Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/cont:$Id$
2 // Author: Rene Brun 02/10/2001
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 /** \class TRefArray
13 \ingroup Containers
14 An array of references to TObjects. The array expands automatically
15 when objects are added (shrinking can be done by hand using Expand() )
17 The TRefArray can be filled with:
18 ~~~ {.cpp}
19  array.Add(obj)
20  array.AddAt(obj,i)
21  but not array[i] = obj !!!
22 ~~~
23 The array elements can be retrieved with:
24 ~~~ {.cpp}
25  TObject *obj = array.At(i);
26 ~~~
27 By default the TRefArray 'points' to the current process and can only
28 receive object that have been created in this process.
29 To point the TRefArray to a different process do:
30 ~~~ {.cpp}
31  TRefArray array( processId );
32 ~~~
33 For example, if 'obj' is an instance that was created in the different
34 process and you do:
35 ~~~ {.cpp}
36  TRefArray array( TProcessID::GetProcessWithUID( obj ) );
37 ~~~
38 Then
39 ~~~ {.cpp}
40  array.Add(obj);
41 ~~~
42 is correct (obj comes from the process the array is pointed to
43 while
44 ~~~ {.cpp}
45  TObject *nobj = new TObject;
46  array.Add(nobj);
47 ~~~
48 is incorrect since 'nobj' was created in a different process than the
49 one the array is pointed to. In this case you will see error message:
50 ~~~ {.cpp}
51  Error in <TRefArray::AddAtAndExpand>: The object at 0x... is not
52  registered in the process the TRefArray point to
53  (pid = ProcessID../....)
54 ~~~
55 When a TRefArray is Streamed, only the pointer unique id is written,
56 not the referenced object. TRefArray may be assigned to different
57 branches of one Tree or several Trees.
58 The branch containing the TRefArray can be read before or after the
59 array (eg TClonesArray, STL vector,..) of the referenced objects.
61 See an example in $ROOTSYS/test/Event.h
63 ### RESTRICTIONS when using TRefArray
65  - Elements in a TRefArray cannot point to a TFile or TDirectory.
66  - All elements of a TRefArray must be set in the same process,
67  In particular, one cannot modify some elements of the array in
68  a different process.
70 Use an array of TRef when one of the above restrictions is met.
72 The number of TRef handled by a single process id is limited to
73 16777215 (see TRef for more detail). When the TProcessID is full
74 (has seen 16777215 objects), we switch to new one TProcessID
75 maximum 65535 including the TProcessIDs read from file).
76 However TRefArray can not switch to new TProcessID if they already
77 contain objects.
79 When the TProcessID has been switched due to overflow and an new
80 object is added to an existing, empty TRefArray, you will see:
82 ~~~ {.cpp}
83 Warning in <TRefArray::AddAtAndExpand>: The ProcessID for the 0x5f83819e8 has been switched to ProcessID4/6c89f37e-8259-11e2-9717-166ee183beef:4
84 ~~~
85 If the TRefArray was not empty, you will see:
87 ~~~ {.cpp}
88 Error in <TRefArray::AddAtAndExpand>: The object at %p can not be registered in the process the TRefArray points to (pid = ProcessID4/6c89f37e-8259-11e2-9717-166ee183beef) because the ProcessID has too many objects and the TRefArray already contains other objects.
89 ~~~
90 When running out of TProcessIds, you will see:
92 ~~~ {.cpp}
93 Warning in <TProcessID::AddProcessID>: Maximum number of TProcessID (65535) is almost reached (one left). TRef will stop being functional when the limit is reached.
94 Fatal in <TProcessID::AddProcessID>: Maximum number of TProcessID (65535) has been reached. TRef are not longer functional.
95 ~~~
96 */
98 #include "TRefArray.h"
99 #include "TRefTable.h"
100 #include "TError.h"
101 #include "TBits.h"
102 #include "TSystem.h"
103 #include "TROOT.h"
107 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
108 /// default constructor
111 {
112  fPID = pid ? pid : TProcessID::GetSessionProcessID();
113  fUIDs = 0;
114  fSize = 0;
115  fLast = -1;
116  fLowerBound = 0;
117  Changed();
118 }
120 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
121 /// Create an object array. Using s one can set the array size
122 /// and lowerBound can be used to set the array lowerbound
123 /// index (default is 0).
