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RScanner Class Reference

Definition at line 46 of file Scanner.h.


class  AnnotatedNamespaceDecl

Public Types

typedef std::vector< ROOT::TMetaUtils::AnnotatedRecordDeclClassColl_t
typedef void(* DeclCallback) (const char *type)
typedef std::map< clang::Decl *, const BaseSelectionRule * > DeclsSelRulesMap_t
typedef std::vector< clang::EnumDecl * > EnumColl_t
enum  EScanType : char { EScanType::kNormal, EScanType::kTwoPasses, EScanType::kOnePCM }
typedef std::vector< clang::FunctionDecl * > FunctionColl_t
typedef std::vector< AnnotatedNamespaceDeclNamespaceColl_t
typedef std::vector< clang::TypedefNameDecl * > TypedefColl_t
typedef std::vector< clang::VarDecl * > VariableColl_t

Public Member Functions

 RScanner (SelectionRules &rules, EScanType stype, const cling::Interpreter &interpret, ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt &normCtxt, unsigned int verbose=0)
 Regular constructor setting up the scanner to search for entities matching the 'rules'. More...
virtual ~ RScanner ()
bool GetDeclName (clang::Decl *D, std::string &name) const
bool GetDeclQualName (const clang::Decl *D, std::string &qual_name) const
const DeclsSelRulesMap_tGetDeclsSelRulesMap () const
bool GetFunctionPrototype (clang::Decl *D, std::string &prototype) const
void Scan (const clang::ASTContext &C)
DeclCallback SetRecordDeclCallback (DeclCallback callback)
 Set the callback to the RecordDecl and return the previous one. More...
bool shouldVisitTemplateInstantiations () const
bool TraverseClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl (clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl *)
bool TraverseDeclContextHelper (clang::DeclContext *DC)
bool TraverseStmt (clang::Stmt *)
bool TreatRecordDeclOrTypedefNameDecl (clang::TypeDecl *typeDecl)
bool VisitEnumDecl (clang::EnumDecl *D)
bool VisitFieldDecl (clang::FieldDecl *D)
 Nothing to be done here. More...
bool VisitFunctionDecl (clang::FunctionDecl *D)
bool VisitNamespaceDecl (clang::NamespaceDecl *D)
 This method visits a namespace node. More...
bool VisitRecordDecl (clang::RecordDecl *D)
bool VisitTypedefNameDecl (clang::TypedefNameDecl *D)
 Visitor for every TypedefNameDecl, i.e. More...
bool VisitVarDecl (clang::VarDecl *D)

Public Attributes

ClassColl_t fSelectedClasses
EnumColl_t fSelectedEnums
FunctionColl_t fSelectedFunctions
NamespaceColl_t fSelectedNamespaces
TypedefColl_t fSelectedTypedefs
VariableColl_t fSelectedVariables

Static Public Attributes

static const char * fgClangDeclKey = "ClangDecl"
static const char * fgClangFuncKey = "ClangFunc"

Private Member Functions

void AddAnnotatedRecordDecl (const ClassSelectionRule *, const clang::Type *, const clang::RecordDecl *, const std::string &, const clang::TypedefNameDecl *, unsigned int indexOffset=0)
std::string ConvTemplateArguments (const clang::TemplateArgumentList &list) const
std::string ConvTemplateName (clang::TemplateName &N) const
std::string ConvTemplateParameterList (clang::TemplateParameterList *list) const
std::string ConvTemplateParams (clang::TemplateDecl *D) const
void DeclInfo (clang::Decl *D) const
std::string ExprToStr (clang::Expr *expr) const
unsigned int FuncModifiers (clang::FunctionDecl *D) const
std::string FuncParameterList (clang::FunctionDecl *D) const
std::string FuncParameters (clang::FunctionDecl *D) const
std::string GetEnumName (clang::EnumDecl *D) const
std::string GetLocation (clang::Decl *D) const
std::string GetName (clang::Decl *D) const
std::string GetSrcLocation (clang::SourceLocation L) const
void ShowError (const std::string &msg, const std::string &location="") const
void ShowInfo (const std::string &msg, const std::string &location="") const
void ShowTemplateInfo (const std::string &msg, const std::string &location="") const
void ShowWarning (const std::string &msg, const std::string &location="") const
void UnexpectedDecl (clang::Decl *D, const std::string &txt="") const
 unexpected - this kind of declaration is unexpected (in concrete place) More...
void UnimplementedDecl (clang::Decl *D, const std::string &txt="")
 information about item, that should be implemented More...
void UnimportantDecl (clang::Decl *D, const std::string &txt="") const
 unimportant - this kind of declaration is not stored into reflex More...
void UnknownDecl (clang::Decl *D, const std::string &txt="") const
 unknown - this kind of declaration was not known to programmer More...
void UnknownType (clang::QualType qual_type) const
void UnsupportedDecl (clang::Decl *D, const std::string &txt="") const
 unsupported - this kind of declaration is probably not used (in current version of C++) More...
void UnsupportedType (clang::QualType qual_type) const
unsigned int VarModifiers (clang::VarDecl *D) const
unsigned int Visibility (clang::Decl *D) const
unsigned int VisibilityModifiers (clang::AccessSpecifier access) const

