Logo ROOT   6.10/09
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/meta:$Id$
2 // Author: Rene Brun 12/10/2000
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 // //
14 // //
15 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 #include "TROOT.h"
19 #include "TStreamerElement.h"
20 #include "TVirtualStreamerInfo.h"
21 #include "TClass.h"
22 #include "TClassEdit.h"
23 #include "TClassStreamer.h"
24 #include "TBaseClass.h"
25 #include "TDataMember.h"
26 #include "TDataType.h"
27 #include "TMethod.h"
28 #include "TMethodCall.h"
29 #include "TRealData.h"
30 #include "TFolder.h"
31 #include "TRef.h"
32 #include "TInterpreter.h"
33 #include "TError.h"
34 #include "TDataType.h"
35 #include "TVirtualMutex.h"
37 #include <iostream>
39 #include <string>
40 namespace std {} using namespace std;
42 const Int_t kMaxLen = 1024;
44 static TString &IncludeNameBuffer() {
45  TTHREAD_TLS_DECL_ARG(TString,includeName,kMaxLen);
46  return includeName;
47 }
49 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 /// Helper function to initialize the 'index/counter' value of
51 /// the Pointer streamerElements. If directive is a StreamerInfo and it correspond to the
52 /// same class a 'countClass' the streamerInfo is used instead of the current StreamerInfo of the TClass
53 /// for 'countClass'.
55 static TStreamerBasicType *InitCounter(const char *countClass, const char *countName, TVirtualStreamerInfo *directive)
56 {
57  TStreamerBasicType *counter = 0;
59  TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(countClass);
61  if (directive) {
63  if (directive->GetClass() == cl) {
64  // The info we have been passed is indeed describing the counter holder, just look there.
66  TStreamerElement *element = (TStreamerElement *)directive->GetElements()->FindObject(countName);
67  if (!element) return 0;
68  if (element->IsA() != TStreamerBasicType::Class()) return 0;
69  counter = (TStreamerBasicType*)element;
71  } else {
72  if (directive->GetClass()->GetListOfRealData()) {
73  TRealData* rdCounter = (TRealData*) directive->GetClass()->GetListOfRealData()->FindObject(countName);
74  if (!rdCounter) return 0;
75  TDataMember *dmCounter = rdCounter->GetDataMember();
76  cl = dmCounter->GetClass();
77  } else {
78  TStreamerElement *element = (TStreamerElement *)directive->GetElements()->FindObject(countName);
79  if (!element) return 0;
80  if (element->IsA() != TStreamerBasicType::Class()) return 0;
81  cl = directive->GetClass();
82  }
83  if (cl==0) return 0;
84  counter = TVirtualStreamerInfo::GetElementCounter(countName,cl);
85  }
86  } else {
88  if (cl==0) return 0;
89  counter = TVirtualStreamerInfo::GetElementCounter(countName,cl);
90  }
92  //at this point the counter may be declared to be skipped
93  if (counter) {
95  }
96  return counter;
97 }
99 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 /// Parse comments to search for a range specifier of the style:
101 /// [xmin,xmax] or [xmin,xmax,nbits]
102 /// [0,1]
103 /// [-10,100];
104 /// [-pi,pi], [-pi/2,pi/4],[-2pi,2*pi]
105 /// [-10,100,16]
106 /// [0,0,8]
107 /// if nbits is not specified, or nbits <2 or nbits>32 it is set to 32
108 /// if (xmin==0 and xmax==0 and nbits <=16) the double word will be converted
109 /// to a float and its mantissa truncated to nbits significative bits.
110 ///
111 /// see comments in TBufferFile::WriteDouble32.
113 static void GetRange(const char *comments, Double_t &xmin, Double_t &xmax, Double_t &factor)
114 {
115  const Double_t kPi =3.14159265358979323846 ;
116  factor = xmin = xmax = 0;
117  if (!comments) return;
118  const char *left = strstr(comments,"[");
119  if (!left) return;
120  const char *right = strstr(left,"]");
121  if (!right) return;
122  const char *comma = strstr(left,",");
123  if (!comma || comma > right) {
124  //may be first bracket was a dimension specifier
125  left = strstr(right,"[");
126  if (!left) return;
127  right = strstr(left,"]");
128  if (!right) return;
129  comma = strstr(left,",");
130  if (!comma || comma >right) return;
131  }
132  //search if nbits is specified
133  const char *comma2 = 0;
134  if (comma) comma2 = strstr(comma+1,",");
135  if (comma2 > right) comma2 = 0;
136  Int_t nbits = 32;
137  if (comma2) {
138  TString sbits(comma2+1,right-comma2-1);
139  sscanf(sbits.Data(),"%d",&nbits);
140  if (nbits < 2 || nbits > 32) {
141  ::Error("GetRange","Illegal specification for the number of bits; %d. reset to 32.",nbits);
142  nbits = 32;
143  }
144  right = comma2;
145  }
146  TString range(left+1,right-left-1);
147  TString sxmin(left+1,comma-left-1);
148  sxmin.ToLower();
149  sxmin.ReplaceAll(" ","");
150  if (sxmin.Contains("pi")) {
151  if (sxmin.Contains("2pi")) xmin = 2*kPi;
152  else if (sxmin.Contains("2*pi")) xmin = 2*kPi;
153  else if (sxmin.Contains("twopi")) xmin = 2*kPi;
154  else if (sxmin.Contains("pi/2")) xmin = kPi/2;
155  else if (sxmin.Contains("pi/4")) xmin = kPi/4;
156  else if (sxmin.Contains("pi")) xmin = kPi;
157  if (sxmin.Contains("-")) xmin = -xmin;
158  } else {
159  sscanf(sxmin.Data(),"%lg",&xmin);
160  }
161  TString sxmax(comma+1,right-comma-1);
162  sxmax.ToLower();
163  sxmax.ReplaceAll(" ","");
164  if (sxmax.Contains("pi")) {
165  if (sxmax.Contains("2pi")) xmax = 2*kPi;
166  else if (sxmax.Contains("2*pi")) xmax = 2*kPi;
167  else if (sxmax.Contains("twopi")) xmax = 2*kPi;
168  else if (sxmax.Contains("pi/2")) xmax = kPi/2;
169  else if (sxmax.Contains("pi/4")) xmax = kPi/4;
170  else if (sxmax.Contains("pi")) xmax = kPi;
171  if (sxmax.Contains("-")) xmax = -xmax;
172  } else {
173  sscanf(sxmax.Data(),"%lg",&xmax);
174  }
175  UInt_t bigint;
176  if (nbits < 32) bigint = 1<<nbits;
177  else bigint = 0xffffffff;
178  if (xmin < xmax) factor = bigint/(xmax-xmin);
179  if (xmin >= xmax && nbits <15) xmin = nbits+0.1;
180 }
184 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
185 /// Default ctor.
188 {
189  fType = 0;
190  fSize = 0;
191  fNewType = 0;
192  fArrayDim = 0;
193  fArrayLength = 0;
194  fStreamer = 0;
195  fOffset = 0;
196  fClassObject = (TClass*)(-1);
197  fNewClass = 0;
198  fTObjectOffset = 0;
199  fFactor = 0;
200  fXmin = 0;
201  fXmax = 0;
202  for (Int_t i=0;i<5;i++) fMaxIndex[i] = 0;
203 }
205 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
206 /// Create a TStreamerElement object.
208 TStreamerElement::TStreamerElement(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName)
209  : TNamed(name,title)
210 {
211  fOffset = offset;
212  fType = dtype;
213  fSize = 0;
214  fNewType = fType;
215  fArrayDim = 0;
216  fArrayLength = 0;
217  if (typeName && !strcmp(typeName, "BASE")) {
218  // TStreamerBase case; fTypeName should stay "BASE".
219  fTypeName = typeName;
220  } else {
221  //must protect call into the interpreter
223  fTypeName = TClassEdit::ResolveTypedef(typeName);
224  }
225  fStreamer = 0;
226  fClassObject = (TClass*)(-1);
227  fNewClass = 0;
228  fTObjectOffset = 0;
229  fFactor = 0;
230  fXmin = 0;
231  fXmax = 0;
232  for (Int_t i=0;i<5;i++) fMaxIndex[i] = 0;
233  if (fTypeName == "Float16_t" || fTypeName == "Float16_t*") {
234  GetRange(title,fXmin,fXmax,fFactor);
235  if (fFactor > 0 || fXmin > 0) SetBit(kHasRange);
236  }
237  if (fTypeName == "Double32_t" || fTypeName == "Double32_t*") {
238  GetRange(title,fXmin,fXmax,fFactor);
239  if (fFactor > 0 || fXmin > 0) SetBit(kHasRange);
240  }
241 }
243 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
244 /// TStreamerElement dtor.