126 {
127  if (s < 0) {
128  Warning("TRefArray", "size (%d) < 0", s);
130  }
132  fPID = pid ? pid : TProcessID::GetSessionProcessID();
133  fUIDs = 0;
134  Init(s, 0);
135 }
137 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
138 /// Create an object array. Using s one can set the array size
139 /// and lowerBound can be used to set the array lowerbound
140 /// index (default is 0).
143 {
144  if (s < 0) {
145  Warning("TRefArray", "size (%d) < 0", s);
147  }
149  fPID = pid ? pid : TProcessID::GetSessionProcessID();
150  fUIDs = 0;
151  Init(s, lowerBound);
152 }
154 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
155 /// Create a copy of TRefArray a.
158 {
159  fPID = a.fPID;
160  fUIDs = 0;
161  Init(a.fSize, a.fLowerBound);
163  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++)
164  fUIDs[i] = a.fUIDs[i];
166  fLast = a.fLast;
167  fName = a.fName;
168 }
170 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171 /// Assignment operator.
174 {
175  if (this != &a) {
176  // Copy this by hand because the assignment operator
177  // of TCollection is private
178  fName = a.fName;
179  fSize = a.fSize;
180  fSorted = a.fSorted;
182  fPID = a.fPID;
183  Init(a.fSize, a.fLowerBound);
185  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++)
186  fUIDs[i] = a.fUIDs[i];
188  fLast = a.fLast;
189  fName = a.fName;
190  }
191  return *this;
192 }
194 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195 /// Usual destructor (The object pointed to by the array are never deleted).
198 {
199  if (fUIDs) delete [] fUIDs;
200  fPID = 0;
201  fUIDs = 0;
202  fSize = 0;
203 }
205 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
206 /// Private/static function, check for validity of pid.
208 Bool_t TRefArray::GetObjectUID(Int_t &uid, TObject *obj, const char *methodname)
209 {
210  // Check if the object can belong here.
211  Bool_t valid = kTRUE;
212  if (obj->TestBit(kHasUUID)) {
213  valid = kFALSE;
214  } else if (obj->TestBit(kIsReferenced)) {
215  valid = (fPID == TProcessID::GetProcessWithUID(obj));
216  if (valid) {
217  uid = obj->GetUniqueID();
218  } else {
219  if (GetAbsLast() < 0) {
220  // The container is empty, we can switch the ProcessID.
222  valid = kTRUE;
223  if (gDebug > 3)
224  Info(TString::Format("TRefArray::%s",methodname),"The ProcessID for the %p has been switched to %s/%s:%d.",
225  this,fPID->GetName(),fPID->GetTitle(),fPID->GetUniqueID());
226  }
227  }
228  } else {
229  // If we could, we would just add the object to the
230  // TRefArray's ProcessID. For now, just check the
231  // ProcessID it would be added to, i.e the current one,
232  // is not full.
234  if (!(TProcessID::GetObjectCount() >= 16777215)) {
235  valid = (fPID == TProcessID::GetSessionProcessID());
236  if (valid) {
237  uid = TProcessID::AssignID(obj);
238  }
239  } else {
240  // The AssignID will create a new TProcessID.
241  if (GetAbsLast() < 0) {
242  // If we are empty, we can handle it.
243  uid = TProcessID::AssignID(obj);
245  Warning(TString::Format("TRefArray::%s",methodname),"The ProcessID for the %p has been switched to %s/%s:%d. There are too many referenced objects.",
246  this,fPID->GetName(),fPID->GetTitle(),fPID->GetUniqueID());
247  return kTRUE;
248  } else {
249  Error(TString::Format("TRefArray::%s",methodname),"The object at %p can not be registered in the process the TRefArray points to (pid = %s/%s) because the ProcessID has too many objects and the TRefArray already contains other objects.",obj,fPID->GetName(),fPID->GetTitle());
250  return kFALSE;
251  }
252  }
253  }
255  if (!valid) {
256  ::Error(TString::Format("TRefArray::%s",methodname),
257  "The object at %p is not registered in the process the TRefArray points to (pid = %s/%s)",obj,fPID->GetName(),fPID->GetTitle());
258  }
259  return valid;
260 }
262 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
263 /// Add object in the first slot of the array. This will overwrite the
264 /// first element that might have been there. To have insertion semantics
265 /// use either a TList or a TOrdCollection.