Private Attributes

DeclsSelRulesMap_t fDeclSelRuleMap
bool fDeclTable [fgDeclLast+1]
bool fFirstPass
const cling::Interpreter & fInterpreter
clang::Decl * fLastDecl
DeclCallback fRecordDeclCallback
EScanType fScanType
std::set< clang::RecordDecl * > fselectedRecordDecls
const clang::SourceManager * fSourceManager
bool fTypeTable [fgTypeLast+1]
unsigned int fVerboseLevel

Static Private Attributes

static int fgAnonymousClassCounter = 0
static std::map< clang::Decl *, std::string > fgAnonymousClassMap
static int fgAnonymousEnumCounter = 0
static std::map< clang::Decl *, std::string > fgAnonymousEnumMap
static int fgBadClassCounter = 0
static const int fgDeclLast = clang::Decl::Var
static const int fgTypeLast = clang::Type::TemplateTypeParm

#include </mnt/build/workspace/root-makedoc-v608/rootspi/rdoc/src/v6-08-00-patches/core/metautils/src/Scanner.h>

Inheritance diagram for RScanner:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ClassColl_t

Definition at line 66 of file Scanner.h.

◆ DeclCallback

typedef void(* RScanner::DeclCallback) (const char *type)

Definition at line 71 of file Scanner.h.

◆ DeclsSelRulesMap_t

typedef std::map<clang::Decl*,const BaseSelectionRule*> RScanner::DeclsSelRulesMap_t

Definition at line 72 of file Scanner.h.

◆ EnumColl_t

typedef std::vector<clang::EnumDecl*> RScanner::EnumColl_t

Definition at line 70 of file Scanner.h.

◆ FunctionColl_t

typedef std::vector<clang::FunctionDecl*> RScanner::FunctionColl_t

Definition at line 68 of file Scanner.h.

◆ NamespaceColl_t

Definition at line 65 of file Scanner.h.

◆ TypedefColl_t

typedef std::vector<clang::TypedefNameDecl*> RScanner::TypedefColl_t

Definition at line 67 of file Scanner.h.

◆ VariableColl_t

typedef std::vector<clang::VarDecl*> RScanner::VariableColl_t

Definition at line 69 of file Scanner.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EScanType

enum RScanner::EScanType : char

Definition at line 74 of file Scanner.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RScanner()

RScanner::RScanner ( SelectionRules rules,
EScanType  stype,
const cling::Interpreter &  interpret,
ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt normCtxt,
unsigned int  verbose = 0 

Regular constructor setting up the scanner to search for entities matching the 'rules'.

Definition at line 71 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ ~ RScanner()

virtual RScanner::~ RScanner ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAnnotatedRecordDecl()

void RScanner::AddAnnotatedRecordDecl ( const ClassSelectionRule selected,
const clang::Type *  req_type,
const clang::RecordDecl *  recordDecl,
const std::string &  attr_name,
const clang::TypedefNameDecl *  typedefNameDecl,
unsigned int  indexOffset = 0 

Definition at line 501 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ ConvTemplateArguments()

std::string RScanner::ConvTemplateArguments ( const clang::TemplateArgumentList &  list) const

◆ ConvTemplateName()

std::string RScanner::ConvTemplateName ( clang::TemplateName &  N) const

Definition at line 390 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ ConvTemplateParameterList()

std::string RScanner::ConvTemplateParameterList ( clang::TemplateParameterList *  list) const

