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1 // @(#)root/spectrumpainter:$Id: TSpectrum2Painter.cxx,v 1.00
2 // Author: Miroslav Morhac 29/09/06
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
13 /** \class TSpectrum2Painter
14  \ingroup Spectrumpainter
16 Two-dimensional graphics function
18 TSpectrum2Painter is a set of graphical functions developed by Miroslav
19 Morhac to paint 2D-histograms in three dimensions. This package is accessed
20 via THistPainter in a transparent way. For the ROOT user it is enough to use
21 the "SPEC" option to draw a 2D-Histogram. This option offers many
22 functionalities detailed in the header of the PaintSpectrum function.
24 Reference:
26 Morhac M., Kliman J., Matousek V., Turzo I.: Sophisticated visualization
27 algorithms for analysis of multidimensional experimental nuclear data. Acta
28 Pysica Slovaca Vol. 54/ 4 (2004), pp. 385-400.
29 */
31 #include <climits>
33 #include "TROOT.h"
34 #include "TClass.h"
35 #include "TClass.h"
36 #include "TColor.h"
37 #include "TMath.h"
38 #include "TLine.h"
39 #include "TEllipse.h"
40 #include "TPad.h"
41 #include "TBox.h"
42 #include "TF1.h"
43 #include "TH2.h"
44 #include "TGaxis.h"
45 #include "THLimitsFinder.h"
46 #include "TSpectrum2Painter.h"
51 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 /// TSpectrum2Painter normal constructor
55  : TNamed ("Spectrum Painter2","Miroslav Morhac Painter")
56 {
57  int i, j;
58  double val;
59  gPad->Range(0, 0, 1 ,1);
60  fXmin = 0;
61  fXmax = h2->GetNbinsX() - 1;
62  fYmin = 0;
63  fYmax = h2->GetNbinsY() - 1;
64  fZmin = 0, fZmax = 0;
65  fMaximumXScreenResolution = bs;
67  for (i = 0;i <= fXmax; i++) {
68  for (j = 0;j <= fYmax; j++) {
69  val = h2->GetBinContent(i + 1,j + 1);
70  if (val > fZmax) fZmax = val;
71  }
72  }
74  fBx1 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.1); //axis positions
75  fBx2 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.99);
76  fBy1 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.99);
77  fBy2 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.05);
79  fModeGroup = kModeGroupLightHeight;
81  fDisplayMode = kDisplayModeSurface;
83  fZscale = kZScaleLinear; // Scale linear, log.
85  fNodesx = fXmax-fXmin+1; // Number of nodes in x dimension of grid
86  fNodesy = fYmax-fYmin+1; // Number of nodes in y dimension of grid
88  fContWidth = 50; // Width between contours,
89  // applies only for contours display mode.
90  fAlpha = 20; // Angles of display,alfa+beta must be less or equal to 90,
91  // alpha- angle between base line of Canvas and left lower
92  // edge of picture picture base plane
93  fBeta = 60; // Angle between base line of Canvas and right lower edge
94  // of picture base plane
95  fViewAngle = 0; // Rotation angle of the view,
96  // it can be 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees.
98  fLevels = 256; // Number of color levels for rainbowed display modes,
99  // It does not apply for simple display modes
100  // algorithm group
101  fRainbow1Step = 1; // Determines the first component step for
102  // neighbouring color levels, applies only for
103  // rainbowed display modes, it does not apply for
104  // simple display modes algorithm group.
105  fRainbow2Step = 1; // Determines the second component step for
106  // neighbouring color levels, applies only for
107  // rainbowed display modes, it does not apply for
108  // simple display modes algorithm group.
109  fRainbow3Step = 1; // Determines the third component step for
110  // neighbouring color levels, applies only for
111  // rainbowed display modes, it does not apply for
112  // simple display modes algorithm group.
114  fColorAlg = kColorAlgRgbSmooth; // Applies only for rainbowed display modes
115  // (rgb smooth algorithm, rgb modulo color
116  // component, cmy smooth algorithm, cmy
117  // modulo color component, cie smooth
118  // algorithm, cie modulo color component,
119  // yiq smooth algorithm, yiq modulo color
120  // component, hsv smooth algorithm, hsv
121  // modulo color component, it does not
122  // apply for simple display modes
123  // algorithm group.
125  fLHweight = 0.5; // Weight between shading according to fictive light
126  // source and according to channels counts, applies only
127  // for kModeGroupLightHeight modes group.
129  fXlight = 1000; // X position of fictive light source, applies only for
130  // rainbowed display modes with shading according to light.
131  fYlight = 1000; // Y position of fictive light source, applies only for
132  // rainbowed display modes with shading according to light.
133  fZlight = 1000; // Z position of fictive light source, applies only for
134  // rainbowed display modes with shading according to light.
136  fShadow = kShadowsNotPainted; // Determines whether shadow will be drawn
137  // (no shadow, shadow), for rainbowed
138  // display modes with shading according to
139  // light.
141  fShading = kShaded; // Determines whether the picture will shaded,
142  // smoothed (no shading, shading), for rainbowed
143  // display modes only.
145  fBezier = kNoBezierInterpol; // Determines Bezier interpolation (applies
146  // only for simple display modes group for
147  // grid, x_lines, y_lines display modes).
149  fPenColor = kBlack; // Color of spectrum.
150  fPenWidth = 1; // Width of line.
151  fPenDash = kPenStyleSolid; // Style of pen.
153  fChanmarkEnDis = kChannelMarksNotDrawn; // Decides whether the channel
154  // marks are shown.
155  fChanmarkColor = kBlue; // Color of channel marks.
156  fChanmarkWidth = 8; // Width of channel marks.
157  fChanmarkHeight = 8; // Height of channel marks.
158  fChanmarkStyle = kChannelMarksStyleDot; // Style of channel marks.
160  fChanlineEnDis = kChannelGridNotDrawn; // Decides whether the channel lines
161  // (grid) are shown.
162  fChanlineColor = kRed; // Color of channel marks.
163  fNewColor = 0;
164  fEnvelope = new Short_t [fMaximumXScreenResolution];
165  fEnvelopeContour = new Short_t [fMaximumXScreenResolution];
166  for (i=0;i<fMaximumXScreenResolution;i++) {
167  fEnvelope[i] = fBy2;
168  fEnvelopeContour[i] = fBy2;
169  }
170  fH2 = h2;
171 }
174 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
175 /// TSpectrum2Painter destructor
178 {
179  TColor* col;
180  for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
181  col = gROOT->GetColor(250+i);
182  if (col) delete col;
183  }
184  if (fEnvelope) delete [] fEnvelope;
185  if (fEnvelopeContour) delete [] fEnvelopeContour;
186 }
189 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
190 /// Reads out the value from histogram and calculates screen coordinates
191 ///
192 /// Parameters:
193 /// - it - node in x- direction
194 /// - jt - node in y- direction
195 /// - zmt - control variable
198 {
199  Int_t lxt,lyt,ix,iy;
200  Double_t zf = 0;
201  Double_t p1,p2;
202  p1 = fXmin+fKx*(Double_t)it;
203  p2 = fYmin+fKy*(Double_t)jt;
204  ix = (Int_t)p1;
205  iy = (Int_t)p2;
206  fDxspline = p1;
207  fDyspline = p2;
208  if ((zmt==0)||(zmt==-3)||(zmt==-4)) {
209  zf = fH2->GetBinContent(ix+1,iy+1);
210  } else if (zmt==-2) zf = fZPresetValue;
211  if (zf<fZmin) zf = fZmin;
212  fZeq = zf;
213  switch (fZscale) {
214  case kZScaleLog:
215  if (zf>=1.0) zf = log(zf);
216  else zf = 0;
217  break;
218  case kZScaleSqrt:
219  if (zf>0) zf = sqrt(zf);
220  else zf = 0;
221  break;
222  }
223  lxt = (Int_t)(fTxx*(Double_t)it+fTxy*(Double_t)jt+fVx);
224  lyt = (Int_t)(fTyx*(Double_t)it+fTyy*(Double_t)jt+fTyz*zf+fVy);
225  if (lxt<fBx1) lxt = fBx1;
226  if (lxt>fBx2) lxt = fBx2;
227  if (lyt<fBy1) lyt = fBy1;
228  if (lyt>fBy2) lyt = fBy2;
229  fXt = lxt;
230  fYt = lyt;
231  fZ = zf;
232  return;
233 }
236 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
237 /// Calculates and returns color value for the surface triangle
238 /// given by function parameters:
239 /// -dx1,dy1,z1 coordinates of the first point in 3d space
240 /// -dx2,dy2,z2 coordinates of the second point in 3d space
241 /// -dx3,dy3,z3 coordinates of the third point in 3d space
244  Double_t dx1, Double_t dy1, Double_t z1,
245  Double_t dx2, Double_t dy2, Double_t z2,
246  Double_t dx3, Double_t dy3, Double_t z3)
247 {
248  Double_t da,db,dc=0,dd,dl,dm,dn,xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,v=0,v1;
249  Double_t pi=3.1415927;
250  Int_t i;
251  switch (fZscale) {
252  case kZScaleLog:
253  if (z1>900) z1 = 900;
254  z1 = exp(z1);
255  if (z2>900) z2 = 900;
256  z2 = exp(z2);
257  if (z3>900) z3 = 900;
258  z3 = exp(z3);
259  break;
260  case kZScaleSqrt:
261  z1 = z1*z1;
262  z2 = z2*z2;
263  z3 = z3*z3;
264  break;
265  }
266  i = fViewAngle;
267  i = i/90;
268  if ((i==1)||(i==3)) {
269  da = dx1;
270  dx1 = dx2;
271  dx2 = da;
272  da = dy1;
273  dy1 = dy2;
274  dy2 = da;
275  da = z1;
276  z1 = z2;
277  z2 = da;
278  }
279  xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
280  ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
281  ztaz = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
283  dn = (Double_t)fZlight-ztaz;
284  dm = (Double_t)fYlight-ytaz;
285  dl = (Double_t)fXlight-xtaz;
286  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
287  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
288  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
289  dd = (da*da+db*db+dc*dc)*(dl*dl+dm*dm+dn*dn);
290  dd = sqrt(dd);
291  if (dd!=0) v = (da*dl+db*dm+dc*dn)/dd;
292  else v = 0;
293  if (v<-1) v=-1;
294  if (v>1) v=1;
295  v = asin(v);
296  v = v+pi/2;
297  v = v/pi;
298  } else if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupHeight) {
299  da = fZmax-fZmin;
300  if (ztaz<fZmin) ztaz=fZmin;
301  if (ztaz>=fZmax) ztaz=fZmax-1;
302  db = ztaz-fZmin;
303  if (da!=0) {
304  switch (fZscale) {
305  case kZScaleLinear:
306  dc = db/da;
307  break;
308  case kZScaleLog:
309  if (da>=1) da=log(da);
310  if (db>=1) db=log(db);
311  if (da!=0) dc=db/da;
312  else dc=0;
313  break;
314  case kZScaleSqrt:
315  da = sqrt(da);
316  db = sqrt(db);
317  dc = db/da;
318  break;
319  }
320  } else {
321  dc=0;
322  }
323  i = (Int_t)dc;
324  v = dc-i;
325  } else if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupLightHeight) {
326  dn = (Double_t)fZlight-ztaz;
327  dm = (Double_t)fYlight-ytaz;
328  dl = (Double_t)fXlight-xtaz;
329  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
330  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
331  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
332  dd = (da*da+db*db+dc*dc)*(dl*dl+dm*dm+dn*dn);
333  dd = sqrt(dd);
334  if (dd!=0) v = (da*dl+db*dm+dc*dn)/dd;
335  else v = 0;
336  if (v<-1) v=-1;
337  if (v>1) v=1;
338  v = asin(v);
339  v = v+pi/2;
340  v = v/pi;
341  da = fZmax-fZmin;
342  if (ztaz<fZmin) ztaz = fZmin;
343  if (ztaz>=fZmax) ztaz = fZmax-1;
344  db = ztaz-fZmin;
345  if (da!=0) {
346  switch (fZscale) {
347  case kZScaleLinear:
348  dc = db/da;
349  break;
350  case kZScaleLog:
351  if (da>=1) da = log(da);
352  if (db>=1) db = log(db);
353  if (da!=0) dc = db/da;
354  else dc = 0;
355  break;
356  case kZScaleSqrt:
357  da = sqrt(da);
358  db = sqrt(db);
359  dc = db/da;
360  break;
361  }
362  } else {
363  dc = 0;
364  }
365  i = (Int_t)dc;
366  v1 = dc-i;
367  v = fLHweight*v+(1-fLHweight)*v1;
368  }
370  da = 1.0/(Double_t)fLevels;
371  if (v<da) v = da;
372  } else {
373  da = 2.0/(Double_t)fLevels;
374  if (v<da) v = da;
375  }
376  return(v);
377 }
380 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
381 /// Determines whether the center of the triangle in 3-d space
382 /// given by function parameters:
383 /// - xtaz,ytaz,ztaz
384 /// is in shadow or not. If yes it return 1 otherwise it returns 0.
387  Double_t ztaz,
388  Double_t shad_noise)
389 {
390  Int_t sx2,sy2,sz1,sz2,skrokx,skroky,xmax,ymax;
391  Double_t sx1,sy1;
392  Double_t pom1,pom2,sdx1=0,sdx2=0,sdy1,sdy2,spriz;
393  switch (fZscale) {
394  case kZScaleLog:
395  if (ztaz>900) ztaz = 900;
396  ztaz = exp(ztaz);
397  if (ztaz>32767) ztaz = 32767;
398  break;
399  case kZScaleSqrt:
400  ztaz = ztaz*ztaz;
401  break;
402  }
403  spriz = 0;
404  sx1 = xtaz;
405  sy1 = ytaz;
406  sz1 = (Int_t)ztaz;
407  sx2 = fXlight;
408  sy2 = fYlight;
409  sz2 = fZlight;
410  xmax = fXmax;
411  ymax = fYmax;
412  if (sx1!=sx2) {
413  if (sx1<sx2) skrokx = 1;
414  else skrokx = -1;
415  if (sy1<sy2) skroky = 1;
416  else skroky = -1;
417  pom1 = sx2-sx1;
418  pom2 = sy2-sy1;
419  if (TMath::Abs(pom1)>0.0000001) sdx1 = pom2/pom1;
420  pom1 = sx1;
421  pom2 = sy1;
422  sdy1 = pom2-sdx1*pom1;
423  pom1 = sx2-sx1;
424  pom2 = sz2-sz1;
425  if (TMath::Abs(pom1)>0.0000001) sdx2 = pom2/pom1;
426  pom1 = sx1;
427  pom2 = sz1;
428  sdy2 = pom2-sdx2*pom1;
429  spriz = 0;
430  pom1 = sx1;
431  pom2 = pom1*sdx1+sdy1;
432  sy1 = pom2;
433  for (;(sx1>(fXmin-skrokx)) && (sx1<(xmax-skrokx)) &&
434  (sy1>(fYmin-skroky)) && (sy1<(ymax-skroky)) &&
435  (spriz==0);sx1+=skrokx) {
436  pom1 = sx1;
437  pom2 = pom1*sdx1+sdy1;
438  sy1 = pom2+skroky;
439  if ((sy1>=fYmin)&&(sy1<=fYmax)) {
440  sz1 = (Int_t)(fH2->GetBinContent((Int_t)sx1+1,(Int_t)sy1+1));
441  pom2 = pom1*sdx2+sdy2;
442  sz2 = (Int_t)(pom2+shad_noise);
443  if (sz1>sz2) spriz = 1;
444  }
445  }
446  } else if (sy1!=sy2) {
447  if (sy1<sy2) skroky = 1;
448  else skroky = -1;
449  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
450  pom2 = sz2-sz1;
451  if (TMath::Abs(pom1)>0.0000001) sdx2 = pom2/pom1;
452  pom1 = sy1;
453  pom2 = sz1;
454  sdy2 = pom2-sdx2*pom1;
455  spriz = 0;
456  for (;(sy1>(fYmin-skroky)) && (sy1<(ymax-skroky)) &&
457  (spriz==0);sy1+=skroky) {
458  sz1 = (Int_t)(fH2->GetBinContent((Int_t)sx1+1,(Int_t)sy1+1));
459  pom1 = sy1;
460  pom2 = pom1*sdx2+sdy2;
461  sz2 = (Int_t)(pom2+shad_noise);
462  if (sz1>sz2) spriz=1;
463  }
464  }
465  return(spriz);
466 }
469 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
470 /// This function calculates color for one palette entry
471 /// given by function parameter ui. Other parameters
472 /// -ui1,ui2,ui3
473 /// represent r, g, b color components of the basic pen color.
475 void TSpectrum2Painter::ColorModel(unsigned ui, unsigned ui1, unsigned ui2,
476  unsigned ui3)
477 {
478  unsigned long uinc1=0,uinc2=0,uinc3=0,upom,i;
479  Double_t a,b,c,d,h,v,s,f;
480  Int_t j,iv=ui;
481  Double_t red=0,green=0,blue=0;
482  if (iv<0) iv = 0;
483  else if (iv>255) iv = 255;
484  if (gROOT->GetColor(250+iv)) {
485  fNewColorIndex = 250+iv;
486  return;
487  }
488  if (fColorAlg%2==0) {
489  a = fRainbow1Step;
490  a = ui*a;
491  a = ui1+a;
492  if (a >= UINT_MAX) uinc1 = UINT_MAX;
493  else uinc1 = (unsigned)a;
494  upom = uinc1%256;
495  i = (uinc1-upom)/256;
496  if ((i%2)==0) uinc1 = upom;
497  else uinc1 = 255-upom;
498  b = fRainbow2Step;
499  b = ui*b;
500  b = ui2+b;
501  uinc2 = (Int_t)b;
502  upom = uinc2%256;
503  i = (uinc2-upom)/256;
504  if ((i%2)==0) uinc2 = upom;
505  else uinc2 = 255-upom;
506  c = fRainbow3Step;
507  c = ui*c;
508  c = ui3+c;
509  uinc3 = (Int_t)c;
510  upom = uinc3%256;
511  i = (uinc3-upom)/256;
512  if ((i%2)==0) uinc3 = upom;
513  else uinc3 = 255-upom;
515  uinc1 = 255-uinc1;
516  uinc2 = 255-uinc2;
517  uinc3 = 255-uinc3;
518  } else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgCieSmooth) {
519  a = uinc1;
520  b = uinc2;
521  c = uinc3;
522  d = a+b+c;
523  if (d!=0) {
524  a = a/d;
525  b = b/d;
526  c = c/d;
527  }
528  red = a*255;
529  green = b*255;
530  blue = c*255;
531  uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
532  uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
533  uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
534  } else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgYiqSmooth) {
535  a = uinc1;
536  b = uinc2;
537  c = uinc3;
538  a = a/256;
539  b = b/256;
540  c = c/256;
541  red = a+0.956*b+0.62*c;
542  green = a-0.272*b-0.647*c;
543  blue = a-1.108*b+1.705*c;
544  if (red>=2) red = red-2;
545  else if (red>=1) red = 2-red;
546  if (green<0) green = -green;
547  if (blue>=2) blue = blue-2;
548  else if (blue>=1) blue = 2-blue;
549  else if (blue<-1) blue = 2+blue;
550  else if (blue<0) blue = -blue;
551  red = red*255;
552  green = green*255;
553  blue = blue*255;
554  uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
555  uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
556  uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
557  } else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgHvsSmooth) {
558  h = uinc1;
559  v = uinc2;
560  s = uinc3;
561  h = h/256;
562  v = v/256;
563  s = s/256;
564  if (s==0) {
565  red = v;
566  green = v;
567  blue = v;
568  } else {
569  if (h==1.0) h=0;
570  h = 6.0*h;
571  j = (Int_t)h;
572  f = h-j;
573  a = v*(1-s);
574  b = v*(1-s*f);
575  c = v*(1-s*(1-f));
576  switch (j) {
577  case 0:
578  red = v;
579  green = c;
580  blue = a;
581  break;
582  case 1:
583  red = b;
584  green = v;
585  blue = a;
586  break;
587  case 2:
588  red = a;
589  green = v;
590  blue = c;
591  break;
592  case 3:
593  red = a;
594  green = b;
595  blue = v;
596  break;
597  case 4:
598  red = c;
599  green = a;
600  blue = v;
601  break;
602  case 5:
603  red = v;
604  green = a;
605  blue = b;
606  break;
607  }
608  }
609  red = red*255;
610  green = green*255;
611  blue = blue*255;
612  uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
613  uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
614  uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
615  }
616  ui = uinc1+uinc2*256+uinc3*65536;
617  } else if (fColorAlg%2==1) {
618  a = fRainbow1Step;
619  a = ui*a;
620  a = ui1/2+a;
621  uinc1 = (Int_t)a;
622  uinc1 = uinc1%256;
623  b = fRainbow2Step;
624  b = ui*b;
625  b = ui2/2+b;
626  uinc2 = (Int_t)b;
627  uinc2 = uinc2%256;
628  c = fRainbow3Step;
629  c = ui*c;
630  c = ui3/2+c;
631  uinc3 = (Int_t)c;
632  uinc3 = uinc3%256;
634  uinc1 = 255-uinc1;
635  uinc2 = 255-uinc2;
636  uinc3 = 255-uinc3;
637  } else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgCieModulo) {
638  a = uinc1;
639  b = uinc2;
640  c = uinc3;
641  d = a+b+c;
642  if (d!=0) {
643  a = a/d;
644  b = b/d;
645  c = c/d;
646  }
647  red = a*255;
648  green = b*255;
649  blue = c*255;
650  uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
651  uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
652  uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
653  } else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgYiqModulo) {
654  a = uinc1;
655  b = uinc2;
656  c = uinc3;
657  a = a/256;
658  b = b/256;
659  c = c/256;
660  red = a+0.956*b+0.62*c;
661  green = a-0.272*b-0.647*c;
662  blue = a-1.108*b+1.705*c;
663  if (red>=2) red = red-2;
664  else if (red>=1) red = red-1;
665  if (green<0) green = 1+green;
666  if (blue>=2) blue = blue-2;
667  else if (blue>=1) blue = blue-1;
668  else if (blue<-1) blue = 2+blue;
669  else if (blue<0) blue = 1+blue;
670  red = red*255;
671  green = green*255;
672  blue = blue*255;
673  uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
674  uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
675  uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
676  } else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgHvsModulo) {
677  h = uinc1;
678  v = uinc2;
679  s = uinc3;
680  h = h/256;
681  v = v/256;
682  s = s/256;
683  if (s==0) {
684  red = v;
685  green = v;
686  blue = v;
687  } else {
688  if (h==1.0) h = 0;
689  h = 6.0*h;
690  j = (Int_t)h;
691  f = h-j;
692  a = v*(1-s);
693  b = v*(1-s*f);
694  c = v*(1-s*(1-f));
695  switch (j) {
696  case 0:
697  red = v;
698  green = c;
699  blue = a;
700  break;
701  case 1:
702  red = b;
703  green = v;
704  blue = a;
705  break;
706  case 2:
707  red = a;
708  green = v;
709  blue = c;
710  break;
711  case 3:
712  red = a;
713  green = b;
714  blue = v;
715  break;
716  case 4:
717  red = c;
718  green = a;
719  blue = v;
720  break;
721  case 5:
722  red = v;
723  green = a;
724  blue = b;
725  break;
726  }
727  }
728  red = red*255;
729  green = green*255;
730  blue = blue*255;
731  uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
732  uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
733  uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
734  }
735  ui = uinc1+uinc2*256+uinc3*65536;
736  }
737  red = uinc1;
738  green = uinc2;
739  blue = uinc3;
740  red = red/255.0;
741  green = green/255.0;
742  blue = blue/255.0;
743  fNewColor = new TColor(250+iv,red,green,blue);
744  fNewColorIndex = 250+iv;
745  return;
746 }
749 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
750 /// This function is called from BezierBlend function.
753 {
754  Int_t j,a;
755  a = 1;
756  for (j=i+1;j<=3;j++) a = a*j;
757  for (j=1;j<=3-i;j++) a = a/j;
758  return a;
759 }
762 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
763 /// This function calculates Bezier approximation.
766 {
767  Int_t j;
768  Double_t v;
769  v = BezC(i);
770  for (j=1;j<=i;j++) v = v*bezf;
771  for (j=1;j<=3-i;j++) v = v*(1-bezf);
772  return v;
773 }
776 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
777 /// Calculates screen coordinates of the smoothed point.
778 /// Parameter bezf changes within the interval 0 to 1 in 0.1 steps.
781 {
782  Int_t i;
783  Double_t b;
784  fGbezx = 0;
785  fGbezy = 0;
786  for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
787  b = BezierBlend(i,bezf);
788  fGbezx += fBzX[i]*b;
789  fGbezy += fBzY[i]*b;
790  }
791  return;
792 }
795 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
796 /// Ensures hidden surface removal.
799 {
800  Int_t x,y,krok,xold=0,yold=0,prvy,yprv=0;
801  Double_t fx,fy,fx1,fy1;
802  if (y1<fBy1) y1 = fBy1;
803  if (y2<fBy1) y2 = fBy1;
804  if (x1==x2) {
805  if ((y1>=fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2>=fEnvelope[x1])) {
806  if (x1>0) {
807  if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1-1]||y2<=fEnvelope[x1-1]) {
808  if (y1>fEnvelope[x1-1]) y1 = fEnvelope[x1-1];
809  if (y2>fEnvelope[x1-1]) y2 = fEnvelope[x1-1];
810  fLine = 2;
811  fXs = x1;
812  fYs = y1;
813  fXe = x2;
814  fYe = y2;
815  return;
816  }
817  }
818  if (x1<fBx2) {
819  if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1+1]||y2<=fEnvelope[x1+1]) {
820  if (y1>fEnvelope[x1+1]) y1 = fEnvelope[x1+1];
821  if (y2>fEnvelope[x1+1]) y2 = fEnvelope[x1+1];
822  fLine = 2;
823  fXs = x1;
824  fYs = y1;
825  fXe = x2;
826  fYe = y2;
827  return;
828  }
829  }
830  fLine=0;
831  return;
832  }
833  if ((y1<fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2<fEnvelope[x1])) {
834  fLine = 2;
835  fXs = x1;
836  fYs = y1;
837  fXe = x2;
838  fYe = y2;
839  if (y1<y2) fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
840  else fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
841  return;
842  }
843  if (y1<y2) {
844  fLine = 2;
845  fXs = x1;
846  fYs = y1;
847  fXe = x1;
848  fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
849  fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
850  return;
851  } else {
852  fLine = 2;
853  fXs = x1;
854  fYs = y2;
855  fXe = x1;
856  fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
857  fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
858  return;
859  }
860  }
861  krok = (x1<x2)? 1:-1;
862  fLine = 0;
863  prvy = 0;
864  x = x1;
865  y = y1;
866 l1:
867  if (y<=fEnvelope[x]) {
868  xold = x;
869  yold = y;
870  if (fLine==0) {
871  fLine = 1;
872  if (prvy==1) {
873  if (yprv<=fEnvelope[x]) fYs = yprv;
874  else fYs = fEnvelope[x];
875  fXs = x;
876  } else {
877  fXs = x;
878  fYs = y;
879  }
880  }
881  if (x!=x2) fEnvelope[x] = y;
882  } else {
883  prvy = 1;
884  yprv = y;
885  if (fLine==1) {
886  fLine = 2;
887  fXe = xold;
888  fYe = yold;
889  }
890  }
891  if (x1==x2) {
892  if (y1!=y2) y += (y1<y2)? +1:-1;
893  if (y!=y2) goto l1;
894  } else {
895  x += krok;
896  fy1 = y2-y1;
897  fx1 = x2-x1;
898  fx = x-x1;
899  fy = fy1*fx/fx1;
900  y = (Int_t)(y1+fy);
901  if (((x<=x2)&&(x1<x2)) || ((x>=x2)&&(x1>x2))) goto l1;
902  }
903  return;
904 }
907 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
908 /// Ensures hidden surface removal for Bars, BarsX and BarsY
909 /// display modes.