268 {
269  if (!obj) return;
271  // Check if the object can belong here
272  Int_t uid;
273  if (GetObjectUID(uid, obj, "AddFirst")) {
274  fUIDs[0] = uid;
275  Changed();
276  }
277 }
279 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
280 /// Add object in the next empty slot in the array. Expand the array
281 /// if necessary.
284 {
286 }
288 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
289 /// Add object in the slot before object before. If before=0 add object
290 /// in the first slot. Note that this will overwrite any object that
291 /// might have already been in this slot. For insertion semantics use
292 /// either a TList or a TOrdCollection.
294 void TRefArray::AddBefore(const TObject *before, TObject *obj)
295 {
296  if (!before)
297  AddFirst(obj);
298  else {
299  Int_t idx = IndexOf(before) - fLowerBound;
300  if (idx == -1) {
301  Error("AddBefore", "before not found, object not added");
302  return;
303  }
304  if (idx == 0) {
305  Error("AddBefore", "cannot add before lowerbound (%d)", fLowerBound);
306  return;
307  }
308  AddAt(obj, idx+fLowerBound-1);
309  }
310 }
312 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
313 /// Add object in the slot after object after. If after=0 add object in
314 /// the last empty slot. Note that this will overwrite any object that
315 /// might have already been in this slot. For insertion semantics use
316 /// either a TList or a TOrdCollection.
318 void TRefArray::AddAfter(const TObject *after, TObject *obj)
319 {
320  if (!after)
321  AddLast(obj);
322  else {
323  Int_t idx = IndexOf(after) - fLowerBound;
324  if (idx == -1) {
325  Error("AddAfter", "after not found, object not added");
326  return;
327  }
328  AddAtAndExpand(obj, idx+fLowerBound+1);
329  }
330 }
332 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
333 /// Add object at position idx. If idx is larger than the current size
334 /// of the array, expand the array (double its size).
337 {
338  if (!obj) return;
339  if (idx < fLowerBound) {
340  Error("AddAt", "out of bounds at %d in %lx", idx, (Long_t)this);
341  return;
342  }
343  if (idx-fLowerBound >= fSize)
346  // Check if the object can belong here
347  Int_t uid;
348  if (GetObjectUID(uid, obj, "AddAtAndExpand")) {
349  fUIDs[idx-fLowerBound] = uid;
351  Changed();
352  }
353 }
355 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
356 /// Add object at position ids. Give an error when idx is out of bounds
357 /// (i.e. the array is not expanded).
360 {
361  if (!obj) return;
362  if (!BoundsOk("AddAt", idx)) return;
364  // Check if the object can belong here
365  Int_t uid;
366  if (GetObjectUID(uid, obj, "AddAt")) {
367  fUIDs[idx-fLowerBound] = uid;;
369  Changed();
370  }
371 }
373 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
374 /// Return the position of the new object.
375 /// Find the first empty cell or AddLast if there is no empty cell
378 {
379  if (!obj) return 0;
380  if (Last()) { // <---------- This is to take in account "empty" TRefArray's
381  Int_t i;
382  for (i = 0; i < fSize; i++)
383  if (!fUIDs[i]) { // Add object at position i
384  // Check if the object can belong here
385  Int_t uid;
386  if (GetObjectUID(uid, obj, "AddAtFree")) {
387  fUIDs[i] = uid;
388  fLast = TMath::Max(i, GetAbsLast());
389  Changed();
390  return i+fLowerBound;
391  }
392  }
393  }
394  AddLast(obj);
395  return GetLast();
396 }
398 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
399 /// Return the object after obj. Returns 0 if obj is last object.
401 TObject *TRefArray::After(const TObject *obj) const
402 {
403  if (!obj || !fPID) return 0;
405  Int_t idx = IndexOf(obj) - fLowerBound;
406  if (idx == -1 || idx == fSize-1) return 0;
408  return fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[idx+1]);
409 }
411 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
412 /// Return the object before obj. Returns 0 if obj is first object.
415 {
416  if (!obj || !fPID) return 0;
418  Int_t idx = IndexOf(obj) - fLowerBound;
419  if (idx == -1 || idx == 0) return 0;
421  return fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[idx-1]);
422 }
424 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
425 /// Remove all objects from the array.
