#define ClassDef(name, id)
Implement TBasket for a SQL backend.
TSQLResult * GetResultSet()
void CreateBuffer(const char *name, TString title, std::vector< Int_t > *vc, TBranch *branch, TSQLResult **rs)
Create a TSQLBuffer for this basket.
virtual Int_t ReadBasketBuffers(Long64_t pos, Int_t len, TFile *file)
See TBasket::ReadBasketBuffers. This is not implemented in TBasketSQL.
void PrepareBasket(Long64_t entry)
Prepare the basket for the next entry.
Default constructor.
TBasketSQL(const TBasketSQL &)
virtual Int_t ReadBasketBytes(Long64_t pos, TFile *file)
See TBasket::ReadBasketBytes. This is not implemented in TBasketSQL.
virtual void Reset()
See TBasket::Reset.
void Update(Int_t offset, Int_t skipped)
See TBasket::Update.
TBasketSQL & operator=(const TBasketSQL &)
Manages buffers for branches of a Tree.
A TTree is a list of TBranches.
Implement TBuffer for a SQL backend.
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format.