247 {
248 }
251 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
252 /// Returns true if the element cannot be split, false otherwise.
253 /// An element cannot be split if the corresponding class member has
254 /// the special characters "||" as the first characters in the
255 /// comment field.
258 {
259  if (GetTitle()[0] != 0 && strspn(GetTitle(),"||") == 2) return kTRUE;
260  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
261  if (!cl) return kFALSE; //basic type
263  switch(fType) {
269  return kTRUE;
270  }
272  if ( !cl->CanSplit() ) return kTRUE;
274  return kFALSE;
275 }
277 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
278 /// Returns a pointer to the TClass of this element.
281 {
282  if (fClassObject!=(TClass*)(-1)) return fClassObject;
283  TString className = fTypeName.Strip(TString::kTrailing, '*');
284  if (className.Index("const ")==0) className.Remove(0,6);
285  bool quiet = (fType == TVirtualStreamerInfo::kArtificial);
286  ((TStreamerElement*)this)->fClassObject = TClass::GetClass(className,kTRUE,quiet);
287  return fClassObject;
288 }
290 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
291 /// Returns the TExec id for the EXEC instruction in the comment field
292 /// of a TRef data member.
295 {
296  //check if element is a TRef or TRefArray
297  if (strncmp(fTypeName.Data(),"TRef",4) != 0) return 0;
299  //if the UniqueID of this element has already been set, we assume
300  //that it contains the exec id of a TRef object.
301  if (GetUniqueID()) return GetUniqueID();
303  //check if an Exec is specified in the comment field
304  char *action = (char*)strstr(GetTitle(),"EXEC:");
305  if (!action) return 0;
306  Int_t nch = strlen(action)+1;
307  char *caction = new char[nch];
308  strlcpy(caction,action+5,nch);
309  char *blank = (char*)strchr(caction,' ');
310  if (blank) *blank = 0;
311  //we have found the Exec name in the comment
312  //we register this Exec to the list of Execs.
313  Int_t index = TRef::AddExec(caction);
314  delete [] caction;
315  //we save the Exec index as the uniqueid of this STreamerElement
316  const_cast<TStreamerElement*>(this)->SetUniqueID(index+1);
317  return index+1;
318 }
320 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
321 /// Return element name including dimensions, if any
322 /// Note that this function stores the name into a static array.
323 /// You should copy the result.
325 const char *TStreamerElement::GetFullName() const
326 {
327  TTHREAD_TLS_DECL_ARG(TString,name,kMaxLen);
328  char cdim[20];
329  name = GetName();
330  for (Int_t i=0;i<fArrayDim;i++) {
331  snprintf(cdim,19,"[%d]",fMaxIndex[i]);
332  name += cdim;
333  }
334  return name;
335 }
337 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
338 /// Fill type with the string representation of sequence
339 /// information including 'cached','repeat','write' or
340 /// 'nodelete'.
342 void TStreamerElement::GetSequenceType(TString &sequenceType) const
343 {
344  sequenceType.Clear();
345  Bool_t first = kTRUE;
347  if (!first) sequenceType += ",";
348  first = kFALSE;
349  sequenceType += "wholeObject";
350  }
352  first = kFALSE;
353  sequenceType += "cached";
354  }
356  if (!first) sequenceType += ",";
357  first = kFALSE;
358  sequenceType += "repeat";
359  }
361  if (!first) sequenceType += ",";
362  first = kFALSE;
363  sequenceType += "nodelete";
364  }
366  if (!first) sequenceType += ",";
367  first = kFALSE;
368  sequenceType += "write";
369  }
370 }
372 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
373 /// Returns size of this element in bytes.
376 {
377  return fSize;
378 }
380 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
381 /// Return the local streamer object.
384 {
385  return fStreamer;
386 }
388 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
389 /// Return type name of this element
390 /// in case the type name is not a standard basic type, return
391 /// the basic type name known to CINT.
394 {
395  TDataType *dt = gROOT->GetType(fTypeName.Data());
396  if (fType < 1 || fType > 55) return fTypeName.Data();
397  if (dt && dt->GetType() > 0) return fTypeName.Data();
398  Int_t dtype = fType%20;
399  return TDataType::GetTypeName((EDataType)dtype);
400 }
402 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
403 /// Initliaze the element.
406 {
408  if (fClassObject && fClassObject->IsTObject()) {
410  }
411 }
413 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
414 /// The early 3.00/00 and 3.01/01 versions used to store
415 /// dm->GetTypeName instead of dm->GetFullTypename
416 /// if this case is detected, the element type name is modified.
418 Bool_t TStreamerElement::IsOldFormat(const char *newTypeName)
419 {
420  //if (!IsaPointer()) return kFALSE;
421  if (!strstr(newTypeName,fTypeName.Data())) return kFALSE;
422  //if (!strstr(fTypeName.Data(),newTypeName)) return kFALSE;
423  fTypeName = newTypeName;
424  return kTRUE;
425 }
427 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
428 /// Return kTRUE if the element represent a base class.
431 {
432  return kFALSE;
433 }
435 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
436 /// Return kTRUE if the element represent an entity that is not written
437 /// to the disk (transient members, cache allocator/deallocator, etc.)
440 {
442  // if (((const TStreamerArtificial*)this)->GetWriteFunc() == 0)
443  return kTRUE;
444  }
451  return kFALSE;
452 }
454 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
455 /// Print the content of the element.
458 {
459  TString temp(GetTypeName());
460  if (IsaPointer() && !fTypeName.Contains("*")) temp += "*";
462  TString sequenceType;
463  GetSequenceType(sequenceType);
464  if (sequenceType.Length()) {
465  sequenceType.Prepend(" (");
466  sequenceType += ") ";
467  }
468  printf(" %-14s %-15s offset=%3d type=%2d %s%-20s\n",
469  temp.Data(),GetFullName(),fOffset,fType,sequenceType.Data(),
470  GetTitle());
471 }
473 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
474 /// Set number of array dimensions.
477 {
478  fArrayDim = dim;
480  fNewType = fType;
481 }
483 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
484 ///set maximum index for array with dimension dim
487 {
488  if (dim < 0 || dim > 4) return;
489  fMaxIndex[dim] = max;
490  if (fArrayLength == 0) fArrayLength = max;
491  else fArrayLength *= max;
492 }
494 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
495 ///set pointer to Streamer function for this element
498 {
499  fStreamer = streamer;
500 }
502 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
503 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerElement.
505 void TStreamerElement::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
506 {
507  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
508  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
509  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
510  //NOTE that when reading, one cannot use Class()->ReadBuffer
511  // TBuffer::Class methods used for reading streamerinfos from SQL database
512  // Any changes of class structure should be reflected by them starting from version 4
514  R__b.ClassBegin(TStreamerElement::Class(), R__v);
515  R__b.ClassMember("TNamed");
516  TNamed::Streamer(R__b);
517  R__b.ClassMember("fType","Int_t");
518  R__b >> fType;
519  R__b.ClassMember("fSize","Int_t");
520  R__b >> fSize;
521  R__b.ClassMember("fArrayLength","Int_t");
522  R__b >> fArrayLength;
523  R__b.ClassMember("fArrayDim","Int_t");
524  R__b >> fArrayDim;
525  R__b.ClassMember("fMaxIndex","Int_t", 5);
526  if (R__v == 1) R__b.ReadStaticArray(fMaxIndex);
527  else R__b.ReadFastArray(fMaxIndex,5);
528  R__b.ClassMember("fTypeName","TString");
529  fTypeName.Streamer(R__b);
530  if (fType==11&&(fTypeName=="Bool_t"||fTypeName=="bool")) fType = 18;
531  if (R__v > 1) {
532  SetUniqueID(0);
533  //check if element is a TRef or TRefArray
534  GetExecID();
535  }
536  if (R__v <= 2 && this->IsA()==TStreamerBasicType::Class()) {
537  // In TStreamerElement v2, fSize was holding the size of
538  // the underlying data type. In later version it contains
539  // the full length of the data member.
