Logo ROOT   6.14/05
Reference Guide
importCode.C File Reference

Detailed Description

View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of script showing how to create a ROOT file with subdirectories.

The script scans a given directory tree and recreates the same structure in the ROOT file. All source files of type .h,cxx,c,dat,py are imported as TMacro objects. See also the other tutorial readCode.C

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TMacro.h"
void importdir(const char *dirname) {
char *slash = (char*)strrchr(dirname,'/');
char *locdir;
if (slash) locdir = slash+1;
else locdir = (char*)dirname;
printf("processing dir %s\n",dirname);
TDirectory *adir = savdir->mkdir(locdir);
void *dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(dirname);
if (!dirp) return;
char *direntry;
Long_t id, size,flags,modtime;
//loop on all entries of this directory
while ((direntry=(char*)gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirp))) {
TString afile = Form("%s/%s",dirname,direntry);
if (direntry[0] == '.') continue; //forget the "." and ".." special cases
if (!strcmp(direntry,"CVS")) continue; //forget some special directories
if (!strcmp(direntry,"htmldoc")) continue;
if (strstr(dirname,"root/include")) continue;
if (strstr(direntry,"G__")) continue;
if (strstr(direntry,".c") ||
strstr(direntry,".h") ||
strstr(direntry,".dat") ||
strstr(direntry,".py") ||
strstr(direntry,".C")) {
TMacro *m = new TMacro(afile);
delete m;
} else {
if (flags != 3) continue; //must be a directory
//we have found a valid sub-directory. Process it
void importCode() {
TFile *f = new TFile("code.root","recreate");
TString dir = gROOT->GetTutorialDir();
importdir(dir); //change the directory as you like
delete f;
Rene Brun

Definition in file importCode.C.