◆ ConvTemplateParams()

std::string RScanner::ConvTemplateParams ( clang::TemplateDecl *  D) const

◆ DeclInfo()

void RScanner::DeclInfo ( clang::Decl *  D) const

Definition at line 249 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ ExprToStr()

std::string RScanner::ExprToStr ( clang::Expr *  expr) const

Definition at line 375 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ FuncModifiers()

unsigned int RScanner::FuncModifiers ( clang::FunctionDecl *  D) const

◆ FuncParameterList()

std::string RScanner::FuncParameterList ( clang::FunctionDecl *  D) const

Definition at line 432 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ FuncParameters()

std::string RScanner::FuncParameters ( clang::FunctionDecl *  D) const

Definition at line 405 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ GetDeclName()

bool RScanner::GetDeclName ( clang::Decl *  D,
std::string &  name 
) const

Definition at line 909 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ GetDeclQualName()

bool RScanner::GetDeclQualName ( const clang::Decl *  D,
std::string &  qual_name 
) const

Definition at line 925 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ GetDeclsSelRulesMap()

const DeclsSelRulesMap_t& RScanner::GetDeclsSelRulesMap ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file Scanner.h.

◆ GetEnumName()

std::string RScanner::GetEnumName ( clang::EnumDecl *  D) const

Definition at line 351 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ GetFunctionPrototype()

bool RScanner::GetFunctionPrototype ( clang::Decl *  D,
std::string &  prototype 
) const

Definition at line 941 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ GetLocation()

std::string RScanner::GetLocation ( clang::Decl *  D) const

Definition at line 208 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ GetName()

std::string RScanner::GetName ( clang::Decl *  D) const

Definition at line 225 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ GetSrcLocation()

std::string RScanner::GetSrcLocation ( clang::SourceLocation  L) const

Definition at line 198 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ Scan()

void RScanner::Scan ( const clang::ASTContext &  C)

Definition at line 977 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ SetRecordDeclCallback()

RScanner::DeclCallback RScanner::SetRecordDeclCallback ( RScanner::DeclCallback  callback)

Set the callback to the RecordDecl and return the previous one.

Definition at line 1003 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ shouldVisitTemplateInstantiations()

bool RScanner::shouldVisitTemplateInstantiations ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file Scanner.h.

◆ ShowError()

void RScanner::ShowError ( const std::string &  msg,
const std::string &  location = "" 
) const

Definition at line 180 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ ShowInfo()

void RScanner::ShowInfo ( const std::string &  msg,
const std::string &  location = "" 
) const

Definition at line 164 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ ShowTemplateInfo()

void RScanner::ShowTemplateInfo ( const std::string &  msg,
const std::string &  location = "" 
) const

Definition at line 188 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ ShowWarning()

void RScanner::ShowWarning ( const std::string &  msg,
const std::string &  location = "" 
) const

Definition at line 172 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ TraverseClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl()

bool RScanner::TraverseClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl ( clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl *  )

Definition at line 89 of file Scanner.h.

◆ TraverseDeclContextHelper()

bool RScanner::TraverseDeclContextHelper ( clang::DeclContext *  DC)

Definition at line 879 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ TraverseStmt()

bool RScanner::TraverseStmt ( clang::Stmt *  )

Definition at line 86 of file Scanner.h.

◆ TreatRecordDeclOrTypedefNameDecl()

bool RScanner::TreatRecordDeclOrTypedefNameDecl ( clang::TypeDecl *  typeDecl)

Definition at line 559 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ UnexpectedDecl()

void RScanner::UnexpectedDecl ( clang::Decl *  D,
const std::string &  txt = "" 
) const

unexpected - this kind of declaration is unexpected (in concrete place)

Definition at line 271 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ UnimplementedDecl()

void RScanner::UnimplementedDecl ( clang::Decl *  D,
const std::string &  txt = "" 

information about item, that should be implemented

Definition at line 300 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ UnimportantDecl()

void RScanner::UnimportantDecl ( clang::Decl *  D,
const std::string &  txt = "" 
) const

unimportant - this kind of declaration is not stored into reflex

Definition at line 293 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ UnknownDecl()

void RScanner::UnknownDecl ( clang::Decl *  D,
const std::string &  txt = "" 
) const

unknown - this kind of declaration was not known to programmer

Definition at line 260 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ UnknownType()

void RScanner::UnknownType ( clang::QualType  qual_type) const

Definition at line 333 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ UnsupportedDecl()

void RScanner::UnsupportedDecl ( clang::Decl *  D,
const std::string &  txt = "" 
) const

unsupported - this kind of declaration is probably not used (in current version of C++)

Definition at line 282 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ UnsupportedType()

void RScanner::UnsupportedType ( clang::QualType  qual_type) const

Definition at line 342 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ VarModifiers()

unsigned int RScanner::VarModifiers ( clang::VarDecl *  D) const

◆ Visibility()

unsigned int RScanner::Visibility ( clang::Decl *  D) const

◆ VisibilityModifiers()

unsigned int RScanner::VisibilityModifiers ( clang::AccessSpecifier  access) const

◆ VisitEnumDecl()

bool RScanner::VisitEnumDecl ( clang::EnumDecl *  D)

Definition at line 809 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ VisitFieldDecl()

bool RScanner::VisitFieldDecl ( clang::FieldDecl *  D)

Nothing to be done here.

