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1// @(#)root/gl:$Id$
2// Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12#ifndef ROOT_TGLViewer
13#define ROOT_TGLViewer
15#include "TGLViewerBase.h"
16#include "TGLRnrCtx.h"
17#include "TGLSelectRecord.h"
19#include "TVirtualViewer3D.h"
20#include "TBuffer3D.h"
23#include "TGLOrthoCamera.h"
24#include "TGLClip.h"
26#include "TTimer.h"
27#include "TPoint.h"
29#include "TGEventHandler.h"
31#include "GuiTypes.h"
32#include "TQObject.h"
34#include <vector>
36class TGLSceneBase;
37class TGLRedrawTimer;
38class TGLViewerEditor;
39class TGLWidget;
40class TGLLightSet;
41class TGLClipSet;
42class TGLManipSet;
45class TGLAutoRotator;
46class TTimer;
47class TImage;
49class TContextMenu;
50class TGedEditor;
51class TGLPShapeObj;
54 public TGLViewerBase,
55 public TQObject
58 friend class TGLOutput;
59 friend class TGLEventHandler;
60 friend class TGLAutoRotator;
67 enum ESecSelType { // When to do secondary-selection:
68 kOnRequest, // - on request - when Mod1 is pressed or logical-shape requests it;
69 kOnKeyMod1 // - only when Mod1 is pressed.
70 };
