12#ifndef RooStats_MCMCInterval
13#define RooStats_MCMCInterval
230 <<
"negative epsilon value" << std::endl;
264 <<
"negative delta value" << std::endl;
#define ClassDef(name, id)
virtual RooAbsArg * addClone(const RooAbsArg &var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Add a clone of the specified argument to list.
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
RooDataSet is a container class to hold N-dimensional binned data.
RooDataSet is a container class to hold unbinned data.
Generic N-dimensional implementation of a kernel estimation p.d.f.
RooProduct a RooAbsReal implementation that represent the product of a given set of other RooAbsReal ...
RooRealVar represents a fundamental (non-derived) real valued object.
ConfInterval is an interface class for a generic interval in the RooStats framework.
Represents the Heaviside function.
MCMCInterval is a concrete implementation of the RooStats::ConfInterval interface.
virtual void CreateDataHist()
virtual Double_t LowerLimitBySparseHist(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine lower limit using histogram
virtual void DetermineByDataHist()
virtual Double_t UpperLimitByKeys(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine upper limit in the shortest interval by using keys pdf
virtual void DetermineShortestInterval()
virtual void CreateVector(RooRealVar *param)
virtual Double_t UpperLimit(RooRealVar ¶m)
get the highest value of param that is within the confidence interval
virtual Bool_t IsInInterval(const RooArgSet &point) const
determine whether this point is in the confidence interval
Bool_t CheckParameters(const RooArgSet &point) const
check if parameters are correct. (dummy implementation to start)
virtual RooDataSet * GetChainAsDataSet(RooArgSet *whichVars=NULL)
Get a clone of the markov chain on which this interval is based as a RooDataSet.
virtual Double_t UpperLimitShortest(RooRealVar ¶m)
get the upper limit of param in the confidence interval Note that this works better for some distribu...
enum IntervalType fIntervalType
virtual Double_t UpperLimitBySparseHist(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine upper limit using histogram
virtual Bool_t GetUseKeys()
get whether we used kernel estimation to determine the interval
virtual Double_t ConfidenceLevel() const
get the desired confidence level (see GetActualConfidenceLevel())
virtual const RooDataSet * GetChainAsConstDataSet()
Get the markov chain on which this interval is based as a RooDataSet.
virtual enum IntervalType GetIntervalType()
Return the type of this interval.
virtual void SetAxes(RooArgList &axes)
Set which parameters go on which axis.
virtual void DetermineByKeys()
virtual void DetermineBySparseHist()
virtual TH1 * GetPosteriorHist()
set the number of bins to use (same for all axes, for now) virtual void SetNumBins(Int_t numBins);
virtual Double_t LowerLimitByKeys(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine lower limit in the shortest interval by using keys pdf
virtual void SetHistStrict(Bool_t isHistStrict)
whether the specified confidence level is a floor for the actual confidence level (strict),...
virtual Double_t GetHistCutoff()
get the cutoff bin height for being considered in the confidence interval
virtual Double_t UpperLimitTailFraction(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine upper limit of the lower confidence interval
MCMCInterval(const char *name=0)
default constructor
virtual RooArgList * GetAxes()
return a list of RooRealVars representing the axes you own the returned RooArgList
virtual RooRealVar * GetWeightVar() const
Get a clone of the weight variable from the markov chain.
virtual void SetNumBurnInSteps(Int_t numBurnInSteps)
set the number of steps in the chain to discard as burn-in, starting from the first
virtual void DetermineTailFractionInterval()
virtual void CreateSparseHist()
Double_t fConfidenceLevel
virtual Int_t GetNumBurnInSteps()
get the number of steps in the chain to discard as burn-in,
virtual RooDataHist * GetChainAsDataHist(RooArgSet *whichVars=NULL)
Get a clone of the markov chain on which this interval is based as a RooDataHist.
virtual void DetermineInterval()
virtual RooRealVar * GetNLLVar() const
Get a clone of the NLL variable from the markov chain.
Bool_t AcceptableConfLevel(Double_t confLevel)
virtual const MarkovChain * GetChain()
Get the markov chain on which this interval is based You do not own the returned MarkovChain*.
virtual Double_t GetActualConfidenceLevel()
virtual Double_t GetKeysPdfCutoff() { return fKeysCutoff; }
virtual void SetDelta(Double_t delta)
kbelasco: The inner-workings of the class really should not be exposed like this in a comment,...
virtual void SetLeftSideTailFraction(Double_t a)
set the left-side tail fraction for a tail-fraction interval
virtual void SetConfidenceLevel(Double_t cl)
set the desired confidence level (see GetActualConfidenceLevel()) Note: calling this function trigger...
virtual THnSparse * GetChainAsSparseHist(RooArgSet *whichVars=NULL)
Get a clone of the markov chain on which this interval is based as a THnSparse.
virtual Double_t LowerLimitShortest(RooRealVar ¶m)
get the lower limit of param in the shortest confidence interval Note that this works better for some...
virtual Double_t LowerLimit(RooRealVar ¶m)
get the lowest value of param that is within the confidence interval
virtual void SetIntervalType(enum IntervalType intervalType)
Set the type of interval to find.
virtual Double_t GetKeysPdfCutoff()
get the cutoff RooNDKeysPdf value for being considered in the confidence interval
std::vector< Int_t > fVector
virtual void SetEpsilon(Double_t epsilon)
set the acceptable level or error for Keys interval determination
virtual Double_t LowerLimitTailFraction(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine lower limit of the lower confidence interval
virtual RooProduct * GetPosteriorKeysProduct()
Get a clone of the (keyspdf * heaviside) product of the posterior.
virtual Double_t UpperLimitByHist(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine upper limit using histogram
virtual Double_t UpperLimitByDataHist(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine upper limit using histogram
virtual Double_t LowerLimitByHist(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine lower limit using histogram
virtual RooNDKeysPdf * GetPosteriorKeysPdf()
Get a clone of the keys pdf of the posterior.
virtual void CreateKeysPdf()
virtual Double_t LowerLimitByDataHist(RooRealVar ¶m)
determine lower limit using histogram
virtual void CreateHist()
RooDataHist * fKeysDataHist
virtual void SetShortestInterval()
virtual Double_t CalcConfLevel(Double_t cutoff, Double_t full)
virtual void SetUseKeys(Bool_t useKeys)
set whether to use kernel estimation to determine the interval
virtual void DetermineByHist()
virtual void SetChain(MarkovChain &chain)
Set the MarkovChain that this interval is based on.
virtual void SetParameters(const RooArgSet ¶meters)
Set the parameters of interest for this interval and change other internal data members accordingly.
virtual void SetUseSparseHist(Bool_t useSparseHist)
set whether to use a sparse histogram.
virtual Int_t GetDimension() const
Get the number of parameters of interest in this interval.
virtual void CreateKeysDataHist()
Double_t GetKeysMax()
Determine the approximate maximum value of the Keys PDF.
Bool_t WithinDeltaFraction(Double_t a, Double_t b)
virtual RooArgSet * GetParameters() const
return a set containing the parameters of this interval the caller owns the returned RooArgSet*
Stores the steps in a Markov Chain of points.
virtual RooRealVar * GetWeightVar() const
get a clone of the weight variable
virtual RooDataHist * GetAsDataHist(RooArgSet *whichVars=NULL) const
get this MarkovChain as a RooDataHist whose entries contain the values of whichVars.
virtual RooRealVar * GetNLLVar() const
get a clone of the NLL variable
virtual const RooDataSet * GetAsConstDataSet() const
virtual THnSparse * GetAsSparseHist(RooAbsCollection *whichVars=NULL) const
Get a clone of the markov chain on which this interval is based as a sparse histogram.
virtual RooDataSet * GetAsDataSet(RooArgSet *whichVars=NULL) const
get this MarkovChain as a RooDataSet whose entries contain the values of whichVars.
Efficient multidimensional histogram.
@(#)root/roostats:$Id$ Author: George Lewis, Kyle Cranmer