428 {
429  fLast = - 1;
431  for (Int_t j=0 ; j < fSize; j++) fUIDs[j] = 0;
433  Changed();
434 }
436 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
437 /// Remove empty slots from array.
440 {
441  Int_t j = 0;
443  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++) {
444  if (fUIDs[i]) {
445  fUIDs[j] = fUIDs[i];
446  j++;
447  }
448  }
450  fLast = j - 1;
452  for ( ; j < fSize; j++) fUIDs[j] = 0;
453 }
455 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
456 /// Remove all objects from the array and free the internal memory.
459 {
460  fLast = -1;
462  fSize = 0;
463  if (fUIDs) {
464  delete [] fUIDs;
465  fUIDs = 0;
466  }
468  Changed();
469 }
471 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
472 /// Expand or shrink the array to newSize elements.
475 {
476  if (newSize < 0) {
477  Error ("Expand", "newSize must be positive (%d)", newSize);
478  return;
479  }
480  if (newSize == fSize) return;
481  UInt_t *temp = fUIDs;
482  if (newSize != 0) {
483  fUIDs = new UInt_t[newSize];
484  if (newSize < fSize) memcpy(fUIDs,temp, newSize*sizeof(UInt_t));
485  else {
486  memcpy(fUIDs,temp,fSize*sizeof(UInt_t));
487  memset(&fUIDs[fSize],0,(newSize-fSize)*sizeof(UInt_t));
488  }
489  } else {
490  fUIDs = 0;
491  }
492  if (temp) delete [] temp;
493  fSize = newSize;
494 }
496 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
497 ///the reference may be in the TRefTable
500 {
502  if (table) {
503  table->SetUID(fUIDs[idx], fPID);
504  table->Notify();
505  return fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[idx]);
506  }
507  return 0;
508 }
510 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
511 /// Stream all objects in the array to or from the I/O buffer.
513 void TRefArray::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
514 {
515  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
516  Int_t nobjects;
517  UShort_t pidf;
518  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
519  R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
520  TObject::Streamer(R__b);
521  fName.Streamer(R__b);
522  R__b >> nobjects;
523  R__b >> fLowerBound;
524  if (nobjects >= fSize) Expand(nobjects);
525  fLast = -1;
526  R__b >> pidf;
527  pidf += R__b.GetPidOffset();
528  fPID = R__b.ReadProcessID(pidf);
529  if (gDebug > 1) printf("Reading TRefArray, pidf=%d, fPID=%lx, nobjects=%d\n",pidf,(Long_t)fPID,nobjects);
530  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
531  R__b >> fUIDs[i];
532  if (fUIDs[i] != 0) fLast = i;
533  if (gDebug > 1) {
534  printf(" %d",fUIDs[i]);
535  if ((i > 0 && i%10 == 0) || (i == nobjects-1)) printf("\n");
536  }
537  }
538  memset(&fUIDs[fLast+1], 0, (fSize - fLast - 1)*sizeof(fUIDs[0]));
539  Changed();
540  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c,TRefArray::IsA());
541  } else {
542  R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(TRefArray::IsA(), kTRUE);
543  TObject::Streamer(R__b);
544  fName.Streamer(R__b);
545  nobjects = GetAbsLast()+1;
546  R__b << nobjects;
547  R__b << fLowerBound;
548  pidf = R__b.WriteProcessID(fPID);
549  R__b << pidf;
550  if (gDebug > 1) printf("Writing TRefArray, pidf=%d, fPID=%lx, nobjects=%d\n",pidf,(Long_t)fPID,nobjects);
552  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
553  R__b << fUIDs[i];
554  if (gDebug > 1) {
555  printf(" %d",fUIDs[i]);
556  if ((i > 0 && i%10 == 0) || (i == nobjects-1)) printf("\n");
557  }
558  }
559  R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
560  }
561 }
563 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
564 /// Return the object in the first slot.
567 {
568  return fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[0]);
569 }
571 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
572 /// Return the object in the last filled slot. Returns 0 if no entries.
575 {
576  if (fLast == -1)
577  return 0;
578  else
579  return fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[GetAbsLast()]);
580 }
582 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
583 /// Return the number of objects in array (i.e. number of non-empty slots).
584 /// Attention: use this method ONLY if you want to know the number of
585 /// non-empty slots. This function loops over the complete array and
586 /// is therefore very slow when applied in a loop. Most of the time you
587 /// better use GetLast()+1.
590 {
591  Int_t cnt = 0;
593  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++)
594  if (fUIDs[i]) cnt++;
596  return cnt;
597 }
599 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
600 /// Return absolute index to last object in array. Returns -1 in case
601 /// array is empty.
604 {
605  // For efficiency we need sometimes to update fLast so we have
606  // to cast const away. Ugly, but making GetAbsLast() not const breaks
607  // many other const functions.
608  if (fLast == -2) {
609  for (Int_t i = fSize-1; i >= 0; i--)
610  if (fUIDs[i]) {
611  ((TRefArray*)this)->fLast = i;
612  return fLast;
613  }
614  ((TRefArray*)this)->fLast = -1;
615  }
616  return fLast;
617 }
619 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
620 /// Return index of last object in array. Returns lowerBound-1 in case
621 /// array is empty.
624 {
625  return fLowerBound+GetAbsLast();
626 }
628 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
629 /// Return address of pointer obj.
632 {
633  //Int_t index = IndexOf(obj);
634  //return &fCont[index];
635  return 0;
636 }
638 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
639 /// Return UID of element at.
642 {
643  int j = at-fLowerBound;
644  if (j >= 0 && j < fSize) {
645  if (!fPID) return 0;
646  return fUIDs[j];
647  }
648  BoundsOk("At", at);
649  return 0;
650 }
652 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
653 /// - obj != 0 Return index of object in array.
654 /// Returns lowerBound-1 in case array doesn't contain the obj.
655 ///
656 /// - obj == 0 Return the index of the first empty slot.
657 /// Returns lowerBound-1 in case array doesn't contain any empty slot.
660 {
661  Int_t i;
662  if (obj) {
663  if (!TProcessID::IsValid(fPID)) {
664  return fLowerBound-1;
665  }
666  for (i = 0; i < fSize; i++)
667  if (fUIDs[i] && fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[i]) == obj)
668  return i+fLowerBound;
669  } else { // Look for the first empty slot
670  for (i = 0; i < fSize; i++)
671  if (!fUIDs[i])
672  return i+fLowerBound;
673  }
675  return fLowerBound-1;
676 }
678 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
679 /// Initialize a TRefArray.
681 void TRefArray::Init(Int_t s, Int_t lowerBound)
682 {
683  if (fUIDs && fSize != s) {
684  delete [] fUIDs;
685  fUIDs = 0;
686  }
688  fSize = s;
690  if (fSize) {
691  fUIDs = new UInt_t[fSize];
692  for (Int_t i=0;i<s;i++) fUIDs[i] = 0;
693  } else {
694  fUIDs = 0;
695  }
696  fLowerBound = lowerBound;
697  fLast = -1;
698  Changed();
699 }
701 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
702 /// Returns an array iterator.
705 {
706  return new TRefArrayIter(this, dir);
707 }
709 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
710 /// Generate an out-of-bounds error. Always returns false.
712 Bool_t TRefArray::OutOfBoundsError(const char *where, Int_t i) const
713 {
714  Error(where, "index %d out of bounds (size: %d, this: 0x%lx)", i, fSize, (Long_t)this);
715  return kFALSE;
716 }
718 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
719 /// Remove object at index idx.
722 {
723  if (!BoundsOk("RemoveAt", idx)) return 0;
725  int i = idx-fLowerBound;
727  TObject *obj = 0;
728  if (fUIDs[i]) {
729  if (!TProcessID::IsValid(fPID)) return 0;
730  obj = fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[i]);
731  fUIDs[i] = 0;
732  // recalculate array size
733  if (i == fLast)
734  do {
735  fLast--;
736  } while (fLast >= 0 && fUIDs[fLast] == 0);
737  Changed();
738  }
740  return obj;
741 }
743 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
744 /// Remove object from array.
747 {
748  if (!obj) return 0;
750  Int_t idx = IndexOf(obj) - fLowerBound;
752  if (idx == -1) return 0;
754  TObject *ob = fPID->GetObjectWithID(fUIDs[idx]);
755  fUIDs[idx] = 0;
756  // recalculate array size
757  if (idx == fLast)
758  do {
759  fLast--;
760  } while (fLast >= 0 && fUIDs[fLast] == 0);
761  Changed();
762  return ob;
763 }
765 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
766 /// Set index of last object in array, effectively truncating the
767 /// array. Use carefully since whenever last position has to be
768 /// recalculated, e.g. after a Remove() or Sort() it will be reset
769 /// to the last non-empty slot. If last is -2 this will force the
770 /// recalculation of the last used slot.
773 {
774  if (last == -2)
775  fLast = -2;
776  else if (BoundsOk("SetLast", last))
777  fLast = last - fLowerBound;
778 }
780 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
781 /// If objects in array are sortable (i.e. IsSortable() returns true
782 /// for all objects) then sort array.
785 {
786  Error("Sort","Function not yet implemented");
787 /*
788  if (GetAbsLast() == -1 || fSorted) return;
789  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++)
790  if (fUIDs[i]) {
791  if (!fUIDs[i]->IsSortable()) {
792  Error("Sort", "objects in array are not sortable");
793  return;
794  }
795  }
797  QSort(fUIDs, 0, TMath::Min(fSize, upto-fLowerBound));
799  fLast = -2;
800  fSorted = kTRUE;
801 */
802 }
804 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
805 /// Find object using a binary search. Array must first have been sorted.
806 /// Search can be limited by setting upto to desired index.
809 {
810  Error("BinarySearch","Function not yet implemented");
811 /*
812  Int_t base, position, last, result = 0;
813  TObject *op2;
815  if (!op) return -1;
817  if (!fSorted) {
818  Error("BinarySearch", "array must first be sorted");
819  return -1;
820  }
822  base = 0;
823  last = TMath::Min(fSize, upto-fLowerBound) - 1;
825  while (last >= base) {
826  //position = (base+last) / 2;
827  //op2 = fCont[position];
828  //if (op2 && (result = op->Compare(op2)) == 0)
829  // return position + fLowerBound;
830  //if (!op2 || result < 0)
831  // last = position-1;
832  //else
833  // base = position+1;
834  }
835 */
836  return -1;
837 }
839 /** \class TRefArrayIter
840 Iterator of object array.
841 */
845 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
846 /// Create array iterator. By default the iteration direction
847 /// is kIterForward. To go backward use kIterBackward.
850 {
851  fArray = arr;
852  fDirection = dir;
853  Reset();
854 }
856 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
857 /// Copy ctor.
860 {
861  fArray = iter.fArray;
862  fDirection = iter.fDirection;
863  fCursor = iter.fCursor;
864  fCurCursor = iter.fCurCursor;
865 }
867 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
868 /// Overridden assignment operator.
871 {
872  if (this != &rhs && rhs.IsA() == TRefArrayIter::Class()) {
873  const TRefArrayIter &rhs1 = (const TRefArrayIter &)rhs;
874  fArray = rhs1.fArray;
875  fDirection = rhs1.fDirection;
876  fCursor = rhs1.fCursor;
877  fCurCursor = rhs1.fCurCursor;
878  }
879  return *this;
880 }
882 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
883 /// Overloaded assignment operator.
886 {
887  if (this != &rhs) {
888  fArray = rhs.fArray;
889  fDirection = rhs.fDirection;
890  fCursor = rhs.fCursor;
891  fCurCursor = rhs.fCurCursor;
892  }
893  return *this;
894 }
896 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
897 /// Return next object in array. Returns 0 when no more objects in array.
900 {
901  if (fDirection == kIterForward) {
902  for ( ; fCursor < fArray->Capacity() && fArray->At(fCursor+fArray->LowerBound()) == 0;
903  fCursor++) { }
906  if (fCursor < fArray->Capacity()) {
907  fCursor++;
908  return fArray->At(fCurCursor+fArray->LowerBound());
909  }
910  } else {
911  for ( ; fCursor >= 0 && fArray->At(fCursor) == 0;
912  fCursor--) { }
915  if (fCursor >= 0) {
916  fCursor--;
917  return fArray->At(fCurCursor+fArray->LowerBound());
918  }
919  }
920  return 0;
921 }
923 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
924 /// Reset array iterator.
927 {
928  if (fDirection == kIterForward)
929  fCursor = 0;
930  else
931  fCursor = fArray->Capacity() - 1;
934 }
936 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
937 /// This operator compares two TIterator objects.
940 {
941  if (aIter.IsA() == TRefArrayIter::Class()) {
942  const TRefArrayIter &iter(dynamic_cast<const TRefArrayIter &>(aIter));
943  return (fCurCursor != iter.fCurCursor);
944  }
945  return false; // for base class we don't implement a comparison
946 }
948 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
949 /// This operator compares two TRefArrayIter objects.
952 {
953  return (fCurCursor != aIter.fCurCursor);
954 }
956 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
957 /// Return current object or nullptr.
960 {
961  return (((fCurCursor >= 0) && (fCurCursor < fArray->Capacity())) ?
962  fArray->At(fCurCursor) : nullptr);
963 }
virtual Int_t AddAtFree(TObject *obj)
Return the position of the new object.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:377
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:51
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID() const
Return the unique object id.
Definition: TObject.cxx:434
Bool_t IsReading() const
Definition: TBuffer.h:83
void Init(Int_t s, Int_t lowerBound)
Initialize a TRefArray.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:681
TObject * GetFromTable(Int_t idx) const
the reference may be in the TRefTable
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:499
virtual void Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue info message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:899
TObject ** GetObjectRef(const TObject *obj) const
Return address of pointer obj.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:631
TIterator & operator=(const TIterator &rhs)
Overridden assignment operator.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:870
const TRefArray * fArray
Definition: TRefArray.h:132
virtual void Sort(Int_t upto=kMaxInt)
If objects in array are sortable (i.e.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:784
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
virtual void Expand(Int_t newSize)
Expand or shrink the array to newSize elements.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:474
TObject * operator*() const
Return current object or nullptr.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:959
Int_t GetLast() const
Return index of last object in array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:623
unsigned short UShort_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:36
Bool_t TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Definition: TObject.h:157
Buffer base class used for serializing objects.
Definition: TBuffer.h:42
TObject * After(const TObject *obj) const
Return the object after obj. Returns 0 if obj is last object.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:401
virtual Int_t CheckByteCount(UInt_t startpos, UInt_t bcnt, const TClass *clss)=0
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
TArc * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
An array of references to TObjects.
Definition: TRefArray.h:43
TString fName
Definition: TCollection.h:62
Bool_t operator!=(const TIterator &aIter) const
This operator compares two TIterator objects.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:939
virtual UShort_t GetPidOffset() const =0
virtual UInt_t WriteVersion(const TClass *cl, Bool_t useBcnt=kFALSE)=0
const char * Class
Definition: TXMLSetup.cxx:64
void SetLast(Int_t last)
Set index of last object in array, effectively truncating the array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:772
virtual Int_t BinarySearch(TObject *obj, Int_t upto=kMaxInt)
Find object using a binary search.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:808
virtual void AddLast(TObject *obj)
Add object in the next empty slot in the array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:283
Iterator abstract base class.
Definition: TIterator.h:32
virtual ~TRefArray()
Usual destructor (The object pointed to by the array are never deleted).
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:197
Sequenceable collection abstract base class.
virtual TProcessID * ReadProcessID(UShort_t pidf)=0
Return the current Process-ID.
Definition: TBuffer.cxx:313
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString...
Definition: TString.cxx:2335
virtual void Changed()
Int_t GetEntries() const
Return the number of objects in array (i.e.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:589
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Definition: TRefArray.h:184
Bool_t OutOfBoundsError(const char *where, Int_t i) const
Generate an out-of-bounds error. Always returns false.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:712
virtual void AddFirst(TObject *obj)
Add object in the first slot of the array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:267
UInt_t * fUIDs
Definition: TRefArray.h:49
const Bool_t kIterForward
Definition: TCollection.h:43
Bool_t fDirection
Definition: TRefArray.h:135
A TProcessID identifies a ROOT job in a unique way in time and space.
Definition: TProcessID.h:73
Bool_t GetObjectUID(Int_t &uid, TObject *obj, const char *methodname)
Private/static function, check for validity of pid.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:208
TObject * Last() const
Return the object in the last filled slot. Returns 0 if no entries.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:574
Int_t LowerBound() const
Definition: TRefArray.h:101
Int_t fCurCursor
Definition: TRefArray.h:133
virtual UShort_t WriteProcessID(TProcessID *pid)=0
Always return 0 (current processID).
Definition: TBuffer.cxx:322
Iterator of object array.
Definition: TRefArray.h:126
Int_t fCursor
Definition: TRefArray.h:134
virtual Int_t GrowBy(Int_t delta) const
Increase the collection&#39;s capacity by delta slots.
static TProcessID * GetProcessWithUID(const TObject *obj)
static function returning a pointer to TProcessID with its pid encoded in the highest byte of obj->Ge...
Definition: TProcessID.cxx:267
virtual void AddAt(TObject *obj, Int_t idx)
Add object at position ids.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:359
virtual void Compress()
Remove empty slots from array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:439
Int_t fLowerBound
Definition: TRefArray.h:50
if object has a TUUID (its fUniqueID=UUIDNumber)
Definition: TObject.h:60
Int_t GetAbsLast() const
Return absolute index to last object in array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:603
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:925
Int_t fSize
Definition: TCollection.h:63
virtual void SetByteCount(UInt_t cntpos, Bool_t packInVersion=kFALSE)=0
void Reset(Detail::TBranchProxy *x)
UInt_t GetUID(Int_t at) const
Return UID of element at.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:641
TObject * Before(const TObject *obj) const
Return the object before obj. Returns 0 if obj is first object.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:414
TObject * GetObjectWithID(UInt_t uid)
returns the TObject with unique identifier uid in the table of objects
Definition: TProcessID.cxx:302
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
virtual void AddAtAndExpand(TObject *obj, Int_t idx)
Add object at position idx.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:336
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
virtual void Delete(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the array and free the internal memory.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:458
virtual void Clear(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:427
static TRefTable * GetRefTable()
Static function returning the current TRefTable.
Definition: TRefTable.cxx:287
TRefArray(TProcessID *pid=0)
default constructor
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:110
virtual void AddAfter(const TObject *after, TObject *obj)
Add object in the slot after object after.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:318
A TRefTable maintains the association between a referenced object and the parent object supporting th...
Definition: TRefTable.h:37
TObject * Next()
Return next object in array. Returns 0 when no more objects in array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:899
static TProcessID * GetSessionProcessID()
static function returning the pointer to the session TProcessID
Definition: TProcessID.cxx:275
friend class TRefArrayIter
Definition: TRefArray.h:45
Bool_t BoundsOk(const char *where, Int_t at) const
Definition: TRefArray.h:163
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
void Reset()
Reset array iterator.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:926
Int_t IndexOf(const TObject *obj) const
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:659
TObject * First() const
Return the object in the first slot.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:566
TProcessID * fPID
Definition: TRefArray.h:48
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:202
Int_t Capacity() const
Definition: TCollection.h:80
static UInt_t AssignID(TObject *obj)
static function returning the ID assigned to obj If the object is not yet referenced, its kIsReferenced bit is set and its fUniqueID set to the current number of referenced objects so far.
Definition: TProcessID.cxx:139
TIterator * MakeIterator(Bool_t dir=kIterForward) const
Returns an array iterator.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:704
if object is referenced by a TRef or TRefArray
Definition: TObject.h:59
static UInt_t GetObjectCount()
Return the current referenced object count fgNumber is incremented every time a new object is referen...
Definition: TProcessID.cxx:294
R__EXTERN Int_t gDebug
Definition: Rtypes.h:128
virtual TObject * RemoveAt(Int_t idx)
Remove object at index idx.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:721
static Bool_t IsValid(TProcessID *pid)
static function. return kTRUE if pid is a valid TProcessID
Definition: TProcessID.cxx:330
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
virtual TObject * Remove(TObject *obj)
Remove object from array.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:746
Int_t fLast
Definition: TRefArray.h:51
virtual void SetUID(UInt_t uid, TProcessID *context=0)
Definition: TRefTable.h:89
const char * cnt
Definition: TXMLSetup.cxx:75
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:911
virtual Version_t ReadVersion(UInt_t *start=0, UInt_t *bcnt=0, const TClass *cl=0)=0
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:52
virtual Bool_t Notify()
This function is called by TRef::Streamer or TStreamerInfo::ReadBuffer when reading a reference...
Definition: TRefTable.cxx:299
TRefArray & operator=(const TRefArray &a)
Assignment operator.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:173
virtual void AddBefore(const TObject *before, TObject *obj)
Add object in the slot before object before.
Definition: TRefArray.cxx:294