912 {
913  Int_t x,y,krok,xold=0,yold=0,prvy,xprv,yprv=0;
914  Double_t fx,fy,fx1,fy1;
915  if (x1==x2) {
916  if ((y1>=fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2>=fEnvelope[x1])) {
917  fLine = 0;
918  return;
919  }
920  if ((y1<fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2<fEnvelope[x1])) {
921  fLine = 2;
922  fXs = x1;
923  fYs = y1;
924  fXe = x2;
925  fYe = y2;
926  if (y1<y2) fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
927  else fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
928  return;
929  }
930  if (y1<y2) {
931  fLine = 2;
932  fXs = x1;
933  fYs = y1;
934  fXe = x1;
935  fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
936  fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
937  return;
938  } else {
939  fLine = 2;
940  fXs = x1;
941  fYs = y2;
942  fXe = x1;
943  fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
944  fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
945  return;
946  }
947  }
948  krok = (x1<x2)? 1:-1;
949  fLine = 0;
950  prvy = 0;
951  x = x1;
952  y = y1;
953 l1:
954  if (y<=fEnvelope[x]) {
955  xold = x;
956  yold = y;
957  if (fLine==0) {
958  fLine = 1;
959  if (prvy==1) {
960  xprv = x;
961  fXs = xprv;
962  fYs = yprv;
963  } else {
964  fXs = x;
965  fYs = y;
966  }
967  }
968  if (x!=x2) fEnvelope[x] = y;
969  } else {
970  prvy = 1;
971  xprv = x;
972  yprv = y;
973  if (fLine==1) {
974  fLine = 2;
975  fXe = xold;
976  fYe = yold;
977  }
978  }
979  if (x1==x2) {
980  if (y1!=y2) y+=(y1<y2)? +1:-1;
981  if (y!=y2) goto l1;
982  } else {
983  x += krok;
984  fy1 = y2-y1;
985  fx1 = x2-x1;
986  fx = x-x1;
987  fy = fy1*fx/fx1;
988  y = (Int_t)(y1+fy);
989  if (((x<=x2)&&(x1<x2)) || ((x>=x2)&&(x1>x2))) goto l1;
990  }
991  return;
992 }
995 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
996 /// Draws channel mark at the screen coordinates x, y. Width of
997 /// the mark is w, height is h and the type of the mark is determined by the
998 /// parameter type.
1001 {
1002  TLine *line=new TLine();
1003  TEllipse *ellipse=new TEllipse();
1005  line->SetLineWidth(1);
1007  ellipse->SetLineColor(fChanmarkColor);
1008  ellipse->SetLineWidth(1);
1009  ellipse->SetLineStyle(kPenStyleSolid);
1010  switch (type) {
1011  case kChannelMarksStyleDot:
1012  ellipse->SetX1(gPad->PixeltoX(x));
1013  ellipse->SetY1(gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1);
1014  ellipse->SetR1(gPad->PixeltoX(w/2));
1015  ellipse->SetR2(gPad->PixeltoY(h/2));
1016  ellipse->SetPhimin(0);
1017  ellipse->SetPhimax(360);
1018  ellipse->SetTheta(0);
1019  ellipse->Paint("");
1020  break;
1022  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1,
1023  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1);
1024  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1025  gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2+1)+1);
1026  break;
1028  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1,
1029  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1);
1030  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1031  gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2+1)+1);
1032  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1033  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2+1)+1);
1034  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
1035  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2-1)+1);
1036  break;
1038  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1039  gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1);
1040  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
1041  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1);
1042  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
1043  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1);
1044  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1045  gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1);
1046  break;
1047  case kChannelMarksStyleX:
1048  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1049  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2+1)+1);
1050  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
1051  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2-1)+1);
1052  break;
1054  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1055  gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1);
1056  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1,
1057  gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1);
1058  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
1059  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1);
1060  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1,
1061  gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1);
1062  break;
1064  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
1065  gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1);
1066  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
1067  gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1);
1068  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x+w/2),gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
1069  gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1);
1070  break;
1071  }
1072  delete line;
1073  delete ellipse;
1074  return;
1075 }
1078 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1079 /// Calculates screen coordinates of the line given by two
1080 /// nodes for contours display mode. The line is given by two points
1081 /// xr, yr, xs, ys. Finally it draws the line.
1084  Double_t ys, TLine *line)
1085 {
1086  Int_t krok,xi,yi,xj,yj,a,b,as,bs,pr,ae,be;
1087  Double_t fx,fy,fx1,fy1;
1088  xi = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xr-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(yr-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
1089  xj = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xs-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(ys-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
1090  yi = (Int_t)(fTyx*(xr-fXmin)/fKx+fTyy*(yr-fYmin)/fKy+fTyz*fZ+fVy);
1091  yj = (Int_t)(fTyx*(xs-fXmin)/fKx+fTyy*(ys-fYmin)/fKy+fTyz*fZ+fVy);
1092  as = xi;
1093  bs = yi;
1094  ae = xj;
1095  be = yj;
1096  a = xi;
1097  b = yi;
1098  pr = 0;
1099  krok = (xi<xj)? 1:-1;
1100 l1:
1101  if (b<=fEnvelope[a]) {
1102  fEnvelopeContour[a] = b;
1103  if (pr==0) {
1104  pr = 1;
1105  as = a;
1106  bs = b;
1107  }
1108  } else {
1109  if (pr==1) {
1110  pr = 2;
1111  ae = a;
1112  be = b;
1113  }
1114  }
1115  if (xi==xj) {
1116  if (yi!=yj) b += (yi<yj)? +1:-1;
1117  if (b!=yj) goto l1;
1118  } else {
1119  a += krok;
1120  fy1 = yj-yi;
1121  fx1 = xj-xi;
1122  fx = a-xi;
1123  fy = fy1*fx/fx1;
1124  b = (Int_t)(yi+fy);
1125  if (a!=xj) goto l1;
1126  }
1127  if (pr!=0) {
1128  if (pr==1) {
1129  ae = xj;
1130  be = yj;
1131  }
1132  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(as),gPad->PixeltoY(bs)+1,
1133  gPad->PixeltoX(ae),gPad->PixeltoY(be)+1);
1134  }
1135  return;
1136 }
1139 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1140 /// Copies envelope vector, which ensures hidden surface removal for the
1141 /// contours display mode.
1144  Double_t ys)
1145 {
1146  Int_t xi,xj,a;
1147  xi = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xr-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(yr-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
1148  xj = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xs-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(ys-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
1149  if (xi<xj) {
1150  for (a=xi;a<=xj;a++) {
1151  if (fEnvelopeContour[a]<fEnvelope[a])
1153  fEnvelopeContour[a] = fBy2;
1154  }
1155  } else if (xj<xi) {
1156  for (a=xj;a<=xi;a++) {
1157  if (fEnvelopeContour[a]<fEnvelope[a])
1159  fEnvelopeContour[a] = fBy2;
1160  }
1161  }
1162  return;
1163 }
1166 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1167 /// Paints histogram according to preset parameters.
1168 /// ### Visualization
1169 /// #### Goal: to present 2-dimensional spectra in suitable visual form
1170 /// This package has several display mode groups and display modes, which can be
1171 /// employed for the presentation of 2-dimensional histograms
1172 /// #### Display modes groups:
1173 ///
1174 /// - `kModeGroupSimple` - it covers simple display modes using one
1175 /// color only
1176 /// - `kModeGroupLight` - in this group the shading is carried out
1177 /// according to the position of the fictive
1178 /// light source
1179 /// - `kModeGroupHeight` - in this group the shading is carried out
1180 /// according to the channel contents
1181 /// - `kModeGroupLightHeight` - combination of two previous shading
1182 /// algorithms. One can control the weight
1183 /// between both algorithms.
1184 ///
1185 /// #### Display modes:
1186 ///
1187 /// - `kDisplayModePoints, `
1188 /// - `kDisplayModeGrid, `
1189 /// - `kDisplayModeContours,`
1190 /// - `kDisplayModeBars,`
1191 /// - `kDisplayModeLinesX,`
1192 /// - `kDisplayModeLinesY,`
1193 /// - `kDisplayModeBarsX,`
1194 /// - `kDisplayModeBarsY,`
1195 /// - `kDisplayModeNeedles,`
1196 /// - `kDisplayModeSurface,`
1197 /// - `kDisplayModeTriangles.`
1198 ///
1199 /// one can combine the above given modes groups and display modes. The meaningful
1200 /// combinations (denoted by x) are given in the next table.
1201 ///
1202 /// | | Simple | Light | Height | Light-Height |
1203 /// |-----------|--------|-------|--------|--------------|
1204 /// | Points | X | X | X | X |
1205 /// | Grid | X | X | X | X |
1206 /// | Contours | X | - | X | - |
1207 /// | Bars | X | - | X | - |
1208 /// | LinesX | X | X | X | X |
1209 /// | LinesY | X | X | X | X |
1210 /// | BarsX | X | - | X | - |
1211 /// | BarsY | X | - | X | - |
1212 /// | Needles | X | - | - | - |
1213 /// | Surface | - | X | X | X |
1214 /// | Triangles | X | X | X | X |
1215 ///
1216 /// #### Function: void TSpectrum2Painter::SetDisplayMode (Int_t modeGroup, Int_t displayMode)
1217 ///
1218 /// This function controls the display mode group and display mode of the
1219 /// histogram drawing. To illustrate the possible effects of the various display
1220 /// modes we introduce a set of examples. Default values:
1221 ///
1222 /// - `modeGroup = kModeGroupLightHeight `
1223 /// - `displayMode = kDisplayModeSurface `
1224 ///
1225 /// \image html spectrumpainter001.jpg
1226 ///
1227 /// Simple modes group, display mode = points, 256 x 256 channels.
1228 /// \image html spectrumpainter002.jpg
1229 ///
1230 /// Simple modes group, display mode = grid, 64 x 64 channels.
1231 /// \image html spectrumpainter003.jpg
1232 ///
1233 /// Simple modes group, display mode = contours, 64 x 64 channels.
1234 /// \image html spectrumpainter004.jpg
1235 ///
1236 /// Simple modes group, display mode = bars, 64 x 64 channels.
1237 /// \image html spectrumpainter005.jpg
1238 ///
1239 /// Simple modes group, display mode = linesX, 64 x 64 channels.
1240 /// \image html spectrumpainter006.jpg
1241 ///
1242 /// Simple modes group, display mode = linesY, 64 x 64 channels.
1243 /// \image html spectrumpainter007.jpg
1244 ///
1245 /// Simple modes group, display mode = barsX, 64 x 64 channels.
1246 /// \image html spectrumpainter008.jpg
1247 ///
1248 /// Simple modes group, display mode = barsY, 64 x 64 channels.
1249 /// \image html spectrumpainter009.jpg
1250 ///
1251 /// Simple modes group, display mode = needles, 64 x 64 channels.
1252 /// \image html spectrumpainter010.jpg
1253 ///
1254 /// Simple modes group, display mode = triangles, 64 x 64 channels.
1255 /// \image html spectrumpainter011.jpg
1256 ///
1257 /// Light modes group, display mode = points, 256 x 256 channels.
1258 /// \image html spectrumpainter012.jpg
1259 ///
1260 /// Light modes group, display mode = grid, 256 x 256 channels.
1261 /// \image html spectrumpainter013.jpg
1262 ///
1263 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels.
1264 /// \image html spectrumpainter014.jpg
1265 ///
1266 /// Light modes group, display mode = triangles, 64 x 64 channels.
1267 /// \image html spectrumpainter015.jpg
1268 ///
1269 /// Height modes group, display mode = points, 256 x 256 channels.
1270 /// \image html spectrumpainter016.jpg
1271 ///
1272 /// Height modes group, display mode = grid, 256 x 256 channels.
1273 /// \image html spectrumpainter017.jpg
1274 ///
1275 /// Height modes group, display mode = contours, 64 x 64 channels.
1276 /// \image html spectrumpainter018.jpg
1277 ///
1278 /// Height modes group, display mode = bars, 64 x 64 channels.
1279 /// \image html spectrumpainter019.jpg
1280 ///
1281 /// Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels.
1282 /// \image html spectrumpainter020.jpg
1283 ///
1284 /// Height modes group, display mode = triangles, 64 x 64 channels.
1285 /// \image html spectrumpainter021.jpg
1286 ///
1287 /// Light - height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels. The weight
1288 /// between both shading algorithms is set to 0.5. One can observe the influence of
1289 /// both shadings.
1290 ///
1291 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetPenAttr(Int_t color,Int_t style,Int_t width)
1292 ///
1293 /// Using this function one can change pen color, pen style and pen width.
1294 /// Possible pen styles are:
1295 ///
1296 /// - ` kPenStyleSolid,`
1297 /// - ` kPenStyleDash,`
1298 /// - ` kPenStyleDot,`
1299 /// - ` kPenStyleDashDot.`
1300 ///
1301 /// Default values:
1302 ///
1303 /// - ` color = kBlack`
1304 /// - ` style = kPenStyleSolid`
1305 /// - ` width = 1`
1306 ///
1307 /// \image html spectrumpainter022.jpg
1308 ///
1309 /// Simple modes group, display mode = linesX, 64 x 64 channels. Pen width = 3.
1310 ///
1311 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetNodes(Int_t nodesx,Int_t nodesy)
1312 ///
1313 /// Sometimes the displayed region is rather large. When displaying all channels
1314 /// pictures become very dense and complicated. It is very difficult to understand
1315 /// overall shape of the data. Therefore in the package we have implemented the
1316 /// possibility to change the density of displayed channels. Only channels
1317 /// coinciding with given nodes are displayed. In the next figure we introduce the
1318 /// example of the above presented spectrum with number of nodes set to 64x64.
1319 ///
1320 /// Default values:
1321 ///
1322 /// - ` nodesx = Xmax-Xmin+1`
1323 /// - ` nodesy = Ymax-Ymin+1`
1324 ///
1325 /// \image html spectrumpainter023.jpg
1326 ///
1327 /// Simple modes group, display mode = grid, 256 x 256 channels.
1328 /// Number of nodes is 64x64.
1329 ///
1330 /// #### Function: void TSpectrum2Painter::SetAngles (Int_t alpha,Int_t beta, Int_t view)
1331 ///
1332 /// One can change the angles of the position of 3-d space and to rotate the
1333 /// space. Alpha parameter defines the angle between bottom horizontal screen line
1334 /// and the displayed space on the right side of the picture and beta on the left
1335 /// side, respectively. One can rotate the 3-d space around vertical axis going
1336 /// through the center of it employing the view parameter.
1337 /// Allowed values are 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees respectively.
1338 ///
1339 /// Default values:
1340 ///
1341 /// - ` alpha = 20`
1342 /// - ` beta = 60`
1343 /// - ` view = 0`
1344 ///
1345 /// \image html spectrumpainter024.jpg
1346 ///
1347 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 256 x 256 channels. Angles are
1348 /// set as follows: alpha=40, beta=30, view=0.
1349 /// \image html spectrumpainter025.jpg
1350 ///
1351 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 256 x 256 channels. Angles are
1352 /// set as follows: alpha=30, beta=30, view=90.
1353 ///
1354 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetZScale(Int_t scale)
1355 ///
1356 /// One can change the scale of z-axis. Possible values are:
1357 ///
1358 /// - ` kZScaleLinear`
1359 /// - ` kZScaleLog`
1360 /// - ` kZScaleSqrt`
1361 ///
1362 /// Default value is:
1363 ///
1364 /// - ` scale = kZScaleLinear`
1365 ///
1366 /// \image html spectrumpainter026.jpg
1367 ///
1368 /// Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, log scale.
1369 ///
1370 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetColorIncrements(Double_t r,Double_t g,Double_t b);
1371 ///
1372 /// For sophisticated shading (in kModeGroupLight, kModeGroupHeight
1373 /// and kModeGroupLightHeight display modes groups) the color palette starts
1374 /// from the basic pen color (see SetPenAttr function). There is a predefined number
1375 /// of color levels (256). Color in every level is calculated by adding the
1376 /// increments of the r, g, b components to the previous level. Using this function
1377 /// one can change the color increments between two neighbouring color levels. The
1378 /// function does not apply for kModeGroupSimple display modes group.
1379 /// Default values: r=1, g=1, b=1;
1380 /// \image html spectrumpainter027.jpg
1381 ///
1382 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color increments
1383 /// r=1, g=2, b=3.
1384 /// \image html spectrumpainter028.jpg
1385 ///
1386 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color
1387 /// increments r=4, g=2, b=1.
1388 ///
1389 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetColorAlgorithm(Int_t colorAlgorithm)
1390 ///
1391 /// To define the colors one can employ one of the following color algorithms
1392 /// (rgb, cmy, cie, yiq, hvs models [1], [2]). When the level of a component
1393 /// achieves the limit value one can choose either smooth transition (by decreasing
1394 /// the limit value) or sharp - modulo transition (continuing with 0 value). This
1395 /// makes possible to realize various visual effects. One can choose from the
1396 /// following set of the algorithms:
1397 ///
1398 /// - ` kColorAlgRgbSmooth `
1399 /// - ` kColorAlgRgbModulo `
1400 /// - ` kColorAlgCmySmooth `
1401 /// - ` kColorAlgCmyModulo `
1402 /// - ` kColorAlgCieSmooth `
1403 /// - ` kColorAlgCieModulo `
1404 /// - ` kColorAlgYiqSmooth `
1405 /// - ` kColorAlgYiqModulo `
1406 /// - ` kColorAlgHvsSmooth `
1407 /// - ` kColorAlgHvsModulo `
1408 ///
1409 /// The function does not apply for kModeGroupSimple display modes group.
1410 /// Default value is:
1411 ///
1412 /// - ` colorAlgorithm = kColorAlgRgbSmooth`
1413 ///
1414 /// \image html spectrumpainter029.jpg
1415 ///
1416 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
1417 /// is cmy smooth.
1418 /// \image html spectrumpainter030.jpg
1419 ///
1420 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
1421 /// is hvs smooth.
1422 /// \image html spectrumpainter031.jpg
1423 ///
1424 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
1425 /// is yiq smooth.
1426 /// \image html spectrumpainter032.jpg
1427 ///
1428 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
1429 /// is rgb modulo.
1430 /// \image html spectrumpainter033.jpg
1431 ///
1432 /// Height modes group, display mode = surface, 256 x 256 channels, color
1433 /// algorithm is rgb modulo, increments r=5, g=5, b=5, angles alpha=0, beta=90,
1434 /// view=0.
1435 ///
1436 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetLightPosition(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z)
1437 ///
1438 /// In kModeGroupLight and kModeGroupLightHeight display modes
1439 /// groups the color palette is calculated according to the fictive light source
1440 /// position in 3-d space. Using this function one can change the position of the
1441 /// source and thus to achieve various graphical effects. The function does not
1442 /// apply for kModeGroupSimple and kModeGroupHeight display modes
1443 /// groups. Default values are: x=1000, y=1000, z=1000.
1444 /// \image html spectrumpainter034.jpg
1445 ///
1446 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels. Position of the
1447 /// light source was set to x=0, y=1000, z=1000.
1448 ///
1449 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetShading(Int_t shading,Int_t shadow)
1450 ///
1451 /// Surface of the picture is composed of triangles. If desired the edges of the
1452 /// neighbouring triangles can be smoothed (shaded). If desired the display of the
1453 /// shadow can be painted as well. The function does not apply for
1454 /// kModeGroupSimple display modes group.
1455 ///
1456 /// Possible values for shading are:
1457 ///
1458 /// - ` kNotShaded`
1459 /// - ` kShaded.`
1460 ///
1461 /// Possible values for shadow are:
1462 ///
1463 /// - ` kShadowsNotPainted`
1464 /// - ` kShadowsPainted`
1465 ///
1466 /// Default values:
1467 ///
1468 /// - ` shading = kShaded`
1469 /// - ` shadow = kShadowsNotPainted`
1470 ///
1471 /// \image html spectrumpainter035.jpg
1472 ///
1473 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, not shaded.
1474 /// \image html spectrumpainter036.jpg
1475 ///
1476 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, shaded, with
1477 /// shadow.
1478 ///
1479 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetBezier(Int_t bezier)
1480 ///
1481 /// For kModeGroupSimple display modes group and for kDisplayModeGrid,
1482 /// kDisplayModeLinesX >and kDisplayModeLinesY display modes one
1483 /// can smooth data using Bezier smoothing algorithm. The function does not apply
1484 /// for other display modes groups and display modes. Possible values are:
1485 ///
1486 /// - ` kNoBezierInterpol`
1487 /// - ` kBezierInterpol`
1488 ///
1489 /// Default value is:
1490 ///
1491 /// - ` bezier = kNoBezierInterpol.`
1492 ///
1493 /// \image html spectrumpainter005.jpg
1494 ///
1495 /// Simple modes group, display mode = linesX, 64 x 64 channels with Bezier
1496 /// smoothing.
1497 ///
1498 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetContourWidth(Int_t width)
1499 ///
1500 /// This function applies only for kDisplayModeContours display mode.
1501 /// One can change the width between horizontal slices and thus their density.
1502 /// Default value: width=50.
1503 /// \image html spectrumpainter037.jpg
1504 ///
1505 /// Simple modes group, display mode = contours, 64 x 64 channels. Width between
1506 /// slices was set to 30.
1507 ///
1508 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetLightHeightWeight(Double_t weight)
1509 ///
1510 /// For kModeGroupLightHeight display modes group one can change the
1511 /// weight between both shading algorithm. The function does not apply for other
1512 /// display modes groups. Default value is: weight=0.5.
1513 /// \image html spectrumpainter038.jpg
1514 ///
1515 /// Light - height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels.
1516 /// The weight between both shading algorithms is set to 0.7.
1517 ///
1518 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetChanMarks(Int_t enable,Int_t color,Int_t width,Int_t height,Int_t style)
1519 /// In addition to the surface drawn using any above given algorithm one can display
1520 /// channel marks. One can control the color as well as the width, height
1521 /// (in pixels) and the style of the marks. The parameter enable can be set to:
1522 ///
1523 /// - `kChannelMarksNotDrawn`
1524 /// - `kChannelMarksDrawn.`
1525 ///
1526 /// The possible styles can be chosen from the set:
1527 ///
1528 /// - ` kChannelMarksStyleDot`
1529 /// - ` kChannelMarksStyleCross`
1530 /// - ` kChannelMarksStyleStar`
1531 /// - ` kChannelMarksStyleRectangle`
1532 /// - ` kChannelMarksStyleX`
1533 /// - ` kChannelMarksStyleDiamond`
1534 /// - ` kChannelMarksStyleTriangle.`
1535 ///
1536 /// \image html spectrumpainter039.jpg
1537 ///
1538 /// Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels,
1539 /// with marks (red circles).</p>
1540 ///
1541 /// #### Function: TSpectrum2Painter::SetChanGrid(Int_t enable,Int_t color)
1542 ///
1543 /// In addition to the surface drawn using any above given algorithm one can
1544 /// display grid using the color parameter. The parameter enable can be set to:
1545 ///
1546 /// - ` kChannelGridNotDrawn`
1547 /// - ` kChannelGridDrawn.`
1548 ///
1549 /// \image html spectrumpainter040.jpg
1550 ///
1551 /// Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, with blue grid.
1552 /// \image html spectrumpainter041.jpg
1553 ///
1554 /// Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, with marks
1555 /// (red circles) and blue grid.
1556 /// #### References:
1557 ///
1558 /// [1] Morhac M., Kliman J., Matouoek V., Turzo I.,
1559 /// Sophisticated visualization algorithms for analysis of multidimensional
1560 /// experimental nuclear data, Acta Physica Slovaca 54 (2004) 385.
1561 ///
1562 /// [2] D. Hearn, M. P. Baker: Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall International,
1563 /// Inc. 1994.
1564 /// #### Script:
1565 ///
1566 /// Example to draw source spectrum (class TSpectrum2Painter).
1567 /// To execute this example, do:
1568 /// ~~~
1569 /// root > .x VisA.C
1570 /// ~~~
1571 /// ~~~ {.cpp}
1572 /// #include "TSpectrum2Painter.h"
1573 ///
1574 /// void VisA() {
1575 /// TFile *f = new TFile("TSpectrum2.root");
1576 /// TH2F *graph=(TH2F*) f->Get("graph2;1");
1577 /// TCanvas *Graph2 = new TCanvas("Graph2","Illustration of 2D graphics",10,10,1000,700);
1578 /// graph->Draw("SPEC");
1579 /// }
1580 /// ~~~
1583 {
1586  Int_t turni,turnj,w1,w2,x,y;
1587  Int_t q1=0,q2=0,qv=0,smer=0,flag=0,i=0,j=0,x1=0,y1=0,x2=0,y2=0,x3=0,y3=0,x4=0,y4=0,uhl=0,xp1=0,yp1=0,xp2=0,yp2=0;
1588  Int_t ix5,iy5,x6,y6,x7,y7,y8,x1d,y1d,x2d=0,y2d=0;
1589  Int_t i1=0,i2=0,i3=0,i4=0,j1=0,j2=0,j3=0,j4=0;
1590  Int_t s1=0,s2=0,s3=0,s4=0,t1=0,t2=0,t3=0,t4=0;
1591  Double_t dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4,dy1,dy2,dy3,dy4,z1,z2,z3,z4,zl,zh;
1592  Double_t xa,xb=0,ya,yb=0,x5=0,y5=0;
1593  Double_t da=0,db=0,dc=0,dd=0,xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,v,shad_noise;
1594  Int_t iv=0,ekv,stvor,sx1,sx2,sx3,sx4,sx5,sy1,sy2,sy3,sy4,sy5;
1595  Double_t pom1,pom2,sdx1,sdy1,sdx2=0,sdy2,sdx3,sdy3,sdy4,spriz;
1596  Int_t sr1=0,sr2=0,sr3=0,sr4=0,sr5=0,sr6=0,sr7=0,sr8=0;
1597  Int_t tr1=0,tr2=0,tr3=0,tr4=0,tr5=0,tr6=0,tr7=0,tr8=0;
1598  Int_t il,iv1=0,iv2=0,iv3=0,iv4=0;
1599  Double_t v1=0,v2=0,v3=0,v4=0,dxr1,dxr2,dyr1,dyr2,zr1,zr2,bezf;
1600  Double_t dcount_reg,z1l,z2l,z3l,z4l,sdx2p,sdy2p,dap,dbp,dcp,ddp;
1601  Int_t sx1p,sy1p,sx3p,uip=0;
1602  Double_t bezx1,bezy1,bezx2,bezy2;
1603  Double_t p000x,p000y,p100x,p100y,p010x,p010y,p110x,p110y;
1604  Double_t p001x,p001y,p101x,p101y,p011x,p011y,p111x,p111y;
1605  Int_t ibezx1=0,ibezy1=0,ibezx2,ibezy2;
1606  unsigned ui1,ui2,ui3;
1607  Double_t fi,alfa,beta,x3max,y3max,mul,movx,movy;
1608  Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,mx,my,mz;
1609  Double_t mxx,mxy,myx,myy,myz,px,py,kx,ky;
1610  Double_t bxl,bxh,byl,byh,xd,yd,a,b,rotx,roty;
1611  TLine *line = new TLine();
1612  TBox *box = new TBox();
1613  TColor *pen_col;
1614  pen_col = (TColor*)(gROOT->GetListOfColors()->At(fPenColor));
1615  ui1 = (Int_t)(256*pen_col->GetRed());
1616  ui2 = (Int_t)(256*pen_col->GetGreen());
1617  ui3 = (Int_t)(256*pen_col->GetBlue());
1620  printf("The canvas size exceed the maximum X screen resolution.\n");
1621  printf("Use the option bf() to increase the buffer size (it should be greater than %d).\n",fBx2);
1622  return;
1623  }
1625  for (i=fBx1;i<fBx2;i++) {
1626  fEnvelope[i] = fBy2;
1627  fEnvelopeContour[i] = fBy2;
1628  }
1630 // gPad->Range(0, 0, 1 ,1);
1632  // Set the histogram's parameters.
