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rf504_simwstool.C File Reference

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Organisation and simultaneous fits: using RooSimWSTool to construct a simultaneous pdf that is built of variations of an input pdf

#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooGaussian.h"
#include "RooPolynomial.h"
#include "RooAddPdf.h"
#include "RooWorkspace.h"
#include "RooSimWSTool.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
using namespace RooFit;
// C r e a t e m a s t e r p d f
// ---------------------------------
// Construct gauss(x,m,s)
RooRealVar x("x", "x", -10, 10);
RooRealVar m("m", "m", 0, -10, 10);
RooRealVar s("s", "s", 1, -10, 10);
RooGaussian gauss("g", "g", x, m, s);
// Construct poly(x,p0)
RooRealVar p0("p0", "p0", 0.01, 0., 1.);
RooPolynomial poly("p", "p", x, p0);
// Construct model = f*gauss(x) + (1-f)*poly(x)
RooRealVar f("f", "f", 0.5, 0., 1.);
RooAddPdf model("model", "model", RooArgSet(gauss, poly), f);
// C r e a t e c a t e g o r y o b s e r v a b l e s f o r s p l i t t i n g
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define two categories that can be used for splitting
RooCategory c("c", "c");
RooCategory d("d", "d");
// S e t u p S i m W S T o o l
// -----------------------------
// Import ingredients in a workspace
RooWorkspace w("w", "w");
w.import(RooArgSet(model, c, d));
// Make Sim builder tool
// B u i l d a s i m u l t a n e o u s m o d e l w i t h o n e s p l i t
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a simultaneous pdf with the following form
// model_run1(x) = f*gauss_run1(x,m_run1,s) + (1-f)*poly
// model_run2(x) = f*gauss_run2(x,m_run2,s) + (1-f)*poly
// simpdf(x,c) = model_run1(x) if c=="run1"
// = model_run2(x) if c=="run2"
// Returned pdf is owned by the workspace
RooSimultaneous *model_sim = sct.build("model_sim", "model", SplitParam("m", "c"));
// Print tree structure of model
// Adjust model_sim parameters in workspace
// Print contents of workspace
// B u i l d a s i m u l t a n e o u s m o d e l w i t h p r o d u c t s p l i t
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build another simultaneous pdf using a composite split in states c X d
RooSimultaneous *model_sim2 = sct.build("model_sim2", "model", SplitParam("p0", "c,d"));
// Print tree structure of this model
#define d(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:102
#define f(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:104
#define c(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:101
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
Efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form.
Definition RooAddPdf.h:33
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Definition RooArgSet.h:24
Object to represent discrete states.
Definition RooCategory.h:28
Plain Gaussian p.d.f.
Definition RooGaussian.h:24
RooPolynomial implements a polynomial p.d.f of the form.
Variable that can be changed from the outside.
Definition RooRealVar.h:37
The RooSimWSTool is a tool operating on RooWorkspace objects that can clone PDFs into a series of var...
Facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset.
Persistable container for RooFit projects.
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
The namespace RooFit contains mostly switches that change the behaviour of functions of PDFs (or othe...
Definition CodegenImpl.h:64
TMarker m
Definition textangle.C:8
[#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- The parameter 's' with range [-10, 10] of the RooGaussian 'g' exceeds the safe range of (0, inf). Advise to limit its range.
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooAddPdf::model
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooGaussian::g
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::x
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::m
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::s
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::f
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooPolynomial::p
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::p0
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooCategory::c
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooCategory::d
Splitrule for p.d.f model with state list
parameter m is split with constraint in categories (c)
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: list of prototype pdfs (model)
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: list of splitting categories (c)
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::executeBuild: processing prototype pdf model
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: configured customizers for all prototype pdfs
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: Customizing prototype pdf model for mode run1
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: Customizing prototype pdf model for mode run2
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooSimultaneous::model_sim
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooAddPdf::model_run1
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooGaussian::g_run1
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::m_run1
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooAddPdf::model_run2
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooGaussian::g_run2
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::m_run2
