237 virtual void Print();
TGHorizontalFrame * fTopFrame
virtual TObjArray * GetColumn(UInt_t columns)
Return a pointer to a TObjArray that contains pointers to all the cells in column.
virtual const TGTableCell * FindCell(TGString label) const
Const version of FindCell().
virtual UInt_t GetNDataColumns() const
Return the amount of columns in the data source.
virtual Pixel_t GetHeaderBackground() const
Get the background color of headers.
TGTableFrame * fTableFrame
virtual void Show()
Show the contents of the TGTable in stdout.
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const
Print all frames in this composite frame.
virtual void SetHeaderBackground(Pixel_t pixel)
Set the background color for the headers.
TGTableHeaderFrame * fCHdrFrame
virtual TGTableCell * operator()(UInt_t row, UInt_t column)
Operator for easy cell acces.
virtual void Update()
Update the range of the available data and refresh the current view.
virtual void Expand(UInt_t nrows, UInt_t ncolumns)
Expand a TGTable by nrows and ncolumns.
virtual void DoRedraw()
Redraw the TGTable.
virtual const TGTableHeaderFrame * GetCHdrFrame()
TGTextButton * fNextButton
virtual void NextChunk()
Move the table to the next chunk of the data set with the same size.
virtual UInt_t GetNTableCells() const
Return the amount of cells in the table.
virtual UInt_t GetNTableColumns() const
Return the amount of columns in the table.
virtual void UpdateHeaders(EHeaderType type)
Update the labels of the headers of the given type.
virtual TObjArray * GetRow(UInt_t row)
Get row.
virtual void GotoTableRange(Int_t xtl, Int_t ytl, Int_t xbr, Int_t ybr)
Move and resize the table to the specified range.
Pixel_t fHeaderBackground
virtual void PreviousChunk()
Move the table to the previous chunk of the data set with the same size.
TGHorizontalFrame * fBottomFrame
virtual UInt_t GetNDataRows() const
Return the amount of rows in the data source.
TGTableHeaderFrame * fRHdrFrame
TGTable(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t id=0, TVirtualTableInterface *interface=0, UInt_t nrows=50, UInt_t ncolumns=20)
Create an array to hold a bunch of numbers.
TGLabel * fFirstCellLabel
#define ClassDef(name, id)
TGHorizontalFrame * fButtonFrame
virtual ~TGTable()
TGTable destructor.
virtual void SetEvenRowBackground(Pixel_t pixel)
Set the background color for all even numbered rows.
TGTableHeader * fTableHeader
virtual void ScrollCHeaders(Int_t xpos)
Scroll the column headers horizontally.
virtual void Shrink(UInt_t nrows, UInt_t ncolumns)
Shrink the TGTable by nrows and ncolumns.
Pixel_t fOddRowBackground
virtual void SetOddRowBackground(Pixel_t pixel)
Set the background color for all odd numbered rows.
virtual TGTableHeader * GetTableHeader()
Return a pointer to the table header.
virtual void ScrollRHeaders(Int_t ypos)
Scroll the row headers vertically.
virtual void UpdateView()
Update and layout the visible part of the TGTable.
virtual void MoveTable(Int_t rows, Int_t columns)
Move and layout the table to the specified range.
TGTextButton * fUpdateButton
virtual const TGTableHeaderFrame * GetRHdrFrame()
virtual void SetDefaultColors()
Set the background color for all rows and headers to their defaults.
virtual void ExpandRows(UInt_t nrows)
Expand the rows of a TGTable by nrows.
virtual void SetInterface(TVirtualTableInterface *interface, UInt_t nrows=50, UInt_t ncolumns=20)
Set the interface that the TGTable uses to interface.
TVirtualTableInterface * fInterface
virtual void UserRangeChange()
Slot used when the text in one of the range frame text entries changes.
virtual void ExpandColumns(UInt_t ncolumns)
Expand the columns of a TGTable by ncolumns.
TTableRange * fCurrentRange
virtual UInt_t GetNTableRows() const
Return the amount of rows in the table.
TObjArray * fColumnHeaders
Pixel_t fEvenRowBackground
virtual TVirtualTableInterface * GetInterface()
virtual void ShrinkColumns(UInt_t ncolumns)
Shrink the columns of the TGTable by ncolumns.
virtual UInt_t GetCHdrWidth() const
Get the current width of the column header frame.
virtual void ShrinkRows(UInt_t nrows)
Shrink the rows of the TGTable by nrows.
TGTextButton * fPrevButton
virtual const TGTableHeader * GetRowHeader(const UInt_t row) const
Const version of GetRowHeader();.
virtual void UpdateRangeFrame()
Update the range shown in the range frame.
TGTextEntry * fFirstCellEntry
virtual Pixel_t GetRowBackground(UInt_t row) const
Get the background collor for row.
Bool_t operator==(const TDatime &d1, const TDatime &d2)
virtual void Goto()
Slot used by the Goto button and whenever return is pressed in on of the text entries in the range fr...
virtual UInt_t GetNDataCells() const
Return the amount of cell in the data source.
virtual const TGTableHeader * GetColumnHeader(const UInt_t column) const
Const version of GetColumnHeader();.
TGHorizontalFrame * fRangeFrame
TGTextButton * fGotoButton
virtual const TTableRange * GetCurrentRange() const
Return the current range of the TGTable.
virtual TGCanvas * GetCanvas()
virtual void Init()
Initialise the TGTable.
TGHorizontalFrame * fTopExtraFrame
TGTextEntry * fRangeEntry
virtual const TGTableCell * GetCell(UInt_t i, UInt_t j) const
Const version of GetCell().
virtual void ResizeTable(UInt_t nrows, UInt_t ncolumns)
Resize the table to newnrows and newncolumns and add all the frames to their parent frames...
virtual UInt_t GetRHdrHeight() const
Get the current height of the row header frame.