1633  fBx1 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.1);
1634  fBx2 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.99);
1635  fBy1 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.99);
1636  fBy2 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.05);
1637  fXmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetFirst();
1638  fXmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetLast();
1639  fYmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetFirst();
1640  fYmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetLast();
1641  fZmax = fH2->GetMaximum();
1642  fZmin = fH2->GetMinimum();
1644  // Calculation of display parameters.
1645  xmin = fXmin;
1646  xmax = fXmax;
1647  ymin = fYmin;
1648  ymax = fYmax;
1649  zmin = fZmin;
1650  zmax = fZmax;
1651  xd = (xmax-xmin)/2;
1652  yd = (ymax-ymin)/2;
1653  a = (xmax+xmin)/2;
1654  b = (ymax+ymin)/2;
1655  fi = (fViewAngle*3.1415927)/180;
1656  alfa = (fAlpha*3.1415927)/180;
1657  beta = (fBeta*3.1415927)/180;
1658  rotx = (-1)*a*cos(fi)+b*sin(fi)+xd*TMath::Abs(cos(fi))+yd*TMath::Abs(sin(fi));
1659  roty = (-1)*a*sin(fi)-b*cos(fi)+xd*TMath::Abs(sin(fi))+yd*TMath::Abs(cos(fi));
1660  x3max = (xmax-xmin)*TMath::Abs(cos(fi))+(ymax-ymin)*TMath::Abs(sin(fi));
1661  y3max = (xmax-xmin)*TMath::Abs(sin(fi))+(ymax-ymin)*TMath::Abs(cos(fi));
1662  bxl = fBx1;
1663  bxh = fBx2;
1664  byl = fBy1;
1665  byh = fBy2;
1666  mx = (bxh-bxl)/(x3max*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
1667  my = (bxh-bxl)/(y3max*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
1668  mul = (byh-byl)/(bxh-bxl);
1669  movx = bxl+my*cos(alfa)*y3max;
1670  mxx = mx*cos(beta)*cos(fi)-my*cos(alfa)*sin(fi);
1671  mxy = (-1)*mx*cos(beta)*sin(fi)-my*cos(alfa)*cos(fi);
1672  myx = mul*(mx*sin(beta)*cos(fi)+my*sin(alfa)*sin(fi));
1673  myy = mul*((-1)*mx*sin(beta)*sin(fi)+my*sin(alfa)*cos(fi));
1674  px = rotx*mx*cos(beta)-roty*my*cos(alfa)+movx;
1675  kx = (xmax-xmin)/(fNodesx-1);
1676  ky = (ymax-ymin)/(fNodesy-1);
1677  fKx = kx;
1678  fKy = ky;
1679  fMxx = mxx;
1680  fMxy = mxy;
1681  fMyx = myx;
1682  fMyy = myy;
1683  fTxx = mxx*kx;
1684  fTxy = mxy*ky;
1685  fTyx = myx*kx;
1686  fTyy = myy*ky;
1687  fVx = mxx*xmin+mxy*ymin+px;
1688  if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
1689  mz = (bxh-bxl)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)-sin(alfa)-sin(beta));
1690  mz = mz/((zmax-zmin)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
1691  movy = byl+mul*mz*zmax;
1692  myz = (-1)*mz*mul;
1693  py = mul*(rotx*mx*sin(beta)+roty*my*sin(alfa))+movy;
1694  fTyz = myz;
1695  fVy = myx*xmin+myy*ymin+py;
1696  fNuSli = (zmax-zmin)/(Double_t)fContWidth;
1697  } else if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
1698  if (zmin>=1) zmin = log(zmin);
1699  else zmin = 0;
1700  if (zmax>=1) zmax = log(zmax);
1701  else zmax = 0;
1702  if ((zmax-zmin)<0.000001) zmax = zmin+0.000001;
1703  mz = (bxh-bxl)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)-sin(alfa)-sin(beta));
1704  mz = mz/((zmax-zmin)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
1705  movy = byl+mul*mz*zmax;
1706  myz = (-1)*mz*mul;
1707  py = mul*(rotx*mx*sin(beta)+roty*my*sin(alfa))+movy;
1708  fTyz = myz;
1709  fVy = myx*xmin+myy*ymin+py;
1710  fNuSli = (zmax-zmin)/(Double_t)fContWidth;
1711  } else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
1712  if (zmin>=1) zmin = sqrt(zmin);
1713  else zmin = 0;
1714  if (zmax>=1) zmax = sqrt(zmax);
1715  else zmax = 0;
1716  if ((zmax-zmin)<0.000001) zmax = zmin+0.000001;
1717  mz = (bxh-bxl)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)-sin(alfa)-sin(beta));
1718  mz = mz/((zmax-zmin)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
1719  movy = byl+mul*mz*zmax;
1720  myz = (-1)*mz*mul;
1721  py = mul*(rotx*mx*sin(beta)+roty*my*sin(alfa))+movy;
1722  fTyz = myz;
1723  fVy = myx*xmin+myy*ymin+py;
1724  fNuSli = (zmax-zmin)/(Double_t)fContWidth;
1725  }
1727  // End of calculations of display parameters.
1728  dcount_reg=fContWidth;
1729  switch (fZscale) {
1730  case kZScaleLog:
1731  dcount_reg=log(dcount_reg);
1732  break;
1733  case kZScaleSqrt:
1734  dcount_reg=sqrt(dcount_reg);
1735  break;
1736  }
1737  shad_noise = fZmax;
1738  shad_noise /= 100.;
1739  w1 = fNodesx-1;
1740  w2 = fNodesy-1;
1742  // Drawing axis in backplanes.
1743  Transform(0,0,-1);
1744  p000x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1745  p000y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1746  Transform(w1,0,-1);
1747  p100x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1748  p100y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1749  Transform(0,w2,-1);
1750  p010x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1751  p010y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1752  Transform(w1,w2,-1);
1753  p110x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1754  p110y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1755  fZPresetValue = fZmax;
1756  Transform(0,0,-2);
1757  p001x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1758  p001y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1759  Transform(w1,0,-2);
1760  p101x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1761  p101y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1762  Transform(0,w2,-2);
1763  p011x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1764  p011y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1765  Transform(w1,w2,-2);
1766  p111x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
1767  p111y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
1768  Double_t bmin, bmax, binLow, binHigh, binWidth;
1769  Double_t axisLevel, gridDist, gridY1, gridY2;
1770  Int_t ndivx = 0, ndivy, ndivz, nbins;
1771  TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis();
1772  TGaxis *xaxis = new TGaxis();
1773  TGaxis *yaxis = new TGaxis();
1774  TGaxis *zaxis = new TGaxis();
1775  line->SetLineStyle(kPenStyleDot);
1776  if (fViewAngle==0) {
1777  axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1778  axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1779  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1780  axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1781  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1782  axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1783  axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1784  axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1785  if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
1786  bmin = fZmin;
1787  bmax = fZmax;
1788  ndivz = 10;
1789  THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
1790  nbins, binWidth, " ");
1791  for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
1792  axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
1793  gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p001y-p000y)/(bmax-bmin);
1794  gridY1 = p000y + gridDist, gridY2 = p100y + gridDist;
1795  line->PaintLine(p000x,gridY1,p100x,gridY2);
1796  gridY2 = p010y + gridDist;
1797  line->PaintLine(p000x,gridY1,p010x,gridY2);
1798  }
1799  }
1800  } else if (fViewAngle==90) {
1801  axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p000x, p000y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1802  axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1803  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1804  axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1805  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1806  axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1807  axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1808  axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1809  if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
1810  bmin = fZmin;
1811  bmax = fZmax;
1812  ndivz = 10;
1813  THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
1814  nbins, binWidth, " ");
1815  for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
1816  axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
1817  gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p011y-p010y)/(bmax-bmin);
1818  gridY1 = p010y + gridDist, gridY2 = p000y + gridDist;
1819  line->PaintLine(p010x,gridY1,p000x,gridY2);
1820  gridY2 = p110y + gridDist;
1821  line->PaintLine(p010x,gridY1,p110x,gridY2);
1822  }
1823  }
1824  } else if (fViewAngle==180) {
1825  axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1826  axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1827  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1828  axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1829  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1830  axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1831  axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1832  axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1833  if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
1834  bmin = fZmin;
1835  bmax = fZmax;
1836  ndivz = 10;
1837  THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
1838  nbins, binWidth, " ");
1839  for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
1840  axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
1841  gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p111y-p110y)/(bmax-bmin);
1842  gridY1 = p110y + gridDist, gridY2 = p010y + gridDist;
1843  line->PaintLine(p110x,gridY1,p010x,gridY2);
1844  gridY2 = p100y + gridDist;
1845  line->PaintLine(p110x,gridY1,p100x,gridY2);
1846  }
1847  }
1848  } else if (fViewAngle==270) {
1849  axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1850  axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p000x, p000y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1851  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1852  axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1853  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
1854  axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1855  axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1856  axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
1857  if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
1858  bmin = fZmin;
1859  bmax = fZmax;
1860  ndivz = 10;
1861  THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
1862  nbins, binWidth, " ");
1863  for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
1864  axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
1865  gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p101y-p100y)/(bmax-bmin);
1866  gridY1 = p100y + gridDist, gridY2 = p110y + gridDist;
1867  line->PaintLine(p100x,gridY1,p110x,gridY2);
1868  gridY2 = p000y + gridDist;
1869  line->PaintLine(p100x,gridY1,p000x,gridY2);
1870  }
1871  }
1872  }
1874  // End.
1875  line->ResetAttLine("");
1876  line->SetLineColor(fPenColor);
1877  line->SetLineWidth(fPenWidth);
1878  line->SetLineStyle(fPenDash);
1879  turni = 0;
1880  turnj = 0;
1881  Transform(w1,0,0);
1882  x1 = fXt;
1883  Transform(0,0,0);
1884  x2 = fXt;
1885  Transform(0,w2,0);
1886  x3 = fXt;
1887  if (x2>=x1) turnj = 1;
1888  if (x3>=x2) turni = 1;
1889  q1 = 1;
1890  q2 = 0;
1891  qv = 1;
1892  do {
1893  uhl = 0;
1894  smer = 0;
1895  flag = 0;
1896 l2:
1897  if (turni==1) {
1898  i = q1;
1899  } else {
1900  i = w1-q1;
1901  }
1902  if (turnj==1) {
1903  j = q2;
1904  } else {
1905  j = w2-q2;
1906  }
1907  Transform(i,j,0);
1908  x1 = fXt;
1909  y1 = fYt;
1910  Transform(i,j,-1);
1911  x1d = fXt;
1912  y1d = fYt;
1913  do {
1914  if (flag==0) {
1915  flag = 1;
1916  if (smer==0) q1 -= 1;
1917  else q2 -= 1;
1918  } else {
1919  flag = 0;
1920  if (smer==0) q2 += 1;
1921  else q1 += 1;
1922  }
1923  if (turni==1) {
1924  i = q1;
1925  } else {
1926  i = w1-q1;
1927  }
1928  if (turnj==1) {
1929  j = q2;
1930  } else {
1931  j = w2-q2;
1932  }
1933  Transform(i,j,0);
1934  x2 = fXt;
1935  y2 = fYt;
1936  if (flag==1) {
1937  x = x1;
1938  y = y1;
1939  x1 = x2;
1940  y1 = y2;
1941  x2 = x;
1942  y2 = y;
1943  }
1944  switch (fDisplayMode) {
1945  case kDisplayModePoints:
1947  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
1948  if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1]) {
1949  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x1) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1,
1950  gPad->PixeltoX(x1+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1);
1951  }
1952  if (y2<=fEnvelope[x2]) {
1953  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1,
1954  gPad->PixeltoX(x2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1);
1955  }
1956  } else {
1957  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0) && flag==1) {
1958  s1 = q1+1;
1959  t1 = q2;
1960  s2 = q1;
1961  t2 = q2;
1962  s3 = q1;
1963  t3 = q2+1;
1964  s4 = q1+1;
1965  t4 = q2+1;
1966  if (fShading==kShaded) {
1967  sr1 = s1;
1968  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
1969  sr2 = s2;
1970  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
1971  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
1972  tr3 = t2;
1973  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
1974  tr4 = t3;
1975  sr5 = s3;
1976  tr5 = t3+1;
1977  sr6 = s4;
1978  tr6 = t4+1;
1979  sr7 = s4+1;
1980  tr7 = t4;
1981  sr8 = s1+1;
1982  tr8 = t1;
1983  }
1984  if (turni==1) {
1985  i1 = s1;
1986  i2 = s2;
1987  i3 = s3;
1988  i4 = s4;
1989  } else {
1990  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
1991  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
1992  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
1993  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
1994  if (fShading==kShaded) {
1995  sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
1996  sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
1997  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
1998  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
1999  sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
2000  sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
2001  sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
2002  sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
2003  }
2004  }
2005  if (turnj==1) {
2006  j1 = t1;
2007  j2 = t2;
2008  j3 = t3;
2009  j4 = t4;
2010  } else {
2011  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
2012  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
2013  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
2014  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
2015  if (fShading==kShaded) {
2016  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
2017  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
2018  tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
2019  tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
2020  tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
2021  tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
2022  tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
2023  tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
2024  }
2025  }
2026  Transform(i1,j1,0);
2027  x1 = fXt;
2028  y1 = fYt;
2029  dx1 = fDxspline;
2030  dy1 = fDyspline;
2031  z1 = fZ;
2032  Transform(i2,j2,0);
2033  x2 = fXt;
2034  y2 = fYt;
2035  dx2 = fDxspline;
2036  dy2 = fDyspline;
2037  z2 = fZ;
2038  Transform(i3,j3,0);
2039  x3 = fXt;
2040  y3 = fYt;
2041  dx3 = fDxspline;
2042  dy3 = fDyspline;
2043  z3 = fZ;
2044  Transform(i4,j4,0);
2045  x4 = fXt;
2046  y4 = fYt;
2047  dx4 = fDxspline;
2048  dy4 = fDyspline;
2049  z4 = fZ;
2050  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
2051  Envelope(x2,y2,x3,y3);
2052  xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
2053  ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
2054  ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
2055  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
2056  if (fShading==kShaded) {
2057  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
2058  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
2059  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
2060  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2061  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2062  zr1 = fZ;
2063  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
2064  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
2065  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2066  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2067  zr2 = fZ;
2068  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
2069  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
2070  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
2071  v1 = v/4;
2072  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
2073  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
2074  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2075  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2076  zr1 = fZ;
2077  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
2078  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
2079  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2080  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2081  zr2 = fZ;
2082  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
2083  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
2084  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2085  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
2086  v2 = v/4;
2087  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
2088  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
2089  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2090  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2091  zr1 = fZ;
2092  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
2093  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
2094  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2095  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2096  zr2 = fZ;
2097  v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
2098  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2099  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2100  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
2101  v3 = v/4;
2102  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
2103  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
2104  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2105  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2106  zr1 = fZ;
2107  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
2108  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
2109  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2110  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2111  zr2 = fZ;
2112  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
2113  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
2114  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2115  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2116  v4 = v/4;
2117  } else {
2118  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
2119  v = v+spriz;
2120  v = v/2;
2121  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
2122  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
2123  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2124  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2125  zr1 = fZ;
2126  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
2127  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
2128  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2129  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2130  zr2 = fZ;
2131  da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
2132  db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
2133  dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
2134  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2135  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
2136  da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
2137  db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
2138  dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
2139  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2140  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
2141  da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
2142  db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
2143  dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
2144  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2145  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
2146  v1 = v/4;
2147  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
2148  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
2149  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2150  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2151  zr1 = fZ;
2152  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
2153  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
2154  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2155  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2156  zr2 = fZ;
2157  da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
2158  db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
2159  dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
2160  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2161  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
2162  da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
2163  db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
2164  dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
2165  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2166  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
2167  da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
2168  db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
2169  dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
2170  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2171  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2172  da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
2173  db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
2174  dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
2175  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2176  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
2177  v2 = v/4;
2178  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
2179  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
2180  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2181  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2182  zr1 = fZ;
2183  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
2184  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
2185  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2186  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2187  zr2 = fZ;
2188  da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
2189  db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
2190  dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
2191  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2192  v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
2193  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
2194  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
2195  dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
2196  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2197  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2198  da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
2199  db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
2200  dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
2201  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2202  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2203  da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
2204  db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
2205  dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
2206  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2207  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
2208  v3 = v/4;
2209  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
2210  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
2211  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2212  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2213  zr1 = fZ;
2214  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
2215  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
2216  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2217  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2218  zr2 = fZ;
2219  da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
2220  db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
2221  dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
2222  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2223  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
2224  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
2225  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
2226  dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
2227  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2228  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
2229  da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
2230  db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
2231  dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
2232  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2233  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2234  da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
2235  db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
2236  dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
2237  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2238  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2239  v4 = v/4;
2240  }
2241  }
2242  spriz = 0;
2243  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
2244  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2245  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
2246  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
2247  } else {
2248  v1 = v1*fLevels;
2249  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
2250  v2 = v2*fLevels;
2251  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
2252  v4 = v4*fLevels;
2253  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
2254  }
2255  } else {
2256  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
2257  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2258  v = v*fLevels/2.0;
2259  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
2260  } else {
2261  v1 = v1*fLevels;
2262  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
2263  v2 = v2*fLevels;
2264  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
2265  v4 = v4*fLevels;
2266  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
2267  }
2268  }
2269  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2270  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2272  if (fEnvelope[x1]>=y1) {
2273  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x1),gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x1+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1);
2274  fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
2275  }
2276  if (fEnvelope[x2]>=y2) {
2277  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x2),gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1);
2278  fEnvelope[x2] = y2;
2279  }
2280  if (fEnvelope[x4]>=y4) {
2281  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x4),gPad->PixeltoY(y4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y4)+1);
2282  fEnvelope[x4] = y4;
2283  }
2284  } else {
2285  if (fEnvelope[x1]>=y1) {
2286  iv = iv1;
2287  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2289  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x1),gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x1+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1);
2290  fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
2291  }
2292  if (fEnvelope[x2]>=y2) {
2293  iv = iv2;
2294  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2296  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x2),gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x2+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1);
2297  fEnvelope[x2]=y2;
2298  }
2299  if (fEnvelope[x4]>=y4) {
2300  iv = iv4;
2301  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2303  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x4),gPad->PixeltoY(y4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y4)+1);
2304  fEnvelope[x4] = y4;
2305  }
2306  }
2307  xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
2308  ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
2309  ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
2310  if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
2311  spriz = 0;
2312  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
2313  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2314  v = v*fLevels;
2315  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
2316  } else {
2317  v3 = v3*fLevels;
2318  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
2319  }
2320  } else {
2321  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
2322  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2323  v = v*fLevels/2;
2324  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
2325  iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
2326  } else {
2327  v3 = v3*fLevels;
2328  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
2329  }
2330  }
2331  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2332  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2333  line->ResetAttLine("");
2335  if (fEnvelope[x3]>=y3) {
2336  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x3),gPad->PixeltoY(y3)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x3+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y3)+1);
2337  fEnvelope[x3] = y3;
2338  }
2339  } else {
2340  if (fEnvelope[x3]>=y3) {
2341  iv = iv3;
2342  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2343  line->ResetAttLine("");
2345  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x3),gPad->PixeltoY(y3)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x3+1),gPad->PixeltoY(y3)+1);
2346  fEnvelope[x3]=y3;
2347  }
2348  }
2349  }
2350  }
2351  break;
2352  case kDisplayModeGrid:
2353  if (fBezier==kNoBezierInterpol) {
2355  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
2356  if (fLine!=0) {
2357  if (fLine==1) {
2358  fXe = x2;
2359  fYe = y2;
2360  }
2361  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
2362  }
2363  } else {
2364  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
2365  s1 = q1+1;
2366  t1 = q2;
2367  s2 = q1;
2368  t2 = q2;
2369  s3 = q1;
2370  t3 = q2+1;
2371  s4 = q1+1;
2372  t4 = q2+1;
2373  if (fShading==kShaded) {
2374  sr1 = s1;
2375  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
2376  sr2 = s2;
2377  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
2378  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
2379  tr3 = t2;
2380  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
2381  tr4 = t3;
2382  sr5 = s3;
2383  tr5 = t3+1;
2384  sr6 = s4;
2385  tr6 = t4+1;
2386  sr7 = s4+1;
2387  tr7 = t4;
2388  sr8 = s1+1;
2389  tr8 = t1;
2390  }
2391  if (turni==1) {
2392  i1 = s1;
2393  i2 = s2;
2394  i3 = s3;
2395  i4 = s4;
2396  } else {
2397  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
2398  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
2399  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
2400  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
2401  if (fShading==kShaded) {
2402  sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
2403  sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
2404  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
2405  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
2406  sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
2407  sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
2408  sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
2409  sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
2410  }
2411  }
2412  if (turnj==1) {
2413  j1 = t1;
2414  j2 = t2;
2415  j3 = t3;
2416  j4 = t4;
2417  } else {
2418  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
2419  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
2420  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
2421  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
2422  if (fShading==kShaded) {
2423  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
2424  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
2425  tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
2426  tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
2427  tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
2428  tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
2429  tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
2430  tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
2431  }
2432  }
2433  Transform(i1,j1,0);
2434  x1 = fXt;
2435  y1 = fYt;
2436  dx1 = fDxspline;
2437  dy1 = fDyspline;
2438  z1 = fZ;
2439  Transform(i2,j2,0);
2440  x2 = fXt;
2441  y2 = fYt;
2442  dx2 = fDxspline;
2443  dy2 = fDyspline;
2444  z2 = fZ;
2445  Transform(i3,j3,0);
2446  x3 = fXt;
2447  y3 = fYt;
2448  dx3 = fDxspline;
2449  dy3 = fDyspline;
2450  z3 = fZ;
2451  Transform(i4,j4,0);
2452  x4 = fXt;
2453  y4 = fYt;
2454  dx4 = fDxspline;
2455  dy4 = fDyspline;
2456  z4 = fZ;
2457  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
2458  Envelope(x2,y2,x3,y3);
2459  xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
2460  ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
2461  ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
2462  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
2463  if (fShading==kShaded) {
2464  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
2465  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
2466  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
2467  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2468  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2469  zr1 = fZ;
2470  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
2471  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
2472  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2473  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2474  zr2 = fZ;
2475  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
2476  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
2477  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
2478  v1 = v/4;
2479  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
2480  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
2481  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2482  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2483  zr1 = fZ;
2484  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
2485  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
2486  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2487  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2488  zr2 = fZ;
2489  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
2490  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
2491  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2492  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
2493  v2 = v/4;
2494  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
2495  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
2496  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2497  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2498  zr1 = fZ;
2499  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
2500  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
2501  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2502  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2503  zr2 = fZ;
2504  v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
2505  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2506  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2507  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
2508  v3 = v/4;
2509  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
2510  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
2511  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2512  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2513  zr1 = fZ;
2514  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
2515  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
2516  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2517  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2518  zr2 = fZ;
2519  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
2520  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
2521  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2522  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
2523  v4 = v/4;
2524  } else {
2525  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
2526  v = v+spriz;
2527  v = v/2;
2528  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
2529  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
2530  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2531  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2532  zr1 = fZ;
2533  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
2534  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
2535  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2536  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2537  zr2 = fZ;
2538  da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
2539  db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
2540  dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
2541  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2542  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
2543  da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
2544  db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
2545  dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
2546  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2547  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
2548  da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
2549  db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
2550  dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
2551  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2552  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
2553  v1 = v/4;
2554  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
2555  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
2556  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2557  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2558  zr1 = fZ;
2559  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
2560  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
2561  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2562  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2563  zr2 = fZ;
2564  da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
2565  db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
2566  dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
2567  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2568  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
2569  da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
2570  db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
2571  dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
2572  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2573  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
2574  da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
2575  db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
2576  dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
2577  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2578  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2579  da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
2580  db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
2581  dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
2582  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2583  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
2584  v2 = v/4;
2585  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
2586  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
2587  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2588  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2589  zr1 = fZ;
2590  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
2591  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
2592  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2593  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2594  zr2 = fZ;
2595  da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
2596  db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
2597  dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
2598  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2599  v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
2600  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
2601  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
2602  dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
2603  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2604  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2605  da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
2606  db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
2607  dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
2608  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2609  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2610  da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
2611  db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
2612  dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
