Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/gl:$Id$
2 // Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005
4 #include "TGLLogicalShape.h"
5 #include "TGLPhysicalShape.h"
6 #include "TGLRnrCtx.h"
7 #include "TGLScene.h"
8 #include "TGLCamera.h"
9 #include "TGLSelectRecord.h"
10 #include "TGLContext.h"
11 #include "TGLIncludes.h"
13 #include "TBuffer3D.h"
14 #include "TClass.h"
15 #include "TContextMenu.h"
18 /** \class TGLLogicalShape
19 \ingroup opengl
20 Abstract logical shape - a GL 'drawable' - base for all shapes -
21 faceset sphere etc. Logical shapes are a unique piece of geometry,
22 described in it's local frame - e.g if we have three spheres in :
24  - Sphere A - Radius r1, center v1
25  - Sphere B - Radius r2, center v2
26  - Sphere C - Radius r1, center v3
28 Spheres A and C can share a common logical sphere of radius r1 - and
29 place them with two physicals with translations of v1 & v2. Sphere B
30 requires a different logical (radius r2), placed with physical with
31 translation v2.
33 Physical shapes know about and can share logicals. Logicals do not
34 about (aside from reference counting) physicals or share them.
36 This sharing of logical shapes greatly reduces memory consumption and
37 scene (re)build times in typical detector geometries which have many
38 repeated objects placements.
40 TGLLogicalShapes have reference counting, performed by the client
41 physical shapes which are using it.
43 Display list information is also stored here, possibly per LOD
44 level. Most classes do not support LOD (only sphere and tube) and
45 therefore reasonable defaults are encoded in the following virtual
46 functions:
47 ~~~ {.cpp}
48  * ELODAxes SupportedLODAxes() { return kLODAxesNone; }
49  * Int_t DLCacheSize() { return 1; }
50  * UInt_t DLOffset(lod); // Transform lod into DL offset.
51  * Short_t QuantizeShapeLOD(); // Quantize lod.
52 ~~~
53 Classes that have per-LOD display-lists than override these functions.
54 'UShort_t fDLValid' is used as a bit-field determining validity of
55 each quantized LOD-level; hopefully one will not have more than 16
56 LOD levels per class.
57 See also: TGLPhysicalShape::CalculateShapeLOD() where LOD is calculated.
59 See base/src/TVirtualViewer3D for description of common external 3D
60 viewer architecture and how external viewer clients use it.
61 */
67 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
68 /// Constructor.
71  fRef (0),
72  fFirstPhysical (0),
73  fExternalObj (0),
74  fScene (0),
75  fDLBase (0),
76  fDLSize (1),
77  fDLValid (0),
78  fDLCache (kTRUE),
79  fRefStrong (kFALSE),
80  fOwnExtObj (kFALSE)
81 {
82 }
84 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
85 /// Constructor with external object.
88  fRef (0),
89  fFirstPhysical (0),
90  fExternalObj (obj),
91  fScene (0),
92  fDLBase (0),
93  fDLSize (1),
94  fDLValid (0),
95  fDLCache (kTRUE),
98 {
99 }
101 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102 /// Constructor from TBuffer3D.
105  fRef (0),
106  fFirstPhysical (0),
107  fExternalObj (buffer.fID),
108  fScene (0),
109  fDLBase (0),
110  fDLSize (1),
111  fDLValid (0),
112  fDLCache (kTRUE),
113  fRefStrong (kFALSE),
115 {
116  // Use the bounding box in buffer if valid
118  fBoundingBox.Set(buffer.fBBVertex);
119  } else if (buffer.SectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRaw)) {
120  // otherwise use the raw points to generate one
121  fBoundingBox.SetAligned(buffer.NbPnts(), buffer.fPnts);
122  }
124  // If the logical is created without an external object reference,
125  // we create a generic here and delete it during the destruction.
126  if (fExternalObj == 0)
127  {
128  fExternalObj = new TNamed("Generic object", "Internal object created for bookkeeping.");
129  fOwnExtObj = kTRUE;
130  }
131 }
133 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
134 /// Destroy logical shape.
137 {
138  // Physicals should have been cleared elsewhere as they are managed
139  // by the scene. But this could change.
140  if (fRef > 0) {
141  Warning("TGLLogicalShape::~TGLLogicalShape", "some physicals still lurking around.");
143  }
144  DLCachePurge();
145  if (fOwnExtObj)
146  {
147  delete fExternalObj;
148  }
149 }
152 /**************************************************************************/
153 // Physical shape ref-counting, replica management
154 /**************************************************************************/
156 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
157 /// Add reference to given physical shape.
160 {
162  fFirstPhysical = phys;
163  ++fRef;
164 }
166 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
167 /// Remove reference to given physical shape, potentially deleting
168 /// *this* object when hitting zero ref-count (if fRefStrong is
169 /// true).