73 TGLViewer(const TGLViewer &); // Not implemented
74 TGLViewer & operator=(const TGLViewer &); // Not implemented
79 // External handles
80 TVirtualPad *fPad; //! external pad - remove replace with signal
82 // GUI Handles
85 // Cameras
86 // TODO: Put in vector and allow external creation
101 // Stereo
102 Bool_t fStereo; //! use stereo rendering
103 Bool_t fStereoQuadBuf; //! draw quad buffer or left/right stereo in left/right half of window
104 Float_t fStereoZeroParallax; //! position of zero-parallax plane: 0 - near clipping plane, 1 - far clipping plane
108 // Lights
110 // Clipping
112 // Selected physical
113 TGLSelectRecord fCurrentSelRec; //! select record in use as selected
114 TGLSelectRecord fSelRec; //! select record from last select (should go to context)
115 TGLSelectRecord fSecSelRec; //! select record from last secondary select (should go to context)
117 // Overlay
118 TGLOverlayElement *fCurrentOvlElm; //! current overlay element
119 TGLOvlSelectRecord fOvlSelRec; //! select record from last overlay select
121 TGEventHandler *fEventHandler; //! event handler
122 TGedEditor *fGedEditor; //! GED editor
125 // Mouse ineraction
136 // Redraw timer
137 TGLRedrawTimer *fRedrawTimer; //! timer for triggering redraws
138 Float_t fMaxSceneDrawTimeHQ; //! max time for scene rendering at high LOD (in ms)
139 Float_t fMaxSceneDrawTimeLQ; //! max time for scene rendering at high LOD (in ms)
141 TGLRect fViewport; //! viewport - drawn area
142 TGLColorSet fDarkColorSet; //! color-set with dark background
143 TGLColorSet fLightColorSet; //! color-set with light background
144 Float_t fPointScale; //! size scale for points
145 Float_t fLineScale; //! width scale for lines
146 Bool_t fSmoothPoints; //! smooth point edge rendering
147 Bool_t fSmoothLines; //! smooth line edge rendering
148 Int_t fAxesType; //! axes type
149 Bool_t fAxesDepthTest; //! remove guides hidden-lines
150 Bool_t fReferenceOn; //! reference marker on?
151 TGLVertex3 fReferencePos; //! reference position
152 Bool_t fDrawCameraCenter; //! reference marker on?
153 TGLCameraOverlay *fCameraOverlay; //! markup size of viewport in scene units
155 Bool_t fSmartRefresh; //! cache logicals during scene rebuilds
157 // Debug tracing (for scene rebuilds)
158 Bool_t fDebugMode; //! debug mode (forced rebuild + draw scene/frustum/interest boxes)
160 TString fPictureFileName; //! default file-name for SavePicture()
161 Float_t fFader; //! fade the view (0 - no fade/default, 1 - full fade/no rendering done)
163 static TGLColorSet fgDefaultColorSet; //! a shared, default color-set
164 static Bool_t fgUseDefaultColorSetForNewViewers; //! name says it all
167 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
168 // Methods
169 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171 virtual void SetupClipObject();
173 // Drawing - can tidy up/remove lots when TGLManager added
174 void InitGL();
175 void PreDraw();
176 void PostDraw();
177 void FadeView(Float_t alpha);
178 void MakeCurrent() const;
179 void SwapBuffers() const;
181 // Cameras
182 void SetViewport(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t width, Int_t height);
183 void SetViewport(const TGLRect& vp);
184 void SetupCameras(Bool_t reset);
188 Int_t fGLDevice; //!for embedded gl viewer
189 TGLContextIdentity *fGLCtxId; //!for embedded gl viewer
191 // Updata/camera-reset behaviour
192 Bool_t fIgnoreSizesOnUpdate; // ignore sizes of bounding-boxes on update
193 Bool_t fResetCamerasOnUpdate; // reposition camera on each update
194 Bool_t fResetCamerasOnNextUpdate; // reposition camera on next update
199 virtual ~TGLViewer();
201 // TVirtualViewer3D interface ... mostly a facade
203 // Forward to TGLScenePad
204 virtual Bool_t CanLoopOnPrimitives() const { return kTRUE; }
205 virtual void PadPaint(TVirtualPad* pad);
206 // Actually used by GL-in-pad
207 virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py);
208 virtual void ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py);
209 // Only implemented because they're abstract ... should throw an
210 // exception or assert they are not called.
211 virtual Bool_t PreferLocalFrame() const { return kTRUE; }
212 virtual void BeginScene() {}
213 virtual Bool_t BuildingScene() const { return kFALSE; }
214 virtual void EndScene() {}
215 virtual Int_t AddObject(const TBuffer3D&, Bool_t* = 0) { return TBuffer3D::kNone; }
216 virtual Int_t AddObject(UInt_t, const TBuffer3D&, Bool_t* = 0) { return TBuffer3D::kNone; }
217 virtual Bool_t OpenComposite(const TBuffer3D&, Bool_t* = 0) { return kFALSE; }
218 virtual void CloseComposite() {}
219 virtual void AddCompositeOp(UInt_t) {}
221 virtual void PrintObjects();
222 virtual void ResetCameras() { SetupCameras(kTRUE); }
227 virtual void CreateGLWidget() {}
228 virtual void DestroyGLWidget() {}
230 Int_t GetDev() const { return fGLDevice; }
232 void SetSmartRefresh(Bool_t smart_ref) { fSmartRefresh = smart_ref; }
237 void UseDarkColorSet();
238 void UseLightColorSet();
239 void SwitchColorSet();
243 Bool_t IsColorSetDark() const;
245 void SetClearColor(Color_t col);
251 const TGLRect& RefViewport() const { return fViewport; }
255 Float_t GetLineScale() const { return fLineScale; }
263 TGLLightSet* GetLightSet() const { return fLightSet; }
264 TGLClipSet * GetClipSet() const { return fClipSet; }
268 // External GUI component interface
271 void SetCurrentCamera(ECameraType camera);
272 void SetOrthoCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t zoom, Double_t dolly,
273 Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate);
274 void SetPerspectiveCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t fov, Double_t dolly,
275 Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate);
276 void ReinitializeCurrentCamera(const TGLVector3& hAxis, const TGLVector3& vAxis, Bool_t redraw=kTRUE);
277 void GetGuideState(Int_t & axesType, Bool_t & axesDepthTest, Bool_t & referenceOn, Double_t* referencePos) const;
278 void SetGuideState(Int_t axesType, Bool_t axesDepthTest, Bool_t referenceOn, const Double_t* referencePos);
288 // Stereo
289 Bool_t GetStereo() const { return fStereo; }
294 void SetStereo(Bool_t stereo, Bool_t quad_buf=kTRUE);
299 // Push / drag action
303 const TGLPhysicalShape * GetSelected() const;
306 // Draw and selection
308 // Scene rendering timeouts
314 // Request methods post cross thread request via TROOT::ProcessLineFast().
315 void RequestDraw(Short_t LOD = TGLRnrCtx::kLODMed); // Cross thread draw request
316 virtual void PreRender();
317 virtual void Render();
318 virtual void PostRender();
319 void DoDraw(Bool_t swap_buffers=kTRUE);
320 void DoDrawMono(Bool_t swap_buffers);
321 void DoDrawStereo(Bool_t swap_buffers);
323 void DrawGuides();
324 void DrawDebugInfo();
326 Bool_t RequestSelect(Int_t x, Int_t y); // Cross thread select request
327 Bool_t DoSelect(Int_t x, Int_t y); // First level selecton (shapes/objects).
328 Bool_t RequestSecondarySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y); // Cross thread secondary select request
329 Bool_t DoSecondarySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y); // Second level selecton (inner structure).