2613  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2614  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
2615  v3 = v/4;
2616  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
2617  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
2618  dxr1 = fDxspline;
2619  dyr1 = fDyspline;
2620  zr1 = fZ;
2621  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
2622  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
2623  dxr2 = fDxspline;
2624  dyr2 = fDyspline;
2625  zr2 = fZ;
2626  da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
2627  db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
2628  dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
2629  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2630  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
2631  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
2632  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
2633  dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
2634  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2635  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
2636  da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
2637  db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
2638  dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
2639  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2640  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2641  da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
2642  db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
2643  dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
2644  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
2645  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
2646  v4 = v/4;
2647  }
2648  }
2649  spriz = 0;
2650  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
2651  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2652  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
2653  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
2654  } else {
2655  v1 = v1*fLevels;
2656  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
2657  v2 = v2*fLevels;
2658  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
2659  v4 = v4*fLevels;
2660  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
2661  }
2662  } else {
2663  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
2664  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2665  v = v*fLevels/2.0;
2666  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
2667  } else {
2668  v1 = v1*fLevels;
2669  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
2670  v2 = v2*fLevels;
2671  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
2672  v4 = v4*fLevels;
2673  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
2674  }
2675  }
2676  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2677  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2679  } else {
2680  dx1 = x1;
2681  dy1 = y1;
2682  dx2 = x2;
2683  dy2 = y2;
2684  dx3 = x4;
2685  dy3 = y4;
2686  z1 = iv1;
2687  z2 = iv2;
2688  z3 = iv4;
2689  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
2690  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
2691  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
2692  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
2693  }
2694  sx1 = x1;
2695  sy1 = y1;
2696  sx2 = x2;
2697  sy2 = y2;
2698  if (sx2<sx1) {
2699  sx4 = sx1;
2700  sy4 = sy1;
2701  sx1 = sx2;
2702  sy1 = sy2;
2703  sx2 = sx4;
2704  sy2 = sy4;
2705  }
2706  sdx1 = 0;
2707  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
2708  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
2709  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
2710  pom1 = sy1;
2711  pom2 = sx1;
2712  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
2713  for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
2714  pom1 = sx4;
2715  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
2716  sy4 = (Int_t)(sdy4);
2717  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
2718  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
2719  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2720  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2721  } else {
2722  dx1 = sx4;
2723  dy1 = sy4;
2724  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
2725  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2726  iv = (Int_t)v;
2727  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2729  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2730  }
2731  sy5 = sy4;
2732  } else {
2733  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2734  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2735  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2736  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2737  dx1 = sx4;
2738  dy1 = sy4;
2739  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
2740  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2741  iv = (Int_t)v;
2742  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2744  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2745  }
2746  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2747  }
2748  sx5 = sx4;
2749  }
2750  sx1 = x1;
2751  sy1 = y1;
2752  sx3 = x4;
2753  sy3 = y4;
2754  if (sx3<sx1) {
2755  sx4 = sx1;
2756  sy4 = sy1;
2757  sx1 = sx3;
2758  sy1 = sy3;
2759  sx3 = sx4;
2760  sy3 = sy4;
2761  }
2762  pom1 = sy3-sy1;
2763  pom2 = sx3-sx1;
2764  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
2765  pom1 = sy1;
2766  pom2 = sx1;
2767  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
2768  sx1p = sx1;
2769  sy1p = sy1;
2770  sx3p = sx3;
2771  sdx2p = sdx2;
2772  sdy2p = sdy2;
2773  dap = da;
2774  dbp = db;
2775  dcp = dc;
2776  ddp = dd;
2777  uip = fNewColorIndex;
2778  xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
2779  ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
2780  ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
2781  if (fShading==kNotShaded) v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
2782  spriz = 0;
2783  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
2784  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2785  v = v*fLevels;
2786  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
2787  } else {
2788  v3 = v3*fLevels;
2789  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
2790  }
2791  } else {
2792  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
2793  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2794  v = v*fLevels/2;
2795  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
2796  iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
2797  } else {
2798  v3 = v3*fLevels;
2799  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
2800  }
2801  }
2802  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2803  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2805  } else {
2806  dx1 = x2;
2807  dy1 = y2;
2808  dx2 = x3;
2809  dy2 = y3;
2810  dx3 = x4;
2811  dy3 = y4;
2812  z1 = iv2;
2813  z2 = iv3;
2814  z3 = iv4;
2815  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
2816  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
2817  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
2818  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
2819  }
2820  sx1 = x2;
2821  sy1 = y2;
2822  sx2 = x3;
2823  sy2 = y3;
2824  if (sx2<sx1) {
2825  sx4 = sx1;
2826  sy4 = sy1;
2827  sx1 = sx2;
2828  sy1 = sy2;
2829  sx2 = sx4;
2830  sy2 = sy4;
2831  }
2832  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
2833  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
2834  sdx1 = 0;
2835  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
2836  pom1 = sy1;
2837  pom2 = sx1;
2838  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
2839  for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
2840  pom1 = sx4;
2841  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
2842  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
2843  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
2844  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
2845  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2846  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2847  } else {
2848  dx1 = sx4;
2849  dy1 = sy4;
2850  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
2851  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2852  iv = (Int_t)v;
2853  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2855  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2856  }
2857  sy5 = sy4;
2858  } else {
2859  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2860  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2861  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2862  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2863  dx1 = sx4;
2864  dy1 = sy4;
2865  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
2866  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2867  iv = (Int_t)v;
2868  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2870  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2871  }
2872  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2873  }
2874  sx5 = sx4;
2875  }
2876  for (sx4=sx1p,sx5=sx1p,sy5=sy1p;sx4<=sx3p;sx4++) {
2877  pom1 = sx4;
2878  sdy4 = sdx2p*pom1+sdy2p;
2879  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
2880  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
2881  fEnvelope[sx4]=sy4;
2882  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2883  line->SetLineColor(uip);
2884  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2885  } else {
2886  dx1 = sx4;
2887  dy1 = sy4;
2888  if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
2889  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2890  iv = (Int_t)v;
2891  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2893  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2894  }
2895  sy5 = sy4;
2896  } else {
2897  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2898  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2899  line->SetLineColor(uip);
2900  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2901  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2902  dx1 = sx4;
2903  dy1 = sy4;
2904  if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
2905  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2906  iv = (Int_t)v;
2907  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2909  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2910  }
2911  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2912  }
2913  sx5 = sx4;
2914  }
2915  sx2 = x3;
2916  sy2 = y3;
2917  sx3 = x4;
2918  sy3 = y4;
2919  if (sx3<sx2) {
2920  sx4 = sx2;
2921  sy4 = sy2;
2922  sx2 = sx3;
2923  sy2 = sy3;
2924  sx3 = sx4;
2925  sy3 = sy4;
2926  }
2927  sdx2 = 0;
2928  pom1 = sy3-sy2;
2929  pom2 = sx3-sx2;
2930  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
2931  pom1 = sy2;
2932  pom2 = sx2;
2933  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
2934  for (sx4=sx2,sx5=sx2,sy5=sy2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
2935  pom1 = sx4;
2936  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
2937  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
2938  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
2939  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
2940  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
2941  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2942  } else {
2943  dx1 = sx4;
2944  dy1 = sy4;
2945  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
2946  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2947  iv = (Int_t)v;
2948  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2950  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2951  }
2952  sy5 = sy4;
2953  } else {
2954  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2955  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2956  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2957  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
2958  dx1 = sx4;
2959  dy1 = sy4;
2960  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
2961  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
2962  iv = (Int_t)v;
2963  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
2965  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
2966  }
2967  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
2968  }
2969  sx5 = sx4;
2970  }
2971  }
2972  }
2973  } else {
2974  if (((flag==0)&&(smer==0))||((flag!=0)&&(smer!=0))) {
2975  s1 = q1;
2976  t1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q2-1,0);
2977  s2 = q1;
2978  t2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q2+2,w2);
2979  } else if (((flag!=0)&&(smer==0))||((flag==0)&&(smer!=0))) {
2980  s1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q1-1,0);
2981  t1 = q2;
2982  s2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q1+2,w1);
2983  t2 = q2;
2984  }
2985  if (turni==1) {
2986  i1 = s1;
2987  i2 = s2;
2988  } else {
2989  i1 = w1-s1;
2990  i2 = w1-s2;
2991  }
2992  if (turnj==1) {
2993  j1 = t1;
2994  j2 = t2;
2995  } else {
2996  j1 = w2-t1;
2997  j2 = w2-t2;
2998  }
2999  Transform(i1,j1,0);
3000  x3 = fXt;
3001  y3 = fYt;
3002  Transform(i2,j2,0);
3003  x4 = fXt;
3004  y4 = fYt;
3005  bezx1 = x1+(x2-x1)/3;
3006  bezx2 = x1+2*(x2-x1)/3;
3007  bezy1 = y1+(y2-y3)/6;
3008  bezy2 = y2-(y4-y1)/6;
3009  if (x1<=x2) {
3010  if (bezx1<=x1) {
3011  bezx1 = x1;
3012  bezy1 = y1;
3013  }
3014  if (bezx1>=x2) {
3015  bezx1 = x2;
3016  bezy1 = y2;
3017  }
3018  if (bezx2<=x1) {
3019  bezx2 = x1;
3020  bezy2 = y1;
3021  }
3022  if (bezx2>=x2) {
3023  bezx2 = x2;
3024  bezy2 = y2;
3025  }
3026  fBzX[0] = x1;
3027  fBzY[0] = y1;
3028  fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
3029  fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
3030  fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
3031  fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
3032  fBzX[3] = x2;
3033  fBzY[3] = y2;
3034  for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
3035  BezierSmoothing(bezf);
3036  if (bezf==0) {
3037  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3038  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3039  } else {
3040  ibezx2 = ibezx1;
3041  ibezy2 = ibezy1;
3042  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3043  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3044  Envelope(ibezx2,ibezy2,ibezx1,ibezy1);
3045  if (fLine!=0) {
3046  if (fLine==1) {
3047  fXe = ibezx1;
3048  fYe = ibezy1;
3049  }
3050  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3051  }
3052  }
3053  }
3054  } else if (x1>x2) {
3055  if (bezx1>=x1) {
3056  bezx1 = x1;
3057  bezy1 = y1;
3058  }
3059  if (bezx1<=x2) {
3060  bezx1 = x2;
3061  bezy1 = y2;
3062  }
3063  if (bezx2>=x1) {
3064  bezx2 = x1;
3065  bezy2 = y1;
3066  }
3067  if (bezx2<=x2) {
3068  bezx2 = x2;
3069  bezy2 = y2;
3070  }
3071  fBzX[0] = x1;
3072  fBzY[0] = y1;
3073  fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
3074  fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
3075  fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
3076  fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
3077  fBzX[3] = x2;
3078  fBzY[3] = y2;
3079  for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
3080  BezierSmoothing(bezf);
3081  if (bezf==0) {
3082  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3083  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3084  } else {
3085  ibezx2 = ibezx1;
3086  ibezy2 = ibezy1;
3087  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3088  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3089  Envelope(ibezx1,ibezy1,ibezx2,ibezy2);
3090  if (fLine!=0) {
3091  if (fLine==1) {
3092  fXe = ibezx2;
3093  fYe = ibezy2;
3094  }
3095  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3096  }
3097  }
3098  }
3099  }
3100  }
3101  break;
3102  case kDisplayModeContours:
3103  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
3104  s1 = q1+1;
3105  t1 = q2;
3106  s2 = q1;
3107  t2 = q2;
3108  s3 = q1;
3109  t3 = q2+1;
3110  s4 = q1+1;
3111  t4 = q2+1;
3112  if (turni==1) {
3113  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s1);
3114  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s2);
3115  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s3);
3116  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s4);
3117  } else {
3118  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
3119  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
3120  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
3121  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
3122  }
3123  if (turnj==1) {
3124  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t1);
3125  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t2);
3126  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t3);
3127  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t4);
3128  } else {
3129  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
3130  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
3131  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
3132  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
3133  }
3134  Transform(i1,j1,0);
3135  dx1 = fDxspline;
3136  dy1 = fDyspline;
3137  z1 = fZ;
3138  z1l = fZeq;
3139  Transform(i2,j2,0);
3140  dx2 = fDxspline;
3141  dy2 = fDyspline;
3142  z2 = fZ;
3143  z2l = fZeq;
3144  Transform(i3,j3,0);
3145  dx3 = fDxspline;
3146  dy3 = fDyspline;
3147  z3 = fZ;
3148  z3l = fZeq;
3149  Transform(i4,j4,0);
3150  dx4 = fDxspline;
3151  dy4 = fDyspline;
3152  z4 = fZ;
3153  z4l = fZeq;
3154  zh = (Double_t)TMath::Max(z1,z2);
3155  zh = (Double_t)TMath::Max(zh,z3);
3156  zh = (Double_t)TMath::Max(zh,z4);
3157  zl = (Double_t)TMath::Min(z1l,z2l);
3158  zl = (Double_t)TMath::Min(zl,z3l);
3159  zl = (Double_t)TMath::Min(zl,z4l);
3160  i1 = (Int_t)(zl/dcount_reg+1);
3161  if (z1!=z2||z2!=z3||z3!=z4) {
3162  do {
3163  fZ = i1*dcount_reg;
3164  switch (fZscale) {
3165  case kZScaleLog:
3166  if (fZ>=1.0) fZ = log(fZ);
3167  else fZ = 0;
3168  break;
3169  case kZScaleSqrt:
3170  if (fZ>0) fZ = sqrt(fZ);
3171  else fZ = 0;
3172  break;
3173  }
3175  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,fZ,dx2,dy2,fZ,dx4,dy4,fZ);
3176  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
3177  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
3178  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
3180  }
3181  if (fZ>zh) goto eqend;
3182  i1 += 1;
3183  ekv = 0;
3184  stvor = 0;
3185  if ((z2<=fZ&&fZ<z1)||(z2<fZ&&fZ<=z1)) {
3186  xb = (fZ-z2)*(dx1-dx2)/(z1-z2)+dx2;
3187  goto ekvi1;
3188  }
3189  if ((z1<=fZ&&fZ<z2)||(z1<fZ&&fZ<=z2)) {
3190  xb = (fZ-z1)*(dx2-dx1)/(z2-z1)+dx1;
3191  goto ekvi1;
3192  }
3193  if (z2==fZ&&fZ==z1) {
3194  xb = dx2;
3195 ekvi1:
3196  yb = dy2;
3197  ekv = 1;
3198  x5 = xb;
3199  y5 = yb;
3200  stvor += 1;
3201  }
3202  if ((z1<=fZ&&fZ<z4)||(z1<fZ&&fZ<=z4)) {
3203  ya = (fZ-z1)*(dy4-dy1)/(z4-z1)+dy1;
3204  goto ekvi2;
3205  }
3206  if ((z4<=fZ&&fZ<z1)||(z4<fZ&&fZ<=z1)) {
3207  ya = (fZ-z4)*(dy1-dy4)/(z1-z4)+dy4;
3208  goto ekvi2;
3209  }
3210  if (z4==fZ&&fZ==z1) {
3211  ya = dy1;
3212 ekvi2:
3213  xa = dx1;
3214  if (ekv==1) {
3215  Slice(xa,ya,xb,yb,line);
3216  stvor += 1;
3217  }
3218  xb = xa;
3219  yb = ya;
3220  ekv = 1;
3221  }
3222  if ((z3<=fZ&&fZ<z4)||(z3<fZ&&fZ<=z4)) {
3223  xa = (fZ-z3)*(dx4-dx3)/(z4-z3)+dx3;
3224  goto ekvi3;
3225  }
3226  if ((z4<=fZ&&fZ<z3)||(z4<fZ&&fZ<=z3)) {
3227  xa = (fZ-z4)*(dx3-dx4)/(z3-z4)+dx4;
3228  goto ekvi3;
3229  }
3230  if (z4==fZ&&fZ==z3) {
3231  xa = dx4;
3232 ekvi3:
3233  ya = dy4;
3234  if (ekv==1) {
3235  Slice(xa,ya,xb,yb,line);
3236  stvor += 1;
3237  }
3238  xb = xa;
3239  yb = ya;
3240  ekv = 1;
3241  }
3242  if ((z2<=fZ&&fZ<z3)||(z2<fZ&&fZ<=z3)) {
3243  ya = (fZ-z2)*(dy3-dy2)/(z3-z2)+dy2;
3244  goto ekvi4;
3245  }
3246  if ((z3<=fZ&&fZ<z2)||(z3<fZ&&fZ<=z2)) {
3247  ya = (fZ-z3)*(dy2-dy3)/(z2-z3)+dy3;
3248  goto ekvi4;
3249  }
3250  if (z3==fZ&&fZ==z2) {
3251  ya = dy3;
3252 ekvi4:
3253  xa = dx3;
3254  if (ekv==1) {
3255  Slice(xa,ya,xb,yb,line);
3256  stvor += 1;
3257  }
3258  if (stvor==4) Slice(xa,ya,x5,y5,line);
3259  }
3260  } while (fZ<=zh);
3261 eqend:
3262  CopyEnvelope(dx1,dx3,dy1,dy3);
3263  }
3264  }
3265  break;
3266  case kDisplayModeBars:
3267  case kDisplayModeBarsX:
3268  case kDisplayModeBarsY:
3269  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
3270  s1 = q1+1;
3271  t1 = q2;
3272  s2 = q1;
3273  t2 = q2;
3274  s3 = q1;
3275  t3 = q2+1;
3276  s4 = q1+1;
3277  t4 = q2+1;
3278  }
3279  if (turni==1) {
3281  if (s1<=w1&&s2<=w1&&s3<=w1&&s4<=w1) {
3282  i1 = s1;
3283  i2 = s2;
3284  i3 = s3;
3285  i4 = s4;
3286  }
3287  } else {
3288  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s1);
3289  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s2);
3290  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s3);
3291  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s4);
3292  }
3293  } else {
3295  if (s1<=w1&&s2<=w1&&s3<=w1&&s4<=w1) {
3296  i1 = w1-s1;
3297  i2 = w1-s2;
3298  i3 = w1-s3;
3299  i4 = w1-s4;
3300  }
3301  } else {
3302  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
3303  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
3304  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
3305  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
3306  }
3307  }
3308  if (turnj==1) {
3310  if (t1<=w2&&t2<=w2&&t3<=w2&&t4<=w2) {
3311  j1 = t1;
3312  j2 = t2;
3313  j3 = t3;
3314  j4 = t4;
3315  }
3316  } else {
3317  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t1);
3318  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t2);
3319  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t3);
3320  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t4);
3321  }
3322  } else {
3324  if (t1<=w2&&t2<=w2&&t3<=w2&&t4<=w2) {
3325  j1 = w2-t1;
3326  j2 = w2-t2;
3327  j3 = w2-t3;
3328  j4 = w2-t4;
3329  }
3330  } else {
3331  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
3332  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
3333  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
3334  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
3335  }
3336  }
3337  Transform(i1,j1,0);
3338  x1 = fXt;
3339  dx1 = fDxspline;
3340  dy1 = fDyspline;
3341  z1 = fZ;
3342  Transform(i2,j2,0);
3343  x2 = fXt;
3344  dx2 = fDxspline;
3345  dy2 = fDyspline;
3346  z2 = fZ;
3347  Transform(i3,j3,0);
3348  x3 = fXt;
3349  dx3 = fDxspline;
3350  dy3 = fDyspline;
3351  z3 = fZ;
3352  Transform(i4,j4,0);
3353  x4 = fXt;
3354  y4 = fYt;
3355  dx4 = fDxspline;
3356  dy4 = fDyspline;
3357  z4 = fZ;
3358  Transform(i1,j1,-1);
3359  ix5 = fXt;
3360  iy5 = fYt;
3361  Transform(i2,j2,-1);
3362  x6 = fXt;
3363  y6 = fYt;
3364  Transform(i3,j3,-1);
3365  x7 = fXt;
3366  y7 = fYt;
3367  Transform(i4,j4,-1);
3368  y8 = fYt;
3369  y1 = iy5+(y4-y8);
3370  y2 = y6+(y4-y8);
3371  y3 = y7+(y4-y8);
3372  if ((fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBars)&&(q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&(flag==1)) {
3373  EnvelopeBars(ix5,iy5,x6,y6);
3374  if (fLine!=0) {
3375  if (fLine==1) {
3376  fXe = x6;
3377  fYe = y6;
3378  }
3379  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3380  }
3381  EnvelopeBars(x6,y6,x7,y7);
3382  if (fLine!=0) {
3383  if (fLine==1) {
3384  fXe = x7;
3385  fYe = y7;
3386  }
3387  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3388  }
3389  EnvelopeBars(ix5,iy5,x1,y1);
3390  if (fLine!=0) {
3391  if (fLine==1) {
3392  fXe = x1;
3393  fYe = y1;
3394  }
3395  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3396  }
3397  EnvelopeBars(x6,y6,x2,y2);
3398  if (fLine!=0) {
3399  if (fLine==1) {
3400  fXe = x2;
3401  fYe = y2;
3402  }
3403  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3404  }
3405  EnvelopeBars(x7,y7,x3,y3);
3406  if (fLine!=0) {
3407  if (fLine==1) {
3408  fXe = x3;
3409  fYe = y3;
3410  }
3411  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3412  }
3414  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z4,dx2,dy2,z4,dx4,dy4,z4);
3415  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
3416  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
3417  uip = fNewColorIndex;
3418  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
3420  sx1 = x1;
3421  sy1 = y1;
3422  sx2 = x2;
3423  sy2 = y2;
3424  sx3 = x4;
3425  sy3 = y4;
3426  if (sx2<sx1) {
3427  sx4 = sx1;
3428  sy4 = sy1;
3429  sx1 = sx2;
3430  sy1 = sy2;
3431  sx2 = sx4;
3432  sy2 = sy4;
3433  }
3434  if (sx3<sx1) {
3435  sx4 = sx1;
3436  sy4 = sy1;
3437  sx1 = sx3;
3438  sy1 = sy3;
3439  sx3 = sx4;
3440  sy3 = sy4;
3441  }
3442  if (sy2<sy3) {
3443  sx4 = sx2;
3444  sy4 = sy2;
3445  sx2 = sx3;
3446  sy2 = sy3;
3447  sx3 = sx4;
3448  sy3 = sy4;
3449  }
3450  sdx1 = 0;
3451  sdx2 = 0;
3452  sdx3 = 0;
3453  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
3454  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
3455  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
3456  pom1 = sy1;
3457  pom2 = sx1;
3458  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
3459  pom1 = sy3-sy1;
3460  pom2 = sx3-sx1;
3461  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
3462  pom1 = sy1;
3463  pom2 = sx1;
3464  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
3465  pom1 = sy3-sy2;
3466  pom2 = sx3-sx2;
3467  if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
3468  pom1 = sy2;
3469  pom2 = sx2;
3470  sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
3471  if (sx2<sx3) {
3472  if (sx1!=sx2) {
3473  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
3474  pom1 = sx4;
3475  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
3476  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3477  if (sx3!=sx1) {
3478  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
3479  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3480  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3481  if (sy4<sy5) {
3482  pom1 = sy4;
3483  sy4 = sy5;
3484  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3485  }
3486  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3487  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3488  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3489  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3490  }
3491  }
3492  }
3493  }
3494  if (sx2!=sx3) {
3495  for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
3496  pom1 = sx4;
3497  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
3498  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3499  if (sx3!=sx1) {
3500  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
3501  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3502  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3503  if (sy4<sy5) {
3504  pom1 = sy4;
3505  sy4 = sy5;
3506  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3507  }
3508  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3509  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3510  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3511  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3512  }
3513  }
3514  }
3515  }
3516  } else {
3517  if (sx3!=sx1) {
3518  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
3519  pom1 = sx4;
3520  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
3521  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3522  if (sx2!=sx1) {
3523  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
3524  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3525  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3526  if (sy4<sy5) {
3527  pom1 = sy4;
3528  sy4 = sy5;
3529  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3530  }
3531  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3532  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3533  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3534  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3535  }
3536  }
3537  }
3538  }
3539  if (sx2!=sx3) {
3540  for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
3541  pom1 = sx4;
3542  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
3543  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3544  if (sx2!=sx1) {
3545  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
3546  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3547  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3548  if (sy4<sy5) {
3549  pom1 = sy4;
3550  sy4 = sy5;
3551  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3552  }
3553  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3554  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3555  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3556  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3557  }
3558  }
3559  }
3560  }
3561  }
3562  sx1 = x2;
3563  sy1 = y2;
3564  sx2 = x3;
3565  sy2 = y3;
3566  sx3 = x4;
3567  sy3 = y4;
3568  if (sx2<sx1) {
3569  sx4 = sx1;
3570  sy4 = sy1;
3571  sx1 = sx2;
3572  sy1 = sy2;
3573  sx2 = sx4;
3574  sy2 = sy4;
3575  }
3576  if (sx3<sx1) {
3577  sx4 = sx1;
3578  sy4 = sy1;
3579  sx1 = sx3;
3580  sy1 = sy3;
3581  sx3 = sx4;
3582  sy3 = sy4;
3583  }
3584  if (sy2<sy3) {
3585  sx4 = sx2;
3586  sy4 = sy2;
3587  sx2 = sx3;
3588  sy2 = sy3;
3589  sx3 = sx4;
3590  sy3 = sy4;
3591  }
3592  sdx1 = 0;
3593  sdx2 = 0;
3594  sdx3 = 0;
3595  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
3596  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
3597  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
3598  pom1 = sy1;
3599  pom2 = sx1;
3600  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
3601  pom1 = sy3-sy1;
3602  pom2 = sx3-sx1;
3603  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
3604  pom1 = sy1;
3605  pom2 = sx1;
3606  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
3607  pom1 = sy3-sy2;
3608  pom2 = sx3-sx2;
3609  if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
3610  pom1 = sy2;
3611  pom2 = sx2;
3612  sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
3613  if (sx2<sx3) {
3614  if (sx1!=sx2) {
3615  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
3616  pom1 = sx4;
3617  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
3618  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3619  if (sx3!=sx1) {
3620  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
3621  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3622  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3623  if (sy4<sy5) {
3624  pom1 = sy4;
3625  sy4 = sy5;
3626  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3627  }
3628  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3629  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3630  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3631  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3632  }
3633  }
3634  }
3635  }
3636  if (sx2!=sx3) {
3637  for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
3638  pom1 = sx4;
3639  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
3640  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3641  if (sx3!=sx1) {
3642  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
3643  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3644  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3645  if (sy4<sy5) {
3646  pom1 = sy4;
3647  sy4 = sy5;
3648  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3649  }
3650  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3651  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3652  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3653  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3654  }
3655  }
3656  }
3657  }
3658  } else {
3659  if (sx3!=sx1) {
3660  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
3661  pom1 = sx4;
3662  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
3663  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3664  if (sx2!=sx1) {
3665  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
3666  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3667  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3668  if (sy4<sy5) {
3669  pom1 = sy4;
3670  sy4 = sy5;
3671  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3672  }
3673  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3674  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3675  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3676  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3677  }
3678  }
3679  }
3680  }
3681  if (sx2!=sx3) {
3682  for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
3683  pom1 = sx4;
3684  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
3685  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3686  if (sx2!=sx1) {
3687  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
3688  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
3689  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
3690  if (sy4<sy5) {
3691  pom1 = sy4;
3692  sy4 = sy5;
3693  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
3694  }
3695  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
3696  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
3697  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
3698  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
3699  }
3700  }
3701  }
3702  }
3703  }
3704  line->SetLineColor(uip);
3705  }
3706  EnvelopeBars(x1,y1,x2,y2);
3707  if (fLine!=0) {
3708  if (fLine==1) {
3709  fXe = x2;
3710  fYe = y2;
3711  }
3712  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3713  }
3714  EnvelopeBars(x2,y2,x3,y3);
3715  if (fLine!=0) {
3716  if (fLine==1) {
3717  fXe = x3;
3718  fYe = y3;
3719  }
3720  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3721  }
3722  EnvelopeBars(x1,y1,x4,y4);
3723  if (fLine!=0) {
3724  if (fLine==1) {
3725  fXe = x4;
3726  fYe = y4;
3727  }
3728  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3729  }
3730  EnvelopeBars(x4,y4,x3,y3);
3731  if (fLine!=0) {
3732  if (fLine==1) {
3733  fXe = x3;
3734  fYe = y3;
3735  }
3736  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3737  }
3738  } else if ((fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsY)&&(((flag!=0)&&(smer==0))||((flag==0)&&(smer!=0)))) {
3739  EnvelopeBars(ix5,iy5,x6,y6);
3740  if (fLine!=0) {
3741  if (fLine==1) {
3742  fXe = x6;
3743  fYe = y6;
3744  }
3745  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3746  }
3747  EnvelopeBars(x1,y1,ix5,iy5);
3748  if (fLine!=0) {
3749  if (fLine==1) {
3750  fXe = ix5;
3751  fYe = iy5;
3752  }
3753  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3754  }
3755  EnvelopeBars(x2,y2,x6,y6);
3756  if (fLine!=0) {
3757  if (fLine==1) {
3758  fXe = x6;
3759  fYe = y6;
3760  }
3761  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3762  }
3764  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z4,dx2,dy2,z4,dx4,dy4,z4);
3765  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
3766  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
3767  uip = fNewColorIndex;
3768  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
3770  }
3771  EnvelopeBars(x1,y1,x2,y2);
3772  if (fLine!=0) {
3773  if (fLine==1) {
3774  fXe = x2;
3775  fYe = y2;
3776  }
3777  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3778  }
3780  line->SetLineColor(uip);
3781  }
3782  } else if ((fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsX)&&(((flag==0)&&(smer==0))||((flag!=0)&&(smer!=0)))) {
3783  EnvelopeBars(x7,y7,x6,y6);
3784  if (fLine!=0) {
3785  if (fLine==1) {
3786  fXe = x6;
3787  fYe = y6;
3788  }
3789  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3790  }
3791  EnvelopeBars(x2,y2,x6,y6);
3792  if (fLine!=0) {
3793  if (fLine==1) {
3794  fXe = x6;
3795  fYe = y6;
3796  }
3797  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3798  }
3799  EnvelopeBars(x3,y3,x7,y7);
3800  if (fLine!=0) {
3801  if (fLine==1) {
3802  fXe = x7;
3803  fYe = y7;
3804  }
3805  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3806  }
3808  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z4,dx2,dy2,z4,dx4,dy4,z4);
3809  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
3810  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
3811  uip = fNewColorIndex;
3812  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
3814  }
3815  EnvelopeBars(x3,y3,x2,y2);
3816  if (fLine!=0) {
3817  if (fLine==1) {
3818  fXe = x2;
3819  fYe = y2;
3820  }
3821  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3822  }
3824  line->SetLineColor(uip);
3825  }
3826  }
3827  break;
3828  case kDisplayModeLinesX:
3830  if (((flag==0)&&(smer==0))||((flag!=0)&&(smer!=0))) {
3831  if (fBezier==kNoBezierInterpol) {
3832  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
3833  if (fLine!=0) {
3834  if (fLine==1) {
3835  fXe = x2;
3836  fYe = y2;
3837  }
3838  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3839  }
3840  } else {
3841  s1 = q1;
3842  t1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q2-1,0);
3843  s2 = q1;
3844  t2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q2+2,w2);
3845  if (turni==1) {
3846  i1 = s1;
3847  i2 = s2;
3848  } else {
3849  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
3850  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
3851  }
3852  if (turnj==1) {
3853  j1 = t1;
3854  j2 = t2;
3855  } else {
3856  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
3857  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
3858  }
3859  Transform(i1,j1,0);
3860  x3 = fXt;
3861  y3 = fYt;
3862  Transform(i2,j2,0);
3863  x4 = fXt;
3864  y4 = fYt;
3865  bezx1 = x1+(x2-x1)/3;
3866  bezx2 = x1+2*(x2-x1)/3;
3867  bezy1 = y1+(y2-y3)/6;
3868  bezy2 = y2-(y4-y1)/6;
3869  if (x1<=x2) {
3870  if (bezx1<=x1) {
3871  bezx1 = x1;
3872  bezy1 = y1;
3873  }
3874  if (bezx1>=x2) {
3875  bezx1 = x2;
3876  bezy1 = y2;
3877  }
3878  if (bezx2<=x1) {
3879  bezx2 = x1;
3880  bezy2 = y1;
3881  }
3882  if (bezx2>=x2) {
3883  bezx2 = x2;
3884  bezy2 = y2;
3885  }
3886  fBzX[0] = x1;
3887  fBzY[0] = y1;
3888  fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
3889  fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
3890  fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
3891  fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
3892  fBzX[3] = x2;
3893  fBzY[3] = y2;
3894  for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
3895  BezierSmoothing(bezf);
3896  if (bezf==0) {
3897  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3898  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3899  } else {
3900  ibezx2 = ibezx1;
3901  ibezy2 = ibezy1;
3902  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3903  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3904  Envelope(ibezx2,ibezy2,ibezx1,ibezy1);
3905  if (fLine!=0) {
3906  if (fLine==1) {
3907  fXe = ibezx1;
3908  fYe = ibezy1;
3909  }
3910  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3911  }
3912  }
3913  }
3914  } else if (x1>x2) {
3915  if (bezx1>=x1) {
3916  bezx1 = x1;
3917  bezy1 = y1;
3918  }
3919  if (bezx1<=x2) {
3920  bezx1 = x2;
3921  bezy1 = y2;
3922  }
3923  if (bezx2>=x1) {
3924  bezx2 = x1;
3925  bezy2 = y1;
3926  }
3927  if (bezx2<=x2) {
3928  bezx2 = x2;
3929  bezy2 = y2;
3930  }
3931  fBzX[0] = x1;
3932  fBzY[0] = y1;
3933  fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
3934  fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
3935  fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
3936  fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
3937  fBzX[3] = x2;
3938  fBzY[3] = y2;
3939  for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
3940  BezierSmoothing(bezf);
3941  if (bezf==0) {
3942  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3943  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3944  } else {
3945  ibezx2 = ibezx1;
3946  ibezy2 = ibezy1;
3947  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
3948  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
3949  Envelope(ibezx1,ibezy1,ibezx2,ibezy2);
3950  if (fLine!=0) {
3951  if (fLine==1) {
3952  fXe = ibezx2;
3953  fYe = ibezy2;
3954  }
3955  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
3956  }
3957  }
3958  }
3959  }
3960  }
3961  }
3962  } else {
3963  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
3964  s1 = q1+1;
3965  t1 = q2;
3966  s2 = q1;
3967  t2 = q2;
3968  s3 = q1;
3969  t3 = q2+1;
3970  s4 = q1+1;
3971  t4 = q2+1;
3972  if (fShading==kShaded) {
3973  sr1 = s1;
3974  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
3975  sr2 = s2;
3976  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
3977  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
3978  tr3 = t2;
3979  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
3980  tr4 = t3;
3981  sr5 = s3;
3982  tr5 = t3+1;
3983  sr6 = s4;
3984  tr6 = t4+1;
3985  sr7 = s4+1;
3986  tr7 = t4;
3987  sr8 = s1+1;
3988  tr8 = t1;
3989  }
3990  if (turni==1) {
3991  i1 = s1;
3992  i2 = s2;
3993  i3 = s3;
3994  i4 = s4;
3995  } else {
3996  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
3997  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
3998  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
3999  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
4000  if (fShading==kShaded) {
4001  sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
4002  sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
4003  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
4004  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
4005  sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
4006  sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