540  TDataType *type = gROOT->GetType(GetTypeName());
541  if (type && fArrayLength) fSize = fArrayLength * type->Size();
542  }
543  if (R__v == 3) {
544  R__b >> fXmin;
545  R__b >> fXmax;
546  R__b >> fFactor;
547  if (fFactor > 0) SetBit(kHasRange);
548  }
549  if (R__v > 3) {
551  }
552  //R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerElement::IsA());
554  R__b.SetBufferOffset(R__s+R__c+sizeof(UInt_t));
558  } else {
560  }
561 }
563 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
564 ///function called by the TClass constructor when replacing an emulated class
565 ///by the real class
567 void TStreamerElement::Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass)
568 {
569  if (fClassObject == oldClass) {
570  fClassObject = newClass;
571  if (fClassObject && fClassObject->IsTObject()) {
573  }
574  } else if (fClassObject==0) {
575  // Well since some emulated class is replaced by a real class, we can
576  // assume a new library has been loaded. If this is the case, we should
577  // check whether the class now exist (this would be the case for example
578  // for reading STL containers).
579  fClassObject = (TClass*)-1;
580  GetClassPointer(); //force fClassObject
581  if (fClassObject && fClassObject->IsTObject()) {
583  }
584  }
585 }
587 //______________________________________________________________________________
589 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
590 // //
591 // TStreamerBase implement the streamer of the base class //
592 // //
593 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
597 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
600  // Abuse TStreamerElement data member that is not used by TStreamerBase
601  fBaseCheckSum( *( (UInt_t*)&(fMaxIndex[1]) ) ),
602  fStreamerFunc(0), fConvStreamerFunc(0), fStreamerInfo(0)
603 {
604  // Default ctor.
606  fBaseClass = (TClass*)(-1);
607  fBaseVersion = 0;
608  fNewBaseClass = 0;
609 }
611 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
613 TStreamerBase::TStreamerBase(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset)
614  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBase,"BASE"),
615  // Abuse TStreamerElement data member that is not used by TStreamerBase
616  fBaseCheckSum( *( (UInt_t*)&(fMaxIndex[1]) ) ),
617  fStreamerFunc(0), fConvStreamerFunc(0), fStreamerInfo(0)
619 {
620  // Create a TStreamerBase object.
622  if (strcmp(name,"TObject") == 0) fType = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTObject;
623  if (strcmp(name,"TNamed") == 0) fType = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTNamed;
624  fNewType = fType;
626  if (fBaseClass) {
627  if (fBaseClass->IsVersioned()) {
629  } else {
630  fBaseVersion = -1;
631  }
633  } else {
634  fBaseVersion = 0;
635  }
636  fNewBaseClass = 0;
637  Init();
638 }
640 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
641 /// TStreamerBase dtor
644 {
645 }
647 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
648 /// Returns a pointer to the TClass of this element.
651 {
652  if (fBaseClass!=(TClass*)(-1)) return fBaseClass;
653  ((TStreamerBase*)this)->fBaseClass = TClass::GetClass(GetName());
654  return fBaseClass;
655 }
657 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
658 /// Returns size of baseclass in bytes.
661 {
662  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
663  if (cl) return cl->Size();
664  return 0;
665 }
667 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
668 /// Setup the element.
671 {
673  if (!fBaseClass) return;
675  InitStreaming();
676 }
678 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
679 /// Setup the fStreamerFunc and fStreamerinfo
682 {
683  if (fNewBaseClass) {
686  if (fBaseVersion > 0 || fBaseCheckSum == 0) {
688  } else {
690  }
691  } else if (fBaseClass && fBaseClass != (TClass*)-1) {
694  if (fBaseVersion >= 0 || fBaseCheckSum == 0) {
696  } else {
698  }
699  } else {
700  fStreamerFunc = 0;
701  fConvStreamerFunc = 0;
702  fStreamerInfo = 0;
703  }
704 }
706 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
707 /// Return kTRUE if the element represent a base class.
710 {
711  return kTRUE;
712 }
714 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
715 /// Return the proper include for this element.
717 const char *TStreamerBase::GetInclude() const
718 {
720  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s\"",fBaseClass->GetDeclFileName());
721  } else {
722  std::string shortname( TClassEdit::ShortType( GetName(), 1 ) );
723  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s.h\"",shortname.c_str());
724  }
725  return IncludeNameBuffer();
726 }
728 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
729 /// Print the content of the element.
732 {
733  TString sequenceType;
734  GetSequenceType(sequenceType);
735  if (sequenceType.Length()) {
736  sequenceType.Prepend(" (");
737  sequenceType += ") ";
738  }
739  printf(" %-14s %-15s offset=%3d type=%2d %s%-20s\n",GetFullName(),GetTypeName(),fOffset,fType,sequenceType.Data(),GetTitle());
740 }
742 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
743 /// Read the content of the buffer.
746 {
747  if (fConvStreamerFunc) {
748  // We have a custom Streamer member function, we must use it.
749  fConvStreamerFunc(b,pointer+fOffset,fNewBaseClass ? fBaseClass : nullptr);
750  } else if (fStreamerFunc) {
751  // We have a custom Streamer member function, we must use it.
752  fStreamerFunc(b,pointer+fOffset);
753  } else {
754  // We don't have a custom Streamer member function. That still doesn't mean
755  // that there is no streamer - it could be an external one:
756  // If the old base class has an adopted streamer we take that
757  // one instead of the new base class:
758  if( fNewBaseClass ) {
760  if (extstrm) {
761  // The new base class has an adopted streamer:
762  extstrm->SetOnFileClass(fBaseClass);
763  (*extstrm)(b, pointer);
764  } else {
766  }
767  } else {
768  TClassStreamer* extstrm = fBaseClass->GetStreamer();
769  if (extstrm) {
770  // The class has an adopted streamer:
771  (*extstrm)(b, pointer);
772  } else {
773  b.ReadClassBuffer( fBaseClass, pointer+fOffset );
774  }
775  }
776  }
777  return 0;
778 }
780 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
781 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerBase.
783 void TStreamerBase::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
784 {
785  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
786  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
787  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
789  R__b.ClassBegin(TStreamerBase::Class(), R__v);
791  R__b.ClassMember("TStreamerElement");
792  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
793  // If the class owning the TStreamerElement and the base class are not
794  // loaded, on the file their streamer info might be in the following
795  // order (derived class,base class) and hence the base class is not
796  // yet emulated.
797  fBaseClass = (TClass*)-1;
798  fNewBaseClass = 0;
799  // Eventually we need a v3 that stores directly fBaseCheckSum (and
800  // a version of TStreamerElement should not stored fMaxIndex)
801  if (R__v > 2) {
802  R__b.ClassMember("fBaseVersion","Int_t");
803  R__b >> fBaseVersion;
804  } else {
805  // could have been: fBaseVersion = GetClassPointer()->GetClassVersion();
808  }
810  R__b.SetBufferOffset(R__s+R__c+sizeof(UInt_t));
811  } else {
813  }
814 }
816 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
817 ///Function called by the TClass constructor when replacing an emulated class
818 ///by the real class.
820 void TStreamerBase::Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass)
821 {
822  if (fClassObject == oldClass) fClassObject = newClass;
823  else if (fClassObject == 0) {
824  fClassObject = (TClass*)-1;
825  GetClassPointer(); //force fClassObject
826  }
827  if (fBaseClass == oldClass) fBaseClass = newClass;
828  else if (fBaseClass == 0 ) {
829  fBaseClass = (TClass*)-1;
830  GetClassPointer(); //force fClassObject
831  }
832  if (fClassObject != (TClass*)-1 &&
835  }
836  InitStreaming();
837 }
839 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
840 /// Write the base class into the buffer.
843 {
844  if (fStreamerFunc) {
845  // We have a custom Streamer member function, we must use it.
846  fStreamerFunc(b,pointer+fOffset);
847  } else {
848  // We don't have a custom Streamer member function. That still doesn't mean
849  // that there is no streamer - it could be an external one:
850  // If the old base class has an adopted streamer we take that
851  // one instead of the new base class:
852  if (fNewBaseClass) {
854  if (extstrm) {
855  // The new base class has an adopted streamer:
856  extstrm->SetOnFileClass(fBaseClass);
857  (*extstrm)(b, pointer);
858  return 0;
859  } else {
860  fNewBaseClass->WriteBuffer(b,pointer+fOffset);
861  return 0;
862  }
863  } else {
864  TClassStreamer* extstrm = fBaseClass->GetStreamer();
865  if (extstrm) {
866  (*extstrm)(b, pointer);
867  return 0;
868  } else {
869  fBaseClass->WriteBuffer(b,pointer+fOffset);
870  return 0;
871  }
872  }
873  }
874  return 0;
875 }
877 //______________________________________________________________________________
879 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
880 // //
881 // TStreamerBasicPointer implements the streamering of pointer to //
882 // fundamental types. //
883 // //
884 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
888 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
889 /// Default ctor.