330 void ApplySelection();
332 Bool_t RequestOverlaySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y); // Cross thread select request
333 Bool_t DoOverlaySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y); // Window coords origin top left
335 // Saving of screen image
337 Bool_t SavePicture(const TString &fileName);
338 Bool_t SavePictureUsingBB (const TString &fileName);
339 Bool_t SavePictureUsingFBO(const TString &fileName, Int_t w, Int_t h, Float_t pixel_object_scale=0);
340 Bool_t SavePictureWidth (const TString &fileName, Int_t width, Bool_t pixel_object_scale=kTRUE);
341 Bool_t SavePictureHeight(const TString &fileName, Int_t height, Bool_t pixel_object_scale=kTRUE);
342 Bool_t SavePictureScale (const TString &fileName, Float_t scale, Bool_t pixel_object_scale=kTRUE);
344 // Methods returning screen image
346 TImage* GetPictureUsingFBO(Int_t w, Int_t h,Float_t pixel_object_scale=0);
348 const char* GetPictureFileName() const { return fPictureFileName.Data(); }
350 Float_t GetFader() const { return fFader; }
351 void SetFader(Float_t x) { fFader = x; }
352 void AutoFade(Float_t fade, Float_t time=1, Int_t steps=10);
354 // Update/camera-reset
355 void UpdateScene(Bool_t redraw=kTRUE);
358 void ResetCurrentCamera();
362 virtual void PostSceneBuildSetup(Bool_t resetCameras);
364 virtual void Activated() { Emit("Activated()"); } // *SIGNAL*
366 virtual void MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape*,UInt_t,UInt_t); // *SIGNAL*
367 virtual void MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*); // *SIGNAL*
368 virtual void MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape*, UInt_t state); // *SIGNAL*
369 virtual void MouseOver(TObject *obj, UInt_t state); // *SIGNAL*
370 virtual void ReMouseOver(TObject *obj, UInt_t state); // *SIGNAL*
371 virtual void UnMouseOver(TObject *obj, UInt_t state); // *SIGNAL*
373 virtual void Clicked(TObject *obj); //*SIGNAL*
374 virtual void Clicked(TObject *obj, UInt_t button, UInt_t state); //*SIGNAL*
375 virtual void ReClicked(TObject *obj, UInt_t button, UInt_t state); //*SIGNAL*
376 virtual void UnClicked(TObject *obj, UInt_t button, UInt_t state); //*SIGNAL*
377 virtual void DoubleClicked() { Emit("DoubleClicked()"); } // *SIGNAL*
380 virtual void SetEventHandler(TGEventHandler *handler);
382 TGedEditor* GetGedEditor() const { return fGedEditor; }
383 virtual void SetGedEditor(TGedEditor* ed) { fGedEditor = ed; }
385 virtual void SelectionChanged();
386 virtual void OverlayDragFinished();
387 virtual void RefreshPadEditor(TObject* obj=0);
389 virtual void RemoveOverlayElement(TGLOverlayElement* el);
394 void ClearCurrentOvlElm();
396 ClassDef(TGLViewer,0) // Standard ROOT GL viewer.
401// TODO: Find a better place/way to do this
402class TGLRedrawTimer : public TTimer
410 fViewer(viewer), fRedrawLOD(TGLRnrCtx::kLODHigh), fPending(kFALSE) {}
412 void RequestDraw(Int_t milliSec, Short_t redrawLOD)
413 {
414 if (fPending) TurnOff(); else fPending = kTRUE;
415 if (redrawLOD < fRedrawLOD) fRedrawLOD = redrawLOD;
416 TTimer::Start(milliSec, kTRUE);
417 }
418 Bool_t IsPending() const { return fPending; }
419 virtual void Stop()
420 {
421 if (fPending) { TurnOff(); fPending = kFALSE; }
422 }
424 {
425 TurnOff();
429 return kTRUE;
430 }
435 TGLFaderHelper(const TGLFaderHelper&); // Not implemented
436 TGLFaderHelper& operator=(const TGLFaderHelper&); // Not implemented
445 fViewer(0), fFadeTarget(0), fTime(0), fNSteps(0) {}
447 fViewer(v),fFadeTarget(fade), fTime(time), fNSteps(steps) {}
448 virtual ~TGLFaderHelper() {}
450 void MakeFadeStep();
455#endif // ROOT_TGLViewer
#define f(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:104
#define h(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:106
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
short Short_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:35
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
short Color_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:79
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:326
include TDocParser_001 C image html pict1_TDocParser_001 png width
Definition: TDocParser.cxx:121
Generic 3D primitive description class.
Definition: TBuffer3D.h:18
This class provides an interface to context sensitive popup menus.