172 {
173  assert(phys != 0);
175  Bool_t found = kFALSE;
176  if (fFirstPhysical == phys) {
178  found = kTRUE;
179  } else {
180  TGLPhysicalShape *shp1 = fFirstPhysical, *shp2;
181  while ((shp2 = shp1->fNextPhysical) != 0) {
182  if (shp2 == phys) {
183  shp1->fNextPhysical = shp2->fNextPhysical;
184  found = kTRUE;
185  break;
186  }
187  shp1 = shp2;
188  }
189  }
190  if (found == kFALSE) {
191  Error("TGLLogicalShape::SubRef", "Attempt to un-ref an unregistered physical.");
192  return;
193  }
195  if (--fRef == 0 && fRefStrong)
196  delete this;
197 }
199 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
200 /// Destroy all physicals attached to this logical.
203 {
204  TGLPhysicalShape *curr = fFirstPhysical, *next;
205  while (curr)
206  {
207  next = curr->fNextPhysical;
208  curr->fLogicalShape = 0;
209  --fRef;
210  delete curr;
211  curr = next;
212  }
213  assert (fRef == 0);
214  fFirstPhysical = 0;
215 }
217 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
218 /// Unreferenced first physical in the list, returning its id and
219 /// making it fit for destruction somewhere else.
220 /// Returns 0 if there are no replicas attached.
223 {
224  if (fFirstPhysical == 0) return 0;
227  UInt_t phid = phys->ID();
229  phys->fLogicalShape = 0;
230  --fRef;
231  return phid;
232 }
235 /**************************************************************************/
236 // Bounding-boxes
237 /**************************************************************************/
239 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
240 /// Update bounding-boxed of all dependent physicals.
243 {
245  while (pshp)
246  {
247  pshp->UpdateBoundingBox();
248  pshp = pshp->fNextPhysical;
249  }
250 }
253 /**************************************************************************/
254 // Display-list cache
255 /**************************************************************************/
257 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
258 /// Modify capture of draws into display list cache kTRUE - capture,
259 /// kFALSE direct draw. Return kTRUE is state changed, kFALSE if not.
262 {
263  if (cache == fDLCache)
264  return kFALSE;
266  if (fDLCache)
267  DLCachePurge();
268  fDLCache = cache;
269  return kTRUE;
270 }
272 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
273 /// Returns kTRUE if draws should be display list cached
274 /// kFALSE otherwise.
275 ///
276 /// Here we check that:
277 /// a) fScene is set (Scene manages link to GL-context);
278 /// b) secondary selection is not in progress as different
279 /// render-path is usually taken in this case.
280 ///
281 /// Otherwise we return internal bool.
282 ///
283 /// Override this in sub-class if different behaviour is required.
286 {
287  if (!fDLCache || !fScene ||
288  (rnrCtx.SecSelection() && SupportsSecondarySelect()))
289  {
290  return kFALSE;
291  }
292  return kTRUE;
293 }
295 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
296 /// Clear all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the
297 /// display list cache but keeping the reserved ids from GL context.
300 {
301  fDLValid = 0;
302 }
304 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
305 /// Drop all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the display
306 /// list cache, WITHOUT returning the reserved ids to GL context.
307 ///
308 /// This is called by scene if it realized that the GL context was
309 /// destroyed.
312 {
313  fDLBase = 0;
314  fDLValid = 0;
315 }
317 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
318 /// Purge all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the
319 /// display list cache, returning the reserved ids to GL context.
320 ///
321 /// If you override this function:
322 /// 1. call the base-class version from it;
323 /// 2. call it from the destructor of the derived class!
326 {
327  if (fDLBase != 0)
328  {
330  fDLBase = 0;
331  fDLValid = 0;
332  }
333 }
335 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
336 /// Purge given display-list range.
337 /// Utility function.
340 {
341  if (fScene)
342  {
344  }
345  else
346  {
347  Warning("TGLLogicalShape::PurgeDLRange", "Scene unknown, attempting direct deletion.");
348  glDeleteLists(base, size);
349  }
350 }
352 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
353 /// Logical shapes usually support only discreet LOD values,
354 /// especially in view of display-list caching.
355 /// This function should be overriden to perform the desired quantization.
356 /// See TGLSphere.
359  Short_t /*combiLOD*/) const
360 {
361  return shapeLOD;
362 }
364 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
365 /// Draw the GL drawable, using draw flags. If DL caching is enabled
366 /// (see SetDLCache) then attempt to draw from the cache, if not found
367 /// attempt to capture the draw - done by DirectDraw() - into a new cache entry.
368 /// If not cached just call DirectDraw() for normal non DL cached drawing.