4007  sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
4008  sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
4009  }
4010  }
4011  if (turnj==1) {
4012  j1 = t1;
4013  j2 = t2;
4014  j3 = t3;
4015  j4 = t4;
4016  } else {
4017  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
4018  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
4019  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
4020  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
4021  if (fShading==kShaded) {
4022  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
4023  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
4024  tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
4025  tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
4026  tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
4027  tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
4028  tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
4029  tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
4030  }
4031  }
4032  Transform(i1,j1,0);
4033  x1 = fXt;
4034  y1 = fYt;
4035  dx1 = fDxspline;
4036  dy1 = fDyspline;
4037  z1 = fZ;
4038  Transform(i2,j2,0);
4039  x2 = fXt;
4040  y2 = fYt;
4041  dx2 = fDxspline;
4042  dy2 = fDyspline;
4043  z2 = fZ;
4044  Transform(i3,j3,0);
4045  x3 = fXt;
4046  y3 = fYt;
4047  dx3 = fDxspline;
4048  dy3 = fDyspline;
4049  z3 = fZ;
4050  Transform(i4,j4,0);
4051  x4 = fXt;
4052  y4 = fYt;
4053  dx4 = fDxspline;
4054  dy4 = fDyspline;
4055  z4 = fZ;
4056  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
4057  Envelope(x2,y2,x3,y3);
4058  xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
4059  ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
4060  ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
4061  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
4062  if (fShading==kShaded) {
4063  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
4064  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
4065  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
4066  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4067  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4068  zr1 = fZ;
4069  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
4070  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
4071  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4072  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4073  zr2 = fZ;
4074  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
4075  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
4076  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
4077  v1 = v/4;
4078  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
4079  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
4080  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4081  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4082  zr1 = fZ;
4083  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
4084  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
4085  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4086  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4087  zr2 = fZ;
4088  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
4089  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
4090  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4091  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
4092  v2 = v/4;
4093  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
4094  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
4095  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4096  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4097  zr1 = fZ;
4098  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
4099  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
4100  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4101  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4102  zr2 = fZ;
4103  v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
4104  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4105  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4106  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
4107  v3 = v/4;
4108  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
4109  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
4110  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4111  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4112  zr1 = fZ;
4113  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
4114  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
4115  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4116  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4117  zr2 = fZ;
4118  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
4119  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
4120  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4121  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4122  v4 = v/4;
4123  } else {
4124  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
4125  v = v+spriz;
4126  v = v/2;
4127  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
4128  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
4129  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4130  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4131  zr1 = fZ;
4132  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
4133  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
4134  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4135  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4136  zr2 = fZ;
4137  da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
4138  db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
4139  dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
4140  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4141  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
4142  da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
4143  db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
4144  dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
4145  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4146  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
4147  da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
4148  db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
4149  dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
4150  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4151  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
4152  v1 = v/4;
4153  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
4154  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
4155  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4156  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4157  zr1 = fZ;
4158  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
4159  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
4160  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4161  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4162  zr2 = fZ;
4163  da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
4164  db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
4165  dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
4166  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4167  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
4168  da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
4169  db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
4170  dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
4171  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4172  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
4173  da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
4174  db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
4175  dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
4176  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4177  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4178  da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
4179  db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
4180  dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
4181  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4182  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
4183  v2 = v/4;
4184  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
4185  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
4186  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4187  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4188  zr1 = fZ;
4189  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
4190  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
4191  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4192  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4193  zr2 = fZ;
4194  da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
4195  db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
4196  dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
4197  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4198  v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
4199  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
4200  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
4201  dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
4202  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4203  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4204  da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
4205  db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
4206  dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
4207  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4208  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4209  da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
4210  db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
4211  dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
4212  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4213  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
4214  v3 = v/4;
4215  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
4216  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
4217  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4218  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4219  zr1 = fZ;
4220  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
4221  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
4222  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4223  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4224  zr2 = fZ;
4225  da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
4226  db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
4227  dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
4228  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4229  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
4230  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
4231  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
4232  dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
4233  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4234  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
4235  da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
4236  db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
4237  dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
4238  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4239  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4240  da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
4241  db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
4242  dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
4243  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4244  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4245  v4 = v/4;
4246  }
4247  }
4248  spriz = 0;
4249  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
4250  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4251  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
4252  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
4253  } else {
4254  v1 = v1*fLevels;
4255  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
4256  v2 = v2*fLevels;
4257  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
4258  v4 = v4*fLevels;
4259  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
4260  }
4261  } else {
4262  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
4263  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4264  v = v*fLevels/2.0;
4265  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
4266  } else {
4267  v1 = v1*fLevels;
4268  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
4269  v2 = v2*fLevels;
4270  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
4271  v4 = v4*fLevels;
4272  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
4273  }
4274  }
4275  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4276  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4278  } else {
4279  dx1 = x1;
4280  dy1 = y1;
4281  dx2 = x2;
4282  dy2 = y2;
4283  dx3 = x4;
4284  dy3 = y4;
4285  z1 = iv1;
4286  z2 = iv2;
4287  z3 = iv4;
4288  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
4289  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
4290  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
4291  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
4292  }
4293  sx1 = x1;
4294  sy1 = y1;
4295  sx3 = x4;
4296  sy3 = y4;
4297  if (sx3<sx1) {
4298  sx4 = sx1;
4299  sy4 = sy1;
4300  sx1 = sx3;
4301  sy1 = sy3;
4302  sx3 = sx4;
4303  sy3 = sy4;
4304  }
4305  pom1 = sy3-sy1;
4306  pom2 = sx3-sx1;
4307  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
4308  pom1 = sy1;
4309  pom2 = sx1;
4310  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
4311  sx1p = sx1;
4312  sy1p = sy1;
4313  sx3p = sx3;
4314  sdx2p = sdx2;
4315  sdy2p = sdy2;
4316  dap = da;
4317  dbp = db;
4318  dcp = dc;
4319  ddp = dd;
4320  uip = fNewColorIndex;
4321  xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
4322  ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
4323  ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
4324  if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
4325  spriz = 0;
4326  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
4327  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4328  v = v*fLevels;
4329  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
4330  } else {
4331  v3 = v3*fLevels;
4332  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
4333  }
4334  } else {
4335  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
4336  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4337  v = v*fLevels/2;
4338  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
4339  iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
4340  } else {
4341  v3 = v3*fLevels;
4342  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
4343  }
4344  }
4345  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4346  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4348  } else {
4349  dx1 = x2;
4350  dy1 = y2;
4351  dx2 = x3;
4352  dy2 = y3;
4353  dx3 = x4;
4354  dy3 = y4;
4355  z1 = iv2;
4356  z2 = iv3;
4357  z3 = iv4;
4358  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
4359  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
4360  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
4361  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
4362  }
4363  sx1 = x2;
4364  sy1 = y2;
4365  sx2 = x3;
4366  sy2 = y3;
4367  if (sx2<sx1) {
4368  sx4 = sx1;
4369  sy4 = sy1;
4370  sx1 = sx2;
4371  sy1 = sy2;
4372  sx2 = sx4;
4373  sy2 = sy4;
4374  }
4375  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
4376  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
4377  sdx1 = 0;
4378  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
4379  pom1 = sy1;
4380  pom2 = sx1;
4381  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
4382  for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
4383  pom1 = sx4;
4384  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
4385  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
4386  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
4387  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
4388  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4389  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4390  } else {
4391  dx1 = sx4;
4392  dy1 = sy4;
4393  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
4394  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
4395  iv = (Int_t)v;
4396  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4398  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4399  }
4400  sy5 = sy4;
4401  } else {
4402  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
4403  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
4404  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4405  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
4406  dx1 = sx4;
4407  dy1 = sy4;
4408  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
4409  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
4410  iv = (Int_t)v;
4411  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4413  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4414  }
4415  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
4416  }
4417  sx5 = sx4;
4418  }
4419  for (sx4=sx1p,sx5=sx1p,sy5=sy1p;sx4<=sx3p;sx4++) {
4420  pom1 = sx4;
4421  sdy4 = sdx2p*pom1+sdy2p;
4422  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
4423  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
4424  fEnvelope[sx4]=sy4;
4425  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4426  line->SetLineColor(uip);
4427  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4428  } else {
4429  dx1 = sx4;
4430  dy1 = sy4;
4431  if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
4432  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
4433  iv = (Int_t)v;
4434  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4436  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4437  }
4438  sy5 = sy4;
4439  } else {
4440  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
4441  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
4442  line->SetLineColor(uip);
4443  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4444  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
4445  dx1 = sx4;
4446  dy1 = sy4;
4447  if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
4448  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
4449  iv = (Int_t)v;
4450  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4452  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4453  }
4454  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
4455  }
4456  sx5 = sx4;
4457  }
4458  }
4459  }
4460  break;
4461  case kDisplayModeLinesY:
4463  if (((flag!=0)&&(smer==0))||((flag==0)&&(smer!=0))) {
4464  if (fBezier==kNoBezierInterpol) {
4465  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
4466  if (fLine!=0) {
4467  if (fLine==1) {
4468  fXe = x2;
4469  fYe = y2;
4470  }
4471  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
4472  }
4473  } else {
4474  s1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q1-1,0);
4475  t1 = q2;
4476  s2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q1+2,w1);
4477  t2 = q2;
4478  if (turni==1) {
4479  i1 = s1;
4480  i2 = s2;
4481  } else {
4482  i1 = w1-s1;
4483  i2 = w1-s2;
4484  }
4485  if (turnj==1) {
4486  j1 = t1;
4487  j2 = t2;
4488  } else {
4489  j1 = w2-t1;
4490  j2 = w2-t2;
4491  }
4492  Transform(i1,j1,0);
4493  x3 = fXt;
4494  y3 = fYt;
4495  Transform(i2,j2,0);
4496  x4 = fXt;
4497  y4 = fYt;
4498  bezx1 = x1+(x2-x1)/3;
4499  bezx2 = x1+2*(x2-x1)/3;
4500  bezy1 = y1+(y2-y3)/6;
4501  bezy2 = y2-(y4-y1)/6;
4502  if (x1<=x2) {
4503  if (bezx1<=x1) {
4504  bezx1 = x1;
4505  bezy1 = y1;
4506  }
4507  if (bezx1>=x2) {
4508  bezx1 = x2;
4509  bezy1 = y2;
4510  }
4511  if (bezx2<=x1) {
4512  bezx2 = x1;
4513  bezy2 = y1;
4514  }
4515  if (bezx2>=x2) {
4516  bezx2 = x2;
4517  bezy2 = y2;
4518  }
4519  fBzX[0] = x1;
4520  fBzY[0] = y1;
4521  fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
4522  fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
4523  fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
4524  fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
4525  fBzX[3] = x2;
4526  fBzY[3] = y2;
4527  for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
4528  BezierSmoothing(bezf);
4529  if (bezf==0) {
4530  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
4531  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
4532  } else {
4533  ibezx2 = ibezx1;
4534  ibezy2 = ibezy1;
4535  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
4536  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
4537  Envelope(ibezx2,ibezy2,ibezx1,ibezy1);
4538  if (fLine!=0) {
4539  if (fLine==1) {
4540  fXe = ibezx1;
4541  fYe = ibezy1;
4542  }
4543  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
4544  }
4545  }
4546  }
4547  } else if (x1>x2) {
4548  if (bezx1>=x1) {
4549  bezx1 = x1;
4550  bezy1 = y1;
4551  }
4552  if (bezx1<=x2) {
4553  bezx1 = x2;
4554  bezy1 = y2;
4555  }
4556  if (bezx2>=x1) {
4557  bezx2 = x1;
4558  bezy2 = y1;
4559  }
4560  if (bezx2<=x2) {
4561  bezx2 = x2;
4562  bezy2 = y2;
4563  }
4564  fBzX[0] = x1;
4565  fBzY[0] = y1;
4566  fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
4567  fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
4568  fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
4569  fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
4570  fBzX[3] = x2;
4571  fBzY[3] = y2;
4572  for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
4573  BezierSmoothing(bezf);
4574  if (bezf==0) {
4575  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
4576  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
4577  } else {
4578  ibezx2 = ibezx1;
4579  ibezy2 = ibezy1;
4580  ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
4581  ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
4582  Envelope(ibezx1,ibezy1,ibezx2,ibezy2);
4583  if (fLine!=0) {
4584  if (fLine==1) {
4585  fXe = ibezx2;
4586  fYe = ibezy2;
4587  }
4588  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
4589  }
4590  }
4591  }
4592  }
4593  }
4594  }
4595  } else {
4596  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
4597  s1 = q1+1;
4598  t1 = q2;
4599  s2 = q1;
4600  t2 = q2;
4601  s3 = q1;
4602  t3 = q2+1;
4603  s4 = q1+1;
4604  t4 = q2+1;
4605  if (fShading==kShaded) {
4606  sr1 = s1;
4607  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
4608  sr2 = s2;
4609  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
4610  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
4611  tr3 = t2;
4612  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
4613  tr4 = t3;
4614  sr5 = s3;
4615  tr5 = t3+1;
4616  sr6 = s4;
4617  tr6 = t4+1;
4618  sr7 = s4+1;
4619  tr7 = t4;
4620  sr8 = s1+1;
4621  tr8 = t1;
4622  }
4623  if (turni==1) {
4624  i1 = s1;
4625  i2 = s2;
4626  i3 = s3;
4627  i4 = s4;
4628  } else {
4629  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
4630  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
4631  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
4632  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
4633  if (fShading==kShaded) {
4634  sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
4635  sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
4636  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
4637  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
4638  sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
4639  sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
4640  sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
4641  sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
4642  }
4643  }
4644  if (turnj==1) {
4645  j1 = t1;
4646  j2 = t2;
4647  j3 = t3;
4648  j4 = t4;
4649  } else {
4650  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
4651  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
4652  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
4653  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
4654  if (fShading==kShaded) {
4655  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
4656  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
4657  tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
4658  tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
4659  tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
4660  tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
4661  tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
4662  tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
4663  }
4664  }
4665  Transform(i1,j1,0);
4666  x1 = fXt;
4667  y1 = fYt;
4668  dx1 = fDxspline;
4669  dy1 = fDyspline;
4670  z1 = fZ;
4671  Transform(i2,j2,0);
4672  x2 = fXt;
4673  y2 = fYt;
4674  dx2 = fDxspline;
4675  dy2 = fDyspline;
4676  z2 = fZ;
4677  Transform(i3,j3,0);
4678  x3 = fXt;
4679  y3 = fYt;
4680  dx3 = fDxspline;
4681  dy3 = fDyspline;
4682  z3 = fZ;
4683  Transform(i4,j4,0);
4684  x4 = fXt;
4685  y4 = fYt;
4686  dx4 = fDxspline;
4687  dy4 = fDyspline;
4688  z4 = fZ;
4689  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
4690  Envelope(x2,y2,x3,y3);
4691  xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
4692  ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
4693  ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
4694  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
4695  if (fShading==kShaded) {
4696  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
4697  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
4698  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
4699  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4700  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4701  zr1 = fZ;
4702  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
4703  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
4704  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4705  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4706  zr2 = fZ;
4707  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
4708  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
4709  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
4710  v1 = v/4;
4711  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
4712  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
4713  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4714  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4715  zr1 = fZ;
4716  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
4717  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
4718  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4719  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4720  zr2 = fZ;
4721  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
4722  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
4723  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4724  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
4725  v2 = v/4;
4726  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
4727  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
4728  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4729  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4730  zr1 = fZ;
4731  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
4732  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
4733  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4734  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4735  zr2 = fZ;
4736  v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
4737  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4738  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4739  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
4740  v3 = v/4;
4741  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
4742  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
4743  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4744  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4745  zr1 = fZ;
4746  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
4747  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
4748  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4749  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4750  zr2 = fZ;
4751  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
4752  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
4753  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4754  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
4755  v4 = v/4;
4756  } else {
4757  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
4758  v = v+spriz;
4759  v = v/2;
4760  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
4761  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
4762  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4763  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4764  zr1 = fZ;
4765  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
4766  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
4767  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4768  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4769  zr2 = fZ;
4770  da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
4771  db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
4772  dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
4773  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4774  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
4775  da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
4776  db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
4777  dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
4778  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4779  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
4780  da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
4781  db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
4782  dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
4783  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4784  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
4785  v1 = v/4;
4786  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
4787  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
4788  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4789  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4790  zr1 = fZ;
4791  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
4792  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
4793  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4794  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4795  zr2 = fZ;
4796  da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
4797  db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
4798  dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
4799  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4800  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
4801  da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
4802  db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
4803  dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
4804  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4805  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
4806  da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
4807  db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
4808  dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
4809  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4810  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4811  da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
4812  db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
4813  dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
4814  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4815  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
4816  v2 = v/4;
4817  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
4818  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
4819  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4820  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4821  zr1 = fZ;
4822  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
4823  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
4824  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4825  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4826  zr2 = fZ;
4827  da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
4828  db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
4829  dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
4830  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4831  v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
4832  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
4833  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
4834  dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
4835  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4836  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4837  da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
4838  db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
4839  dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
4840  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4841  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4842  da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
4843  db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
4844  dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
4845  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4846  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
4847  v3 = v/4;
4848  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
4849  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
4850  dxr1 = fDxspline;
4851  dyr1 = fDyspline;
4852  zr1 = fZ;
4853  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
4854  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
4855  dxr2 = fDxspline;
4856  dyr2 = fDyspline;
4857  zr2 = fZ;
4858  da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
4859  db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
4860  dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
4861  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4862  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
4863  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
4864  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
4865  dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
4866  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4867  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
4868  da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
4869  db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
4870  dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
4871  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4872  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4873  da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
4874  db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
4875  dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
4876  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
4877  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
4878  v4 = v/4;
4879  }
4880  }
4881  spriz = 0;
4882  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
4883  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4884  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
4885  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
4886  } else {
4887  v1 = v1*fLevels;
4888  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
4889  v2 = v2*fLevels;
4890  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
4891  v4 = v4*fLevels;
4892  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
4893  }
4894  } else {
4895  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
4896  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4897  v = v*fLevels/2.0;
4898  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
4899  } else {
4900  v1 = v1*fLevels;
4901  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
4902  v2 = v2*fLevels;
4903  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
4904  v4 = v4*fLevels;
4905  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
4906  }
4907  }
4908  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4909  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4911  } else {
4912  dx1 = x1;
4913  dy1 = y1;
4914  dx2 = x2;
4915  dy2 = y2;
4916  dx3 = x4;
4917  dy3 = y4;
4918  z1 = iv1;
4919  z2 = iv2;
4920  z3 = iv4;
4921  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
4922  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
4923  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
4924  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
4925  }
4926  sx1 = x1;
4927  sy1 = y1;
4928  sx2 = x2;
4929  sy2 = y2;
4930  if (sx2<sx1) {
4931  sx4 = sx1;
4932  sy4 = sy1;
4933  sx1 = sx2;
4934  sy1 = sy2;
4935  sx2 = sx4;
4936  sy2 = sy4;
4937  }
4938  sdx1 = 0;
4939  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
4940  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
4941  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
4942  pom1 = sy1;
4943  pom2 = sx1;
4944  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
4945  for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
4946  pom1 = sx4;
4947  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
4948  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
4949  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
4950  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
4951  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4952  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4953  } else {
4954  dx1 = sx4;
4955  dy1 = sy4;
4956  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
4957  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
4958  iv = (Int_t)v;
4959  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4961  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4962  }
4963  sy5 = sy4;
4964  } else {
4965  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
4966  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
4967  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4968  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
4969  dx1 = sx4;
4970  dy1 = sy4;
4971  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
4972  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
4973  iv = (Int_t)v;
4974  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
4976  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
4977  }
4978  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
4979  }
4980  sx5 = sx4;
4981  }
4982  xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
4983  ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
4984  ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
4985  if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
4986  spriz = 0;
4987  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
4988  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4989  v = v*fLevels;
4990  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
4991  } else {
4992  v3 = v3*fLevels;
4993  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
4994  }
4995  } else {
4996  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
4997  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
4998  v = v*fLevels/2;
4999  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
5000  iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
5001  } else {
5002  v3 = v3*fLevels;
5003  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
5004  }
5005  }
5006  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5007  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5009  } else {
5010  dx1 = x2;
5011  dy1 = y2;
5012  dx2 = x3;
5013  dy2 = y3;
5014  dx3 = x4;
5015  dy3 = y4;
5016  z1 = iv2;
5017  z2 = iv3;
5018  z3 = iv4;
5019  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
5020  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
5021  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
5022  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
5023  }
5024  sx2 = x3;
5025  sy2 = y3;
5026  sx3 = x4;
5027  sy3 = y4;
5028  if (sx3<sx2) {
5029  sx4 = sx2;
5030  sy4 = sy2;
5031  sx2 = sx3;
5032  sy2 = sy3;
5033  sx3 = sx4;
5034  sy3 = sy4;
5035  }
5036  sdx2 = 0;
5037  pom1 = sy3-sy2;
5038  pom2 = sx3-sx2;
5039  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
5040  pom1 = sy2;
5041  pom2 = sx2;
5042  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
5043  for (sx4=sx2,sx5=sx2,sy5=sy2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
5044  pom1 = sx4;
5045  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
5046  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5047  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
5048  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
5049  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5050  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
5051  } else {
5052  dx1 = sx4;
5053  dy1 = sy4;
5054  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5055  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
5056  iv = (Int_t)v;
5057  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5059  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
5060  }
5061  sy5 = sy4;
5062  } else {
5063  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5064  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
5065  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
5066  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
5067  dx1 = sx4;
5068  dy1 = sy4;
5069  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5070  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
5071  iv = (Int_t)v;
