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Reference Guide
PROOF benchmark utilities

Set of utilities to benchmark a PROOF facility.

See also https://root.cern.ch/proof-benchmark-framework-tproofbench .


class  TProofBench
 Steering class for PROOF benchmarks. More...
class  TProofBenchDataSet
 Handle operations on datasets used by ProofBench. More...
class  TProofBenchRun
 Abstract base class for PROOF benchmark runs. More...
class  TProofBenchRunCPU
 CPU-intensive PROOF benchmark test generates events and fill 1, 2, or 3-D histograms. More...
class  TProofBenchRunDataRead
 I/O-intensive PROOF benchmark test reads in event files distributed on the cluster. More...
class  TProofNodes
 PROOF worker node information
class  TProofPerfAnalysis
 Set of tools to analyse the performance tree. More...
class  TSelEvent
 Selector for PROOF I/O benchmark test. More...
class  TSelEventGen
 Selector for event file generation. More...
class  TSelHandleDataSet
 PROOF selector for file cache release. More...
class  TSelHist
 PROOF selector for CPU-intensive benchmark test. More...