0x42e7040 RooSimultaneous::model_sim = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x3ca7d30/V- RooCategory::c = run2(idx = 1)
0x42ebaf0/V- RooAddPdf::model_run1 = 1/1 [Auto,Clean]
0x42b0a60/V- RooGaussian::g_run1 = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x42b3700/V- RooRealVar::m_run1 = 0
0x42e5430/V- RooRealVar::s = 1
0x3e07b60/V- RooRealVar::f = 0.5
0x3e08160/V- RooPolynomial::p = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x42dcb30/V- RooRealVar::p0 = 0.01
0x57f2c70/V- RooAddPdf::model_run2 = 1/1 [Auto,Clean]
0x57f75f0/V- RooGaussian::g_run2 = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x57f9d50/V- RooRealVar::m_run2 = 0
0x42e5430/V- RooRealVar::s = 1
0x3e07b60/V- RooRealVar::f = 0.5
0x3e08160/V- RooPolynomial::p = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x42dcb30/V- RooRealVar::p0 = 0.01
RooWorkspace(w) w contents
RooGaussian::g[ x=x mean=m sigma=s ] = 1
RooGaussian::g_run1[ x=x mean=m_run1 sigma=s ] = 0.011109
RooGaussian::g_run2[ x=x mean=m_run2 sigma=s ] = 0.011109
RooAddPdf::model[ f * g + [%] * p ] = 1/1
RooAddPdf::model_run1[ f * g_run1 + [%] * p ] = 0.505554/1
RooAddPdf::model_run2[ f * g_run2 + [%] * p ] = 0.505554/1
RooSimultaneous::model_sim[ indexCat=c run1=model_run1 run2=model_run2 ] = 0.505554
RooPolynomial::p[ x=x coefList=(p0) ] = 1
Splitrule for p.d.f model with state list
parameter p0 is split with constraint in categories (c,d)
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: list of prototype pdfs (model)
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: list of splitting categories (c,d)
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::executeBuild: processing prototype pdf model
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooMultiCategory::c,d
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: configured customizers for all prototype pdfs
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: Customizing prototype pdf model for mode {run1;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: Customizing prototype pdf model for mode {run1;foo}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: Customizing prototype pdf model for mode {run2;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: Customizing prototype pdf model for mode {run2;foo}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooSimultaneous::model_sim2
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooSuperCategory::model_sim2_index
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooMultiCategory::model_sim2_index_internalMultiCat
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooAddPdf::model_{run1;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooPolynomial::p_{run1;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::p0_{run1;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooAddPdf::model_{run1;foo}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooPolynomial::p_{run1;foo}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::p0_{run1;foo}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooAddPdf::model_{run2;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooPolynomial::p_{run2;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::p0_{run2;bar}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooAddPdf::model_{run2;foo}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooPolynomial::p_{run2;foo}
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::import(w) importing RooRealVar::p0_{run2;foo}
0x42f9380 RooSimultaneous::model_sim2 = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42fddf0/V- RooSuperCategory::model_sim2_index = {run2;foo}(idx = 1)
0x42fe560/VS RooMultiCategory::model_sim2_index_internalMultiCat = {run2;foo}(idx = 1)
0x3ca7d30/VS RooCategory::c = run2(idx = 1)
0x3abf990/VS RooCategory::d = foo(idx = 0)
0x42ff130/V- RooAddPdf::model_{run1;bar} = 1/1 [Auto,Clean]
0x3e97bd0/V- RooGaussian::g = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x42e4eb0/V- RooRealVar::m = 0
0x42e5430/V- RooRealVar::s = 1
0x3e07b60/V- RooRealVar::f = 0.5
0x4307ed0/V- RooPolynomial::p_{run1;bar} = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x5854b80/V- RooRealVar::p0_{run1;bar} = 0.01
0x58551c0/V- RooAddPdf::model_{run1;foo} = 1/1 [Auto,Clean]
0x3e97bd0/V- RooGaussian::g = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x42e4eb0/V- RooRealVar::m = 0
0x42e5430/V- RooRealVar::s = 1
0x3e07b60/V- RooRealVar::f = 0.5
0x585a130/V- RooPolynomial::p_{run1;foo} = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x585c950/V- RooRealVar::p0_{run1;foo} = 0.01
0x585cfd0/V- RooAddPdf::model_{run2;bar} = 1/1 [Auto,Clean]
0x3e97bd0/V- RooGaussian::g = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x42e4eb0/V- RooRealVar::m = 0
0x42e5430/V- RooRealVar::s = 1
0x3e07b60/V- RooRealVar::f = 0.5
0x5861f60/V- RooPolynomial::p_{run2;bar} = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x58647e0/V- RooRealVar::p0_{run2;bar} = 0.01
0x5864e60/V- RooAddPdf::model_{run2;foo} = 1/1 [Auto,Clean]
0x3e97bd0/V- RooGaussian::g = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x42e4eb0/V- RooRealVar::m = 0
0x42e5430/V- RooRealVar::s = 1
0x3e07b60/V- RooRealVar::f = 0.5
0x5869ed0/V- RooPolynomial::p_{run2;foo} = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x42e49a0/V- RooRealVar::x = 0
0x586c630/V- RooRealVar::p0_{run2;foo} = 0.01
July 2008
Wouter Verkerke

Definition in file rf504_simwstool.C.