| TBasicGRULayer (const TBasicGRULayer &) |
| Copy Constructor.
| TBasicGRULayer (size_t batchSize, size_t stateSize, size_t inputSize, size_t timeSteps, bool rememberState=false, bool returnSequence=false, bool resetGateAfter=false, DNN::EActivationFunction f1=DNN::EActivationFunction::kSigmoid, DNN::EActivationFunction f2=DNN::EActivationFunction::kTanh, bool training=true, DNN::EInitialization fA=DNN::EInitialization::kZero) |
| Constructor.
void | AddWeightsXMLTo (void *parent) |
| Writes the information and the weights about the layer in an XML node.
void | Backward (Tensor_t &gradients_backward, const Tensor_t &activations_backward) |
| Backpropagates the error.
void | CandidateValue (const Matrix_t &input, Matrix_t &dc) |
| Decides the new candidate values (NN with Tanh)
Matrix_t & | CellBackward (Matrix_t &state_gradients_backward, const Matrix_t &precStateActivations, const Matrix_t &reset_gate, const Matrix_t &update_gate, const Matrix_t &candidate_gate, const Matrix_t &input, Matrix_t &input_gradient, Matrix_t &dr, Matrix_t &du, Matrix_t &dc) |
| Backward for a single time unit a the corresponding call to Forward(...).
void | CellForward (Matrix_t &updateGateValues, Matrix_t &candidateValues) |
| Forward for a single cell (time unit)
bool | DoesRememberState () const |
bool | DoesReturnSequence () const |
void | Forward (Tensor_t &input, bool isTraining=true) |
| Computes the next hidden state and next cell state with given input matrix.
DNN::EActivationFunction | GetActivationFunctionF1 () const |
DNN::EActivationFunction | GetActivationFunctionF2 () const |
Matrix_t & | GetCandidateBias () |
const Matrix_t & | GetCandidateBias () const |
Matrix_t & | GetCandidateBiasGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetCandidateBiasGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetCandidateDerivativesAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetCandidateDerivativesAt (size_t i) const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetCandidateGateTensor () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetCandidateGateTensor () const |
Matrix_t & | GetCandidateGateTensorAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetCandidateGateTensorAt (size_t i) const |
Matrix_t & | GetCandidateValue () |
const Matrix_t & | GetCandidateValue () const |
Matrix_t & | GetCell () |
const Matrix_t & | GetCell () const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetDerivativesCandidate () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetDerivativesCandidate () const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetDerivativesReset () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetDerivativesReset () const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetDerivativesUpdate () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetDerivativesUpdate () const |
Tensor_t & | GetDX () |
Tensor_t & | GetDY () |
size_t | GetInputSize () const |
| Getters.
Matrix_t & | GetResetBiasGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetResetBiasGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetResetDerivativesAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetResetDerivativesAt (size_t i) const |
Matrix_t & | GetResetGateBias () |
const Matrix_t & | GetResetGateBias () const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetResetGateTensor () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetResetGateTensor () const |
Matrix_t & | GetResetGateTensorAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetResetGateTensorAt (size_t i) const |
Matrix_t & | GetResetGateValue () |
const Matrix_t & | GetResetGateValue () const |
Matrix_t & | GetState () |
const Matrix_t & | GetState () const |
size_t | GetStateSize () const |
size_t | GetTimeSteps () const |
Matrix_t & | GetUpdateBiasGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetUpdateBiasGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetUpdateDerivativesAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetUpdateDerivativesAt (size_t i) const |
Matrix_t & | GetUpdateGateBias () |
const Matrix_t & | GetUpdateGateBias () const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetUpdateGateTensor () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetUpdateGateTensor () const |
Matrix_t & | GetUpdateGateTensorAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetUpdateGateTensorAt (size_t i) const |
Matrix_t & | GetUpdateGateValue () |
const Matrix_t & | GetUpdateGateValue () const |
Tensor_t & | GetWeightGradientsTensor () |
const Tensor_t & | GetWeightGradientsTensor () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidate () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidate () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidateGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidateGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidateState () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidateState () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidateStateGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsCandidateStateGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetGate () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetGate () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetGateState () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetGateState () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetStateGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsResetStateGradients () const |
Tensor_t & | GetWeightsTensor () |
const Tensor_t & | GetWeightsTensor () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsUpdateGate () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsUpdateGate () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsUpdateGateState () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsUpdateGateState () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsUpdateGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsUpdateGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsUpdateStateGradients () |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeigthsUpdateStateGradients () const |
Tensor_t & | GetX () |
Tensor_t & | GetY () |
virtual void | Initialize () |
| Initialize the weights according to the given initialization method.
void | InitState (DNN::EInitialization m=DNN::EInitialization::kZero) |
| Initialize the hidden state and cell state method.
void | Print () const |
| Prints the info about the layer.
void | ReadWeightsFromXML (void *parent) |
| Read the information and the weights about the layer from XML node.
