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ntpl012_processor.C File Reference

Detailed Description

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Demonstrate the RNTupleProcessor using multiple RNTuples

// NOTE: The RNTuple classes are experimental at this point.
// Functionality, interface, and data format is still subject to changes.
// Do not use for real data!
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TRandom.h>
// Import classes from the `Experimental` namespace for the time being.
// Number of events to generate for each ntuple.
constexpr int kNEvents = 10000;
void Write(std::string_view ntupleName, std::string_view ntupleFileName)
auto model = RNTupleModel::Create();
auto fldVpx = model->MakeField<std::vector<float>>("vpx");
auto fldVpy = model->MakeField<std::vector<float>>("vpy");
auto fldVpz = model->MakeField<std::vector<float>>("vpz");
auto fldN = model->MakeField<std::uint64_t>("vn");
auto ntuple = RNTupleWriter::Recreate(std::move(model), ntupleName, ntupleFileName);
for (int i = 0; i < kNEvents; ++i) {
*fldN = gRandom->Integer(15);
for (int j = 0; j < *fldN; ++j) {
float px, py, pz;
gRandom->Rannor(px, py);
pz = px * px + py * py;
void Read(const std::vector<RNTupleSourceSpec> &ntuples)
auto c = new TCanvas("c", "RNTupleProcessor Example", 200, 10, 700, 500);
TH1F hPx("h", "This is the px distribution", 100, -4, 4);
RNTupleProcessor processor(ntuples);
auto ptrPx = processor.GetEntry().GetPtr<std::vector<float>>("vpx");
for (const auto &entry : processor) {
// The RNTupleProcessor iterator provides some additional bookkeeping information. The local entry index pertains
// only to the ntuple currently being processed, whereas the global entry index also considers the previously
// processed ntuples.
if (entry.GetLocalEntryIndex() == 0) {
std::cout << "Processing " << ntuples.at(entry.GetNTupleIndex()).fName << " (" << entry.GetGlobalEntryIndex()
<< " total entries processed so far)" << std::endl;
// From the entry returned by the RNTupleProcessor iterator, we can get a pointer to the field we want to read.
for (auto x : *ptrPx) {
void ntpl012_processor()
// The ntuples to generate and subsequently process. The model of the first ntuple will be used to construct the
// entry used by the processor.
std::vector<RNTupleSourceSpec> ntuples = {
{"ntuple1", "ntuple1.root"}, {"ntuple2", "ntuple2.root"}, {"ntuple3", "ntuple3.root"}};
for (const auto &ntuple : ntuples) {
Write(ntuple.fName, ntuple.fLocation);
#define c(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:101
R__EXTERN TRandom * gRandom
Definition TRandom.h:62
The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple.
Interface for iterating over entries of RNTuples and vertically concatenated RNTuples (chains).
An RNTuple that gets filled with entries (data) and writes them to storage.
The Canvas class.
Definition TCanvas.h:23
1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)
Definition TH1.h:622
virtual void Rannor(Float_t &a, Float_t &b)
Return 2 numbers distributed following a gaussian with mean=0 and sigma=1.
Definition TRandom.cxx:507
virtual UInt_t Integer(UInt_t imax)
Returns a random integer uniformly distributed on the interval [ 0, imax-1 ].
Definition TRandom.cxx:361
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
Helper type representing the name and storage location of an RNTuple.
April 2024
The ROOT Team

Definition in file ntpl012_processor.C.