43 #ifndef ROOT_TQpDataSparse 44 #define ROOT_TQpDataSparse
virtual void Print(Option_t *opt="") const
Print class members.
virtual void PutQIntoAt(TMatrixDBase &M, Int_t row, Int_t col)
Insert the Hessian Q into the matrix M at index (row,col) for the fundamental linear system...
virtual void ATransmult(Double_t beta, TVectorD &y, Double_t alpha, const TVectorD &x)
calculate y = beta*y + alpha*(fA^T*x)
double beta(double x, double y)
Calculates the beta function.
virtual void PutCIntoAt(TMatrixDBase &M, Int_t row, Int_t col)
Insert the constraint matrix C into the matrix M at index (row,col) for the fundamental linear system...
#define ClassDef(name, id)
virtual void DataRandom(TVectorD &x, TVectorD &y, TVectorD &z, TVectorD &s)
Choose randomly a QP problem.
void SetNonZeros(Int_t nnzQ, Int_t nnzA, Int_t nnzC)
Allocate space for the appropriate number of non-zeros in the matrices.
virtual Double_t ObjectiveValue(TQpVar *vars)
Return value of the objective function.
virtual Double_t DataNorm()
Return the largest component of several vectors in the data class.
virtual void Amult(Double_t beta, TVectorD &y, Double_t alpha, const TVectorD &x)
calculate y = beta*y + alpha*(fA*x)
virtual void CTransmult(Double_t beta, TVectorD &y, Double_t alpha, const TVectorD &x)
calculate y = beta*y + alpha*(fC^T*x)
static constexpr double s
virtual void GetDiagonalOfQ(TVectorD &dQ)
Return in vector dq the diagonal of matrix fQ.
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t z
TQpDataSparse & operator=(const TQpDataSparse &source)
Assignment operator.
virtual void PutAIntoAt(TMatrixDBase &M, Int_t row, Int_t col)
Insert the constraint matrix A into the matrix M at index (row,col) for the fundamental linear system...
virtual void Qmult(Double_t beta, TVectorD &y, Double_t alpha, const TVectorD &x)
calculate y = beta*y + alpha*(fQ*x)
virtual void Cmult(Double_t beta, TVectorD &y, Double_t alpha, const TVectorD &x)
calculate y = beta*y + alpha*(fC*x)