891 TStreamerBasicPointer::TStreamerBasicPointer() : fCountVersion(0),fCountName(),fCountClass(),fCounter(0)
892 {
893  fCounter = 0;
894 }
896 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
897 /// Create a TStreamerBasicPointer object.
899 TStreamerBasicPointer::TStreamerBasicPointer(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *countName, const char *countClass, Int_t countVersion, const char *typeName)
900  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,dtype,typeName)
901 {
903  fCountName = countName;
904  fCountClass = countClass;
905  fCountVersion = countVersion; //currently unused
906  Init();
907 // printf("BasicPointer Init:%s, countName=%s, countClass=%s, countVersion=%d, fCounter=%x\n",
908 // name,countName,countClass,countVersion,fCounter);
909 }
911 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
912 /// TStreamerBasicPointer dtor.
915 {
916 }
918 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
919 /// return offset of counter
922 {
923  if (!fCounter) ((TStreamerBasicPointer*)this)->Init();
924  if (!fCounter) return 0;
925  // FIXME: does not suport multiple inheritance for counter in base class.
926  // This is wrong in case counter is not in the same class or one of
927  // the left most (non virtual) base classes. For the other we would
928  // really need to use the object coming from the list of real data.
929  // (and even that need analysis for virtual base class).
930  return (ULong_t)fCounter->GetOffset();
931 }
933 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
934 /// Returns size of basicpointer in bytes.
937 {
938  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*sizeof(void *);
939  return sizeof(void *);
940 }
942 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
943 /// Setup the element.
944 /// If directive is a StreamerInfo and it correspond to the
945 /// same class a 'countClass' the streamerInfo is used instead of the current StreamerInfo of the TClass
946 /// for 'countClass'.
949 {
950  fCounter = InitCounter( fCountClass, fCountName, directive );
951 }
953 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
954 /// Set number of array dimensions.
957 {
958  fArrayDim = dim;
959  //if (dim) fType += TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL;
960  fNewType = fType;
961 }
963 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
964 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerBasicPointer.
966 void TStreamerBasicPointer::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
967 {
968  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
969  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
970  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
971  if (R__v > 1) {
972  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerBasicPointer::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
973  //Init();
974  //fCounter = InitCounter( fCountClass, fCountName );
975  return;
976  }
977  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
978  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
979  R__b >> fCountVersion;
980  fCountName.Streamer(R__b);
981  fCountClass.Streamer(R__b);
982  R__b.SetBufferOffset(R__s+R__c+sizeof(UInt_t));
983  } else {
985  }
986 }
989 //______________________________________________________________________________
991 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
992 // //
993 // TStreamerLoop implement streaming of a few construct that require //
994 // looping over the data member and are not convered by other case //
995 // (most deprecated). //
996 // //
997 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1001 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1002 /// Default ctor.
1005 {
1006 }
1008 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1009 /// Create a TStreamerLoop object.
1011 TStreamerLoop::TStreamerLoop(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *countName, const char *countClass, Int_t countVersion, const char *typeName)
1012  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,TVirtualStreamerInfo::kStreamLoop,typeName)
1013 {
1014  fCountName = countName;
1015  fCountClass = countClass;
1016  fCountVersion = countVersion; //currently unused
1017  Init();
1018 }
1020 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1021 /// TStreamerLoop dtor.
1024 {
1025 }
1027 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1028 /// return address of counter
1031 {
1032  //if (!fCounter) {
1033  // Init();
1034  // if (!fCounter) return 0;
1035  //}
1036  if (!fCounter) return 0;
1037  return (ULong_t)fCounter->GetOffset();
1038 }
1040 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1041 /// Returns size of counter in bytes.
1044 {
1045  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*sizeof(void*);
1046  return sizeof(void*);
1047 }
1049 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1050 /// Setup the element.
1051 /// If directive is a StreamerInfo and it correspond to the
1052 /// same class a 'countClass' the streamerInfo is used instead of the current StreamerInfo of the TClass
1053 /// for 'countClass'.
1056 {
1057  fCounter = InitCounter( fCountClass, fCountName, directive );
1058 }
1060 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1061 /// Return the proper include for this element.
1063 const char *TStreamerLoop::GetInclude() const
1064 {
1065  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","TString.h"); //to be generalized
1066  return IncludeNameBuffer();
1067 }
1069 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1070 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerLoop.
1072 void TStreamerLoop::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1073 {
1074  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
1075  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1076  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
1077  if (R__v > 1) {
1078  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerLoop::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
1079  //Init();
1080  return;
1081  }
1082  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
1083  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
1084  R__b >> fCountVersion;
1085  fCountName.Streamer(R__b);
1086  fCountClass.Streamer(R__b);
1087  R__b.SetBufferOffset(R__s+R__c+sizeof(UInt_t));
1088  } else {
1090  }
1091 }
1094 //______________________________________________________________________________
1096 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1097 // //
1098 // TStreamerBasicType implement streaming of fundamental types (int, //
1099 // float, etc.). //
1100 // //
1101 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1105 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1106 /// Default ctor.
1109 {
1110 }
1112 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1113 /// Create a TStreamerBasicType object.
1115 TStreamerBasicType::TStreamerBasicType(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName)
1116  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,dtype,typeName),fCounter(0)
1117 {
1118 }
1120 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1121 /// TStreamerBasicType dtor.
1124 {
1125 }
1127 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1128 /// return address of counter
1131 {
1134  return 0;
1135 }
1137 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1138 /// Returns size of this element in bytes.
1141 {
1142  return fSize;
1143 }
1145 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1146 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerBasicType.
1148 void TStreamerBasicType::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1149 {
1150  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
1151  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1152  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
1153  if (R__v > 1) {
1154  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerBasicType::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
1155  } else {
1156  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
1157  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
1158  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerBasicType::IsA());
1159  }
1160  Int_t type = fType;
1163  }
1164  switch(type) {
1165  // basic types
1166  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool: fSize = sizeof(Bool_t); break;
1167  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort: fSize = sizeof(Short_t); break;
1168  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt: fSize = sizeof(Int_t); break;
1169  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong: fSize = sizeof(Long_t); break;
1170  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64: fSize = sizeof(Long64_t); break;
1171  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat: fSize = sizeof(Float_t); break;
1172  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16: fSize = sizeof(Float_t); break;
1173  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble: fSize = sizeof(Double_t); break;
1174  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32: fSize = sizeof(Double_t); break;
1175  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar: fSize = sizeof(UChar_t); break;
1176  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort: fSize = sizeof(UShort_t); break;
1177  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt: fSize = sizeof(UInt_t); break;
1178  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong: fSize = sizeof(ULong_t); break;
1179  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64: fSize = sizeof(ULong64_t); break;
1180  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBits: fSize = sizeof(UInt_t); break;
1181  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter: fSize = sizeof(Int_t); break;
1182  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar: fSize = sizeof(Char_t); break;
1183  case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCharStar: fSize = sizeof(Char_t*); break;
1184  default: return; // If we don't change the size let's not remultiply it.
1185  }
1186  if (fArrayLength) fSize *= GetArrayLength();
1187  } else {
1189  }
1190 }
1194 //______________________________________________________________________________
1196 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1197 // //
1198 // TStreamerObject implements streaming of embedded objects whose type //
1199 // inherits from TObject. //
1200 // //
1201 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1205 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1206 /// Default ctor.
1209 {
1210 }
1212 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1213 /// Create a TStreamerObject object.
1215 TStreamerObject::TStreamerObject(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName)
1216  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,0,typeName)
1217 {
1219  if (strcmp(typeName,"TObject") == 0) fType = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTObject;
1220  if (strcmp(typeName,"TNamed") == 0) fType = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTNamed;
1221  fNewType = fType;
1222  Init();
1223 }
1225 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1226 /// TStreamerObject dtor.
1229 {
1230 }
1232 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1233 /// Setup the element.