Definition: TContextMenu.h:40
Automatically rotates GL camera.
A GL overlay element which displays camera furstum.
Abstract base camera class - concrete classes for orthographic and perspective cameras derive from it...
Definition: TGLCamera.h:44
A collection of concrete TGLClip objects to be selected from.
Definition: TGLClip.h:140
void SetAutoUpdate(Bool_t aup)
Definition: TGLClip.h:189
Bool_t GetAutoUpdate() const
Definition: TGLClip.h:188
Class encapsulating a set of colors used throughout standard rendering.
Definition: TGLUtil.h:835
Identifier of a shared GL-context.
Definition: TGLContext.h:81
Base-class and default implementation of event-handler for TGLViewer.
TGLFaderHelper(TGLViewer *v, Float_t fade, Float_t time, Int_t steps)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:446
void MakeFadeStep()
Make one fading step and request redraw.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1581
Float_t fFadeTarget
Definition: TGLViewer.h:440
Float_t fTime
Definition: TGLViewer.h:441
virtual ~TGLFaderHelper()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:448
TGLViewer * fViewer
Definition: TGLViewer.h:439
TGLFaderHelper(const TGLFaderHelper &)
TGLFaderHelper & operator=(const TGLFaderHelper &)
Encapsulates a set of lights for OpenGL.
Definition: TGLLightSet.h:22
Combine all available manipulators in a collection.
Definition: TGLManipSet.h:23
Orthographic projection camera.
Wrapper class for GL capture & output routines.
Definition: TGLOutput.h:26
An overlay element.
Definition: TGLOverlay.h:23
Selection record for overlay objects.
Wrap TGLPysicalShape into TObject so that it can be edited using GED.
Definition: TGLPShapeObj.h:21
Perspective projection camera - with characteristic foreshortening.
Concrete physical shape - a GL drawable.
Viewport (pixel base) 2D rectangle class.
Definition: TGLUtil.h:421
Int_t Diagonal() const
Return the diagonal of the rectangle.
Definition: TGLUtil.cxx:287
TGLRedrawTimer(TGLViewer &viewer)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:409
Bool_t fPending
Definition: TGLViewer.h:407
Short_t fRedrawLOD
Definition: TGLViewer.h:406
Bool_t Notify()
Notify when timer times out.
Definition: TGLViewer.h:423
virtual void Stop()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:419
TGLViewer & fViewer
Definition: TGLViewer.h:405
Bool_t IsPending() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:418
void RequestDraw(Int_t milliSec, Short_t redrawLOD)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:412
The TGLRnrCtx class aggregates data for a given redering context as needed by various parts of the RO...
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:41
@ kLODHigh
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:67
TGLColorSet * GetBaseColorSet()
Returns the current base color-set.
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:314
Scene base-class – provides basic interface expected by the TGLViewer or its sub-classes:
Definition: TGLSceneBase.h:33
Standard selection record including information about containing scene and details ob out selected ob...
3 component (x/y/z) vector class.
Definition: TGLUtil.h:247
3 component (x/y/z) vertex class.
Definition: TGLUtil.h:83
Base class for GL viewers.
Definition: TGLViewerBase.h:37
TGLRnrCtx * fRnrCtx
Definition: TGLViewerBase.h:62
Short_t LOD() const
GUI editor for TGLViewer.
Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL.
Definition: TGLViewer.h:57
TGLRedrawTimer * fRedrawTimer
Definition: TGLViewer.h:137
virtual void MouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape *)
Emit MouseOver signal.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2097
void SetDrawCameraCenter(Bool_t x)
Draw camera look at and rotation point.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2076
TGLAutoRotator * fAutoRotator
Definition: TGLViewer.h:99
EPushAction fPushAction
Definition: TGLViewer.h:133
Float_t fLineScale
size scale for points
Definition: TGLViewer.h:145
void FadeView(Float_t alpha)
Draw a rectangle (background color and given alpha) across the whole viewport.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1254
Bool_t SavePictureScale(const TString &fileName, Float_t scale, Bool_t pixel_object_scale=kTRUE)
Save picture with given scale to current window size.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1146
TGLCamera * fCurrentCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:98
void SetMaxSceneDrawTimeLQ(Float_t t)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:312
TGLCameraOverlay * fCameraOverlay
reference marker on?
Definition: TGLViewer.h:153
void SetStereoFrustumAsymFac(Float_t f)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:297
virtual void Activated()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:364
virtual void RefreshPadEditor(TObject *obj=0)
Update GED editor if it is set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2278
TGLOvlSelectRecord & GetOvlSelRec()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:392
Bool_t fAxesDepthTest
axes type
Definition: TGLViewer.h:149
virtual void SetEventHandler(TGEventHandler *handler)
Set the event-handler.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2293
Float_t GetStereoEyeOffsetFac() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:291
TGLPerspectiveCamera fPerspectiveCameraYOZ
Definition: TGLViewer.h:88
EPushAction GetPushAction() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:300
TGEventHandler * GetEventHandler() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:379
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoXOYCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:90
TGLSelectRecord fSelRec
select record in use as selected
Definition: TGLViewer.h:114
TGLColorSet & RefLightColorSet()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:235
void SetFader(Float_t x)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:351
Bool_t GetSmoothPoints() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:258
virtual void ReMouseOver(TObject *obj, UInt_t state)
Emit MouseOver signal.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2127
TImage * GetPictureUsingFBO(Int_t w, Int_t h, Float_t pixel_object_scale=0)
Returns current image.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1034
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoXnOZCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:95
static TGLColorSet & GetDefaultColorSet()
Returns reference to the default color-set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1683
virtual void RemoveOverlayElement(TGLOverlayElement *el)
Remove overlay element.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2306
void InitGL()
Initialise GL state.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:411
TGLCameraOverlay * GetCameraOverlay() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:283
virtual void SetupClipObject()
name says it all
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:470
void SetAutoRotator(TGLAutoRotator *ar)
Set the auto-rotator for this viewer. The old rotator is deleted.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2011
virtual Int_t AddObject(UInt_t, const TBuffer3D &, Bool_t *=0)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:216
Bool_t GetSmoothLines() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:259
virtual void Clicked(TObject *obj)
Emit Clicked signal.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2150
Int_t GetDev() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:230
void MakeCurrent() const
Make GL context current.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1279
Bool_t fIsPrinting
debug mode (forced rebuild + draw scene/frustum/interest boxes)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:159
static TGLColorSet fgDefaultColorSet
fade the view (0 - no fade/default, 1 - full fade/no rendering done)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:163
Float_t GetStereoZeroParallax() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:290
Float_t GetMaxSceneDrawTimeLQ() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:310
TGEventHandler * fEventHandler
select record from last overlay select
Definition: TGLViewer.h:121
EDragAction GetDragAction() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:301
Bool_t GetDrawCameraCenter()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:280
TGLPerspectiveCamera fPerspectiveCameraXOY
Definition: TGLViewer.h:89
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoZnOYCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:96
@ kPushCamCenter
Definition: TGLViewer.h:128
@ kPushAnnotate
Definition: TGLViewer.h:128
TGLRect fViewport
max time for scene rendering at high LOD (in ms)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:141
virtual void SelectionChanged()
Update GUI components for embedded viewer selection change.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2247
void SetCameraOverlay(TGLCameraOverlay *m)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:284
virtual void UnClicked(TObject *obj, UInt_t button, UInt_t state)
Emit UnClicked signal with button id and modifier state.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2183
void SetPerspectiveCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t fov, Double_t dolly, Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate)
Set a perspective camera to supplied configuration - note this does not need to be the current camera...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1949
TGLVertex3 fReferencePos
reference marker on?
Definition: TGLViewer.h:151
Bool_t RequestOverlaySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y)
Post request for secondary selection rendering of selected object around the window point (x,...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1491
Float_t GetPointScale() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:254
static Bool_t IsUsingDefaultColorSetForNewViewers()
Returns the value of the static flag that determines if new viewers should use the default color-set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1703
Int_t ViewportDiagonal() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:252
virtual void MouseIdle(TGLPhysicalShape *, UInt_t, UInt_t)
Emit MouseIdle signal.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2195
virtual void ResetCameras()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:222
Bool_t SavePictureWidth(const TString &fileName, Int_t width, Bool_t pixel_object_scale=kTRUE)
Save picture with given width (height scaled proportionally).
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1118
void DoDrawStereo(Bool_t swap_buffers)
Draw out in stereoscopic mode.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:660
void RequestDraw(Short_t LOD=TGLRnrCtx::kLODMed)
Post request for redraw of viewer at level of detail 'LOD' Request is directed via cross thread gVirt...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:440
void SetGuideState(Int_t axesType, Bool_t axesDepthTest, Bool_t referenceOn, const Double_t *referencePos)
Set the state of guides (axes & reference markers) from arguments.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2061
void DoDraw(Bool_t swap_buffers=kTRUE)
Draw out the viewer.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:550
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoZOYCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:92
virtual void CreateGLWidget()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:227
void SwitchColorSet()
Switch between dark and light colorsets.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1635
EDragAction fDragAction
Definition: TGLViewer.h:134
virtual void PadPaint(TVirtualPad *pad)
Entry point for updating viewer contents via VirtualViewer3D interface.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:306
TGLPShapeObj * fPShapeWrap
GED editor.