5072  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5074  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
5075  }
5076  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5077  }
5078  sx5 = sx4;
5079  }
5080  }
5081  }
5082  break;
5083  case kDisplayModeNeedles:
5084  Transform(i,j,-1);
5085  x2d = fXt;
5086  y2d = fYt;
5087  if (flag==1) {
5088  x = x1d;
5089  y = y1d;
5090  x1d = x2d;
5091  y1d = y2d;
5092  x2d = x;
5093  y2d = y;
5094  }
5095  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x1),gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x1d),gPad->PixeltoY(y1d)+1);
5096  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x2),gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(x2d),gPad->PixeltoY(y2d)+1);
5097  break;
5098  case kDisplayModeSurface:
5099  box->SetFillStyle(1001);
5100  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
5101  s1 = q1+1;
5102  t1 = q2;
5103  s2 = q1;
5104  t2 = q2;
5105  s3 = q1;
5106  t3 = q2+1;
5107  s4 = q1+1;
5108  t4 = q2+1;
5109  if (fShading==kShaded) {
5110  sr1 = s1;
5111  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
5112  sr2 = s2;
5113  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
5114  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
5115  tr3 = t2;
5116  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
5117  tr4 = t3;
5118  sr5 = s3;
5119  tr5 = t3+1;
5120  sr6 = s4;
5121  tr6 = t4+1;
5122  sr7 = s4+1;
5123  tr7 = t4;
5124  sr8 = s1+1;
5125  tr8 = t1;
5126  }
5127  if (turni==1) {
5128  i1 = s1;
5129  i2 = s2;
5130  i3 = s3;
5131  i4 = s4;
5132  } else {
5133  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
5134  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
5135  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
5136  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
5137  if (fShading==kShaded) {
5138  sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
5139  sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
5140  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
5141  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
5142  sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
5143  sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
5144  sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
5145  sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
5146  }
5147  }
5148  if (turnj==1) {
5149  j1 = t1;
5150  j2 = t2;
5151  j3 = t3;
5152  j4 = t4;
5153  } else {
5154  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
5155  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
5156  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
5157  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
5158  if (fShading==kShaded) {
5159  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
5160  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
5161  tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
5162  tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
5163  tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
5164  tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
5165  tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
5166  tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
5167  }
5168  }
5169  Transform(i1,j1,0);
5170  x1 = fXt;
5171  y1 = fYt;
5172  dx1 = fDxspline;
5173  dy1 = fDyspline;
5174  z1 = fZ;
5175  Transform(i2,j2,0);
5176  x2 = fXt;
5177  y2 = fYt;
5178  dx2 = fDxspline;
5179  dy2 = fDyspline;
5180  z2 = fZ;
5181  Transform(i3,j3,0);
5182  x3 = fXt;
5183  y3 = fYt;
5184  dx3 = fDxspline;
5185  dy3 = fDyspline;
5186  z3 = fZ;
5187  Transform(i4,j4,0);
5188  x4 = fXt;
5189  y4 = fYt;
5190  dx4 = fDxspline;
5191  dy4 = fDyspline;
5192  z4 = fZ;
5193  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
5194  Envelope(x2,y2,x3,y3);
5195  xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
5196  ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
5197  ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
5198  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
5199  if (fShading==kShaded) {
5200  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
5201  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
5202  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
5203  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5204  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5205  zr1 = fZ;
5206  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
5207  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
5208  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5209  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5210  zr2 = fZ;
5211  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
5212  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
5213  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
5214  v1 = v/4;
5215  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
5216  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
5217  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5218  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5219  zr1 = fZ;
5220  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
5221  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
5222  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5223  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5224  zr2 = fZ;
5225  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
5226  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
5227  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
5228  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
5229  v2 = v/4;
5230  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
5231  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
5232  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5233  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5234  zr1 = fZ;
5235  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
5236  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
5237  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5238  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5239  zr2 = fZ;
5240  v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
5241  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
5242  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
5243  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
5244  v3 = v/4;
5245  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
5246  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
5247  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5248  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5249  zr1 = fZ;
5250  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
5251  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
5252  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5253  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5254  zr2 = fZ;
5255  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
5256  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
5257  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
5258  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
5259  v4 = v/4;
5260  } else {
5261  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
5262  v = v+spriz;
5263  v = v/2;
5264  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
5265  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
5266  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5267  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5268  zr1 = fZ;
5269  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
5270  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
5271  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5272  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5273  zr2 = fZ;
5274  da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
5275  db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
5276  dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
5277  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5278  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
5279  da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
5280  db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
5281  dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
5282  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5283  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
5284  da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
5285  db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
5286  dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
5287  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5288  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
5289  v1 = v/4;
5290  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
5291  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
5292  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5293  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5294  zr1 = fZ;
5295  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
5296  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
5297  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5298  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5299  zr2 = fZ;
5300  da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
5301  db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
5302  dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
5303  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5304  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
5305  da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
5306  db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
5307  dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
5308  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5309  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
5310  da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
5311  db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
5312  dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
5313  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5314  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
5315  da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
5316  db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
5317  dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
5318  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5319  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
5320  v2 = v/4;
5321  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
5322  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
5323  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5324  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5325  zr1 = fZ;
5326  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
5327  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
5328  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5329  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5330  zr2 = fZ;
5331  da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
5332  db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
5333  dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
5334  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5335  v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
5336  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
5337  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
5338  dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
5339  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5340  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
5341  da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
5342  db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
5343  dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
5344  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5345  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
5346  da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
5347  db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
5348  dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
5349  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5350  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
5351  v3 = v/4;
5352  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
5353  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
5354  dxr1 = fDxspline;
5355  dyr1 = fDyspline;
5356  zr1 = fZ;
5357  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
5358  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
5359  dxr2 = fDxspline;
5360  dyr2 = fDyspline;
5361  zr2 = fZ;
5362  da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
5363  db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
5364  dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
5365  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5366  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
5367  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
5368  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
5369  dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
5370  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5371  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
5372  da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
5373  db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
5374  dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
5375  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5376  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
5377  da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
5378  db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
5379  dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
5380  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
5381  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
5382  v4 = v/4;
5383  }
5384  }
5385  spriz = 0;
5386  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
5387  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5388  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
5389  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
5390  } else {
5391  v1 = v1*fLevels+0.5;
5392  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
5393  v2 = v2*fLevels+0.5;
5394  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
5395  v4 = v4*fLevels+0.5;
5396  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
5397  }
5398  } else {
5399  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
5400  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5401  v = v*fLevels/2.0;
5402  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
5403  } else {
5404  v1 = v1*fLevels;
5405  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
5406  v2 = v2*fLevels;
5407  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
5408  v4 = v4*fLevels;
5409  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
5410  }
5411  }
5412  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5413  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5415  } else {
5416  dx1 = x1;
5417  dy1 = y1;
5418  dx2 = x2;
5419  dy2 = y2;
5420  dx3 = x4;
5421  dy3 = y4;
5422  z1 = iv1;
5423  z2 = iv2;
5424  z3 = iv4;
5425  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
5426  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
5427  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
5428  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
5429  }
5430  sx1 = x1;
5431  sy1 = y1;
5432  sx2 = x2;
5433  sy2 = y2;
5434  sx3 = x4;
5435  sy3 = y4;
5436  if (sx2<sx1) {
5437  sx4 = sx1;
5438  sy4 = sy1;
5439  sx1 = sx2;
5440  sy1 = sy2;
5441  sx2 = sx4;
5442  sy2 = sy4;
5443  }
5444  if (sx3<sx1) {
5445  sx4 = sx1;
5446  sy4 = sy1;
5447  sx1 = sx3;
5448  sy1 = sy3;
5449  sx3 = sx4;
5450  sy3 = sy4;
5451  }
5452  if (sy2<sy3) {
5453  sx4 = sx2;
5454  sy4 = sy2;
5455  sx2 = sx3;
5456  sy2 = sy3;
5457  sx3 = sx4;
5458  sy3 = sy4;
5459  }
5460  sdx1 = 0;
5461  sdx2 = 0;
5462  sdx3 = 0;
5463  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
5464  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
5465  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
5466  pom1 = sy1;
5467  pom2 = sx1;
5468  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
5469  pom1 = sy3-sy1;
5470  pom2 = sx3-sx1;
5471  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
5472  pom1 = sy1;
5473  pom2 = sx1;
5474  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
5475  pom1 = sy3-sy2;
5476  pom2 = sx3-sx2;
5477  if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
5478  pom1 = sy2;
5479  pom2 = sx2;
5480  sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
5481  if (sx2<sx3) {
5482  if (sx1!=sx2) {
5483  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
5484  pom1 = sx4;
5485  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
5486  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5487  if (sx3!=sx1) {
5488  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
5489  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5490  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5491  if (sy4<sy5) {
5492  pom1 = sy4;
5493  sy4 = sy5;
5494  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5495  }
5496  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5497  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5498  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5499  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5500  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5501  } else {
5502  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5503  dx1 = sx4;
5504  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5505  else dy1 = sy4;
5506  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5507  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
5508  iv = (Int_t)v;
5509  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5511  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5512  }
5513  }
5514  }
5515  }
5516  }
5517  }
5518  if (sx2!=sx3) {
5519  for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
5520  pom1 = sx4;
5521  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
5522  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5523  if (sx3!=sx1) {
5524  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
5525  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5526  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5527  if (sy4<sy5) {
5528  pom1 = sy4;
5529  sy4 = sy5;
5530  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5531  }
5532  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5533  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5534  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5535  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5536  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5537  } else {
5538  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5539  dx1 = sx4;
5540  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5541  else dy1 = sy4;
5542  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5543  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
5544  iv = (Int_t)v;
5545  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5547  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5548  }
5549  }
5550  }
5551  }
5552  }
5553  }
5554  } else {
5555  if (sx3!=sx1) {
5556  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
5557  pom1 = sx4;
5558  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
5559  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5560  if (sx2!=sx1) {
5561  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
5562  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5563  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5564  if (sy4<sy5) {
5565  pom1 = sy4;
5566  sy4 = sy5;
5567  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5568  }
5569  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5570  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5571  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5572  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5573  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5574  } else {
5575  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5576  dx1 = sx4;
5577  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5578  else dy1 = sy4;
5579  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5580  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
5581  iv = (Int_t)v;
5582  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5584  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5585  }
5586  }
5587  }
5588  }
5589  }
5590  }
5591  if (sx2!=sx3) {
5592  for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
5593  pom1 = sx4;
5594  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
5595  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5596  if (sx2!=sx1) {
5597  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
5598  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5599  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5600  if (sy4<sy5) {
5601  pom1 = sy4;
5602  sy4 = sy5;
5603  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5604  }
5605  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5606  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5607  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5608  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5609  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5610  } else {
5611  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5612  dx1 = sx4;
5613  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5614  else dy1 = sy4;
5615  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5616  else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
5617  iv = (Int_t)v;
5618  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5620  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5621  }
5622  }
5623  }
5624  }
5625  }
5626  }
5627  }
5628  xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
5629  ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
5630  ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
5631  if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
5632  spriz = 0;
5633  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
5634  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5635  v = v*fLevels;
5636  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
5637  } else {
5638  v3 = v3*fLevels;
5639  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
5640  }
5641  } else {
5642  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
5643  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5644  v = v*fLevels/2;
5645  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
5646  iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
5647  } else {
5648  v3 = v3*fLevels;
5649  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
5650  }
5651  }
5652  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5653  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5655  } else {
5656  dx1 = x2;
5657  dy1 = y2;
5658  dx2 = x3;
5659  dy2 = y3;
5660  dx3 = x4;
5661  dy3 = y4;
5662  z1 = iv2;
5663  z2 = iv3;
5664  z3 = iv4;
5665  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
5666  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
5667  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
5668  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
5669  }
5670  sx1 = x2;
5671  sy1 = y2;
5672  sx2 = x3;
5673  sy2 = y3;
5674  sx3 = x4;
5675  sy3 = y4;
5676  if (sx2<sx1) {
5677  sx4 = sx1;
5678  sy4 = sy1;
5679  sx1 = sx2;
5680  sy1 = sy2;
5681  sx2 = sx4;
5682  sy2 = sy4;
5683  }
5684  if (sx3<sx1) {
5685  sx4 = sx1;
5686  sy4 = sy1;
5687  sx1 = sx3;
5688  sy1 = sy3;
5689  sx3 = sx4;
5690  sy3 = sy4;
5691  }
5692  if (sy2<sy3) {
5693  sx4 = sx2;
5694  sy4 = sy2;
5695  sx2 = sx3;
5696  sy2 = sy3;
5697  sx3 = sx4;
5698  sy3 = sy4;
5699  }
5700  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
5701  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
5702  sdx1 = 0;
5703  sdx2 = 0;
5704  sdx3 = 0;
5705  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
5706  pom1 = sy1;
5707  pom2 = sx1;
5708  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
5709  pom1 = sy3-sy1;
5710  pom2 = sx3-sx1;
5711  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
5712  pom1 = sy1;
5713  pom2 = sx1;
5714  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
5715  pom1 = sy3-sy2;
5716  pom2 = sx3-sx2;
5717  if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
5718  pom1 = sy2;
5719  pom2 = sx2;
5720  sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
5721  if (sx2<sx3) {
5722  if (sx1!=sx2) {
5723  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
5724  pom1 = sx4;
5725  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
5726  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5727  if (sx3!=sx1) {
5728  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
5729  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5730  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5731  if (sy4<sy5) {
5732  pom1 = sy4;
5733  sy4 = sy5;
5734  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5735  }
5736  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5737  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5738  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5739  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5740  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5741  } else {
5742  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5743  dx1 = sx4;
5744  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5745  else dy1 = sy4;
5746  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5747  else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
5748  iv = (Int_t)v;
5749  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5751  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5752  }
5753  }
5754  }
5755  }
5756  }
5757  }
5758  if (sx2!=sx3) {
5759  for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
5760  pom1 = sx4;
5761  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
5762  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5763  if (sx3!=sx1) {
5764  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
5765  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5766  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5767  if (sy4<sy5) {
5768  pom1 = sy4;
5769  sy4 = sy5;
5770  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5771  }
5772  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5773  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5774  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5775  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5776  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5777  } else {
5778  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5779  dx1 = sx4;
5780  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5781  else dy1 = sy4;
5782  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5783  else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
5784  iv = (Int_t)v;
5785  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5787  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5788  }
5789  }
5790  }
5791  }
5792  }
5793  }
5794  } else {
5795  if (sx3!=sx1) {
5796  for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
5797  pom1 = sx4;
5798  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
5799  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5800  if (sx2!=sx1) {
5801  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
5802  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5803  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5804  if (sy4<sy5) {
5805  pom1 = sy4;
5806  sy4 = sy5;
5807  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5808  }
5809  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5810  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5811  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5812  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5813  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5814  } else {
5815  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5816  dx1 = sx4;
5817  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5818  else dy1 = sy4;
5819  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5820  else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
5821  iv = (Int_t)v;
5822  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5824  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5825  }
5826  }
5827  }
5828  }
5829  }
5830  }
5831  if (sx2!=sx3) {
5832  for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
5833  pom1 = sx4;
5834  sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
5835  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5836  if (sx2!=sx1) {
5837  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
5838  sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
5839  y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
5840  if (sy4<sy5) {
5841  pom1 = sy4;
5842  sy4 = sy5;
5843  sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
5844  }
5845  if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
5846  sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
5847  sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
5848  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
5849  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5-1)+1);
5850  } else {
5851  for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
5852  dx1 = sx4;
5853  if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
5854  else dy1 = sy4;
5855  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
5856  else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
5857  iv = (Int_t)v;
5858  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
5860  box->PaintBox(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(il)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx4+1),gPad->PixeltoY(il-1)+1);
5861  }
5862  }
5863  }
5864  }
5865  }
5866  }
5867  }
5868  }
5869  break;
5870  case kDisplayModeTriangles:
5872  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
5873  s1 = q1+1;
5874  t1 = q2;
5875  s2 = q1;
5876  t2 = q2;
5877  s3 = q1;
5878  t3 = q2+1;
5879  s4 = q1+1;
5880  t4 = q2+1;
5881  }
5882  if (turni==1) {
5883  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s1);
5884  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s2);
5885  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s3);
5886  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s4);
5887  } else {
5888  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
5889  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
5890  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
5891  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
5892  }
5893  if (turnj==1) {
5894  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t1);
5895  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t2);
5896  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t3);
5897  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t4);
5898  } else {
5899  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
5900  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
5901  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
5902  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
5903  }
5904  Transform(i1,j1,0);
5905  x1 = fXt;
5906  y1 = fYt;
5907  Transform(i2,j2,0);
5908  x2 = fXt;
5909  y2 = fYt;
5910  Transform(i3,j3,0);
5911  x3 = fXt;
5912  y3 = fYt;
5913  Transform(i4,j4,0);
5914  x4 = fXt;
5915  y4 = fYt;
5916  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
5917  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
5918  if (fLine!=0) {
5919  if (fLine==1) {
5920  fXe = x2;
5921  fYe = y2;
5922  }
5923  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
5924  }
5925  Envelope(x2,y2,x3,y3);
5926  if (fLine!=0) {
5927  if (fLine==1) {
5928  fXe = x3;
5929  fYe = y3;
5930  }
5931  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
5932  }
5933  Envelope(x2,y2,x4,y4);
5934  if (fLine!=0) {
5935  if (fLine==1) {
5936  fXe = x4;
5937  fYe = y4;
5938  }
5939  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
5940  }
5941  Envelope(x1,y1,x4,y4);
5942  if (fLine!=0) {
5943  if (fLine==1) {
5944  fXe = x4;
5945  fYe = y4;
5946  }
5947  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
5948  }
5949  Envelope(x3,y3,x4,y4);
5950  if (fLine!=0) {
5951  if (fLine==1) {
5952  fXe = x4;
5953  fYe = y4;
5954  }
5955  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
5956  }
5957  }
5958  } else {
5959  if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
5960  s1 = q1+1;
5961  t1 = q2;
5962  s2 = q1;
5963  t2 = q2;
5964  s3 = q1;
5965  t3 = q2+1;
5966  s4 = q1+1;
5967  t4 = q2+1;
5968  if (fShading==kShaded) {
5969  sr1 = s1;
5970  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
5971  sr2 = s2;
5972  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
5973  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
5974  tr3 = t2;
5975  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
5976  tr4 = t3;
5977  sr5 = s3;
5978  tr5 = t3+1;
5979  sr6 = s4;
5980  tr6 = t4+1;
5981  sr7 = s4+1;
5982  tr7 = t4;
5983  sr8 = s1+1;
5984  tr8 = t1;
5985  }
5986  if (turni==1) {
5987  i1 = s1;
5988  i2 = s2;
5989  i3 = s3;
5990  i4 = s4;
5991  } else {
5992  i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
5993  i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
5994  i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
5995  i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
5996  if (fShading==kShaded) {
5997  sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
5998  sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
5999  sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
6000  sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
6001  sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
6002  sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
6003  sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
6004  sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
6005  }
6006  }
6007  if (turnj==1) {
6008  j1 = t1;
6009  j2 = t2;
6010  j3 = t3;
6011  j4 = t4;
6012  } else {
6013  j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
6014  j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
6015  j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
6016  j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
6017  if (fShading==kShaded) {
6018  tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
6019  tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
6020  tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
6021  tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
6022  tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
6023  tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
6024  tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
6025  tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
6026  }
6027  }
6028  Transform(i1,j1,0);
6029  x1 = fXt;
6030  y1 = fYt;
6031  dx1 = fDxspline;
6032  dy1 = fDyspline;
6033  z1 = fZ;
6034  Transform(i2,j2,0);
6035  x2 = fXt;
6036  y2 = fYt;
6037  dx2 = fDxspline;
6038  dy2 = fDyspline;
6039  z2 = fZ;
6040  Transform(i3,j3,0);
6041  x3 = fXt;
6042  y3 = fYt;
6043  dx3 = fDxspline;
6044  dy3 = fDyspline;
6045  z3 = fZ;
6046  Transform(i4,j4,0);
6047  x4 = fXt;
6048  y4 = fYt;
6049  dx4 = fDxspline;
6050  dy4 = fDyspline;
6051  z4 = fZ;
6052  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
6053  Envelope(x2,y2,x3,y3);
6054  xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
6055  ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
6056  ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
6057  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
6058  if (fShading==kShaded) {
6059  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
6060  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
6061  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
6062  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6063  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6064  zr1 = fZ;
6065  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
6066  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
6067  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6068  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6069  zr2 = fZ;
6070  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
6071  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
6072  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
6073  v1 = v/4;
6074  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
6075  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
6076  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6077  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6078  zr1 = fZ;
6079  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
6080  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
6081  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6082  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6083  zr2 = fZ;
6084  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
6085  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
6086  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
6087  v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
6088  v2 = v/4;
6089  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
6090  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
6091  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6092  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6093  zr1 = fZ;
6094  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
6095  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
6096  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6097  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6098  zr2 = fZ;
6099  v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
6100  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
6101  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
6102  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
6103  v3 = v/4;
6104  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
6105  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
6106  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6107  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6108  zr1 = fZ;
6109  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
6110  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
6111  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6112  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6113  zr2 = fZ;
6114  v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
6115  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
6116  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
6117  v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
6118  v4 = v/4;
6119  } else {
6120  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
6121  v = v+spriz;
6122  v = v/2;
6123  if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
6124  else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
6125  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6126  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6127  zr1 = fZ;
6128  if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
6129  else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
6130  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6131  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6132  zr2 = fZ;
6133  da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
6134  db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
6135  dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
6136  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6137  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
6138  da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
6139  db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
6140  dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
6141  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6142  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
6143  da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
6144  db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
6145  dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
6146  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6147  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
6148  v1 = v/4;
6149  if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
6150  else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
6151  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6152  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6153  zr1 = fZ;
6154  if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
6155  else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
6156  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6157  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6158  zr2 = fZ;
6159  da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
6160  db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
6161  dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
6162  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6163  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
6164  da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
6165  db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
6166  dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
6167  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6168  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
6169  da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
