38 RooRealVar mean(
"mean of gaussians",5) ;
52 RooRealVar bkg1frac(
"fraction of component 1 in background",0.2,0.,1.) ;
56 RooRealVar bkgfrac(
"fraction of background",0.5,0.,1.) ;
83 model_obs->
"v") ;
91 model_params->
"v") ;
96 model_params2->
Print() ;
104 model_comps->
"v") ;
113 RooRealVar sigma2(
"width of gaussians",1) ;
114 RooGaussian sig2(
"Signal component 1",
x,mean,sigma2) ;
117 RooRealVar sig1frac(
"fraction of component 1 in signal",0.8,0.,1.) ;
124 cust.replaceArg(sig,sigsum) ;
137 cust_clone->
"t") ;
virtual void Print(Option_t *options=0) const
Print TNamed name and title.
virtual void Print(Option_t *options=0) const
This method must be overridden when a class wants to print itself.
RooAbsPdf is the abstract interface for all probability density functions The class provides hybrid a...
RooAddPdf is an efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form.
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Chebychev polynomial p.d.f.
RooDataSet is a container class to hold unbinned data.
RooRealVar represents a fundamental (non-derived) real valued object.