370 void TGLLogicalShape::Draw(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx) const
371 {
372  // Debug tracing
373  if (gDebug > 4) {
374  Info("TGLLogicalShape::Draw", "this %ld (class %s) LOD %d", (Long_t)this, IsA()->GetName(), rnrCtx.ShapeLOD());
375  }
377 entry_point:
378  // If shape is not cached, or a capture to cache is already in
379  // progress perform a direct draw DL can be nested, but not created
380  // in nested fashion. As we only build DL on draw demands have to
381  // protected against this here.
382  // MT: I can't see how this could happen right now ... with
383  // rendering from a flat drawable-list.
385  if (!ShouldDLCache(rnrCtx) || rnrCtx.IsDLCaptureOpen())
386  {
387  DirectDraw(rnrCtx);
388  return;
389  }
391  if (fDLBase == 0)
392  {
393  fDLBase = glGenLists(fDLSize);
394  if (fDLBase == 0)
395  {
396  Warning("TGLLogicalShape::Draw", "display-list registration failed.");
397  fDLCache = kFALSE;
398  goto entry_point;
399  }
400  }
402  Short_t lod = rnrCtx.ShapeLOD();
403  UInt_t off = DLOffset(lod);
404  if ((1<<off) & fDLValid)
405  {
406  glCallList(fDLBase + off);
407  }
408  else
409  {
410  rnrCtx.OpenDLCapture();
411  glNewList(fDLBase + off, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);
412  DirectDraw(rnrCtx);
413  glEndList();
414  rnrCtx.CloseDLCapture();
415  fDLValid |= (1<<off);
416  }
417 }
419 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
420 /// Draw the logical shape in highlight mode.
421 /// If lvl argument is less than 0 (-1 by default), the index into color-set
422 /// is taken from the physical shape itself.
424 void TGLLogicalShape::DrawHighlight(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx, const TGLPhysicalShape* pshp, Int_t lvl) const
425 {
426  if (lvl < 0) lvl = pshp->GetSelected();
428  glColor4ubv(rnrCtx.ColorSet().Selection(lvl).CArr());
430  Draw(rnrCtx);
432 }
434 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
435 /// Virtual method called-back after a secondary selection hit
436 /// is recorded (see TGLViewer::HandleButton(), Ctrl-Button1).
437 /// The ptr argument holds the GL pick-record of the closest hit.
438 ///
439 /// This base-class implementation simply prints out the result.
442 {
443  printf("TGLLogicalShape::ProcessSelection %d names on the stack (z1=%g, z2=%g).\n",
444  rec.GetN(), rec.GetMinZ(), rec.GetMaxZ());
445  printf(" Names: ");
446  for (Int_t j=0; j<rec.GetN(); ++j) printf ("%u ", rec.GetItem(j));
447  printf("\n");
448 }
450 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
451 /// Invoke popup menu or our bound external TObject (if any), using passed
452 /// 'menu' object, at location 'x' 'y'
455 {
456  if (fExternalObj) {
457  menu.Popup(x, y, fExternalObj);
458  }
459 }
461 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
462 /// Return true if size of this shape should be ignored when determining if
463 /// the object should be drawn. In this base-class we simply return state of
464 /// static flag fgIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest.
465 ///
466 /// Several sub-classes override this virtual function.
469 {
471 }
473 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
474 /// Get state of static fgIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest flag.
475 /// When this is true all objects, also very small, will be drawn by GL.
478 {
480 }
482 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
483 /// Set state of static fgIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest flag.
486 {
488 }
void SetAligned(const TGLVertex3 &lowVertex, const TGLVertex3 &highVertex)
Set ALIGNED box from two low/high vertices.
virtual void DLCacheDrop()
Drop all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the display list cache, WITHOUT returning the re...
std::string GetName(const std::string &scope_name)
Definition: Cppyy.cxx:140
The TGLRnrCtx class aggregates data for a given redering context as needed by various parts of the RO...
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:40
Bool_t SecSelection() const
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:224
virtual void ProcessSelection(TGLRnrCtx &rnrCtx, TGLSelectRecord &rec)
Virtual method called-back after a secondary selection hit is recorded (see TGLViewer::HandleButton()...
virtual Short_t QuantizeShapeLOD(Short_t shapeLOD, Short_t combiLOD) const
Logical shapes usually support only discreet LOD values, especially in view of display-list caching...
void Set(const TGLVertex3 vertex[8])
Set a bounding box from provided 8 vertices.
UInt_t fDLBase
scene where object is stored (can be zero!)
Double_t fBBVertex[8][3]
Definition: TBuffer3D.h:109
void UpdateBoundingBoxesOfPhysicals()
Update bounding-boxed of all dependent physicals.
