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Reference Guide
TCling.cxx File Reference
#include "TCling.h"
#include "ROOT/FoundationUtils.hxx"
#include "TClingBaseClassInfo.h"
#include "TClingCallFunc.h"
#include "TClingClassInfo.h"
#include "TClingDataMemberInfo.h"
#include "TClingMethodArgInfo.h"
#include "TClingMethodInfo.h"
#include "TClingRdictModuleFileExtension.h"
#include "TClingTypedefInfo.h"
#include "TClingTypeInfo.h"
#include "TClingValue.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TGlobal.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include "TClassTable.h"
#include "TClingCallbacks.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TMemberInspector.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TMethodArg.h"
#include "TFunctionTemplate.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TOrdCollection.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TEnum.h"
#include "TEnumConstant.h"
#include "THashTable.h"
#include "RConversionRuleParser.h"
#include "RConfigure.h"
#include "compiledata.h"
#include "TClingUtils.h"
#include "TVirtualCollectionProxy.h"
#include "TVirtualStreamerInfo.h"
#include "TListOfDataMembers.h"
#include "TListOfEnums.h"
#include "TListOfEnumsWithLock.h"
#include "TListOfFunctions.h"
#include "TListOfFunctionTemplates.h"
#include "TMemFile.h"
#include "TProtoClass.h"
#include "TStreamerInfo.h"
#include "ThreadLocalStorage.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "ClingRAII.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
#include "clang/AST/GlobalDecl.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecordLayout.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/CodeGen/ModuleBuilder.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "clang/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/ClangInternalState.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/DynamicLibraryManager.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Interpreter.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/LookupHelper.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Value.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Transaction.h"
#include "cling/MetaProcessor/MetaProcessor.h"
#include "cling/Utils/AST.h"
#include "cling/Utils/ParserStateRAII.h"
#include "cling/Utils/SourceNormalization.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Exception.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/SymbolicFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Include dependency graph for TCling.cxx:


#define R__DLLEXPORT   __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))


enum class  ETupleOrdering { kAscending , kDescending , kUnexpected }
 Check in what order the member of a tuple are layout. More...