Definition: TGLViewer.h:123
TGLSelectRecord fSecSelRec
select record from last select (should go to context)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:115
@ kOnRequest
Definition: TGLViewer.h:68
@ kOnKeyMod1
Definition: TGLViewer.h:69
TGLWidget * fGLWidget
Definition: TGLViewer.h:187
TGLLightSet * GetLightSet() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:263
void DrawDebugInfo()
If in debug mode draw camera aids and overall bounding box.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1193
void SetSmartRefresh(Bool_t smart_ref)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:232
void SetIgnoreSizesOnUpdate(Bool_t v)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:357
void AutoFade(Float_t fade, Float_t time=1, Int_t steps=10)
Animate fading from current value to fade over given time (sec) and number of steps.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1608
Bool_t fReferenceOn
remove guides hidden-lines
Definition: TGLViewer.h:150
TGLCamera & CurrentCamera() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:269
void SetCurrentCamera(ECameraType camera)
Set current active camera - 'cameraType' one of: kCameraPerspX, kCameraPerspY, kCameraPerspZ,...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1794
void SetupCameras(Bool_t reset)
Setup cameras for current bounding box.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:369
virtual Bool_t PreferLocalFrame() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:211
Float_t GetStereoFrustumAsymFac() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:292
Bool_t fResetCamerasOnUpdate
Definition: TGLViewer.h:193
virtual void CloseComposite()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:218
virtual void PrintObjects()
Pass viewer for print capture by TGLOutput.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2239
void SetStereoEyeOffsetFac(Float_t f)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:296
Int_t fAxesType
smooth line edge rendering
Definition: TGLViewer.h:148
TGLClipSet * GetClipSet() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:264
void SetStereo(Bool_t stereo, Bool_t quad_buf=kTRUE)
Enable stereo rendering.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2026
virtual void ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Process event of type 'event' - one of EEventType types, occurring at window location px,...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2230
TImage * GetPictureUsingBB()
Returns current image.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:987
virtual Int_t AddObject(const TBuffer3D &, Bool_t *=0)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:215
TGLColorSet & RefDarkColorSet()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:234
virtual void DestroyGLWidget()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:228
TGLCamera & RefCamera(ECameraType camera)
Return camera reference by type.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1756
TContextMenu * fContextMenu
external pad - remove replace with signal
Definition: TGLViewer.h:83
void UseLightColorSet()
Use the light color-set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1626
Bool_t IsUsingDefaultColorSet() const
Check if the viewer is using the default color set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1665
Bool_t DoSelect(Int_t x, Int_t y)
Perform GL selection, picking objects overlapping WINDOW area described by 'rect'.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1330
void PreDraw()
Perform GL work which must be done before each draw.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1219
Float_t fStereoZeroParallax
draw quad buffer or left/right stereo in left/right half of window
Definition: TGLViewer.h:104
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
Calculate and return pixel distance to nearest viewer object from window location px,...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2217
virtual void Render()
Normal rendering, used by mono and stereo rendering.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:519
virtual void PostSceneBuildSetup(Bool_t resetCameras)
Perform post scene-build setup.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:394
TGedEditor * GetGedEditor() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:382
Float_t fStereoEyeOffsetFac
position of zero-parallax plane: 0 - near clipping plane, 1 - far clipping plane
Definition: TGLViewer.h:105
virtual ~TGLViewer()
Destroy viewer object.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:276
Bool_t SavePictureUsingBB(const TString &fileName)
Save current image in various formats (gif, gif+, jpg, png).
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:836
Bool_t SavePicture()
Save current image using the default file name which can be set via SetPictureFileName() and defaults...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:785
virtual void AddCompositeOp(UInt_t)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:219
Float_t fFader
default file-name for SavePicture()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:161
void SetSmoothPoints(Bool_t s)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:260
virtual void PostRender()
Restore state set in PreRender().
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:539
@ kDragCameraTruck
Definition: TGLViewer.h:130
@ kDragCameraRotate
Definition: TGLViewer.h:130
@ kDragOverlay
Definition: TGLViewer.h:131
@ kDragCameraDolly
Definition: TGLViewer.h:130
void UpdateScene(Bool_t redraw=kTRUE)
Force update of pad-scenes.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:338
void SetLineScale(Float_t s)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:257
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoZOXCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:93
Bool_t GetStereo() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:289
Bool_t SavePictureUsingFBO(const TString &fileName, Int_t w, Int_t h, Float_t pixel_object_scale=0)
Save current image in various formats (gif, gif+, jpg, png).