Int_t fDLSize
display-list id base
UShort_t fDLValid
display-list size for different LODs
UInt_t NbPnts() const
Definition: TBuffer3D.h:82
void DestroyPhysicals()
Destroy all physicals attached to this logical.
void UpdateBoundingBox()
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
void AddRef(TGLPhysicalShape *phys) const
Add reference to given physical shape.
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
static Bool_t GetIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest()
Get state of static fgIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest flag.
virtual Bool_t SupportsSecondarySelect() const
UChar_t GetSelected() const
const TGLLogicalShape * fLogicalShape
Concrete physical shape - a GL drawable.
TGLScene * fScene
Shape&#39;s bounding box.
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
void SubRef(TGLPhysicalShape *phys) const
Remove reference to given physical shape, potentially deleting this object when hitting zero ref-coun...
Bool_t IsDLCaptureOpen() const
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:250
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:33
virtual UInt_t DLOffset(Short_t) const
const UChar_t * CArr() const
Definition: TGLUtil.h:803
static void SetIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest(Bool_t isfci)
Set state of static fgIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest flag.
Double_t * fPnts
Definition: TBuffer3D.h:114
void Info(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
virtual void Popup(Int_t x, Int_t y, TObject *obj, TVirtualPad *c=0, TVirtualPad *p=0)
Popup context menu at given location in canvas c and pad p for selected object.
Float_t GetMaxZ() const
virtual ~TGLLogicalShape()
Destroy logical shape.
static UInt_t LockColor()
Prevent further color changes.
Definition: TGLUtil.cxx:1630
static UInt_t UnlockColor()
Allow color changes.
Definition: TGLUtil.cxx:1638
void Error(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
virtual void DLCachePurge()
Purge all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the display list cache, returning the reserved ...
Short_t ShapeLOD() const
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:177
TObject * fExternalObj
first replica
void CloseDLCapture()
End display list capture.
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:347
Bool_t SectionsValid(UInt_t mask) const
Definition: TBuffer3D.h:69
virtual void DrawHighlight(TGLRnrCtx &rnrCtx, const TGLPhysicalShape *pshp, Int_t lvl=-1) const
Draw the logical shape in highlight mode.
TGLPhysicalShape * fFirstPhysical
physical instance ref counting
TGLPhysicalShape * fNextPhysical
the associated logical shape
Standard selection record including information about containing scene and details ob out selected ob...
This class provides an interface to context sensitive popup menus.
Definition: TContextMenu.h:44
UInt_t UnrefFirstPhysical()
Unreferenced first physical in the list, returning its id and making it fit for destruction somewhere...
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
TGLContextIdentity * GetGLCtxIdentity() const
Definition: TGLScene.h:232
short Short_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:35
Generic 3D primitive description class.
Definition: TBuffer3D.h:19
Bool_t SetDLCache(Bool_t cached)
Modify capture of draws into display list cache kTRUE - capture, kFALSE direct draw.
void Warning(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
virtual void DirectDraw(TGLRnrCtx &rnrCtx) const =0
Abstract logical shape - a GL &#39;drawable&#39; - base for all shapes - faceset sphere etc.
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
Bool_t fOwnExtObj
Strong ref (delete on 0 ref); not in scene.
void OpenDLCapture()
Start display-list capture.
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:338
UInt_t ID() const
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
Bool_t fRefStrong
use display list caching
UInt_t GetItem(Int_t i) const
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
virtual void Draw(TGLRnrCtx &rnrCtx) const
Draw the GL drawable, using draw flags.
void InvokeContextMenu(TContextMenu &menu, UInt_t x, UInt_t y) const
Invoke popup menu or our bound external TObject (if any), using passed &#39;menu&#39; object, at location &#39;x&#39; &#39;y&#39;.
TGLColor & Selection(Int_t i)
Definition: TGLUtil.h:857
Float_t GetMinZ() const
Int_t GetN() const
void PurgeDLRange(UInt_t base, Int_t size) const
External object is a fake.
R__EXTERN Int_t gDebug
Definition: Rtypes.h:128
TGLBoundingBox fBoundingBox
Also plays the role of ID.
virtual Bool_t IgnoreSizeForOfInterest() const
Return true if size of this shape should be ignored when determining if the object should be drawn...
Bool_t fDLCache
display-list validity bit-field
virtual Bool_t ShouldDLCache(const TGLRnrCtx &rnrCtx) const
Returns kTRUE if draws should be display list cached kFALSE otherwise.
TGLColorSet & ColorSet()
Return reference to current color-set (top of the stack).
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:278
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
void RegisterDLNameRangeToWipe(UInt_t base, Int_t size)
Remember dl range for deletion in next MakeCurrent or dtor execution.
Definition: TGLContext.cxx:514
virtual void DLCacheClear()
Clear all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the display list cache but keeping the reserved...
static Bool_t fgIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest