The containers and generators the ROOT framework offers.
Collections are a key feature of the ROOT system. Many, if not most, of the applications you write will use collections. If you have used polymorphic C++ collections before, some of this material will be review. However, much of this tutorial covers aspects of collections specific to the ROOT system. In this tutorial the following features will be demonstrated:
- Chapter about Collections in the Users Guide
- Using collections
- How to create instances of collections
- The difference between lists, ordered collections, hash-tables, maps, etc.
- How to add and remove elements of a collection
- How to search a collection for a specific element
- How to access and modify collection elements
- How to iterate over a collection
- How to manage memory for collections and collection elements
- How collection elements are tested for equality (
- How collection elements are compared (
) in case of sorted collections
- How collection elements are hashed (
) in hash tables