void | ResetGate (const Matrix_t &input, Matrix_t &di) |
| Decides the values we'll update (NN with Sigmoid)
void | Update (const Scalar_t learningRate) |
void | UpdateGate (const Matrix_t &input, Matrix_t &df) |
| Forgets the past values (NN with Sigmoid)
| VGeneralLayer (const VGeneralLayer &) |
| Copy Constructor.
| VGeneralLayer (size_t BatchSize, size_t InputDepth, size_t InputHeight, size_t InputWidth, size_t Depth, size_t Height, size_t Width, size_t WeightsNSlices, size_t WeightsNRows, size_t WeightsNCols, size_t BiasesNSlices, size_t BiasesNRows, size_t BiasesNCols, size_t OutputNSlices, size_t OutputNRows, size_t OutputNCols, EInitialization Init) |
| Constructor.
| VGeneralLayer (size_t BatchSize, size_t InputDepth, size_t InputHeight, size_t InputWidth, size_t Depth, size_t Height, size_t Width, size_t WeightsNSlices, std::vector< size_t > WeightsNRows, std::vector< size_t > WeightsNCols, size_t BiasesNSlices, std::vector< size_t > BiasesNRows, std::vector< size_t > BiasesNCols, size_t OutputNSlices, size_t OutputNRows, size_t OutputNCols, EInitialization Init) |
| General Constructor with different weights dimension.
| VGeneralLayer (VGeneralLayer< Architecture_t > *layer) |
| Copy the layer provided as a pointer.
virtual | ~VGeneralLayer () |
| Virtual Destructor.
void | CopyBiases (const std::vector< Matrix_t > &otherBiases) |
| Copies the biases provided as an input.
template<typename Arch > |
void | CopyParameters (const VGeneralLayer< Arch > &layer) |
| Copy all trainable weight and biases from another equivalent layer but with different architecture The function can copy also extra parameters in addition to weights and biases if they are return by the function GetExtraLayerParameters.
void | CopyWeights (const std::vector< Matrix_t > &otherWeights) |
| Copies the weights provided as an input.
Tensor_t & | GetActivationGradients () |
const Tensor_t & | GetActivationGradients () const |
Matrix_t | GetActivationGradientsAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetActivationGradientsAt (size_t i) const |
size_t | GetBatchSize () const |
| Getters.
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetBiases () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetBiases () const |
Matrix_t & | GetBiasesAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetBiasesAt (size_t i) const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetBiasGradients () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetBiasGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetBiasGradientsAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetBiasGradientsAt (size_t i) const |
size_t | GetDepth () const |
virtual std::vector< Matrix_t > | GetExtraLayerParameters () const |
size_t | GetHeight () const |
EInitialization | GetInitialization () const |
size_t | GetInputDepth () const |
size_t | GetInputHeight () const |
size_t | GetInputWidth () const |
Tensor_t & | GetOutput () |
const Tensor_t & | GetOutput () const |
Matrix_t | GetOutputAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetOutputAt (size_t i) const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetWeightGradients () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetWeightGradients () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightGradientsAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightGradientsAt (size_t i) const |
std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetWeights () |
const std::vector< Matrix_t > & | GetWeights () const |
Matrix_t & | GetWeightsAt (size_t i) |
const Matrix_t & | GetWeightsAt (size_t i) const |
size_t | GetWidth () const |
bool | IsTraining () const |
void | ReadMatrixXML (void *node, const char *name, Matrix_t &matrix) |
virtual void | ResetTraining () |
| Reset some training flags after a loop on all batches Some layer (e.g.
void | SetBatchSize (size_t batchSize) |
| Setters.
void | SetDepth (size_t depth) |
virtual void | SetDropoutProbability (Scalar_t) |
| Set Dropout probability.
virtual void | SetExtraLayerParameters (const std::vector< Matrix_t > &) |
void | SetHeight (size_t height) |
void | SetInputDepth (size_t inputDepth) |
void | SetInputHeight (size_t inputHeight) |
void | SetInputWidth (size_t inputWidth) |
void | SetIsTraining (bool isTraining) |
void | SetWidth (size_t width) |
void | Update (const Scalar_t learningRate) |
| Updates the weights and biases, given the learning rate.
void | UpdateBiases (const std::vector< Matrix_t > &biasGradients, const Scalar_t learningRate) |
| Updates the biases, given the gradients and the learning rate.
void | UpdateBiasGradients (const std::vector< Matrix_t > &biasGradients, const Scalar_t learningRate) |
| Updates the bias gradients, given some other weight gradients and learning rate.
void | UpdateWeightGradients (const std::vector< Matrix_t > &weightGradients, const Scalar_t learningRate) |
| Updates the weight gradients, given some other weight gradients and learning rate.
void | UpdateWeights (const std::vector< Matrix_t > &weightGradients, const Scalar_t learningRate) |
| Updates the weights, given the gradients and the learning rate,.
void | WriteMatrixToXML (void *node, const char *name, const Matrix_t &matrix) |
void | WriteTensorToXML (void *node, const char *name, const std::vector< Matrix_t > &tensor) |
| helper functions for XML