static std::string AlternateTuple (const char *classname, const cling::LookupHelper &lh)
static void ConstructorName (std::string &name, const clang::NamedDecl *decl, cling::Interpreter &interp, const ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt &normCtxt)
R__DLLEXPORT TInterpreterCreateInterpreter (void *interpLibHandle, const char *argv[])
R__DLLEXPORT void DestroyInterpreter (TInterpreter *interp)
static cling::Interpreter::CompilationResult ExecAutoParse (const char *what, Bool_t header, cling::Interpreter *interpreter)
 Parse the payload or header. More...
static std::string FindLibraryName (void(*func)())
 Wrapper around dladdr (and friends) More...
static bool FindSymbol (const std::string &library_filename, const std::string &mangled_name, unsigned IgnoreSymbolFlags=0)
 Looks up symbols from a an object file, representing the library. More...
static clang::ClassTemplateDecl * FindTemplateInNamespace (clang::Decl *decl)
 Find a template decl within N nested namespaces, 0<=N<inf Assumes 1 and only 1 template present and 1 and only 1 entity contained by the namespace. More...
static std::string GetClassSharedLibsForModule (const char *cls, cling::LookupHelper &LH)
static StringRef GetGnuHashSection (llvm::object::ObjectFile *file)
static std::string GetModuleNameAsString (clang::Module *M, const clang::Preprocessor &PP)
static std::string GetSharedLibImmediateDepsSlow (std::string lib, cling::Interpreter *interp, bool skipLoadedLibs=true)
 This interface returns a list of dependent libraries in the form: lib libA.so libB.so libC.so. More...
static uint32_t GNUHash (StringRef S)
static int HandleInterpreterException (cling::MetaProcessor *metaProcessor, const char *input_line, cling::Interpreter::CompilationResult &compRes, cling::Value *result)
 Let cling process a command line. More...
static bool IsFromRootCling ()
static ETupleOrdering IsTupleAscending ()
static voidLazyFunctionCreatorAutoloadForModule (const std::string &mangled_name, cling::Interpreter *interp)
voidllvmLazyFunctionCreator (const std::string &mangled_name)
 Autoload a library provided the mangled name of a missing symbol. More...
static bool LoadModule (const std::string &ModuleName, cling::Interpreter &interp)
static void LoadModules (const std::vector< std::string > &modules, cling::Interpreter &interp)
 Loads the C++ modules that we require to run any ROOT program. More...
static bool MayExistInObjectFile (llvm::object::ObjectFile *soFile, uint32_t hash)
 Bloom filter in a stohastic data structure which can tell us if a symbol name does not exist in a library with 100% certainty. More...
static void PrintDlError (const char *dyLibName, const char *modulename)
static bool R__InitStreamerInfoFactory ()
 Helper to initialize TVirtualStreamerInfo's factor early. More...
static void RegisterCxxModules (cling::Interpreter &clingInterp)
static void RegisterPreIncludedHeaders (cling::Interpreter &clingInterp)
static bool requiresRootMap (const char *rootmapfile, cling::Interpreter *interp)
static std::string ResolveSymbol (const std::string &mangled_name, cling::Interpreter *interp, bool searchSystem=true)
static Bool_t s_IsLibraryLoaded (const char *libname, cling::Interpreter *fInterpreter)
int TCling__AutoLoadCallback (const char *className)
int TCling__AutoParseCallback (const char *className)
int TCling__CompileMacro (const char *fileName, const char *options)
R__DLLEXPORT clang::NamespaceDecl * TCling__DEBUG__DCtoNamespace (clang::DeclContext *DC)
R__DLLEXPORT clang::RecordDecl * TCling__DEBUG__DCtoRecordDecl (clang::DeclContext *DC)
R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__decl_dump (void *D)
R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__dump (clang::Decl *D)
R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__dump (clang::DeclContext *DC)
R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__dump (clang::FunctionDecl *FD)
R__DLLEXPORT clang::DeclContext * TCling__DEBUG__getDeclContext (clang::Decl *D)
R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__printName (clang::Decl *D)
void TCling__FindLoadedLibraries (std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, std::string > > &sLibraries, std::vector< std::string > &sPaths, cling::Interpreter &interpreter, bool searchSystem)
const char * TCling__GetClassSharedLibs (const char *className)
void TCling__GetNormalizedContext (const ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt *&normCtxt)
TObjectTCling__GetObjectAddress (const char *Name, void *&LookupCtx)
const Decl * TCling__GetObjectDecl (TObject *obj)
void TCling__InvalidateGlobal (const clang::Decl *D)
int TCling__IsAutoLoadNamespaceCandidate (const clang::NamespaceDecl *nsDecl)
void TCling__LibraryLoadedRTTI (const void *dyLibHandle, const char *canonicalName)
bool TCling__LibraryLoadingFailed (const std::string &errmessage, const std::string &libStem, bool permanent, bool resolved)
 Lookup libraries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH with mangled_name, which is extracted by error messages we get from callback from cling. More...
void TCling__LibraryUnloadedRTTI (const void *dyLibHandle, const char *canonicalName)
voidTCling__LockCompilationDuringUserCodeExecution ()
 Lock the interpreter. More...
void TCling__PrintStackTrace ()
 Print a StackTrace! More...
void TCling__RegisterRdictForLoadPCM (const std::string &pcmFileNameFullPath, llvm::StringRef *pcmContent)
voidTCling__ResetInterpreterMutex ()
 Reset the interpreter lock to the state it had before interpreter-related calls happened. More...
void TCling__RestoreInterpreterMutex (void *delta)
 Re-apply the lock count delta that TCling__ResetInterpreterMutex() caused. More...
void TCling__SplitAclicMode (const char *fileName, string &mode, string &args, string &io, string &fname)
R__DLLEXPORT bool TCling__TEST_isInvalidDecl (clang::Decl *D)
R__DLLEXPORT bool TCling__TEST_isInvalidDecl (ClassInfo_t *input)
void TCling__TransactionRollback (const cling::Transaction &T)
void TCling__UnlockCompilationDuringUserCodeExecution (void *)
 Unlock the interpreter. More...
static void TCling__UpdateClassInfo (const NamedDecl *TD)
 Update TClingClassInfo for a class (e.g. upon seeing a definition). More...
void TCling__UpdateListsOnCommitted (const cling::Transaction &T, cling::Interpreter *)
void TCling__UpdateListsOnUnloaded (const cling::Transaction &T)
int TCling_GenerateDictionary (const std::string &className, const std::vector< std::string > &headers, const std::vector< std::string > &fwdDecls, const std::vector< std::string > &unknown)
int TCling_GenerateDictionary (const std::vector< std::string > &classes, const std::vector< std::string > &headers, const std::vector< std::string > &fwdDecls, const std::vector< std::string > &unknown)
bool TClingLookupHelper__AutoParse (const char *cname)
 Allow calling autoparsing from TMetaUtils. More...
bool TClingLookupHelper__ExistingTypeCheck (const std::string &tname, std::string &result)
 Try hard to avoid looking up in the Cling database as this could enduce an unwanted autoparsing. More...


const char * fantomline = "TRint::EndOfLineAction();"
static const std::unordered_set< std::string > gIgnoredPCMNames
 List of dicts that have the PCM information already in the PCH. More...
R__EXTERN int optind

Macro Definition Documentation


#define R__DLLEXPORT   __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))

Definition at line 145 of file TCling.cxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ETupleOrdering

enum class ETupleOrdering

Check in what order the member of a tuple are layout.


Definition at line 3675 of file TCling.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ AlternateTuple()

static std::string AlternateTuple ( const char *  classname,
const cling::LookupHelper &  lh 

Definition at line 3717 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ ConstructorName()

static void ConstructorName ( std::string &  name,
const clang::NamedDecl *  decl,
cling::Interpreter &  interp,
const ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt &  normCtxt 

Definition at line 8618 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ CreateInterpreter()

R__DLLEXPORT TInterpreter * CreateInterpreter ( void interpLibHandle,
const char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 603 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ DestroyInterpreter()

R__DLLEXPORT void DestroyInterpreter ( TInterpreter interp)

Definition at line 610 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ ExecAutoParse()

static cling::Interpreter::CompilationResult ExecAutoParse ( const char *  what,
Bool_t  header,
cling::Interpreter *  interpreter 

Parse the payload or header.

Definition at line 6017 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ FindLibraryName()

static std::string FindLibraryName ( void(*)()  func)

Wrapper around dladdr (and friends)

Definition at line 1485 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ FindSymbol()

static bool FindSymbol ( const std::string &  library_filename,
const std::string &  mangled_name,
unsigned  IgnoreSymbolFlags = 0 

Looks up symbols from a an object file, representing the library.

true on success.

Definition at line 6330 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ FindTemplateInNamespace()

static clang::ClassTemplateDecl * FindTemplateInNamespace ( clang::Decl *  decl)

Find a template decl within N nested namespaces, 0<=N<inf Assumes 1 and only 1 template present and 1 and only 1 entity contained by the namespace.

Example: ns1::ns2::..::nsN::myTemplate Returns nullptr in case of error

Definition at line 679 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ GetClassSharedLibsForModule()

static std::string GetClassSharedLibsForModule ( const char *  cls,
cling::LookupHelper &  LH 

Definition at line 6991 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ GetGnuHashSection()

static StringRef GetGnuHashSection ( llvm::object::ObjectFile *  file)

Definition at line 6281 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ GetModuleNameAsString()

static std::string GetModuleNameAsString ( clang::Module *  M,
const clang::Preprocessor &  PP 

Definition at line 1076 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ GetSharedLibImmediateDepsSlow()

static std::string GetSharedLibImmediateDepsSlow ( std::string  lib,
cling::Interpreter *  interp,
bool  skipLoadedLibs = true 

This interface returns a list of dependent libraries in the form: lib libA.so libB.so libC.so.

The first library is the library we are searching dependencies for. Note: In order to speed up the search, we display the dependencies of the libraries which are not yet loaded. For instance, if libB.so was already loaded the list would contain: lib libA.so libC.so.

Definition at line 7148 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ GNUHash()

static uint32_t GNUHash ( StringRef  S)

Definition at line 6274 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ HandleInterpreterException()

static int HandleInterpreterException ( cling::MetaProcessor *  metaProcessor,
const char *  input_line,
cling::Interpreter::CompilationResult &  compRes,
cling::Value *  result 

Let cling process a command line.

If the command is executed and the error is 0, then the return value is the int value corresponding to the result of the executed command (float and double return values will be truncated).

Definition at line 2281 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ IsFromRootCling()

static bool IsFromRootCling ( )

Definition at line 1070 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ IsTupleAscending()

static ETupleOrdering IsTupleAscending ( )

Definition at line 3693 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ LazyFunctionCreatorAutoloadForModule()

static void * LazyFunctionCreatorAutoloadForModule ( const std::string &  mangled_name,
cling::Interpreter *  interp 

Definition at line 6507 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ llvmLazyFunctionCreator()

void * llvmLazyFunctionCreator ( const std::string &  mangled_name)

Autoload a library provided the mangled name of a missing symbol.

Definition at line 696 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ LoadModule()

static bool LoadModule ( const std::string &  ModuleName,
cling::Interpreter &  interp 
true if the module was loaded.

Definition at line 1046 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ LoadModules()

static void LoadModules ( const std::vector< std::string > &  modules,
cling::Interpreter &  interp 

Loads the C++ modules that we require to run any ROOT program.

This is just supposed to make a C++ module from a modulemap available to the interpreter.

Definition at line 1064 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ MayExistInObjectFile()

static bool MayExistInObjectFile ( llvm::object::ObjectFile *  soFile,
uint32_t  hash 

Bloom filter in a stohastic data structure which can tell us if a symbol name does not exist in a library with 100% certainty.

If it tells us it exists this may not be true: https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris/gnu-hash-elf-sections-v2

ELF has this optimization in the new linkers by default, It is stored in the gnu.hash section of the object file.

true true if the symbol may be in the library.

Definition at line 6302 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ PrintDlError()

static void PrintDlError ( const char *  dyLibName,
const char *  modulename 

Definition at line 1846 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ R__InitStreamerInfoFactory()

static bool R__InitStreamerInfoFactory ( )

Helper to initialize TVirtualStreamerInfo's factor early.

Use static initialization to insure only one TStreamerInfo is created.

Definition at line 1548 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ RegisterCxxModules()

static void RegisterCxxModules ( cling::Interpreter &  clingInterp)

Definition at line 1091 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ RegisterPreIncludedHeaders()

static void RegisterPreIncludedHeaders ( cling::Interpreter &  clingInterp)

Definition at line 1168 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ requiresRootMap()

static bool requiresRootMap ( const char *  rootmapfile,
cling::Interpreter *  interp 

Definition at line 5224 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ ResolveSymbol()

static std::string ResolveSymbol ( const std::string &  mangled_name,
cling::Interpreter *  interp,
bool  searchSystem = true 

Definition at line 6410 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ s_IsLibraryLoaded()

static Bool_t s_IsLibraryLoaded ( const char *  libname,
cling::Interpreter *  fInterpreter 

Definition at line 2956 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__AutoLoadCallback()

int TCling__AutoLoadCallback ( const char *  className)

Definition at line 617 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__AutoParseCallback()

int TCling__AutoParseCallback ( const char *  className)

Definition at line 622 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__CompileMacro()

int TCling__CompileMacro ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  options 

Definition at line 638 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__DCtoNamespace()

R__DLLEXPORT clang::NamespaceDecl * TCling__DEBUG__DCtoNamespace ( clang::DeclContext *  DC)

Definition at line 221 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__DCtoRecordDecl()

R__DLLEXPORT clang::RecordDecl * TCling__DEBUG__DCtoRecordDecl ( clang::DeclContext *  DC)

Definition at line 224 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__decl_dump()

R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__decl_dump ( void D)

Definition at line 236 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__dump() [1/3]

R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__dump ( clang::Decl *  D)

Definition at line 230 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__dump() [2/3]

R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__dump ( clang::DeclContext *  DC)

Definition at line 227 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__dump() [3/3]

R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__dump ( clang::FunctionDecl *  FD)

Definition at line 233 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__getDeclContext()

R__DLLEXPORT clang::DeclContext * TCling__DEBUG__getDeclContext ( clang::Decl *  D)

Definition at line 218 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__DEBUG__printName()

R__DLLEXPORT void TCling__DEBUG__printName ( clang::Decl *  D)

Definition at line 239 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__FindLoadedLibraries()

void TCling__FindLoadedLibraries ( std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, std::string > > &  sLibraries,
std::vector< std::string > &  sPaths,
cling::Interpreter &  interpreter,
bool  searchSystem 

◆ TCling__GetClassSharedLibs()

const char * TCling__GetClassSharedLibs ( const char *  className)

Definition at line 627 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__GetNormalizedContext()

void TCling__GetNormalizedContext ( const ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt *&  normCtxt)

Definition at line 552 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__GetObjectAddress()

TObject * TCling__GetObjectAddress ( const char *  Name,
void *&  LookupCtx 

Definition at line 595 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__GetObjectDecl()

const Decl * TCling__GetObjectDecl ( TObject obj)

Definition at line 599 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__InvalidateGlobal()

void TCling__InvalidateGlobal ( const clang::Decl *  D)

Definition at line 569 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__IsAutoLoadNamespaceCandidate()

int TCling__IsAutoLoadNamespaceCandidate ( const clang::NamespaceDecl *  nsDecl)

Definition at line 633 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__LibraryLoadedRTTI()

void TCling__LibraryLoadedRTTI ( const void dyLibHandle,
const char *  canonicalName 

Definition at line 578 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__LibraryLoadingFailed()

bool TCling__LibraryLoadingFailed ( const std::string &  errmessage,
const std::string &  libStem,
bool  permanent,
bool  resolved 

Lookup libraries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH with mangled_name, which is extracted by error messages we get from callback from cling.

Return true when the missing library was autoloaded.

Definition at line 346 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__LibraryUnloadedRTTI()

void TCling__LibraryUnloadedRTTI ( const void dyLibHandle,
const char *  canonicalName 

Definition at line 588 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__LockCompilationDuringUserCodeExecution()

void * TCling__LockCompilationDuringUserCodeExecution ( )

Lock the interpreter.

Definition at line 363 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__PrintStackTrace()

void TCling__PrintStackTrace ( )

Print a StackTrace!

Definition at line 329 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__RegisterRdictForLoadPCM()

void TCling__RegisterRdictForLoadPCM ( const std::string &  pcmFileNameFullPath,
llvm::StringRef *  pcmContent 

Definition at line 583 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__ResetInterpreterMutex()

void * TCling__ResetInterpreterMutex ( )

Reset the interpreter lock to the state it had before interpreter-related calls happened.

Definition at line 355 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__RestoreInterpreterMutex()

void TCling__RestoreInterpreterMutex ( void delta)

Re-apply the lock count delta that TCling__ResetInterpreterMutex() caused.

Definition at line 336 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__SplitAclicMode()

void TCling__SplitAclicMode ( const char *  fileName,
string &  mode,
string &  args,
string &  io,
string &  fname 

Definition at line 645 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__TEST_isInvalidDecl() [1/2]

R__DLLEXPORT bool TCling__TEST_isInvalidDecl ( clang::Decl *  D)

Definition at line 254 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__TEST_isInvalidDecl() [2/2]

R__DLLEXPORT bool TCling__TEST_isInvalidDecl ( ClassInfo_t *  input)

Definition at line 257 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__TransactionRollback()

void TCling__TransactionRollback ( const cling::Transaction &  T)

Definition at line 574 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__UnlockCompilationDuringUserCodeExecution()

void TCling__UnlockCompilationDuringUserCodeExecution ( void state)

Unlock the interpreter.

Definition at line 374 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__UpdateClassInfo()

static void TCling__UpdateClassInfo ( const NamedDecl *  TD)

Update TClingClassInfo for a class (e.g. upon seeing a definition).

Definition at line 384 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__UpdateListsOnCommitted()

void TCling__UpdateListsOnCommitted ( const cling::Transaction &  T,
cling::Interpreter *   

Definition at line 559 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling__UpdateListsOnUnloaded()

void TCling__UpdateListsOnUnloaded ( const cling::Transaction &  T)

Definition at line 564 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling_GenerateDictionary() [1/2]

int TCling_GenerateDictionary ( const std::string &  className,
const std::vector< std::string > &  headers,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fwdDecls,
const std::vector< std::string > &  unknown 

Definition at line 834 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TCling_GenerateDictionary() [2/2]

int TCling_GenerateDictionary ( const std::vector< std::string > &  classes,
const std::vector< std::string > &  headers,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fwdDecls,
const std::vector< std::string > &  unknown 

Definition at line 706 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TClingLookupHelper__AutoParse()

bool TClingLookupHelper__AutoParse ( const char *  cname)

Allow calling autoparsing from TMetaUtils.

Definition at line 908 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ TClingLookupHelper__ExistingTypeCheck()

bool TClingLookupHelper__ExistingTypeCheck ( const std::string &  tname,
std::string &  result 

Try hard to avoid looking up in the Cling database as this could enduce an unwanted autoparsing.

Definition at line 917 of file TCling.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ fantomline

const char* fantomline = "TRint::EndOfLineAction();"

Definition at line 855 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ gIgnoredPCMNames

const std::unordered_set<std::string> gIgnoredPCMNames
Initial value:
= {"libCore",

List of dicts that have the PCM information already in the PCH.

Definition at line 1822 of file TCling.cxx.

◆ optind

R__EXTERN int optind

Definition at line 320 of file TCling.cxx.