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:893
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoXOZCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:91
Bool_t GetClipAutoUpdate() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:265
virtual Bool_t CanLoopOnPrimitives() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:204
virtual void OverlayDragFinished()
An overlay operation can result in change to an object.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2267
TGLOverlayElement * GetCurrentOvlElm() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:393
void SetMaxSceneDrawTimeHQ(Float_t t)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:311
Bool_t SavePictureHeight(const TString &fileName, Int_t height, Bool_t pixel_object_scale=kTRUE)
Save picture with given height (width scaled proportionally).
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1132
void SetOrthoCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t zoom, Double_t dolly, Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate)
Set an orthographic camera to supplied configuration - note this does not need to be the current came...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1894
void DrawGuides()
Draw reference marker and coordinate axes.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1158
void SetPointScale(Float_t s)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:256
const TGLRect & RefViewport() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:251
void UseDefaultColorSet(Bool_t x)
Set usage of the default color set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1652
void SetStereoZeroParallax(Float_t f)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:295
virtual void EndScene()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:214
Float_t fMaxSceneDrawTimeHQ
timer for triggering redraws
Definition: TGLViewer.h:138
Bool_t RequestSecondarySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y)
Request secondary select.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1384
TGedEditor * fGedEditor
event handler
Definition: TGLViewer.h:122
TGLSelectRecord & GetSelRec()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:391
void SetViewport(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t width, Int_t height)
Set viewer viewport (window area) with bottom/left at (x,y), with dimensions 'width'/'height'.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1724
Bool_t GetSmartRefresh() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:231
Float_t fPointScale
color-set with light background
Definition: TGLViewer.h:144
TGLColorSet fLightColorSet
color-set with dark background
Definition: TGLViewer.h:143
TGLClipSet * fClipSet
Definition: TGLViewer.h:111
void SetSmoothLines(Bool_t s)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:261
TGLViewer & operator=(const TGLViewer &)
Bool_t fStereo
Definition: TGLViewer.h:102
virtual void PreRender()
Initialize objects that influence rendering.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:485
virtual void UnMouseOver(TObject *obj, UInt_t state)
Emit UnMouseOver signal.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2139
virtual void ResetCamerasAfterNextUpdate()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:223
TVirtualPad * fPad
Definition: TGLViewer.h:80
virtual void ReClicked(TObject *obj, UInt_t button, UInt_t state)
Emit ReClicked signal with button id and modifier state.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2171
Bool_t fResetCamerasOnNextUpdate
Definition: TGLViewer.h:194
Float_t GetLineScale() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:255
Bool_t fSmoothPoints
width scale for lines
Definition: TGLViewer.h:146
void SetClipAutoUpdate(Bool_t x)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:266
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoZnOXCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:97
Float_t fMaxSceneDrawTimeLQ
max time for scene rendering at high LOD (in ms)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:139
Bool_t fSmoothLines
smooth point edge rendering
Definition: TGLViewer.h:147
TGLManipSet * fSelectedPShapeRef
select record from last secondary select (should go to context)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:116
TString fPictureFileName
Definition: TGLViewer.h:160
void ClearCurrentOvlElm()
Reset current overlay-element to zero, eventually notifying the old one that the mouse has left.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2320
Bool_t GetIgnoreSizesOnUpdate() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:356
TGLColorSet & ColorSet()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:236
void ApplySelection()
Process result from last selection (in fSelRec) and extract a new current selection from it.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1474
TGLColorSet fDarkColorSet
viewport - drawn area
Definition: TGLViewer.h:142
void InitSecondaryObjects()
Common initialization.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:242
Bool_t DoSecondarySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y)
Secondary selection.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1399
void UseDarkColorSet()
Use the dark color-set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1617
Float_t GetFader() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:350
virtual Bool_t BuildingScene() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:213
TGLLightSet * fLightSet
Definition: TGLViewer.h:109