Definition at line 840 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ VisitFunctionDecl()

bool RScanner::VisitFunctionDecl ( clang::FunctionDecl *  D)

Definition at line 862 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ VisitNamespaceDecl()

bool RScanner::VisitNamespaceDecl ( clang::NamespaceDecl *  D)

This method visits a namespace node.

Definition at line 452 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ VisitRecordDecl()

bool RScanner::VisitRecordDecl ( clang::RecordDecl *  D)

Definition at line 491 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ VisitTypedefNameDecl()

bool RScanner::VisitTypedefNameDecl ( clang::TypedefNameDecl *  D)

Visitor for every TypedefNameDecl, i.e.

aliases and typedefs We check three conditions before trying to match the name: 1) If we are creating a big PCM 2) If the underlying decl is a RecordDecl 3) If the typedef is eventually contained in the std namespace

Definition at line 786 of file Scanner.cxx.

◆ VisitVarDecl()

bool RScanner::VisitVarDecl ( clang::VarDecl *  D)

Definition at line 824 of file Scanner.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fDeclSelRuleMap

DeclsSelRulesMap_t RScanner::fDeclSelRuleMap

Definition at line 187 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fDeclTable

bool RScanner::fDeclTable[fgDeclLast+1]

Definition at line 175 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fFirstPass

bool RScanner::fFirstPass

Definition at line 186 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgAnonymousClassCounter

int RScanner::fgAnonymousClassCounter = 0

Definition at line 179 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgAnonymousClassMap

std::map< clang::Decl *, std::string > RScanner::fgAnonymousClassMap

Definition at line 161 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgAnonymousEnumCounter

int RScanner::fgAnonymousEnumCounter = 0

Definition at line 180 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgAnonymousEnumMap

std::map< clang::Decl *, std::string > RScanner::fgAnonymousEnumMap

Definition at line 162 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgBadClassCounter

int RScanner::fgBadClassCounter = 0

Definition at line 181 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgClangDeclKey

const char * RScanner::fgClangDeclKey = "ClangDecl"

Definition at line 115 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgClangFuncKey

const char * RScanner::fgClangFuncKey = "ClangFunc"

Definition at line 116 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgDeclLast

const int RScanner::fgDeclLast = clang::Decl::Var

Definition at line 173 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fgTypeLast

const int RScanner::fgTypeLast = clang::Type::TemplateTypeParm

Definition at line 174 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fInterpreter

const cling::Interpreter& RScanner::fInterpreter

Definition at line 172 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fLastDecl

clang::Decl* RScanner::fLastDecl

Definition at line 176 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fNormCtxt

ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt& RScanner::fNormCtxt

Definition at line 182 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fRecordDeclCallback

DeclCallback RScanner::fRecordDeclCallback

Definition at line 177 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fScanType

EScanType RScanner::fScanType

Definition at line 185 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSelectedClasses

ClassColl_t RScanner::fSelectedClasses

Definition at line 118 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSelectedEnums

EnumColl_t RScanner::fSelectedEnums

Definition at line 126 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSelectedFunctions

FunctionColl_t RScanner::fSelectedFunctions

Definition at line 124 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSelectedNamespaces

NamespaceColl_t RScanner::fSelectedNamespaces

Definition at line 122 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fselectedRecordDecls

std::set<clang::RecordDecl*> RScanner::fselectedRecordDecls

Definition at line 184 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSelectedTypedefs

TypedefColl_t RScanner::fSelectedTypedefs

Definition at line 123 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSelectedVariables

VariableColl_t RScanner::fSelectedVariables

Definition at line 125 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSelectionRules

SelectionRules& RScanner::fSelectionRules

Definition at line 183 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fSourceManager

const clang::SourceManager* RScanner::fSourceManager

Definition at line 171 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fTypeTable

bool RScanner::fTypeTable[fgTypeLast+1]

Definition at line 178 of file Scanner.h.

◆ fVerboseLevel

unsigned int RScanner::fVerboseLevel

Definition at line 153 of file Scanner.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: