameFile) {
Printf("runProof: friend tree stored in the same file as the main tree");
proof->SetParameter("ProofAux_Action", "GenerateTreesSameFile");
} else {
proof->SetParameter("ProofAux_Action", "GenerateTrees");
// Default 1000 events
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 10000 : nevt;
proof->SetParameter("ProofAux_NEvents", (Long64_t)nevt);
// Special Packetizer
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_Packetizer", "TPacketizerFile");
// Now process
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofAux.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), 1);
// Remove the packetizer specifications
// Print the lists and create the TDSet objects
TDSet *dset = new TDSet("Tmain", "Tmain");
TDSet *dsetf = new TDSet("Tfrnd", "Tfrnd");
if (proof->GetOutputList()) {
TIter nxo(proof->GetOutputList());
TObject *o = 0;
TObjString *os = 0;
while ((o = nxo())) {
TList *l = dynamic_cast<TList *> (o);
if (l && !strncmp(l->GetName(), "MainList-", 9)) {
TIter nxf(l);
while ((os = (TObjString *) nxf()))
while ((o = nxo())) {
TList *l = dynamic_cast<TList *> (o);
if (l && !strncmp(l->GetName(), "FriendList-", 11)) {
TIter nxf(l);
while ((os = (TObjString *) nxf()))
// Process with friends
dset->AddFriend(dsetf, "friend");
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofFriends.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
dset->Process(sel, xopt);
// Clear the files created by this run
} else if (act == "simplefile") {
// ProofSimpleFile is an example of non-data driven analysis with merging
// via file and objcets saved in different directories; it creates and
// fills with random numbers two sets of a given number of histos
if (first > 0)
// Meaningless for this tutorial
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
// Default 100000 events
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 1000000 : nevt;
// Find out the number of histograms
TString aNhist;
while (args.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
// Number of histos
if (tok.BeginsWith("nhist=")) {
aNhist = tok;
if (!aNhist.IsDigit()) {
Printf("runProof: error parsing the 'nhist=' option (%s) - ignoring", tok.Data());
aNhist = "";
Int_t nhist = (aNhist.IsNull()) ? 16 : aNhist.Atoi();
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"simplefile\" with nhist= %d and nevt= %lld\n", nhist, nevt);
// The number of histograms is added as parameter in the input list
proof->SetParameter("ProofSimple_NHist", (Long_t)nhist);
// Output file
TString fout(aOutFile);
if (fout.IsNull()) {
fout.Form("%s/SimpleFile.root", gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
// Cleanup any existing instance of the output file
if (!isProofLocal) {
// Setup a local basic xrootd to receive the file
Bool_t xrdok = kFALSE;
Int_t port = 9000;
while (port < 9010) {
if (checkXrootdAt(port) != 1) {
if (startXrootdAt(port, gSystem->WorkingDirectory(), kTRUE) == 0) {
xrdok = kTRUE;
if (!xrdok) {
Printf("runProof: could not start basic xrootd on ports 9000-9009 - cannot continue");
fout.Insert(0, TString::Format("root://%s:%d/", TUrl(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostFQDN(), port));
// Make a copy of the files on the master before merging
proof->AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE_LOCATION", "LOCAL"));
proof->AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE", fout.Data()));
// The selector string
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofSimpleFile.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
// Run it for nevt times
TString xopt = aFeedback; if (!opt.IsNull()) xopt += TString::Format(" %s", opt.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), nevt, xopt);
} else if (act == "stdvec") {
// This is an example of runnign a TSelector using standard vectors
// Selector used: ProofStdVect
if (first > 0)
// Meaningless for this tutorial
Printf("runProof: %s: warning concept of 'first' meaningless for this tutorial"
" - ignored", act.Data());
// Set the default number of events, if needed
nevt = (nevt < 0) ? 50000 * proof->GetParallel() : nevt;
Printf("\nrunProof: running \"stdvec\" with nevt= %lld\n", nevt);
// The selector string
sel.Form("%s/proof/ProofStdVect.C%s", tutorials.Data(), aMode.Data());
TString xopt;
// Create the dataset 'TestStdVect' with 'nevt' events
xopt.Form("%s %s create", aFeedback.Data(), opt.Data());
proof->Process(sel.Data(), nevt, xopt);
// The dataset must have been registered
if (proof->ExistsDataSet("TestStdVect")) {
// Use dataset 'TestStdVect'
xopt.Form("%s %s", aFeedback.Data(), opt.Data());
proof->Process("TestStdVect", sel.Data(), xopt);
} else {
Printf("runProof: dataset 'TestStdVect' not available!");
} else {
// Do not know what to run
Printf("runProof: unknown tutorial: %s", what);
// Save the performance tree
if (makePerfTree) {
SavePerfTree(proof, aPerfTree.Data());
// Cleanup parameters
void plotNtuple(TProof *p, const char *ds, const char *ntptitle)
// Make some plots from the ntuple 'ntp' via PROOF
// Create a canvas, with 2 pads
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(Form("cv-%s", ds), ntptitle,800,10,700,780);
TPad *pad1 = (TPad *) c1->GetPad(1);
TPad *pad2 = (TPad *) c1->GetPad(2);
// Display a function of one ntuple column imposing a condition
// on another column.
p->SetParameter("PROOF_LineColor", (Int_t)1);
p->SetParameter("PROOF_FillStyle", (Int_t)1001);
p->SetParameter("PROOF_FillColor", (Int_t)45);
p->DrawSelect(ds, "3*px+2","px**2+py**2>1");
p->SetParameter("PROOF_FillColor", (Int_t)38);
p->DrawSelect(ds, "2*px+2","pz>2","same");
p->SetParameter("PROOF_FillColor", (Int_t)5);
p->DrawSelect(ds, "1.3*px+2","(px^2+py^2>4) && py>0","same");
// Display a 3-D scatter plot of 3 columns. Superimpose a different selection.
p->DrawSelect(ds, "pz:py:px","(pz<10 && pz>6)+(pz<4 && pz>3)");
p->SetParameter("PROOF_MarkerColor", (Int_t)4);
p->DrawSelect(ds, "pz:py:px","pz<6 && pz>4","same");
p->SetParameter("PROOF_MarkerColor", (Int_t)5);
p->DrawSelect(ds, "pz:py:px","pz<4 && pz>3","same");
TPaveText *l2 = new TPaveText(0.,0.6,0.9,0.95);
l2->AddText("You can interactively rotate this view in 2 ways:");
l2->AddText(" - With the RotateCube in clicking in this pad");
l2->AddText(" - Selecting View with x3d in the View menu");
// Final update
// Clear parameters used for the plots
void SavePerfTree(TProof *proof, const char *fn)
// Save PROOF timing information from TPerfStats to file 'fn'
if (!proof) {
Printf("PROOF must be run to save output performance information");;
if (!proof->GetOutputList() || proof->GetOutputList()->GetSize() <= 0) {
Printf("PROOF outputlist undefined or empty");;
TFile f(fn, "RECREATE");
if (f.IsZombie()) {
Printf("ERROR: could not open file '%s' for writing", fn);;
} else {
TIter nxo(proof->GetOutputList());
TObject* obj = 0;
while ((obj = nxo())) {
TString objname(obj->GetName());
if (objname.BeginsWith("PROOF_")) {
// Must list the objects since other PROOF_ objects exist
// besides timing objects
if (objname == "PROOF_PerfStats" ||
objname == "PROOF_PacketsHist" ||
objname == "PROOF_EventsHist" ||
objname == "PROOF_NodeHist" ||
objname == "PROOF_LatencyHist" ||
objname == "PROOF_ProcTimeHist" ||
objname == "PROOF_CpuTimeHist")
#define f(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:104
#define c(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:101
const Ssiz_t kNPOS
Definition: RtypesCore.h:111
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
int Ssiz_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:63
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
long long Long64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:69
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
R__EXTERN TEnv * gEnv
Definition: TEnv.h:171
R__EXTERN TProof * gProof
Definition: TProof.h:1077
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
void Printf(const char *fmt,...)
@ kExecutePermission
Definition: TSystem.h:46
@ kReadPermission
Definition: TSystem.h:48
@ kWritePermission
Definition: TSystem.h:47
Bool_t R_ISREG(Int_t mode)
Definition: TSystem.h:119
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
Definition: TSystem.h:560
static struct mg_connection * fc(struct mg_context *ctx)
Definition: civetweb.c:3728
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
Set the fill area color.
Definition: TAttFill.h:37
virtual void SetTextAlign(Short_t align=11)
Set the text alignment.
Definition: TAttText.h:41
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:31
A chain is a collection of files containing TTree objects.
Definition: TChain.h:34
virtual Long64_t Process(const char *filename, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=kMaxEntries, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process all entries in this chain, calling functions in filename.
Definition: TChain.cxx:2213
virtual void SetEntryList(TEntryList *elist, Option_t *opt="")
Set the input entry list (processing the entries of the chain will then be limited to the entries in ...
Definition: TChain.cxx:2648
virtual Int_t Add(TChain *chain)
Add all files referenced by the passed chain to this chain.
Definition: TChain.cxx:223
virtual void SetProof(Bool_t on=kTRUE, Bool_t refresh=kFALSE, Bool_t gettreeheader=kFALSE)
Enable/Disable PROOF processing on the current default Proof (gProof).
Definition: TChain.cxx:2908
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const
List the chain.
Definition: TChain.cxx:1827
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const
Default print for collections, calls Print(option, 1).
void SetName(const char *name)
Definition: TCollection.h:204
virtual void SetOwner(Bool_t enable=kTRUE)
Set whether this collection is the owner (enable==true) of its content.
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Return the capacity of the collection, i.e.
Definition: TCollection.h:182
This class implements a data set to be used for PROOF processing.
Definition: TDSet.h:153
virtual Bool_t Add(const char *file, const char *objname=0, const char *dir=0, Long64_t first=0, Long64_t num=-1, const char *msd=0)
Add file to list of files to be analyzed.
Definition: TDSet.cxx:1052
virtual void AddFriend(TDSet *friendset, const char *alias)
Add friend dataset to this set.
Definition: TDSet.cxx:1335
virtual Long64_t Process(TSelector *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0, TObject *enl=0)
Process TDSet on currently active PROOF session.
Definition: TDSet.cxx:919
A List of entry numbers in a TTree or TChain.
Definition: TEntryList.h:26
virtual void SetDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
Add reference to directory dir. dir can be 0.
virtual void SetValue(const char *name, const char *value, EEnvLevel level=kEnvChange, const char *type=0)
Set the value of a resource or create a new resource.
Definition: TEnv.cxx:736
Class that contains a list of TFileInfo's and accumulated meta data information about its entries.
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format.
Definition: TFile.h:48
THashList implements a hybrid collection class consisting of a hash table and a list to store TObject...
Definition: THashList.h:34
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:44
virtual void Add(TObject *obj)
Definition: TList.h:87
virtual TObject * Remove(TObject *obj)
Remove object from the list.
Definition: TList.cxx:819
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Find an object in this list using its name.
Definition: TList.cxx:575
TMap implements an associative array of (key,value) pairs using a THashTable for efficient retrieval ...
Definition: TMap.h:40
void Add(TObject *obj)
This function may not be used (but we need to provide it since it is a pure virtual in TCollection).
Definition: TMap.cxx:53
TObject * GetValue(const char *keyname) const
Returns a pointer to the value associated with keyname as name of the key.
Definition: TMap.cxx:235
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:29
An array of TObjects.
Definition: TObjArray.h:37
Int_t GetEntries() const
Return the number of objects in array (i.e.
Definition: TObjArray.cxx:522
Collectable string class.
Definition: TObjString.h:28
const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TObjString.h:38
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
virtual Int_t Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
Write this object to the current directory.
Definition: TObject.cxx:785
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TObject.cxx:357
The most important graphics class in the ROOT system.
Definition: TPad.h:29
virtual void SetLogy(Int_t value=1)
Set Lin/Log scale for Y.
Definition: TPad.cxx:5864
virtual void RedrawAxis(Option_t *option="")
Redraw the frame axis Redrawing axis may be necessary in case of superimposed histograms when one or ...
Definition: TPad.cxx:5245
virtual void SetGrid(Int_t valuex=1, Int_t valuey=1)
Definition: TPad.h:330
TVirtualPad * cd(Int_t subpadnumber=0)
Set Current pad.
Definition: TPad.cxx:591
TFrame * GetFrame()
Get frame.
Definition: TPad.cxx:2841
A Pave (see TPave) with text, lines or/and boxes inside.
Definition: TPaveText.h:21
virtual TText * AddText(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, const char *label)
Add a new Text line to this pavetext at given coordinates.
Definition: TPaveText.cxx:182
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this pavetext with its current attributes.
Definition: TPaveText.cxx:233
This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster.
Definition: TProof.h:316
const char * GetSessionTag() const
Definition: TProof.h:909
Int_t Exec(const char *cmd, ESlaves list, Bool_t plusMaster)
Send command to be executed on the PROOF master and/or slaves.
Definition: TProof.cxx:6506
Int_t UploadPackage(const char *par, EUploadPackageOpt opt=kUntar, TList *workers=0)
Upload a PROOF archive (PAR file).
Definition: TProof.cxx:8414
void ClearData(UInt_t what=kUnregistered, const char *dsname=0)
Remove files for the data directory.
Definition: TProof.cxx:7385
Int_t SetParallel(Int_t nodes=-1, Bool_t random=kFALSE)
Tell PROOF how many slaves to use in parallel.
Definition: TProof.cxx:7113
static void AddEnvVar(const char *name, const char *value)
Add an variable to the list of environment variables passed to proofserv on the master and slaves.
Definition: TProof.cxx:11733
@ kUnregistered
Definition: TProof.h:387
@ kForceClear
Definition: TProof.h:389
void DeleteParameters(const char *wildcard)
Delete the input list parameters specified by a wildcard (e.g.
Definition: TProof.cxx:9906
void SetInputDataFile(const char *datafile)
Set the file to be used to optimally distribute the input data objects.
Definition: TProof.cxx:9558
void SetParameter(const char *par, const char *value)
Set input list parameter.
Definition: TProof.cxx:9795
Int_t GetParallel() const
Returns number of slaves active in parallel mode.
Definition: TProof.cxx:2283
virtual Long64_t DrawSelect(TDSet *dset, const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Execute the specified drawing action on a data set (TDSet).
Definition: TProof.cxx:6119
virtual Int_t Load(const char *macro, Bool_t notOnClient=kFALSE, Bool_t uniqueOnly=kTRUE, TList *wrks=0)
Load the specified macro on master, workers and, if notOnClient is kFALSE, on the client.
Definition: TProof.cxx:8601
Bool_t IsLite() const
Definition: TProof.h:933
TList * GetOutputList()
Get list with all object created during processing (see Process()).
Definition: TProof.cxx:9781
void ClearInputData(TObject *obj=0)
Remove obj form the input data list; if obj is null (default), clear the input data info.
Definition: TProof.cxx:9511
TList * GetListOfSlaveInfos()
Returns list of TSlaveInfo's. In case of error return 0.
Definition: TProof.cxx:2300
void SetLogLevel(Int_t level, UInt_t mask=TProofDebug::kAll)
Set server logging level.
Definition: TProof.cxx:7052
virtual Long64_t Process(TDSet *dset, const char *selector, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0)
Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector (.C) file or Tselector object Entry- or event...
Definition: TProof.cxx:5276
virtual Bool_t ExistsDataSet(const char *dataset)
Returns kTRUE if 'dataset' exists, kFALSE otherwise.
Definition: TProof.cxx:10841
void AddInput(TObject *obj)
Add objects that might be needed during the processing of the selector (see Process()).
Definition: TProof.cxx:9707
TList * GetInputList()
Get input list.
Definition: TProof.cxx:9726
void ShowEnabledPackages(Bool_t all=kFALSE)
List which packages are enabled.
Definition: TProof.cxx:7791
Int_t EnablePackage(const char *package, Bool_t notOnClient=kFALSE, TList *workers=0)
Enable specified package.
Definition: TProof.cxx:8148
const char * GetOrdinal() const
Definition: TProof.h:232
const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TProof.h:231
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
Int_t Atoi() const
Return integer value of string.
Definition: TString.cxx:1921
Bool_t EndsWith(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Return true if string ends with the specified string.
Definition: TString.cxx:2177
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:364
Bool_t IsDigit() const
Returns true if all characters in string are digits (0-9) or white spaces, i.e.
Definition: TString.cxx:1763
TString & ReplaceAll(const TString &s1, const TString &s2)
Definition: TString.h:687
@ kTrailing
Definition: TString.h:262
Bool_t BeginsWith(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:610
Bool_t IsNull() const
Definition: TString.h:402
TString & Remove(Ssiz_t pos)
Definition: TString.h:668
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString.
Definition: TString.cxx:2311
void Form(const char *fmt,...)
Formats a string using a printf style format descriptor.
Definition: TString.cxx:2289
Ssiz_t Index(const char *pat, Ssiz_t i=0, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:634
virtual Bool_t ExpandPathName(TString &path)
Expand a pathname getting rid of special shell characters like ~.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1265
virtual const char * DirName(const char *pathname)
Return the directory name in pathname.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1014
virtual const char * Getenv(const char *env)
Get environment variable.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1653
virtual int mkdir(const char *name, Bool_t recursive=kFALSE)
Make a file system directory.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:914
virtual int Load(const char *module, const char *entry="", Bool_t system=kFALSE)
Load a shared library.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1845
int GetPathInfo(const char *path, Long_t *id, Long_t *size, Long_t *flags, Long_t *modtime)
Get info about a file: id, size, flags, modification time.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1389
virtual Bool_t AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode=kFileExists)
Returns FALSE if one can access a file using the specified access mode.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1287
virtual const char * HostName()
Return the system's host name.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:313
virtual const char * WorkingDirectory()
Return working directory.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:879
virtual char * Which(const char *search, const char *file, EAccessMode mode=kFileExists)
Find location of file in a search path.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1537
virtual Int_t GetUid(const char *user=0)
Returns the user's id. If user = 0, returns current user's id.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1550
virtual void Setenv(const char *name, const char *value)
Set environment variable.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1637
virtual int Unlink(const char *name)
Unlink, i.e.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1372
virtual UserGroup_t * GetUserInfo(Int_t uid)
Returns all user info in the UserGroup_t structure.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1589
virtual const char * TempDirectory() const
Return a user configured or systemwide directory to create temporary files in.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1473
This class represents a WWW compatible URL.
Definition: TUrl.h:35
const char * GetHostFQDN() const
Return fully qualified domain name of url host.
Definition: TUrl.cxx:467
Attaches to a PROOF session, possibly at the indicated URL.
return c1
Definition: legend1.C:41
static constexpr double us
Definition: first.py:1
Int_t fMode
Definition: TSystem.h:128
TString fUser
Definition: TSystem.h:142
auto * l
Definition: textangle.C:4
Gerardo Ganis

Definition in file runProof.C.