virtual void SetGedEditor(TGedEditor *ed)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:383
Bool_t RequestSelect(Int_t x, Int_t y)
Post request for selection render pass viewer, picking objects around the window point (x,...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1308
void SetClearColor(Color_t col)
Set background method.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1674
Bool_t DoOverlaySelect(Int_t x, Int_t y)
Perform GL selection, picking overlay objects only.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1510
Bool_t fDrawCameraCenter
reference position
Definition: TGLViewer.h:152
void ReinitializeCurrentCamera(const TGLVector3 &hAxis, const TGLVector3 &vAxis, Bool_t redraw=kTRUE)
Change base-vectors defining the camera-base transformation of current camera.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1989
Bool_t IsColorSetDark() const
Returns true if current color set is dark.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1711
virtual void DoubleClicked()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:377
Bool_t fIgnoreSizesOnUpdate
for embedded gl viewer
Definition: TGLViewer.h:192
void PostDraw()
Perform GL work which must be done after each draw.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1244
TGLAutoRotator * GetAutoRotator()
Get the auto-rotator for this viewer.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2001
Bool_t GetResetCamerasOnUpdate() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:359
void PickCameraCenter()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:281
TGLPerspectiveCamera fPerspectiveCameraXOZ
Definition: TGLViewer.h:87
const TGLPhysicalShape * GetSelected() const
Return selected physical shape.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2086
TGLViewer(const TGLViewer &)
Bool_t fSmartRefresh
markup size of viewport in scene units
Definition: TGLViewer.h:155
Float_t fStereoFrustumAsymFac
Definition: TGLViewer.h:106
Bool_t fDebugMode
cache logicals during scene rebuilds
Definition: TGLViewer.h:158
TGLOrthoCamera fOrthoXnOYCamera
Definition: TGLViewer.h:94
Float_t GetMaxSceneDrawTimeHQ() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:309
static Bool_t fgUseDefaultColorSetForNewViewers
a shared, default color-set
Definition: TGLViewer.h:164
void GetGuideState(Int_t &axesType, Bool_t &axesDepthTest, Bool_t &referenceOn, Double_t *referencePos) const
Fetch the state of guides (axes & reference markers) into arguments.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2047
TGLSelectRecord fCurrentSelRec
Definition: TGLViewer.h:113
void PickAnnotate()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:282
void SetPictureFileName(const TString &f)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:349
void DoDrawMono(Bool_t swap_buffers)
Draw out in monoscopic mode.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:628
Bool_t fStereoQuadBuf
use stereo rendering
Definition: TGLViewer.h:103
virtual void BeginScene()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:212
@ kCameraPerspXOY
Definition: TGLViewer.h:63
@ kCameraPerspXOZ
Definition: TGLViewer.h:63
@ kCameraOrthoXnOZ
Definition: TGLViewer.h:65
@ kCameraPerspYOZ
Definition: TGLViewer.h:63
@ kCameraOrthoZnOY
Definition: TGLViewer.h:65
@ kCameraOrthoZOY
Definition: TGLViewer.h:64
@ kCameraOrthoXOY
Definition: TGLViewer.h:64
@ kCameraOrthoZOX
Definition: TGLViewer.h:64
@ kCameraOrthoZnOX
Definition: TGLViewer.h:65
@ kCameraOrthoXOZ
Definition: TGLViewer.h:64
@ kCameraOrthoXnOY
Definition: TGLViewer.h:65
virtual Bool_t OpenComposite(const TBuffer3D &, Bool_t *=0)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:217
TGLContextIdentity * fGLCtxId
for embedded gl viewer
Definition: TGLViewer.h:189
Int_t fGLDevice
Definition: TGLViewer.h:188
static void UseDefaultColorSetForNewViewers(Bool_t x)
Sets static flag that determines if new viewers should use the default color-set.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1693
const char * GetPictureFileName() const
Definition: TGLViewer.h:348
TGLOvlSelectRecord fOvlSelRec
current overlay element
Definition: TGLViewer.h:119
TGLOverlayElement * fCurrentOvlElm
Definition: TGLViewer.h:118
void SetResetCamerasOnUpdate(Bool_t v)
Definition: TGLViewer.h:360
void SwapBuffers() const
Swap GL buffers.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:1290
void ResetCurrentCamera()
Resets position/rotation of current camera to default values.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:360
TGLWidget * GetGLWidget()
Definition: TGLViewer.h:225
GL window with context.
Definition: TGLWidget.h:28
An abstract interface to image processing library.
Definition: TImage.h:29
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
This is the ROOT implementation of the Qt object communication mechanism (see also http://www....
Definition: TQObject.h:48
void Emit(const char *signal, const T &arg)
Activate signal with single parameter.
Definition: TQObject.h:164
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:364
Handles synchronous and a-synchronous timer events.
Definition: TTimer.h:51
virtual void TurnOff()
Remove timer from system timer list.
Definition: TTimer.cxx:229
virtual void Start(Long_t milliSec=-1, Bool_t singleShot=kFALSE)
Starts the timer with a milliSec timeout.
Definition: TTimer.cxx:211
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
Definition: TVirtualPad.h:50
Abstract 3D shapes viewer.
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
static constexpr double s
auto * m
Definition: textangle.C:8