6170  db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
6171  dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
6172  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6173  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
6174  da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
6175  db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
6176  dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
6177  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6178  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
6179  v2 = v/4;
6180  if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
6181  else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
6182  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6183  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6184  zr1 = fZ;
6185  if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
6186  else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
6187  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6188  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6189  zr2 = fZ;
6190  da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
6191  db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
6192  dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
6193  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6194  v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
6195  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
6196  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
6197  dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
6198  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6199  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
6200  da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
6201  db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
6202  dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
6203  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6204  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
6205  da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
6206  db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
6207  dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
6208  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6209  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
6210  v3 = v/4;
6211  if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
6212  else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
6213  dxr1 = fDxspline;
6214  dyr1 = fDyspline;
6215  zr1 = fZ;
6216  if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
6217  else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
6218  dxr2 = fDxspline;
6219  dyr2 = fDyspline;
6220  zr2 = fZ;
6221  da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
6222  db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
6223  dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
6224  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6225  v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
6226  da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
6227  db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
6228  dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
6229  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6230  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
6231  da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
6232  db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
6233  dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
6234  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6235  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
6236  da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
6237  db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
6238  dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
6239  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
6240  v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
6241  v4 = v/4;
6242  }
6243  }
6244  spriz = 0;
6245  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
6246  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6247  v = v*fLevels+0.5;
6248  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
6249  } else {
6250  v1 = v1*fLevels;
6251  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
6252  v2 = v2*fLevels;
6253  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
6254  v4 = v4*fLevels;
6255  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
6256  }
6257  } else {
6258  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
6259  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6260  v = v*fLevels/2.0;
6261  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
6262  } else {
6263  v1 = v1*fLevels;
6264  iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
6265  v2 = v2*fLevels;
6266  iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
6267  v4 = v4*fLevels;
6268  iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
6269  }
6270  }
6271  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6272  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6274  } else {
6275  dx1 = x1;
6276  dy1 = y1;
6277  dx2 = x2;
6278  dy2 = y2;
6279  dx3 = x4;
6280  dy3 = y4;
6281  z1 = iv1;
6282  z2 = iv2;
6283  z3 = iv4;
6284  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
6285  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
6286  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
6287  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
6288  }
6289  sx1 = x1;
6290  sy1 = y1;
6291  sx2 = x2;
6292  sy2 = y2;
6293  if (sx2<sx1) {
6294  sx4 = sx1;
6295  sy4 = sy1;
6296  sx1 = sx2;
6297  sy1 = sy2;
6298  sx2 = sx4;
6299  sy2 = sy4;
6300  }
6301  sdx1 = 0;
6302  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
6303  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
6304  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
6305  pom1 = sy1;
6306  pom2 = sx1;
6307  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
6308  for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
6309  pom1 = sx4;
6310  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
6311  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
6312  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
6313  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
6314  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6315  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6316  } else {
6317  dx1 = sx4;
6318  dy1 = sy4;
6319  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6320  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6321  iv = (Int_t)v;
6322  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6324  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6325  }
6326  sy5 = sy4;
6327  } else {
6328  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6329  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6330  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6331  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6332  dx1 = sx4;
6333  dy1 = sy4;
6334  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6335  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6336  iv = (Int_t)v;
6337  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6339  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6340  }
6341  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6342  }
6343  sx5 = sx4;
6344  }
6345  sx1 = x1;
6346  sy1 = y1;
6347  sx3 = x4;
6348  sy3 = y4;
6349  if (sx3<sx1) {
6350  sx4 = sx1;
6351  sy4 = sy1;
6352  sx1 = sx3;
6353  sy1 = sy3;
6354  sx3 = sx4;
6355  sy3 = sy4;
6356  }
6357  pom1 = sy3-sy1;
6358  pom2 = sx3-sx1;
6359  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
6360  pom1 = sy1;
6361  pom2 = sx1;
6362  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
6363  sx1p = sx1;
6364  sy1p = sy1;
6365  sx3p = sx3;
6366  sdx2p = sdx2;
6367  sdy2p = sdy2;
6368  dap = da;
6369  dbp = db;
6370  dcp = dc;
6371  ddp = dd;
6372  uip = fNewColorIndex;
6373  xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
6374  ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
6375  ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
6376  if (fShading==kNotShaded) v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
6377  spriz = 0;
6378  if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
6379  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6380  v = v*fLevels;
6381  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
6382  } else {
6383  v3 = v3*fLevels;
6384  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
6385  }
6386  } else {
6387  spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
6388  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6389  v = v*fLevels/2;
6390  iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
6391  iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
6392  } else {
6393  v3 = v3*fLevels;
6394  iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
6395  }
6396  }
6397  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6398  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6400  } else {
6401  dx1 = x2;
6402  dy1 = y2;
6403  dx2 = x3;
6404  dy2 = y3;
6405  dx3 = x4;
6406  dy3 = y4;
6407  z1 = iv2;
6408  z2 = iv3;
6409  z3 = iv4;
6410  da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
6411  db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
6412  dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
6413  dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
6414  }
6415  sx1 = x2;
6416  sy1 = y2;
6417  sx2 = x3;
6418  sy2 = y3;
6419  if (sx2<sx1) {
6420  sx4 = sx1;
6421  sy4 = sy1;
6422  sx1 = sx2;
6423  sy1 = sy2;
6424  sx2 = sx4;
6425  sy2 = sy4;
6426  }
6427  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
6428  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
6429  sdx1 = 0;
6430  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
6431  pom1 = sy1;
6432  pom2 = sx1;
6433  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
6434  for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
6435  pom1 = sx4;
6436  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
6437  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
6438  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
6439  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
6440  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6441  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6442  } else {
6443  dx1 = sx4;
6444  dy1 = sy4;
6445  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6446  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6447  iv = (Int_t)v;
6448  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6450  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6451  }
6452  sy5 = sy4;
6453  } else {
6454  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6455  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6456  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6457  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6458  dx1 = sx4;
6459  dy1 = sy4;
6460  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6461  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6462  iv = (Int_t)v;
6463  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6465  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6466  }
6467  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6468  }
6469  sx5 = sx4;
6470  }
6471  sx1 = x2;
6472  sy1 = y2;
6473  sx2 = x4;
6474  sy2 = y4;
6475  if (sx2<sx1) {
6476  sx4 = sx1;
6477  sy4 = sy1;
6478  sx1 = sx2;
6479  sy1 = sy2;
6480  sx2 = sx4;
6481  sy2 = sy4;
6482  }
6483  pom1 = sy2-sy1;
6484  pom2 = sx2-sx1;
6485  sdx1 = 0;
6486  if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
6487  pom1 = sy1;
6488  pom2 = sx1;
6489  sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
6490  for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
6491  pom1 = sx4;
6492  sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
6493  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
6494  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
6495  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
6496  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6497  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6498  } else {
6499  dx1 = sx4;
6500  dy1 = sy4;
6501  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6502  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6503  iv = (Int_t)v;
6504  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6506  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6507  }
6508  sy5 = sy4;
6509  } else {
6510  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6511  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6512  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6513  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6514  dx1 = sx4;
6515  dy1 = sy4;
6516  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6517  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6518  iv = (Int_t)v;
6519  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6521  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6522  }
6523  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6524  }
6525  sx5 = sx4;
6526  }
6527  for (sx4=sx1p,sx5=sx1p,sy5=sy1p;sx4<=sx3p;sx4++) {
6528  pom1 = sx4;
6529  sdy4 = sdx2p*pom1+sdy2p;
6530  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
6531  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
6532  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
6533  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6534  line->SetLineColor(uip);
6535  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6536  } else {
6537  dx1 = sx4;
6538  dy1 = sy4;
6539  if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
6540  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6541  iv = (Int_t)v;
6542  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6544  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6545  }
6546  sy5 = sy4;
6547  } else {
6548  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6549  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6550  line->SetLineColor(uip);
6551  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6552  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6553  dx1 = sx4;
6554  dy1 = sy4;
6555  if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
6556  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6557  iv = (Int_t)v;
6558  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6560  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6561  }
6562  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6563  }
6564  sx5 = sx4;
6565  }
6566  sx2 = x3;
6567  sy2 = y3;
6568  sx3 = x4;
6569  sy3 = y4;
6570  if (sx3<sx2) {
6571  sx4 = sx2;
6572  sy4 = sy2;
6573  sx2 = sx3;
6574  sy2 = sy3;
6575  sx3 = sx4;
6576  sy3 = sy4;
6577  }
6578  sdx2 = 0;
6579  pom1 = sy3-sy2;
6580  pom2 = sx3-sx2;
6581  if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
6582  pom1 = sy2;
6583  pom2 = sx2;
6584  sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
6585  for (sx4=sx2,sx5=sx2,sy5=sy2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
6586  pom1 = sx4;
6587  sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
6588  sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
6589  if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
6590  fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
6591  if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
6592  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6593  } else {
6594  dx1 = sx4;
6595  dy1 = sy4;
6596  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6597  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6598  iv = (Int_t)v;
6599  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6601  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6602  }
6603  sy5 = sy4;
6604  } else {
6605  sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6606  if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6607  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6608  } else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
6609  dx1 = sx4;
6610  dy1 = sy4;
6611  if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
6612  else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
6613  iv = (Int_t)v;
6614  ColorModel(iv,ui1,ui2,ui3);
6616  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(sx4),gPad->PixeltoY(sy4)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(sx5),gPad->PixeltoY(sy5)+1);
6617  }
6618  sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
6619  }
6620  sx5 = sx4;
6621  }
6622  }
6623  }
6624  break;
6625  }
6626  if (flag==1) {
6627  x = x1;
6628  y = y1;
6629  x1 = x2;
6630  y1 = y2;
6631  x2 = x;
6632  y2 = y;
6633  x = x1d;
6634  y = y1d;
6635  x1d = x2d;
6636  y1d = y2d;
6637  x2d = x;
6638  y2d = y;
6639  if (smer==0) q1 += 1;
6640  else q2 += 1;
6641  } else {
6642  x1 = x2;
6643  y1 = y2;
6644  x1d = x2d;
6645  y1d = y2d;
6646  }
6647  } while ((q1!=qv||(q2!=(qv-1) && q2!=w2)||smer!=0||flag!=1) &&
6648  ((q1!=(qv-1) && q1!=w1)||q2!=qv||smer!=1||flag!=1) &&
6649  uhl!=1);
6650  if (qv<=w2&&qv<=w1) {
6651  if (uhl==0) {
6652  if (smer==0) {
6653  smer = 1;
6654  q1 = 0;
6655  flag = 0;
6656  q2 = qv;
6657  xp1 = x1;
6658  yp1 = y1;
6659  goto l2;
6660  } else {
6661  smer = 0;
6662  uhl = 1;
6663  q1 = qv;
6664  q2 = qv-1;
6665  xp2 = x1;
6666  yp2 = y1;
6667  x1 = xp1;
6668  y1 = yp1;
6669  flag = 1;
6670  goto l2;
6671  }
6672  } else {
6673  if (smer==0) {
6674  smer = 1;
6675  x1 = xp2;
6676  y1 = yp2;
6677  q1 = qv-1;
6678  q2 = qv;
6679  flag = 1;
6680  goto l2;
6681  }
6682  }
6683  }
6684  q2 = 0;
6685  qv += 1;
6686  q1 = qv;
6687  if (q1>w1) {
6688  q2 = qv;
6689  q1 = 0;
6690  smer = 1;
6691  flag = 0;
6692  uhl = 0;
6693  if (q2<=w2) goto l2;
6694  }
6695  } while (q1<=w1&&q2<=w2);
6698  line->SetLineWidth(1);
6699  for (i=fBx1;i<=fBx2;i++) fEnvelope[i] = fBy2;
6700  turni = 0;
6701  turnj = 0;
6702  Transform(w1,0,0);
6703  x1 = fXt;
6704  Transform(0,0,0);
6705  x2 = fXt;
6706  Transform(0,w2,0);
6707  x3 = fXt;
6708  if (x2>=x1) turnj = 1;
6709  if (x3>=x2) turni = 1;
6710  q1 = 1;
6711  q2 = 0;
6712  qv = 1;
6713  do {
6714  uhl = 0;
6715  smer = 0;
6716  flag = 0;
6717 lc2:
6718  if (turni==1) {
6719  i = q1;
6720  } else {
6721  i = w1-q1;
6722  }
6723  if (turnj==1) {
6724  j = q2;
6725  } else {
6726  j = w2-q2;
6727  }
6728  Transform(i,j,0);
6729  x1 = fXt;
6730  y1 = fYt;
6731  Transform(i,j,-1);
6732  x1d = fXt;
6733  y1d = fYt;
6734  do {
6735  if (flag==0) {
6736  flag = 1;
6737  if (smer==0) q1 -= 1;
6738  else q2 -= 1;
6739  } else {
6740  flag = 0;
6741  if (smer==0) q2 += 1;
6742  else q1 += 1;
6743  }
6744  if (turni==1) {
6745  i = q1;
6746  } else {
6747  i = w1-q1;
6748  }
6749  if (turnj==1) {
6750  j = q2;
6751  } else {
6752  j = w2-q2;
6753  }
6754  Transform(i,j,0);
6755  x2 = fXt;
6756  y2 = fYt;
6757  if (flag==1) {
6758  x = x1;
6759  y = y1;
6760  x1 = x2;
6761  y1 = y2;
6762  x2 = x;
6763  y2 = y;
6764  }
6765  Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
6767  if (fLine!=0) {
6768  if (fLine==1) {
6769  fXe = x2;
6770  fYe = y2;
6771  }
6773  line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(fXs),gPad->PixeltoY(fYs)+1,gPad->PixeltoX(fXe),gPad->PixeltoY(fYe)+1);
6774  }
6775  }
6777  if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1]) {
6779  }
6780  }
6781  if (flag==1) {
6782  x = x1;
6783  y = y1;
6784  x1 = x2;
6785  y1 = y2;
6786  x2 = x;
6787  y2 = y;
6788  x = x1d;
6789  y = y1d;
6790  x1d = x2d;
6791  y1d = y2d;
6792  x2d = x;
6793  y2d = y;
6794  if (smer==0) q1 += 1;
6795  else q2 += 1;
6796  } else {
6797  x1 = x2;
6798  y1 = y2;
6799  x1d = x2d;
6800  y1d = y2d;
6801  }
6802  } while ((q1!=qv||(q2!=(qv-1)&&q2!=w2)||smer!=0||flag!=1) &&
6803  ((q1!=(qv-1)&&q1!=w1)||q2!=qv||smer!=1||flag!=1) &&
6804  uhl!=1);
6805  if (qv<=w2&&qv<=w1) {
6806  if (uhl==0) {
6807  if (smer==0) {
6808  smer = 1;
6809  q1 = 0;
6810  flag = 0;
6811  q2 = qv;
6812  xp1 = x1;
6813  yp1 = y1;
6814  goto lc2;
6815  } else {
6816  smer = 0;
6817  uhl = 1;
6818  q1 = qv;
6819  q2 = qv-1;
6820  xp2 = x1;
6821  yp2 = y1;
6822  x1 = xp1;
6823  y1 = yp1;
6824  flag = 1;
6825  goto lc2;
6826  }
6827  } else {
6828  if (smer==0) {
6829  smer = 1;
6830  x1 = xp2;
6831  y1 = yp2;
6832  q1 = qv-1;
6833  q2 = qv;
6834  flag = 1;
6835  goto lc2;
6836  }
6837  }
6838  }
6839  q2 = 0;
6840  qv += 1;
6841  q1 = qv;
6842  if (q1>w1) {
6843  q2 = qv;
6844  q1 = 0;
6845  smer = 1;
6846  flag = 0;
6847  uhl = 0;
6848  if (q2<=w2) goto lc2;
6849  }
6850  } while (q1<=w1&&q2<=w2);
6851  }
6853  // Paint axis.
6854  static char chopt[10] = "";
6855  if (fViewAngle==0) {
6856  axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6857  axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6858  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
6859  axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6860  ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
6861  bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
6862  bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
6863  xaxis->SetLabelOffset(xaxis->GetLabelOffset()-xaxis->GetTickSize());
6864  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH-",10);
6865  if (ndivx < 0) {
6866  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6867  ndivx = -ndivx;
6868  }
6869  xaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
6870  ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
6871  bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
6872  bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
6873  yaxis->SetLabelOffset(yaxis->GetLabelOffset()+yaxis->GetTickSize());
6874  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
6875  if (ndivy < 0) {
6876  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6877  ndivy = -ndivy;
6878  }
6879  yaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
6880  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90){
6881  ndivz = 510;
6882  bmin = fZmin;
6883  bmax = fZmax;
6884  zaxis->SetLabelOffset(zaxis->GetLabelOffset()-zaxis->GetTickSize());
6885  if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
6886  ndivz = 510;
6887  if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
6888  zaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
6889  } else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
6890  TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
6891  TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
6892  a1->SetLabelOffset(a1->GetLabelOffset()-a1->GetTickSize());
6893  a1->Paint();
6894  delete f1;
6895  delete a1;
6896  } else {
6897  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
6898  if (ndivz < 0) {
6899  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6900  ndivz = -ndivz;
6901  }
6902  zaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, chopt);
6903  }
6904  }
6905  } else if (fViewAngle==90) {
6906  axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6907  axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6908  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
6909  axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6910  ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
6911  bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
6912  bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
6913  xaxis->SetLabelOffset(xaxis->GetLabelOffset()+xaxis->GetTickSize());
6914  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
6915  if (ndivx < 0) {
6916  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6917  ndivx = -ndivx;
6918  }
6919  xaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
6920  ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
6921  bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
6922  bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
6923  yaxis->SetLabelOffset(yaxis->GetLabelOffset()+yaxis->GetTickSize());
6924  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
6925  if (ndivy < 0) {
6926  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6927  ndivy = -ndivy;
6928  }
6929  yaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
6930  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90){
6931  ndivz = 510;
6932  bmin = fZmin;
6933  bmax = fZmax;
6934  zaxis->SetLabelOffset(zaxis->GetLabelOffset()-zaxis->GetTickSize());
6935  if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
6936  ndivz = 510;
6937  if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
6938  zaxis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
6939  } else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
6940  TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
6941  TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
6942  a1->SetLabelOffset(a1->GetLabelOffset()-a1->GetTickSize());
6943  a1->Paint();
6944  delete f1;
6945  delete a1;
6946  } else {
6947  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
6948  if (ndivz < 0) {
6949  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6950  ndivz = -ndivz;
6951  }
6952  zaxis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, chopt);
6953  }
6954  }
6955  } else if (fViewAngle==180) {
6956  axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6957  axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6958  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
6959  axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
6960  ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
6961  bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
6962  bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
6963  xaxis->SetLabelOffset(xaxis->GetLabelOffset()+xaxis->GetTickSize());
6964  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
6965  if (ndivx < 0) {
6966  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6967  ndivx = -ndivx;
6968  }
6969  xaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
6970  ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
6971  bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
6972  bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
6973  yaxis->SetLabelOffset(yaxis->GetLabelOffset()-yaxis->GetTickSize());
6974  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH-",10);
6975  if (ndivy < 0) {
6976  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
6977  ndivy = -ndivy;
6978  }
6979  yaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
6980  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90){
6981  ndivz = 510;
6982  bmin = fZmin;
6983  bmax = fZmax;
6984  zaxis->SetLabelOffset(zaxis->GetLabelOffset()-zaxis->GetTickSize());
6985  if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
6986  ndivz=510;
6987  if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
6988  zaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
6989  } else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
6990  TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
6991  TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
6992  a1->SetLabelOffset(a1->GetLabelOffset()-a1->GetTickSize());
6993  a1->Paint();
6994  delete f1;
6995  delete a1;
6996  } else {
6997  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
6998  if (ndivz < 0) {
6999  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
7000  ndivz = -ndivz;
7001  }
7002  zaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, chopt);
7003  }
7004  }
7005  } else if (fViewAngle==270) {
7006  axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
7007  axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
7008  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90)
7009  axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
7010  ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
7011  bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
7012  bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
7013  xaxis->SetLabelOffset(xaxis->GetLabelOffset()-xaxis->GetTickSize());
7014  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH-",10);
7015  if (ndivx < 0) {
7016  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
7017  ndivx = -ndivx;
7018  }
7019  xaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
7020  ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
7021  bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
7022  bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
7023  yaxis->SetLabelOffset(yaxis->GetLabelOffset()-yaxis->GetTickSize());
7024  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH-",10);
7025  if (ndivy < 0) {
7026  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
7027  ndivy = -ndivy;
7028  }
7029  yaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
7030  if(fAlpha+fBeta<90){
7031  ndivz = 510;
7032  bmin = fZmin;
7033  bmax = fZmax;
7034  zaxis->SetLabelOffset(zaxis->GetLabelOffset()-zaxis->GetTickSize());
7035  if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
7036  ndivz = 510;
7037  if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
7038  zaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
7039  } else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
7040  TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
7041  TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
7042  a1->SetLabelOffset(a1->GetLabelOffset()-a1->GetTickSize());
7043  a1->Paint();
7044  delete f1;
7045  delete a1;
7046  } else {
7047  chopt[0] = 0; strlcat(chopt, "SDH+",10);
7048  if (ndivz < 0) {
7049  strlcat(chopt, "N",10);
7050  ndivz = -ndivz;
7051  }
7052  zaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "SDH+");
7053  }
7054  }
7055  }
7057  // End.
7058  delete axis;
7059  delete xaxis;
7060  delete yaxis;
7061  delete zaxis;
7062 }
7065 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7066 /// Sets display group mode and display mode:
7067 /// - modeGroup - the following group modes can be set: simple modes-kPicture2ModeGroupSimple, modes with shading according to light-kPicture2ModeGroupLight, modes with shading according to channels counts-kPicture2ModeGroupHeight, modes of combination of shading according to light and to channels counts-kPicture2ModeGroupLightHeight
7068 /// - displayMode - posible display modes are: points, grid, contours, bars, x_lines, y_lines, bars_x, bars_y, needles, surface, triangles
7070 void TSpectrum2Painter::SetDisplayMode(Int_t modeGroup,Int_t displayMode)
7071 {
7072  if (modeGroup>=kModeGroupSimple&&modeGroup<=kModeGroupLightHeight) {
7073  if (displayMode>=kDisplayModePoints&&displayMode<=kDisplayModeTriangles) {
7074  fModeGroup = modeGroup;
7075  fDisplayMode = displayMode;
7076  }
7077  }
7078 }
7081 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7082 /// Sets pen attributes:
7083 /// - color - color of spectrum
7084 /// - style - style of pen (solid, dash, dot, dash-dot)
7085 /// - width - width of pen in pixels
7088 {
7089  if (color>=0 && style >=kPenStyleSolid && style <= kPenStyleDashDot && width > 0) {
7090  fPenColor = color;
7091  fPenDash = style;
7092  fPenWidth = width;
7093  }
7094 }
7097 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7098 /// Sets nodes in both directions:
7099 /// - nodesx, nodesy, only the bins at the nodes points are displayed
7102 {
7103  if (nodesx>1&&nodesy>1) {
7104  fNodesx = nodesx;
7105  fNodesy = nodesy;
7106  }
7107 }
7110 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7111 /// Sets angles of the view:
7112 /// - alpha - angles of display,alpha+beta must be less or equal to 90, alpha- angle between base line of Canvas and right lower edge of picture base plane
7113 /// - beta - angle between base line of Canvas and left lower edge of picture base plane
7114 /// - view - rotation angle of the view, it can be 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
7117 {
7118  if (alpha>=0&&alpha<=90&&beta>=0&&beta<=90&&alpha+beta<=90) {
7119  fAlpha = alpha;
7120  fBeta = beta;
7121  }
7122  view = view/90;
7123  if (view>=0&&view<=3) fViewAngle = view*90;
7124 }
7127 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7128 /// Sets z-axis scale:
7129 /// - scale - linear, sqrt or log
7132 {
7133  if (scale>=kZScaleLinear&&scale<=kZScaleSqrt) {
7134  fZscale = scale;
7135  }
7136 }
7139 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7140 /// Sets shading color algorithm:
7141 /// - olorAlgorithm - applies only for rainbowed display modes
7142 /// (rgb smooth algorithm, rgb modulo color component, cmy smooth algorithm,
7143 /// - cmy modulo color component, cie smooth algorithm,
7144 /// - cie modulo color component, yiq smooth algorithm,
7145 /// - yiq modulo color component, hsv smooth algorithm,
7146 /// - hsv modulo color component, it does not apply for simple display modes
7147 /// algorithm group
7150 {
7152  if (colorAlgorithm>=kColorAlgRgbSmooth&&colorAlgorithm<=kColorAlgHvsModulo) fColorAlg = colorAlgorithm;
7153  }
7154 }
7157 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7158 /// Sets color increments between two color levels for r, g, b components:
7159 /// - r, g, b - color increments between two color levels
7162 {
7163  if (r>=0&&r<=255&&g>=0&&g<=255&&b>=0&&b<=255) {
7164  fRainbow1Step = r;
7165  fRainbow2Step = g;
7166  fRainbow3Step = b;
7167  }
7168 }
7171 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7172 /// Sets position of fictive light source in 3D space:
7173 /// - x, y, z
7176 {
7177  if (x>=0&&y>=0&&z>=0) {
7178  fXlight = x;
7179  fYlight = y;
7180  fZlight = z;
7181  }
7182 }
7185 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7186 /// Sets on/off shading and shadow switches:
7187 /// - shading - determines whether the picture will shaded, smoothed (no shading, shading), for rainbowed display modes only
7188 /// - shadow - determines whether shadow will be drawn, for rainbowed display modes with shading according to light
7191 {
7193  if (shading==kNotShaded||shading==kShaded) fShading = shading;
7194  if (shadow==kShadowsNotPainted||shadow==kShadowsPainted) fShadow = shadow;
7195  }
7196 }
7199 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7200 /// Sets on/off Bezier smoothing:
7201 /// - bezier - determines Bezier interpolation (applies only for simple
7202 /// display modes group for grid, x_lines, y_lines display modes)
7205 {
7208  if (bezier==kBezierInterpol||bezier==kNoBezierInterpol) fBezier = bezier;
7209  }
7210 }
7213 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7214 /// Sets width between horizontal slices:
7215 /// - width - width between contours, applies only for contours display mode
7218 {
7219  if (width>=1) fContWidth = width;
7220 }
7223 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7224 /// Sets weight between shading according to fictive light source and according to channels counts:
7225 /// - weight - weight between shading according to fictive light source and according to channels counts, applies only for kPicture2ModeGroupLightHeight modes group
7228 {
7230  if (weight>=0&&weight<=1) fLHweight = weight;
7231  }
7232 }
7235 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7236 /// Sets enables/disables drawing of channel marks and sets their attributes:
7237 /// - enable - decides whether the channel marks are shown or not
7238 /// - color - color of channel marks
7239 /// - width - width of channel marks in pixels
7240 /// - height - height of channel marks in pixels
7241 /// - style - style of channel marks (dot, cross, star, rectangle, X, diamond, triangle)
7244 {
7245  if (enable==kChannelMarksNotDrawn||enable==kChannelMarksDrawn) {
7246  if (enable==kChannelMarksDrawn) {
7249  fChanmarkColor = color;
7250  if (width>=4) {
7251  fChanmarkWidth = width;
7252  }
7253  else fChanmarkWidth = 4;
7254  if (height>=4) {
7255  fChanmarkHeight = height;
7256  }
7257  else fChanmarkHeight = 4;
7258  }
7259  }
7260  fChanmarkEnDis = enable;
7261  }
7262 }
7265 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7266 /// This function sets enables/disables drawing of channel grid and sets its color:
7267 /// -enable - decides whether the channel grid is shown or not
7268 /// -color - color of channel grid
7271 {
7272  if (enable==kChannelGridNotDrawn||enable==kChannelGridDrawn) {
7273  if (enable==kChannelGridDrawn) {
7274  fChanlineColor=color;
7275  }
7276  fChanlineEnDis=enable;
7277  }
7278 }
7281 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7282 /// Gets display group mode and display mode:
7283 /// -modeGroup - the following group modes might have been set: simple modes-kPicture2ModeGroupSimple, modes with shading according to light-kPicture2ModeGroupLight, modes with shading according to channels counts-kPicture2ModeGroupHeight, modes of combination of shading according to light and to channels counts-kPicture2ModeGroupLightHeight
7284 /// -displayMode - display modes that might have been set: points, grid, contours, bars, x_lines, y_lines, bars_x, bars_y, needles, surface, triangles
7286 void TSpectrum2Painter::GetDisplayMode(Int_t &modeGroup,Int_t &displayMode)
7287 {
7288  modeGroup = fModeGroup;
7289  displayMode = fDisplayMode;
7290 }
7293 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7294 /// Gets pen attributes:
7295 /// -color - color of spectrum
7296 /// -style - style of pen (solid, dash, dot, dash-dot)
7297 /// -width - width of pen in pixels
7300 {
7301  color = fPenColor;
7302  style = fPenDash;
7303  width = fPenWidth;
7304 }
7307 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7308 /// Gets nodes in both directions:
7309 /// - nodesx, nodesy, only the bins at the nodes points are displayed
7312 {
7313  nodesx = fNodesx;
7314  nodesy = fNodesy;
7315 }
7318 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7319 /// Gets angles of the view:
7320 /// - alpha - angle between base line of Canvas and right lower edge of picture base plane
7321 /// - beta - angle between base line of Canvas and left lower edge of picture base plane
7322 /// - view - rotation angle of the view, it can be 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
7325 {
7326  alpha = fAlpha;
7327  beta = fBeta;
7328  view = fViewAngle;
7329 }
7332 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7333 /// Gets z-axis scale:
7334 /// - scale - it can be linear, sqrt or log
7337 {
7338  scale = fZscale;
7339 }
7342 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7343 /// Gets shading color algorithm:
7344 /// - colorAlgorithm - rgb smooth algorithm, rgb modulo color component, cmy smooth algorithm, cmy modulo color component, cie smooth algorithm, cie modulo color component, yiq smooth algorithm, yiq modulo color component, hsv smooth algorithm, hsv modulo algorithm
7347 {
7348  colorAlgorithm = fColorAlg;
7349 }
7352 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7353 /// Gets color increments between two color levels for r, g, b components:
7354 /// - r, g, b - color increments between two color levels
7357 {
7358  r = fRainbow1Step;
7359  g = fRainbow2Step;
7360  b = fRainbow3Step;
7361 }
7364 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7365 /// Gets position of fictive light source in 3D space:
7366 /// - x, y, z
7369 {
7370  x = fXlight;
7371  y = fYlight;
7372  z = fZlight;
7373 }
7376 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7377 /// Gets shading and shadow switches:
7378 /// - shading - determines whether the picture will shaded, smoothed (no shading, shading), for rainbowed display modes only
7379 /// - shadow - determines whether shadow will be drawn, for rainbowed display modes with shading according to light
7382 {
7383  shading = fShading;
7384  shadow = fShadow;
7385 }
7388 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7389 /// Gets Bezier smoothing switch:
7390 /// - bezier - determines Bezier interpolation (applies only for simple display modes group for grid, x_lines, y_lines display modes)
7393 {
7394  bezier = fBezier;
7395 }
7398 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7399 /// Gets width between horizontal slices:
7400 /// - width - width between contours, applies only for contours display mode
7403 {
7404  width = fContWidth;
7405 }
7408 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7409 /// Gets weight between shading according to fictive light source and according to channels counts:
7410 /// - weight - weight between shading according to fictive light source and according to channels counts, applies only for kPicture2ModeGroupLightHeight modes group
7413 {
7414  weight = fLHweight;
7415 }
7418 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7419 /// Gets drawing attributes for channel marks:
7420 /// - enable - decides whether the channel marks are shown or not
7421 /// - color - color of channel marks
7422 /// - width - width of channel marks in pixels
7423 /// - height - height of channel marks in pixels
7424 /// - style - style of channel marks (dot, cross, star, rectangle, X, diamond, triangle)
7426 void TSpectrum2Painter::GetChanMarks(Int_t &enable,Int_t &color,Int_t &width,Int_t &height,Int_t &style)
7427 {
7428  style = fChanmarkStyle,width=fChanmarkWidth,height=fChanmarkHeight,color=fChanmarkColor;
7429  enable = fChanmarkEnDis;
7430 }
7433 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7434 /// This function gets attributes for drawing channel:
7435 /// - enable - decides whether the channel grid is shown or not
7436 /// - color - color of channel grid
7439 {
7440  color = fChanlineColor;
7441  enable = fChanlineEnDis;
7442 }
7445 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7446 /// This function allows to set all the possible options available in
7447 /// TSpectrum2Painter and paint "h2".
7448 ///
7449 /// TSpectrum2Painter offers a large set of options/attributes. In the
7450 /// "option" parameter each of them can be set to specific values via
7451 /// "operators" in the option itself. for instance on can do:
7452 ///
7453 /// h2->Draw("SPEC a(30,30,0)");
7454 ///
7455 /// to draw h2 with TSpectrum2Painter using all the default attributes except
7456 /// the viewing angles. The operators' names are case insensitive (one can use
7457 /// "a" or "A"). Operators parameters are separated by ",". The operators can
7458 /// be put is any order in the option. Operators must be separated by " ".
7459 /// No " " characters should be put in an operator. This help page describes
7460 /// all the available operators.
7461 ///
7462 /// The way "h2" will be painted is controlled with 2 parameters the "Display
7463 /// modes groups" and the "Display Modes".
7464 ///
7465 /// "Display modes groups" can take the following values:
7466 ///
7467 /// - 0 = Simple - it covers simple display modes using one color only
7468 /// - 1 = Light - in this group the shading is carried out according to
7469 /// the position of the fictive light source
7470 /// - 2 = Height - in this group the shading is carried out according to
7471 /// the channel contents
7472 /// - 3 = LightHeight - combination of two previous shading algorithms. One
7473 /// can control the weight between both algorithms.
7474 ///
7475 /// "Display modes" can take the following values:
7476 ///
7477 /// - 1 = Points.
7478 /// - 2 = Grid.
7479 /// - 3 = Contours.
7480 /// - 4 = Bars.
7481 /// - 5 = LinesX.
7482 /// - 6 = LinesY.
7483 /// - 7 = BarsX.
7484 /// - 8 = BarsY.
7485 /// - 9 = Needles.
7486 /// - 10 = Surface.
7487 /// - 11 = Triangles.
7488 ///
7489 /// Using this function these parameters can be set using the "dm" operator
7490 /// in the option. Example:
7491 ///
7492 /// h2->Draw("SPEC dm(1,2)");
7493 ///
7494 /// will paint the 2D histogram h2 using the "Light Display mode group" and
7495 /// the "Grid Display mode". The following table summarises all the possible
7496 /// combinations of the "Display modes groups" and the "Display modes".
7497 ///
7498 /// | | Simple | Light | Height | Light-Height |
7499 /// |-----------|--------|-------|--------|--------------|
7500 /// | Points | X | X | X | X |
7501 /// | Grid | X | X | X | X |
7502 /// | Contours | X | - | X | - |
7503 /// | Bars | X | - | X | - |
7504 /// | LinesX | X | X | X | X |
7505 /// | LinesY | X | X | X | X |
7506 /// | BarsX | X | - | X | - |
7507 /// | BarsY | X | - | X | - |
7508 /// | Needles | X | - | - | - |
7509 /// | Surface | - | X | X | X |
7510 /// | Triangles | X | X | X | X |
7511 ///
7512 /// The Pen Attributes can be changed using pa(color, style, width). Example:
7513 ///
7514 /// h2->Draw("SPEC dm(1,2) pa(2,1,2)");
7515 ///
7516 /// sets the line color to 2, line type to 1 and line width to2. Note that if
7517 /// pa() is not specified, the histogram "h2" line attributes are used. Note
7518 /// also that operators for SPEC option can be cumulated and specified in
7519 /// any order.
7520 ///
7521 /// The buffer size can be change with bf(size). Example:
7522 ///
7523 /// h2->Draw("SPEC bf(8000)");
7524 ///
7525 /// The spectrum painter needs a buffer to paint the spectrum. By default the
7526 /// buffer size is set to 1600. In most cases this buffer size is enough. But
7527 /// if the canvas size is very big, for instance 8000x5000 this buffer size is
7528 /// too small. An error message is issued telling to use the option bf().
7529 ///
7530 /// The number of nodes can be change with n(nodesx, nodesy). Example:
7531 ///
7532 /// h2->Draw("SPEC n(40,40)");
7533 ///
7534 /// Sometimes the displayed region is rather large. When displaying all
7535 /// channels pictures become very dense and complicated. It is very difficult
7536 /// to understand the overall shape of data. "n(nx,ny)" allows to change the
7537 /// density of displayed channels. Only the channels coinciding with given
7538 /// nodes are displayed.
7539 ///
7540 /// The visualization angles can be changed with a(alpha, beta, view).
7541 /// Example:
7542 ///
7543 /// h2->Draw("SPEC n(40,40) dm(0,1) a(30,30,0)");
7544 ///
7545 /// Alpha defines the angle between bottom horizontal screen line and the
7546 /// displayed space on the right side of the picture and beta on the left
7547 /// side, respectively. One can rotate the 3-d space around vertical axis
7548 /// going through the center of it employing the view parameter. Allowed
7549 /// values are 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
7550 ///
7551 /// zs(scale) changes the scale of the Z-axis Possible values are:
7552 ///
7553 /// - 0 = Linear (default)
7554 /// - 1 = Log
7555 /// - 2 = Sqrt
7556 ///
7557 /// If gPad->SetLogz() has been set, log scale on Z-axis is set automatically.
7558 /// No need to use the zs() operator. Note that the X and Y axis are always
7559 /// linear.
7560 ///
7561 /// ci(r,g,b), were r,g and b are floats defines the colors increments.
7562 /// For sophisticated shading (Light, Height and LightHeight Display Modes
7563 /// Groups) the color palette starts from the basic pen color (see pa()
7564 /// function). There is a predefined number of color levels (256). Color in
7565 /// every level is calculated by adding the increments of the r, g, b
7566 /// components to the previous level. Using this function one can change the
7567 /// color increments between two neighbouring color levels. The function does
7568 /// not apply dor the Simple Display Modes Group. The default values are:
7569 /// (1,1,1).
7570 ///
7571 /// ca(color_algorithm) allows to choose the Color Algorithm.
7572 /// To define the colors one can employ one of the following color algorithms
7573 /// (RGB, CMY, CIE, YIQ, HVS models). When the level of a component reaches
7574 /// the limit value one can choose either smooth transition (by decreasing
7575 /// the limit value) or a sharp modulo transition (continuing with 0 value).
7576 /// This makes possible to realize various visual effects. One can choose from
7577 /// the following set of the algorithms:
7578 ///
7579 /// - 0 = RGB Smooth
7580 /// - 1 = RGB Modulo
7581 /// - 2 = CMY Smooth
7582 /// - 3 = CMY Modulo
7583 /// - 4 = CIE Smooth
7584 /// - 5 = CIE Modulo
7585 /// - 6 = YIQ Smooth
7586 /// - 7 = YIQ Modulo
7587 /// - 8 = HVS Smooth
7588 /// - 9 = HVS Modulo
7589 ///
7590 /// This function does not apply on Simple display modes group. Default
7591 /// value is 0. Example:
7592 ///
7593 /// h2->Draw("SPEC c1(4) dm(0,1) a(30,30,0)");
7594 ///
7595 /// choose CMY Modulo to paint the "h2" histogram.
7596 ///
7597 /// lp(x,y,z) set the light position.
7598 /// In Light and LightHeight display modes groups the color palette is
7599 /// calculated according to the fictive light source position in 3-d space.
7600 /// Using this function one can change the position of the source and thus
7601 /// to achieve various graphical effects. This function does not apply for
7602 /// Simple and Height display modes groups. Default is:
7603 /// lp(1000,1000,100).
7604 ///
7605 /// s(shading,shadow) allows to set the shading.
7606 /// The picture's surface is composed of triangles. If desired the edges of
7607 /// the neighbouring triangles can be smoothed (shaded). If desired the
7608 /// display of the shadow can be painted as well. The function does not apply
7609 /// for Simple display modes group. The possible values for shading are:
7610 ///
7611 /// - 0 = Not Shaded
7612 /// - 1 = Shaded
7613 ///
7614 /// The possible values for shadow are:
7615 ///
7616 /// - 0 = Shadows are not painted
7617 /// - 1 = Shadows are painted
7618 ///
7619 /// Default values: s(1,0)
7620 ///
7621 /// b(bezier) set the Bezier smoothing.
7622 /// For Simple display modes group and for Grid, LinesX and LinesY display
7623 /// modes one can smooth data using Bezier smoothing algorithm. The function
7624 /// does not apply for other display modes groups and display modes. Possible
7625 /// values are:
7626 ///
7627 /// - 0 = No bezier smoothing
7628 /// - 1 = Bezier smoothing
7629 ///
7630 /// Default value is: b(0)
7631 ///
7632 /// cw(width) set the contour width.
7633 /// This function applies only for the Contours display mode. One can change
7634 /// the width between horizontal slices and thus their density.
7635 /// Default value: cw(50)
7636 ///
7637 /// lhw(weight) set the light height weight.
7638 /// For LightHeight display modes group one can change the weight between
7639 /// both shading algorithms. The function does not apply for other display
7640 /// modes groups. Default value is lhw(0.5).
7641 ///
7642 /// cm(enable,color,width,height,style) allows to draw a marker on each node.
7643 /// In addition to the surface drawn using any above given algorithm one can
7644 /// display channel marks. One can control the color as well as the width,
7645 /// height (in pixels) and the style of the marks. The parameter enable can
7646 /// be set to
7647 ///
7648 /// - 0 = Channel marks are not drawn
7649 /// - 1 = Channel marks drawn
7650 ///
7651 /// The possible styles can be chosen from the set:
7652 ///
7653 /// - 1 = Dot
7654 /// - 2 = Cross
7655 /// - 3 = Star
7656 /// - 4 = Rectangle
7657 /// - 5 = X
7658 /// - 6 = Diamond
7659 /// - 7 = Triangle.
7660 ///
7661 /// cg(enable,color) channel grid.
7662 /// In addition to the surface drawn using any above given algorithm one can
7663 /// display grid using the color parameter. The parameter enable can be set
7664 /// to:
7665 ///
7666 /// - 0 = Grid not drawn
7667 /// - 1 = Grid drawn
7668 ///
7669 /// See example spectrumpainter.C
7670 ///
7671 /// \image html spectrumpainter.gif
7674 {
7675  TString opt = option;
7677  TSpectrum2Painter sp(h2, bs);
7679  if (gPad->GetLogz()) sp.SetZScale(kZScaleLog);
7680  sp.SetPenAttr(h2->GetLineColor(), h2->GetLineStyle(), h2->GetLineWidth());
7682  TString token;
7683  Int_t i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
7684  Double_t f1, f2, f3;
7685  Ssiz_t from = 4;
7687  // Decode the paint options.
7688  while (opt.Tokenize(token, from, "[ (]")) {
7690  // Display Mode
7691  if (token=="dm") {
7692  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7693  if (i1<0 || i1>3) {
7694  printf("PaintSpectrum: Display modes groups should be in the [0,3] range\n");
7695  i1 = 0;
7696  }
7697  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
7698  if (i2<1 || i2>11) {
7699  printf("PaintSpectrum: Display modes should be in the [1,11] range\n");
7700  i2 = 1;
7701  }
7702  sp.SetDisplayMode(i1, i2);
7704  // Pen Attributes
7705  } else if (token=="pa") {
7706  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7707  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
7708  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i3 = token.Atoi();
7709  sp.SetPenAttr(i1, i2, i3);
7711  // Nodes
7712  } else if (token=="n") {
7713  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7714  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
7715  sp.SetNodes(i1, i2);
7717  // Color Algorithm
7718  } else if (token=="ca") {
7719  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
7720  if (i1<0 || i1>9) {
7721  printf("PaintSpectrum: Color Algorithm should be in the [0,9] range\n");
7722  i1 = 1;
7723  }
7724  sp.SetColorAlgorithm(i1);
7726  // Z Scale
7727  } else if (token=="zs") {
7728  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
7729  if (i1<0 || i1>2) {
7730  printf("PaintSpectrum: Z-Scale should be in the [0,2] range\n");
7731  i1 = 0;
7732  }
7733  sp.SetZScale(i1);
7735  // Color Increment
7736  } else if (token=="ci") {
7737  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); f1 = token.Atof();
7738  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); f2 = token.Atof();
7739  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); f3 = token.Atof();
7740  sp.SetColorIncrements(f1, f2, f3);
7742  // Light Height Weight
7743  } else if (token=="lhw") {
7744  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); f1 = token.Atof();
7745  sp.SetLightHeightWeight(f1);
7747  // Light Position
7748  } else if (token=="lp") {
7749  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7750  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
7751  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i3 = token.Atoi();
7752  sp.SetLightPosition(i1, i2, i3);
7754  // Contour Width
7755  } else if (token=="cw") {
7756  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
7757  sp.SetContourWidth(i1);
7759  // Bezier
7760  } else if (token=="b") {
7761  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
7762  if (i1<0 || i1>1) {
7763  printf("PaintSpectrum: Bezier should be in the [0,1] range\n");
7764  i1 = 0;
7765  }
7766  sp.SetBezier(i1);
7768  // Shading
7769  } else if (token=="s") {
7770  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7771  if (i1<0 || i1>1) {
7772  printf("PaintSpectrum: Shading should be in the [0,1] range\n");
7773  i1 = 0;
7774  }
7775  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
7776  if (i2<0 || i2>1) {
7777  printf("PaintSpectrum: Shadow should be in the [0,1] range\n");
7778  i2 = 0;
7779  }
7780  sp.SetShading(i1, i2);
7782  // Channel Marks
7783  } else if (token=="cm") {
7784  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7785  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
7786  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i3 = token.Atoi();
7787  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i4 = token.Atoi();
7788  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i5 = token.Atoi();
7789  sp.SetChanMarks(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
7791  // Channel Grid
7792  } else if (token=="cg") {
7793  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7794  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
7795  sp.SetChanGrid(i1, i2);
7797  // Angles
7798  } else if (token=="a" || token=="a=") {
7799  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
7800  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
7801  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i3 = token.Atoi();
7802  sp.SetAngles(i1, i2, i3);
7804  // Buffer size
7805  } else if (token=="bf") {
7806  // Nothing to do here, The option "bf" has been handle before.
7807  // But it is a valid option.
7808  opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")");
7810  // Unknown option
7811  } else {
7812  if (!token.IsNull()) {
7813  printf("Unknown option \"%s\"\n",token.Data());
7814  return;
7815  }
7816  }
7817  }
7819  sp.Paint("");
7820 }
void SetDisplayMode(Int_t modeGroup, Int_t displayMode)
Sets display group mode and display mode:
void GetDisplayMode(Int_t &modeGroup, Int_t &displayMode)
Gets display group mode and display mode: -modeGroup - the following group modes might have been set:...
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth)
Set the line width.
Definition: TAttLine.h:49
void SetAngles(Int_t alpha, Int_t beta, Int_t view)
Sets angles of the view:
virtual Double_t GetMaximum(Double_t maxval=FLT_MAX) const
Return maximum value smaller than maxval of bins in the range, unless the value has been overridden b...
Definition: TH1.cxx:7664
Double_t BezierBlend(Int_t i, Double_t bezf)
This function calculates Bezier approximation.
float xmin
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
void CopyEnvelope(Double_t xr, Double_t xs, Double_t yr, Double_t ys)
Copies envelope vector, which ensures hidden surface removal for the contours display mode...
Int_t GetFirst() const
Return first bin on the axis i.e.
Definition: TAxis.cxx:444
void SetBezier(Int_t bezier)
Sets on/off Bezier smoothing:
Float_t GetRed() const
Definition: TColor.h:60
void SetShading(Int_t shading, Int_t shadow)
Sets on/off shading and shadow switches:
void Envelope(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2)
Ensures hidden surface removal.
TLine * line
const double pi
return c
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
Definition: Rtypes.h:61
float ymin
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
Create a Box.
Definition: TBox.h:36
TH1 * h
Definition: legend2.C:5
Definition: Rtypes.h:60
void GetColorAlgorithm(Int_t &colorAlgorithm)
Gets shading color algorithm:
static void Optimize(Double_t A1, Double_t A2, Int_t nold, Double_t &BinLow, Double_t &BinHigh, Int_t &nbins, Double_t &BWID, Option_t *option="")
static function to compute reasonable axis limits
Double_t ColorCalculation(Double_t dx1, Double_t dy1, Double_t z1, Double_t dx2, Double_t dy2, Double_t z2, Double_t dx3, Double_t dy3, Double_t z3)
Calculates and returns color value for the surface triangle given by function parameters: -dx1...
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:364
virtual void SetTheta(Double_t theta=0)
Definition: TEllipse.h:79
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
virtual void SetPhimax(Double_t phi=360)
Definition: TEllipse.h:76
Short_t Min(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:170
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
TArc * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
void SetPenAttr(Int_t color, Int_t style, Int_t width)
Sets pen attributes:
virtual void SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle)
Set the fill area style.
Definition: TAttFill.h:44
int nbins[3]
Int_t fNewColorIndex
buffers&#39; size
void box(Int_t pat, Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
Definition: fillpatterns.C:1
TLatex * t1
Definition: textangle.C:20
virtual void SetR1(Double_t r1)
Definition: TEllipse.h:77
Float_t GetBlue() const
Definition: TColor.h:62
Short_t Abs(Short_t d)
Definition: TMathBase.h:110
virtual Width_t GetLineWidth() const
Return the line width.
Definition: TAttLine.h:41
double cos(double)
double beta(double x, double y)
Calculates the beta function.
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
Paint this ellipse with its current attributes.
Definition: TEllipse.cxx:519
static void PaintSpectrum(TH2 *h2, Option_t *option="", Int_t bs=1600)
This function allows to set all the possible options available in TSpectrum2Painter and paint "h2"...
virtual Style_t GetLineStyle() const
Return the line style.
Definition: TAttLine.h:40
double sqrt(double)
Double_t GetXmin() const
Definition: TAxis.h:139
static const double x2[5]
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
void GetAngles(Int_t &alpha, Int_t &beta, Int_t &view)
Gets angles of the view:
void ColorModel(unsigned ui, unsigned ui1, unsigned ui2, unsigned ui3)
This function calculates color for one palette entry given by function parameter ui.
Float_t GetGreen() const
Definition: TColor.h:61
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:33
static double p2(double t, double a, double b, double c)
static const double x4[22]
void GetNodes(Int_t &nodesx, Int_t &nodesy)
Gets nodes in both directions:
void EnvelopeBars(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2)
Ensures hidden surface removal for Bars, BarsX and BarsY display modes.
void SetContourWidth(Int_t width)
Sets width between horizontal slices:
double sin(double)
virtual void ResetAttLine(Option_t *option="")
Reset this line attributes to default values.
Definition: TAttLine.cxx:250
void GetLightHeightWeight(Double_t &weight)
Gets weight between shading according to fictive light source and according to channels counts: ...
void SetChanMarks(Int_t enable, Int_t color, Int_t width, Int_t height, Int_t style)
Sets enables/disables drawing of channel marks and sets their attributes:
virtual Int_t GetNdivisions() const
Definition: TAttAxis.h:41
virtual void PaintLine(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
Draw this line with new coordinates.
Definition: TLine.cxx:380
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor)
Set the line color.
Definition: TAttLine.h:46
void GetContourWidth(Int_t &width)
Gets width between horizontal slices:
virtual void SetY1(Double_t y1)
Definition: TEllipse.h:81
float ymax
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
void BezierSmoothing(Double_t bezf)
Calculates screen coordinates of the smoothed point.
virtual void PaintAxis(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax, Double_t &wmin, Double_t &wmax, Int_t &ndiv, Option_t *chopt="", Double_t gridlength=0, Bool_t drawGridOnly=kFALSE)
Control function to draw an axis.
Definition: TGaxis.cxx:742
TRandom2 r(17)
Int_t GetLast() const
Return last bin on the axis i.e.
Definition: TAxis.cxx:455
Service class for 2-Dim histogram classes.
Definition: TH2.h:36
SVector< double, 2 > v
Definition: Dict.h:5
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
Set the fill area color.
Definition: TAttFill.h:42
virtual void SetX1(Double_t x1)
Definition: TEllipse.h:80
void Transform(Int_t it, Int_t jt, Int_t zmt)
Reads out the value from histogram and calculates screen coordinates.
virtual ~TSpectrum2Painter()
TSpectrum2Painter destructor.
void GetShading(Int_t &shading, Int_t &shadow)
Gets shading and shadow switches:
void GetPenAttr(Int_t &color, Int_t &style, Int_t &width)
Gets pen attributes: -color - color of spectrum -style - style of pen (solid, dash, dot, dash-dot) -width - width of pen in pixels.
void GetColorIncrements(Double_t &r, Double_t &g, Double_t &b)
Gets color increments between two color levels for r, g, b components:
virtual void SetR2(Double_t r2)
Definition: TEllipse.h:78
A simple line.
Definition: TLine.h:33
short Short_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:35
void GetChanGrid(Int_t &enable, Int_t &color)
This function gets attributes for drawing channel:
The axis painter class.
Definition: TGaxis.h:30
TAxis * GetYaxis()
Definition: TH1.h:325
float xmax
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
static double p1(double t, double a, double b)
double asin(double)
virtual void PaintBox(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Option_t *option="")
Draw this box with new coordinates.
Definition: TBox.cxx:627
void DrawMarker(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t w, Int_t h, Int_t type)
Draws channel mark at the screen coordinates x, y.
void GetChanMarks(Int_t &enable, Int_t &color, Int_t &width, Int_t &height, Int_t &style)
Gets drawing attributes for channel marks:
virtual Double_t GetMinimum(Double_t minval=-FLT_MAX) const
Return minimum value larger than minval of bins in the range, unless the value has been overridden by...
Definition: TH1.cxx:7749
virtual Color_t GetLineColor() const
Return the line color.
Definition: TAttLine.h:39
Two-dimensional graphics function.
virtual void SetPhimin(Double_t phi=0)
Definition: TEllipse.h:75
void GetLightPosition(Int_t &x, Int_t &y, Int_t &z)
Gets position of fictive light source in 3D space:
int Ssiz_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:63
TObjArray * Tokenize(const TString &delim) const
This function is used to isolate sequential tokens in a TString.
Definition: TString.cxx:2241
void SetLabelOffset(Float_t labeloffset)
Definition: TGaxis.h:113
static const double x1[5]
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
double f(double x)
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
Double_t ShadowColorCalculation(Double_t xtaz, Double_t ytaz, Double_t ztaz, Double_t shad_noise)
Determines whether the center of the triangle in 3-d space given by function parameters: ...
TCanvas * style()
Definition: style.C:1
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
The color creation and management class.
Definition: TColor.h:23
void SetChanGrid(Int_t enable, Int_t color)
This function sets enables/disables drawing of channel grid and sets its color: -enable - decides whe...
Draw Ellipses.
Definition: TEllipse.h:36
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle)
Set the line style.
Definition: TAttLine.h:48
Bool_t IsNull() const
Definition: TString.h:387
void GetBezier(Int_t &bezier)
Gets Bezier smoothing switch:
void SetLightHeightWeight(Double_t weight)
Sets weight between shading according to fictive light source and according to channels counts: ...
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t z
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
void Paint(Option_t *option)
Paints histogram according to preset parameters.
void SetColorIncrements(Double_t r, Double_t g, Double_t b)
Sets color increments between two color levels for r, g, b components:
void SetNodes(Int_t nodesx, Int_t nodesy)
Sets nodes in both directions:
virtual void Paint(Option_t *chopt="")
Draw this axis with its current attributes.
Definition: TGaxis.cxx:721
double f2(const double *x)
void SetLightPosition(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z)
Sets position of fictive light source in 3D space:
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:202
1-Dim function class
Definition: TF1.h:149
void SetColorAlgorithm(Int_t colorAlgorithm)
Sets shading color algorithm:
TF1 * f1
Definition: legend1.C:11
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
Float_t GetLabelOffset() const
Definition: TGaxis.h:87
virtual Double_t GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
Return content of bin number bin.
Definition: TH2.h:90
#define gPad
Definition: TVirtualPad.h:289
Int_t Atoi() const
Return integer value of string.
Definition: TString.cxx:1965
Double_t Atof() const
Return floating-point value contained in string.
Definition: TString.cxx:2031
Definition: Rtypes.h:61
double exp(double)
void Slice(Double_t xr, Double_t yr, Double_t xs, Double_t ys, TLine *line)
Calculates screen coordinates of the line given by two nodes for contours display mode...
void GetZScale(Int_t &scale)
Gets z-axis scale:
Float_t GetTickSize() const
Definition: TGaxis.h:98
Double_t GetXmax() const
Definition: TAxis.h:140
double log(double)
TAxis * GetXaxis()
Definition: TH1.h:324
Int_t BezC(Int_t i)
This function is called from BezierBlend function.
void SetZScale(Int_t scale)
Sets z-axis scale:
static const double x3[11]
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:349