1236 {
1238  if (fClassObject && fClassObject->IsTObject()) {
1240  }
1241 }
1243 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1244 /// Return the proper include for this element.
1246 const char *TStreamerObject::GetInclude() const
1247 {
1248  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
1249  if (cl && cl->HasInterpreterInfo()) {
1250  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s\"",cl->GetDeclFileName());
1251  } else {
1252  std::string shortname( TClassEdit::ShortType( GetTypeName(), 1 ) );
1253  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s.h\"",shortname.c_str());
1254  }
1255  return IncludeNameBuffer();
1256 }
1258 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1259 /// Returns size of object class in bytes.
1262 {
1263  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
1264  Int_t classSize = 8;
1265  if (cl) classSize = cl->Size();
1266  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*classSize;
1267  return classSize;
1268 }
1270 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1271 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerObject.
1273 void TStreamerObject::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1274 {
1275  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
1276  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1277  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
1278  if (R__v > 1) {
1279  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerObject::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
1280  return;
1281  }
1282  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
1283  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
1284  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerObject::IsA());
1285  } else {
1287  }
1288 }
1291 //______________________________________________________________________________
1293 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1294 // //
1295 // TStreamerObjectAny implement streaming of embedded object not //
1296 // inheriting from TObject. //
1297 // //
1298 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1302 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1303 /// Default ctor.
1306 {
1307 }
1309 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1310 /// Create a TStreamerObjectAny object.
1312 TStreamerObjectAny::TStreamerObjectAny(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName)
1313  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAny,typeName)
1314 {
1315  Init();
1316 }
1318 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1319 /// TStreamerObjectAny dtor.
1322 {
1323 }
1325 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1326 /// Setup the element.
1329 {
1331  if (fClassObject && fClassObject->IsTObject()) {
1333  }
1334 }
1336 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1337 /// Return the proper include for this element.
1340 {
1341  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
1342  if (cl && cl->HasInterpreterInfo()) {
1343  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s\"",cl->GetDeclFileName());
1344  } else {
1345  std::string shortname( TClassEdit::ShortType( GetTypeName(), 1 ) );
1346  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s.h\"",shortname.c_str());
1347  }
1348  return IncludeNameBuffer();
1349 }
1351 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1352 /// Returns size of anyclass in bytes.
1355 {
1356  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
1357  Int_t classSize = 8;
1358  if (cl) classSize = cl->Size();
1359  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*classSize;
1360  return classSize;
1361 }
1363 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1364 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerObjectAny.
1366 void TStreamerObjectAny::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1367 {
1368  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
1369  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1370  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
1371  if (R__v > 1) {
1372  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerObjectAny::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
1373  return;
1374  }
1375  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
1376  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
1377  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerObjectAny::IsA());
1378  } else {
1380  }
1381 }
1385 //______________________________________________________________________________
1387 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1388 // //
1389 // TStreamerObjectPointer implements streaming of pointer to object //
1390 // inheriting from TObject. //
1391 // //
1392 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1396 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1397 /// Default ctor.
1400 {
1401 }
1403 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1404 /// Create a TStreamerObjectPointer object.
1407  Int_t offset, const char *typeName)
1408  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObjectP,typeName)
1409 {
1410  if (strncmp(title,"->",2) == 0) fType = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObjectp;
1411  fNewType = fType;
1412  Init();
1413 }
1415 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1416 /// TStreamerObjectPointer dtor.
1419 {
1420 }
1422 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1423 /// Setup the element.
1426 {
1428  if (fClassObject && fClassObject->IsTObject()) {
1430  }
1431 }
1433 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1434 /// Return the proper include for this element.
1437 {
1438  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
1439  if (cl && cl->HasInterpreterInfo()) {
1440  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s\"",cl->GetDeclFileName());
1441  } else {
1442  std::string shortname( TClassEdit::ShortType( GetTypeName(), 1 ) );
1443  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s.h\"",shortname.c_str());
1444  }
1446  return IncludeNameBuffer();
1447 }
1449 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1450 /// Returns size of objectpointer in bytes.
1453 {
1454  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*sizeof(void *);
1455  return sizeof(void *);
1456 }
1458 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1459 /// Set number of array dimensions.
1462 {
1463  fArrayDim = dim;
1464  //if (dim) fType += TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL;
1465  fNewType = fType;
1466 }
1468 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1469 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerObjectPointer.
1471 void TStreamerObjectPointer::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1472 {
1473  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
1474  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1475  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
1476  if (R__v > 1) {
1477  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerObjectPointer::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
1478  return;
1479  }
1480  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
1481  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
1482  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerObjectPointer::IsA());
1483  } else {
1485  }
1486 }
1489 //______________________________________________________________________________
1491 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1492 // //
1493 // TStreamerObjectPointerAny implements streaming of pointer to object //
1494 // not inheriting from TObject. //
1495 // //
1496 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1500 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1501 /// Default ctor.
1504 {
1505 }
1507 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1508 /// Create a TStreamerObjectAnyPointer object.
1511  Int_t offset, const char *typeName)
1512  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyP,typeName)
1513 {
1514  if (strncmp(title,"->",2) == 0) fType = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyp;
1515  fNewType = fType;
1516  Init();
1517 }
1519 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1520 /// TStreamerObjectAnyPointer dtor.
1523 {
1524 }
1526 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1527 /// Setup the element.
1530 {
1532  if (fClassObject && fClassObject->IsTObject()) {
1534  }
1535 }
1537 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1538 /// Return the proper include for this element.
1541 {
1542  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
1543  if (cl && cl->HasInterpreterInfo()) {
1544  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s\"",cl->GetDeclFileName());
1545  } else {
1546  std::string shortname( TClassEdit::ShortType( GetTypeName(), 1 ) );
1547  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("\"%s.h\"",shortname.c_str());
1548  }
1550  return IncludeNameBuffer();
1551 }
1553 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1554 /// Returns size of objectpointer in bytes.
1557 {
1558  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*sizeof(void *);
1559  return sizeof(void *);
1560 }
1562 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1563 /// Set number of array dimensions.
1566 {
1567  fArrayDim = dim;
1568  //if (dim) fType += TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL;
1569  fNewType = fType;
1570 }
1572 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1573 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerObjectAnyPointer.
1575 void TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1576 {
1577  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1579  } else {
1581  }
1582 }
1585 //______________________________________________________________________________
1587 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1588 // //
1589 // TSreamerString implements streaming of TString. //
1590 // //
1591 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1595 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1596 /// Default ctor.
1599 {
1600 }
1602 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1603 /// Create a TStreamerString object.
1605 TStreamerString::TStreamerString(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset)
1606  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTString,"TString")
1607 {
1608 }
1610 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1611 /// TStreamerString dtor.
1614 {
1615 }
1617 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1618 /// Return the proper include for this element.
1620 const char *TStreamerString::GetInclude() const
1621 {
1622  IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","TString.h");
1623  return IncludeNameBuffer();
1624 }
1626 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1627 /// Returns size of anyclass in bytes.
1630 {
1631  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*sizeof(TString);
1632  return sizeof(TString);
1633 }
1635 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1636 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerString.
1638 void TStreamerString::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1639 {
1640  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
1641  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1642  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
1643  if (R__v > 1) {
1644  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerString::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
1645  return;
1646  }
1647  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
1648  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
1649  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerString::IsA());
1650  } else {
1652  }
1653 }
1655 //______________________________________________________________________________
1657 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1658 // //
1659 // TStreamerSTL implements streamer of STL container. //
1660 // //
1661 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1665 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1666 /// Default ctor.
1668 TStreamerSTL::TStreamerSTL() : fSTLtype(0),fCtype(0)
1669 {
1670 }
1672 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1673 /// Create a TStreamerSTL object.
1675 TStreamerSTL::TStreamerSTL(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset,
1676  const char *typeName, const TVirtualCollectionProxy &proxy, Bool_t dmPointer)
1677  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,ROOT::kSTLany,typeName)
1678 {
1679  fTypeName = TClassEdit::ShortType(fTypeName,TClassEdit::kDropStlDefault).c_str();
1681  if (name==typeName /* intentional pointer comparison */
1682  || strcmp(name,typeName)==0) {
1683  // We have a base class.
1684  fName = fTypeName;
1685  }
1686  fSTLtype = proxy.GetCollectionType();
1687  fCtype = 0;
1689  if (dmPointer) fSTLtype += TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP;
1691  if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLbitset) {
1692  // Nothing to check
1693  } else if (proxy.GetValueClass()) {
1696  } else {
1697  fCtype = proxy.GetType();
1699  }
1701 }
1703 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1704 /// Create a TStreamerSTL object.
1706 TStreamerSTL::TStreamerSTL(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset,
1707  const char *typeName, const char *trueType, Bool_t dmPointer)
1708  : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,ROOT::kSTLany,typeName)
1709 {
1710  const char *t = trueType;
1711  if (!t || !*t) t = typeName;
1713  fTypeName = TClassEdit::ShortType(fTypeName,TClassEdit::kDropStlDefault).c_str();
1715  if (name==typeName /* intentional pointer comparison */
1716  || strcmp(name,typeName)==0) {
1717  // We have a base class.
1718  fName = fTypeName;
1719  }
1721  Int_t nch = strlen(t);
1722  char *s = new char[nch+1];
1723  strlcpy(s,t,nch+1);
1724  char *sopen = strchr(s,'<');
1725  if (sopen == 0) {
1726  Fatal("TStreamerSTL","For %s, the type name (%s) is seemingly not a template (template argument not found)", name, s);
1727  return;
1728  }
1729  *sopen = 0; sopen++;
1730  // We are looking for the first arguments of the STL container, because
1731  // this arguments can be a templates we need to count the < and >
1732  char* current=sopen;
1733  for(int count = 0; *current!='\0'; current++) {
1734  if (*current=='<') count++;
1735  if (*current=='>') {
1736  if (count==0) break;
1737  count--;
1738  }
1739  if (*current==',' && count==0) break;
1740  }
1741  char *sclose = current; *sclose = 0; sclose--;
1742  char *sconst = strstr(sopen,"const ");
1743  char *sbracket = strstr(sopen,"<");
1744  if (sconst && (sbracket==0 || sconst < sbracket)) {
1745  // the string "const" may be part of the classname!
1746  char *pconst = sconst-1;
1747  if (*pconst == ' ' || *pconst == '<' || *pconst == '*' || *pconst == '\0') sopen = sconst + 5;
1748  }
1749  fSTLtype = TClassEdit::STLKind(s);
1750  fCtype = 0;
1751  if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kNotSTL) { delete [] s; return;}
1752  if (dmPointer) fSTLtype += TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP;
1754  // find STL contained type
1755  while (*sopen==' ') sopen++;
1756  Bool_t isPointer = kFALSE;
1757  // Find stars outside of any template definitions in the
1758  // first template argument.
1759  char *star = strrchr(sopen,'>');
1760  if (star) star = strchr(star,'*');
1761  else star = strchr(sopen,'*');
1762  if (star) {
1763  isPointer = kTRUE;
1764  *star = 0;
1765  sclose = star - 1;
1766  }
1767  while (*sclose == ' ') {*sclose = 0; sclose--;}
1770  TDataType *dt = (TDataType*)gROOT->GetListOfTypes()->FindObject(sopen);
1771  if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLbitset) {
1772  // Nothing to check
1773  } else if (dt) {
1774  fCtype = dt->GetType();
1775  if (isPointer) fCtype += TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP;
1776  } else {
1777  // this could also be a nested enums ... which should work ... be let's see.
1778  TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(sopen);
1779  if (cl) {
1780  if (isPointer) fCtype = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObjectp;
1782  } else {
1783  if (gCling->ClassInfo_IsEnum(sopen)) {
1784  if (isPointer) fCtype += TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP;
1785  } else {
1786  if(strcmp(sopen,"string")) {
1787  // This case can happens when 'this' is a TStreamerElement for
1788  // a STL container containing something for which we do not have
1789  // a TVirtualStreamerInfo (This happens in particular is the collection
1790  // objects themselves are always empty) and we do not have the
1791  // dictionary/shared library for the container.
1792  if (GetClassPointer() && GetClassPointer()->IsLoaded()) {
1793  Warning("TStreamerSTL","For %s we could not find any information about the type %s %d %s",fTypeName.Data(),sopen,fSTLtype,s);
1794  }
1795  }
1796  }
1797  }
1798  }
1799  delete [] s;
1802 }
1804 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1805 /// TStreamerSTL dtor.
1808 {
1809 }
1811 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1812 /// We can not split STL's which are inside a variable size array.
1813 /// At least for now.
1816 {
1817  if (IsaPointer()) {
1818  if (GetTitle()[0]=='[') return kTRUE; // can not split variable size array
1819  return kTRUE;
1820  }
1822  if (GetArrayDim()>=1 && GetArrayLength()>1) return kTRUE;
1824  if (TStreamerElement::CannotSplit()) return kTRUE;
1826  return kFALSE;
1827 }
1829 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1830 /// Return true if the data member is a pointer.
1833 {
1834  const char *type_name = GetTypeName();
1835  if ( type_name[strlen(type_name)-1]=='*' ) return kTRUE;
1836  else return kFALSE;
1837 }
1840 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1841 /// Return kTRUE if the element represent a base class.
1844 {
1845  TString ts(GetName());
1847  if (strcmp(ts.Data(),GetTypeName())==0) return kTRUE;
1848  if (strcmp(ts.Data(),GetTypeNameBasic())==0) return kTRUE;
1849  return kFALSE;
1850 }
1851 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1852 /// Returns size of STL container in bytes.
1855 {
1856  // Since the STL collection might or might not be emulated and that the
1857  // sizeof the object depends on this, let's just always retrieve the
1858  // current size!
1859  TClass *cl = GetClassPointer();
1860  UInt_t size = 0;
1861  if (cl==0) {
1862  if (!TestBit(kWarned)) {
1863  Error("GetSize","Could not find the TClass for %s.\n"
1864  "This is likely to have been a typedef, if possible please declare it in CINT to work around the issue\n",fTypeName.Data());
1865  const_cast<TStreamerSTL*>(this)->SetBit(kWarned);
1866  }
1867  } else {
1868  size = cl->Size();
1869  }
1871  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*size;
1872  return size;
1873 }
1875 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1876 /// Print the content of the element.
1879 {
1880  TString name(kMaxLen);
1881  TString cdim;
1882  name = GetName();
1883  for (Int_t i=0;i<fArrayDim;i++) {
1884  cdim.Form("[%d]",fMaxIndex[i]);
1885  name += cdim;
1886  }
1887  TString sequenceType;
1888  GetSequenceType(sequenceType);
1889  if (sequenceType.Length()) {
1890  sequenceType.Prepend(" (");
1891  sequenceType += ") ";
1892  }
1893  printf(" %-14s %-15s offset=%3d type=%2d %s,stl=%d, ctype=%d, %-20s\n",
1894  GetTypeName(),name.Data(),fOffset,fType,sequenceType.Data(),
1896 }
1898 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1899 /// Return the proper include for this element.
1901 const char *TStreamerSTL::GetInclude() const
1902 {
1903  if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLvector) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","vector");
1904  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLlist) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","list");
1905  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLforwardlist) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","forward_list");
1906  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLdeque) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","deque");
1907  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLmap) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","map");
1908  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLmultimap) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","map");
1909  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLset) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","set");
1910  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLmultiset) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","set");
1911  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLunorderedset) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","unordered_set");
1912  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLunorderedmultiset) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","unordered_set");
1913  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLunorderedmap) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","unordered_map");
1914  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLunorderedmultimap) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","unordered_map");
1915  else if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLbitset) IncludeNameBuffer().Form("<%s>","bitset");
1916  return IncludeNameBuffer();
1917 }
1919 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1920 /// Set pointer to Streamer function for this element
1921 /// NOTE: we do not take ownership
1924 {
1925  fStreamer = streamer;
1926 }
1928 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1929 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerSTL.
1931 void TStreamerSTL::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
1932 {
1933  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
1934  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1935  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
1936  if (R__v > 2) {
1937  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerSTL::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
1938  } else {
1939  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
1940  TStreamerElement::Streamer(R__b);
1941  R__b >> fSTLtype;
1942  R__b >> fCtype;
1943  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerSTL::IsA());
1944  }
1945  if (fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLmultimap || fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLset) {
1946  // For a long time those where inverted in TStreamerElement
1947  // compared to the other definitions. When we moved to version '4',
1948  // this got standardized, but we now need to fix it.
1950  if (fTypeName.BeginsWith("std::set") || fTypeName.BeginsWith("set")) {
1951  fSTLtype = ROOT::kSTLset;
1952  } else if (fTypeName.BeginsWith("std::multimap") || fTypeName.BeginsWith("multimap")) {
1953  fSTLtype = ROOT::kSTLmultimap;
1954  }
1955  }
1959  if (GetArrayLength() > 0) {
1961  }
1962  if (R__b.GetParent()) { // Avoid resetting during a cloning.
1964  SetBit(kDoNotDelete); // For backward compatibility
1965  } else if ( fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLmap || fSTLtype == ROOT::kSTLmultimap) {
1966  // Here we would like to set the bit only if one of the element of the pair is a pointer,
1967  // however we have no easy to determine this short of parsing the class name.
1968  SetBit(kDoNotDelete); // For backward compatibility
1969  }
1970  }
1971  return;
1972  } else {
1973  // To enable forward compatibility we actually save with the old value
1974  Int_t tmp = fType;
1977  fType = tmp;
1978  }
1979 }
1981 //______________________________________________________________________________
1983 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1984 // //
1985 // TStreamerSTLstring implements streaming std::string. //
1986 // //
1987 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1991 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1992 /// Default ctor.
1995 {
1996 }
1998 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1999 /// Create a TStreamerSTLstring object.
2001 TStreamerSTLstring::TStreamerSTLstring(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset,
2002  const char *typeName, Bool_t dmPointer)
2003  : TStreamerSTL()
2004 {
2005  SetName(name);
2006  SetTitle(title);
2008  if (dmPointer) {
2010  } else {
2012  }
2014  fNewType = fType;
2015  fOffset = offset;
2016  fSTLtype = ROOT::kSTLstring;
2017  fCtype = ROOT::kSTLstring;
2018  fTypeName= typeName;
2020 }
2022 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2023 /// TStreamerSTLstring dtor.
2026 {
2027 }
2029 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2030 /// Return the proper include for this element.
2033 {
2034  IncludeNameBuffer() = "<string>";
2035  return IncludeNameBuffer();
2036 }
2038 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2039 /// Returns size of anyclass in bytes.
2042 {
2043  if (fArrayLength) return fArrayLength*sizeof(string);
2044  return sizeof(string);
2045 }
2047 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2048 /// Stream an object of class TStreamerSTLstring.
2050 void TStreamerSTLstring::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
2051 {
2052  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
2053  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
2054  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
2055  if (R__v > 1) {
2056  R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerSTLstring::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
2057  return;
2058  }
2059  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
2060  TStreamerSTL::Streamer(R__b);
2061  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TStreamerSTLstring::IsA());
2062  } else {
2064  }
2065 }
2067 //______________________________________________________________________________
2069 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2070 // //
2071 // TStreamerArtificial implements StreamerElement injected by a TSchemaRule. //
2072 // //
2073 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2075 ClassImp(TStreamerSTLstring);
2077 void TStreamerArtificial::Streamer(TBuffer& /* R__b */)
2078 {
2079  // Avoid streaming the synthetic/artificial streamer elements.
2081  // Intentionally, nothing to do at all.
2082  return;
2083 }
2086 {
2087  // Return the read function if any.
2089  return fReadFunc;
2090 }
2093 {
2094  // Return the raw read function if any.
2096  return fReadRawFunc;
2097 }
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
virtual Bool_t IsTransient() const
Return kTRUE if the element represent an entity that is not written to the disk (transient members...
void SetBufferOffset(Int_t offset=0)
Definition: TBuffer.h:88
value of data member when referenced by an array
virtual Int_t GetCollectionType() const =0
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID() const
Return the unique object id.
Definition: TObject.cxx:382
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Setup the element.
virtual ~TStreamerBase()
TStreamerBase dtor.
Bool_t IsReading() const
Definition: TBuffer.h:81
Default ctor.
Bool_t CanSplit() const
Return true if the data member of this TClass can be saved separately.
Definition: TClass.cxx:2232
void(* ReadRawFuncPtr_t)(char *, TBuffer &)
Definition: TSchemaRule.h:43
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
const char * GetTypeNameBasic() const
Return type name of this element in case the type name is not a standard basic type, return the basic type name known to CINT.
float xmin
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
virtual void ClassBegin(const TClass *, Version_t=-1)=0
Int_t fNewType
base offset for TObject if the element inherits from it
virtual Int_t WriteClassBuffer(const TClass *cl, void *pointer)=0
TString GetTypeName()
Get basic type of typedef, e,g.
Definition: TDataType.cxx:149
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of this element in bytes.
long long Long64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:69
const char * GetDeclFileName() const
Definition: TClass.h:376
ClassConvStreamerFunc_t fConvStreamerFunc
Pointer to a wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.
Definition: StringConv.hxx:21
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of baseclass in bytes.
short Version_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:61
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of basicpointer in bytes.
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of object class in bytes.
const Int_t kMaxLen
virtual TClass * GetClass() const =0
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
TVirtualStreamerInfo * FindConversionStreamerInfo(const char *onfile_classname, UInt_t checksum) const
Return a Conversion StreamerInfo from the class &#39;classname&#39; for the layout represented by &#39;checksum&#39; ...
Definition: TClass.cxx:6734
TVirtualStreamerInfo * GetConversionStreamerInfo(const char *onfile_classname, Int_t version) const
Return a Conversion StreamerInfo from the class &#39;classname&#39; for version number &#39;version&#39; to this clas...
Definition: TClass.cxx:6637
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const
Print the content of the element.
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
virtual TClass * GetValueClass() const =0
Double_t fXmin
pointer to element Streamer
All ROOT classes may have RTTI (run time type identification) support added.
Definition: TDataMember.h:31
TObject * GetParent() const
Return pointer to parent of this buffer.
Definition: TBuffer.cxx:231
R__EXTERN TVirtualMutex * gInterpreterMutex
Definition: TInterpreter.h:40
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Setup the element.
unsigned short UShort_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:36
Bool_t TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Definition: TObject.h:159
virtual TClass * GetClassPointer() const
Returns a pointer to the TClass of this element.
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:131
virtual void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim)
Set number of array dimensions.
TVirtualStreamerInfo * GetStreamerInfo(Int_t version=0) const
returns a pointer to the TVirtualStreamerInfo object for version If the object does not exist...
Definition: TClass.cxx:4360
TMemberStreamer * GetStreamer() const
Return the local streamer object.
virtual ~TStreamerObjectAny()
TStreamerObjectAny dtor.
Buffer base class used for serializing objects.
Definition: TBuffer.h:40
Bool_t HasInterpreterInfo() const
Definition: TClass.h:364
TClassStreamer * GetStreamer() const
Return the Streamer Class allowing streaming (if any).
Definition: TClass.cxx:2831
Default ctor.
virtual Int_t CheckByteCount(UInt_t startpos, UInt_t bcnt, const TClass *clss)=0
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:375
static TStreamerBasicType * InitCounter(const char *countClass, const char *countName, TVirtualStreamerInfo *directive)
Helper function to initialize the &#39;index/counter&#39; value of the Pointer streamerElements.
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
Int_t GetArrayLength() const
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
TClass * fBaseClass
checksum of the base class (used during memberwise streaming)
virtual ~TStreamerObjectAnyPointer()
TStreamerObjectAnyPointer dtor.
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Setup the element.
ClassStreamerFunc_t fStreamerFunc
pointer to new base class if renamed
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
virtual void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim)
Set number of array dimensions.
virtual ~TStreamerElement()
TStreamerElement dtor.
STL namespace.
Default ctor.
Int_t GetArrayDim() const
virtual EDataType GetType() const =0
void GetSequenceType(TString &type) const
Fill type with the string representation of sequence information including &#39;cached&#39;,&#39;repeat&#39;,&#39;write&#39; or &#39;nodelete&#39;.
virtual Int_t ReadStaticArray(Bool_t *b)=0
virtual void SetMaxIndex(Int_t dim, Int_t max)
set maximum index for array with dimension dim
virtual ~TStreamerBasicType()
TStreamerBasicType dtor.
Bool_t IsaPointer() const
Return true if the data member is a pointer.
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
void SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f.
Definition: TObject.cxx:687
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Find an object in this list using its name.
Definition: TList.cxx:501
virtual Bool_t CannotSplit() const
Returns true if the element cannot be split, false otherwise.
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Setup the element.
Int_t GetBaseClassOffset(const TClass *toBase, void *address=0, bool isDerivedObject=true)
Definition: TClass.cxx:2709
virtual void ClassMember(const char *, const char *=0, Int_t=-1, Int_t=-1)=0
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of objectpointer in bytes.
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Setup the element.
virtual Int_t GetExecID() const
Returns the TExec id for the EXEC instruction in the comment field of a TRef data member...
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
Default ctor.
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:29
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Find an object in this collection using its name.
Definition: TObjArray.cxx:396
Bool_t IsLoaded() const
Return true if the shared library of this class is currently in the a process&#39;s memory.
Definition: TClass.cxx:5549
ClassConvStreamerFunc_t GetConvStreamerFunc() const
Get a wrapper/accessor function around this class custom conversion streamer (member function)...
Definition: TClass.cxx:2864
static TString & IncludeNameBuffer()
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of anyclass in bytes.
UInt_t & fBaseCheckSum
virtual ~TStreamerObject()
TStreamerObject dtor.
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const
Print the content of the element.
Int_t WriteBuffer(TBuffer &b, void *pointer, const char *info="")
Function called by the Streamer functions to serialize object at p to buffer b.
Definition: TClass.cxx:6332
virtual ~TStreamerString()
TStreamerString dtor.
virtual void SetOnFileClass(const TClass *cl)
static void GetRange(const char *comments, Double_t &xmin, Double_t &xmax, Double_t &factor)
Parse comments to search for a range specifier of the style: [xmin,xmax] or [xmin,xmax,nbits] [0,1] [-10,100]; [-pi,pi], [-pi/2,pi/4],[-2pi,2*pi] [-10,100,16] [0,0,8] if nbits is not specified, or nbits <2 or nbits>32 it is set to 32 if (xmin==0 and xmax==0 and nbits <=16) the double word will be converted to a float and its mantissa truncated to nbits significative bits.
static Int_t AddExec(const char *name)
If Exec with name does not exist in the list of Execs, it is created.
Definition: TRef.cxx:339
void Error(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
virtual ~TStreamerBasicPointer()
TStreamerBasicPointer dtor.
virtual void Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass)
function called by the TClass constructor when replacing an emulated class by the real class ...
Double_t fXmax
Minimum of data member if a range is specified [xmin,xmax,nbits].
virtual void SetStreamer(TMemberStreamer *streamer)
set pointer to Streamer function for this element
virtual void SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
Set the unique object id.
Definition: TObject.cxx:698
Bool_t IsBase() const
Return kTRUE if the element represent a base class.
Int_t GetType() const
Definition: TDataType.h:68
Default ctor.
Int_t fTObjectOffset
element offset in class
virtual ~TStreamerSTLstring()
TStreamerSTLstring dtor.
Default ctor.
TVirtualStreamerInfo * FindStreamerInfo(TObjArray *arr, UInt_t checksum) const
Find the TVirtualStreamerInfo in the StreamerInfos corresponding to checksum.
Definition: TClass.cxx:6617
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
virtual void Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass)
Function called by the TClass constructor when replacing an emulated class by the real class...
pointer to basic type counter
Basic data type descriptor (datatype information is obtained from CINT).
Definition: TDataType.h:44
virtual Bool_t HasPointers() const =0
pointer to basic type counter
TDataMember * GetDataMember() const
Definition: TRealData.h:53
Int_t WriteBuffer(TBuffer &b, char *pointer)
Write the base class into the buffer.
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:873
Default ctor.
Int_t Size() const
Return size of object of this class.
Definition: TClass.cxx:5348
ULong_t GetMethod() const
return offset of counter
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Setup the element.
short Short_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:35
The TRealData class manages the effective list of all data members for a given class.
Definition: TRealData.h:30
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
Definition: TClass.h:71
float xmax
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
virtual ~TStreamerObjectPointer()
TStreamerObjectPointer dtor.
TString fName
Definition: TNamed.h:32
virtual void ReadFastArray(Bool_t *b, Int_t n)=0
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Initliaze the element.
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of objectpointer in bytes.
#define R__LOCKGUARD2(mutex)
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:92
PyObject * fType
virtual Bool_t ClassInfo_IsEnum(const char *) const
Definition: TInterpreter.h:359
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
virtual Int_t ReadClassBuffer(const TClass *cl, void *pointer, const TClass *onfile_class=0)=0
Version_t GetClassVersion() const
Definition: TClass.h:372
void(* ReadFuncPtr_t)(char *, TVirtualObject *)
Definition: TSchemaRule.h:42
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:336
virtual ~TStreamerLoop()
TStreamerLoop dtor.
virtual void SetStreamer(TMemberStreamer *streamer)
Set pointer to Streamer function for this element NOTE: we do not take ownership. ...
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
virtual TObjArray * GetElements() const =0
virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const
virtual const char * GetFullName() const
Return element name including dimensions, if any Note that this function stores the name into a stati...
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
ULong_t GetMethod() const
return address of counter
unsigned long long ULong64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:70
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of this element in bytes.
Bool_t IsBase() const
Return kTRUE if the element represent a base class.
TList * GetListOfRealData() const
Definition: TClass.h:395
unsigned long ULong_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:51
virtual Bool_t IsBase() const
Return kTRUE if the element represent a base class.
Definition: TDataType.h:28
virtual void SetType(Int_t dtype)
virtual Bool_t IsOldFormat(const char *newTypeName)
The early 3.00/00 and 3.01/01 versions used to store dm->GetTypeName instead of dm->GetFullTypename i...
static TClass * GetClass(const char *name, Bool_t load=kTRUE, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Static method returning pointer to TClass of the specified class name.
Definition: TClass.cxx:2885
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of anyclass in bytes.
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
TClass * fNewClass
pointer to class of object
TMemberStreamer * fStreamer
new element class when reading
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of counter in bytes.
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const
Print the content of the element.
char Char_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:29
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of anyclass in bytes.
virtual void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim)
Set number of array dimensions.
Bool_t IsTObject() const
Return kTRUE is the class inherits from TObject.
Definition: TClass.cxx:5575
void SetArrayDim(Int_t dim)
Set number of array dimensions.
const char * GetTypeName() const
virtual void ClassEnd(const TClass *)=0
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
Int_t Size() const
Get size of basic typedef&#39;ed type.
Definition: TDataType.cxx:366
Bool_t IsVersioned() const
Definition: TClass.h:453
Int_t GetSize() const
Returns size of STL container in bytes.
ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t GetReadFunc()
static TStreamerBasicType * GetElementCounter(const char *countName, TClass *cl)
Get pointer to a TStreamerBasicType in TClass *cl static function.
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
#define snprintf
Definition: civetweb.c:822
Int_t ReadBuffer(TBuffer &b, char *pointer)
Read the content of the buffer.
Double_t fFactor
Maximum of data member if a range is specified [xmin,xmax,nbits].
virtual void Init(TVirtualStreamerInfo *obj=0)
Setup the element.
ClassStreamerFunc_t GetStreamerFunc() const
Get a wrapper/accessor function around this class custom streamer (member function).
Definition: TClass.cxx:2856
void ResetBit(UInt_t f)
Definition: TObject.h:158
unsigned char UChar_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:34
Definition: first.py:1
ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t GetReadRawFunc()
UInt_t GetCheckSum(ECheckSum code=kCurrentCheckSum) const
Call GetCheckSum with validity check.
Definition: TClass.cxx:6065
virtual TClass * GetClassPointer() const
Returns a pointer to the TClass of this element.
virtual void Fatal(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue fatal error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:901
TStreamerBasicType * fCounter
R__EXTERN TInterpreter * gCling
Definition: TInterpreter.h:501
Abstract Interface class describing Streamer information for one class.
TClass * GetClass() const
Definition: TDataMember.h:71
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set the title of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:155
Int_t GetOffset() const
virtual ~TStreamerSTL()
TStreamerSTL dtor.
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:91
Int_t GetType() const
TClass * fNewBaseClass
pointer to base class
TVirtualStreamerInfo * fStreamerInfo
Pointer to a wrapper around a custom convertion streamer member function.
const char * GetInclude() const
Return the proper include for this element.
void InitStreaming()
Error message in case of checksum/version mismatch.
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:859
Bool_t CannotSplit() const
We can not split STL&#39;s which are inside a variable size array.
Default ctor.
virtual Version_t ReadVersion(UInt_t *start=0, UInt_t *bcnt=0, const TClass *cl=0)=0
TStreamerBasicType * fCounter
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:48
TString fTypeName
new element type when reading
ULong_t GetMethod() const
return address of counter