Central instance to create and show web-based windows like Canvas or FitPanel.
Manager responsible to creating THttpServer instance, which is used for RWebWindow's communication with clients.
Method RWebWindows::Show() used to show window in specified location.
Definition at line 40 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
Public Member Functions | |
RWebWindowsManager () | |
window manager constructor Required here for correct usage of unique_ptr<THttpServer> | |
~RWebWindowsManager () | |
window manager destructor Required here for correct usage of unique_ptr<THttpServer> | |
std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > | CreateWindow () |
Creates new window To show window, RWebWindow::Show() have to be called. | |
THttpServer * | GetServer () const |
Returns THttpServer instance. | |
std::string | GetServerAddr () const |
Returns http address of the server, empty string when not available. | |
void | SetDeleteCallback (WebWindowDeleteCallback_t func) |
Assign show callback which can catch window showing, used by RBrowser. | |
void | SetShowCallback (WebWindowShowCallback_t func) |
Assign show callback which can catch window showing, used by RBrowser. | |
void | Terminate () |
Terminate http server and ROOT application. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | AddServerLocation (const std::string &server_prefix, const std::string &files_path) |
Configure server location which can be used for loading of custom scripts or files When THttpServer instance of RWebWindowsManager will be created, THttpServer::AddLocation() method with correspondent arguments will be invoked. | |
static void | AssignMainThrd () |
Re-assigns main thread id Normally main thread id recognized at the moment when library is loaded It supposed to be a thread where gApplication->Run() will be called If application runs in separate thread, one have to call this method to let RWebWindowsManager correctly recognize such situation. | |
static void | ClearServerLocations () |
Clear all server locations Does not change configuration of already running HTTP server. | |
static std::map< std::string, std::string > | GetServerLocations () |
Returns server locations as <std::string, std::string> Key is location name (with slash at the end) and value is file path. | |
static std::shared_ptr< RWebWindowsManager > & | Instance () |
Returns default window manager Used to display all standard ROOT elements like TCanvas or TFitPanel. | |
static bool | IsLoopbackMode () |
Returns true if loopback mode used by THttpServer for web widgets. | |
static bool | IsMainThrd () |
Returns true when called from main process Main process recognized at the moment when library is loaded It supposed to be a thread where gApplication->Run() will be called If application runs in separate thread, one have to use AssignMainThrd() method to let RWebWindowsManager correctly recognize such situation. | |
static void | SetLoopbackMode (bool on=true) |
Set loopback mode for THttpServer used for web widgets By default is on. | |
static void | SetSingleConnMode (bool on=true) |
Enable or disable single connection mode (default on) If enabled, one connection only with any web widget is possible Any attempt to establish more connections will fail if this mode is disabled some widgets like geom viewer or web canvas will be able to to serve several clients - only when they are connected with required authentication keys. | |
static void | SetUseConnectionKey (bool on=true) |
Enable or disable usage of connection key (default on) If enabled, each connection (and reconnection) to widget requires unique key Connection key used together with session key to calculate hash sum of each packet send to or from server This protects ROOT http server from anauthorized usage. | |
static void | SetUseSessionKey (bool on=true) |
Enable or disable usage of session key (default on) If enabled, secrete session key used to calculate hash sum of each packet send to or from server This protects ROOT http server from anauthorized usage. | |
Private Member Functions | |
bool | CreateServer (bool with_http=false) |
Creates http server, if required - with real http engine (civetweb) One could configure concrete HTTP port, which should be used for the server, provide following entry in rootrc file: | |
float | GetLaunchTmout () const |
Returns timeout for launching new browser process. | |
std::string | GetUrl (RWebWindow &win, bool remote=false, std::string *produced_key=nullptr) |
Provide URL address to access specified window from inside or from remote. | |
bool | InformListener (const std::string &msg) |
If ROOT_LISTENER_SOCKET variable is configured, message will be sent to that unix socket. | |
bool | IsUseHttpThread () const |
Returns true if http server use special thread for requests processing (default off) | |
bool | IsUseSenderThreads () const |
Returns true if extra threads to send data via websockets will be used (default off) | |
unsigned | ShowWindow (RWebWindow &win, const RWebDisplayArgs &args) |
Show window in specified location, see Show() method for more details. | |
void | Unregister (RWebWindow &win) |
Release all references to specified window Called from RWebWindow destructor. | |
int | WaitFor (RWebWindow &win, WebWindowWaitFunc_t check, bool timed=false, double tm=-1) |
Waits until provided check function or lambdas returns non-zero value Regularly calls WebWindow::Sync() method to let run event loop If call from the main thread, runs system events processing Check function has following signature: int func(double spent_tm) Parameter spent_tm is time in seconds, which already spent inside function Waiting will be continued, if function returns zero. | |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static std::string | GenerateKey (int keylen=32) |
Static method to generate cryptographic key Parameter keylen defines length of cryptographic key in bytes Output string will be hex formatted and includes "-" separator after every 4 bytes Example for 16 bytes: "fca45856-41bee066-ff74cc96-9154d405". | |
Private Attributes | |
std::string | fAddr |
! HTTP address of the server | |
std::unique_ptr< TExec > | fAssgnExec |
! special exec to assign thread id via ProcessEvents | |
WebWindowDeleteCallback_t | fDeleteCallback |
! function called when RWebWindow is destroyed | |
bool | fExternalProcessEvents {false} |
! indicate that there are external process events engine | |
unsigned | fIdCnt {0} |
! counter for identifiers | |
float | fLaunchTmout {30.} |
! timeout in seconds to start browser process, default 30s | |
std::recursive_mutex | fMutex |
! main mutex, used for window creations | |
std::unique_ptr< THttpServer > | fServer |
! central communication with the all used displays | |
std::string | fSessionKey |
! secret session key used on client to code connections keys | |
WebWindowShowCallback_t | fShowCallback |
! function called for each RWebWindow::Show call | |
bool | fUseHttpThrd {false} |
! use special thread for THttpServer | |
bool | fUseSenderThreads {false} |
! use extra threads for sending data from RWebWindow to clients | |
bool | fUseSessionKey {false} |
! is session key has to be used for data signing | |
Friends | |
class | RWebWindow |
#include <ROOT/RWebWindowsManager.hxx>
RWebWindowsManager::RWebWindowsManager | ( | ) |
window manager constructor Required here for correct usage of unique_ptr<THttpServer>
Definition at line 285 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
RWebWindowsManager::~RWebWindowsManager | ( | ) |
window manager destructor Required here for correct usage of unique_ptr<THttpServer>
Definition at line 299 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
static |
Configure server location which can be used for loading of custom scripts or files When THttpServer instance of RWebWindowsManager will be created, THttpServer::AddLocation() method with correspondent arguments will be invoked.
Definition at line 190 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
static |
Re-assigns main thread id Normally main thread id recognized at the moment when library is loaded It supposed to be a thread where gApplication->Run() will be called If application runs in separate thread, one have to call this method to let RWebWindowsManager correctly recognize such situation.
Definition at line 117 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
static |
Clear all server locations Does not change configuration of already running HTTP server.
Definition at line 251 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
Creates http server, if required - with real http engine (civetweb) One could configure concrete HTTP port, which should be used for the server, provide following entry in rootrc file:
WebGui.HttpPort: 8088
or specify range of http ports, which can be used:
WebGui.HttpPortMin: 8800 WebGui.HttpPortMax: 9800
By default range [8800..9800] is used
One also can bind HTTP server socket to loopback address, In that case only connection from localhost will be available:
WebGui.HttpLoopback: yes
Or one could specify hostname which should be used for binding of server socket
WebGui.HttpBind: hostname | ipaddress
To use secured protocol, following parameter should be specified
WebGui.UseHttps: yes WebGui.ServerCert: sertificate_filename.pem
Alternatively, one can specify unix socket to handle requests:
WebGui.UnixSocket: /path/to/unix/socket WebGui.UnixSocketMode: 0700
Typically one used unix sockets together with server mode like root --web=server:/tmp/root.socket
and then redirect it via ssh tunnel (e.g. using rootssh
) to client node
All incoming requests processed in THttpServer in timer handler with 10 ms timeout. One may decrease value to improve latency or increase value to minimize CPU load
WebGui.HttpTimer: 10
To processing incoming http requests and websockets, THttpServer allocate 10 threads One have to increase this number if more simultaneous connections are expected:
WebGui.HttpThrds: 10
One also can configure usage of special thread of processing of http server requests
WebGui.HttpThrd: no
Extra threads can be used to send data to different clients via websocket (default no)
WebGui.SenderThrds: no
If required, one could change websocket timeouts (default is 10000 ms)
WebGui.HttpWSTmout: 10000
By default, THttpServer created in restricted mode which only allows websocket handlers and processes only very few other related http requests. For security reasons such mode should be always enabled. Only if it is really necessary to process all other kinds of HTTP requests, one could specify no for following parameter (default yes):
WebGui.WSOnly: yes
In some applications one may need to force longpoll websocket emulations from the beginning, for instance when clients connected via proxys. Although JSROOT should automatically fallback to longpoll engine, one can configure this directly (default no)
WebGui.WSLongpoll: no
Following parameter controls browser max-age caching parameter for files (default 3600) When 0 is specified, browser cache will be disabled
WebGui.HttpMaxAge: 3600
Also one can provide extra URL options for, see TCivetweb::Create for list of supported options
WebGui.HttpExtraArgs: winsymlinks=no
One also can configure usage of FastCGI server for web windows:
WebGui.FastCgiPort: 4000 WebGui.FastCgiThreads: 10
To be able start web browser for such windows, one can provide real URL of the web server which will connect with that FastCGI instance:
WebGui.FastCgiServer: https://your_apache_server.com/root_cgi_path
For some custom applications one requires to load JavaScript modules or other files. For such applications one may require to load files from other locations which can be configured with AddServerLocation() method or directly via:
WebGui.ServerLocations: location1:/file/path/to/location1;location2:/file/path/to/location2
Definition at line 442 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > RWebWindowsManager::CreateWindow | ( | ) |
Creates new window To show window, RWebWindow::Show() have to be called.
Definition at line 631 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
staticprivate |
Static method to generate cryptographic key Parameter keylen defines length of cryptographic key in bytes Output string will be hex formatted and includes "-" separator after every 4 bytes Example for 16 bytes: "fca45856-41bee066-ff74cc96-9154d405".
Definition at line 262 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
inlineprivate |
Returns timeout for launching new browser process.
Definition at line 66 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
inline |
Returns THttpServer instance.
Definition at line 89 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
inline |
Returns http address of the server, empty string when not available.
Definition at line 92 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
static |
Returns server locations as <std::string, std::string> Key is location name (with slash at the end) and value is file path.
Definition at line 221 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
private |
Provide URL address to access specified window from inside or from remote.
Definition at line 698 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
If ROOT_LISTENER_SOCKET variable is configured, message will be sent to that unix socket.
Definition at line 311 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
static |
Returns default window manager Used to display all standard ROOT elements like TCanvas or TFitPanel.
Definition at line 79 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
static |
Returns true if loopback mode used by THttpServer for web widgets.
Definition at line 147 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
static |
Returns true when called from main process Main process recognized at the moment when library is loaded It supposed to be a thread where gApplication->Run() will be called If application runs in separate thread, one have to use AssignMainThrd() method to let RWebWindowsManager correctly recognize such situation.
Definition at line 105 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
inlineprivate |
Returns true if http server use special thread for requests processing (default off)
Definition at line 60 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
inlineprivate |
Returns true if extra threads to send data via websockets will be used (default off)
Definition at line 63 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
inline |
Assign show callback which can catch window showing, used by RBrowser.
Definition at line 98 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
Set loopback mode for THttpServer used for web widgets By default is on.
Only local communication via localhost address is possible Disable it only if really necessary - it may open unauthorized access to your application from external nodes!!
Definition at line 129 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
inline |
Assign show callback which can catch window showing, used by RBrowser.
Definition at line 95 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
Enable or disable single connection mode (default on) If enabled, one connection only with any web widget is possible Any attempt to establish more connections will fail if this mode is disabled some widgets like geom viewer or web canvas will be able to to serve several clients - only when they are connected with required authentication keys.
Definition at line 180 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
Enable or disable usage of connection key (default on) If enabled, each connection (and reconnection) to widget requires unique key Connection key used together with session key to calculate hash sum of each packet send to or from server This protects ROOT http server from anauthorized usage.
Definition at line 168 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
Enable or disable usage of session key (default on) If enabled, secrete session key used to calculate hash sum of each packet send to or from server This protects ROOT http server from anauthorized usage.
Definition at line 157 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
private |
Show window in specified location, see Show() method for more details.
Show web window in specified location.
[in,out] | win | web window by reference |
user_args | specifies where and how display web window |
As display args one can use string like "firefox" or "chrome" - these are two main supported web browsers. See RWebDisplayArgs::SetBrowserKind() for all available options. Default value for the browser can be configured when starting root with –web argument like: "root --web=chrome". When root started in web server mode "root --web=server", no any web browser will be started - just URL will be printout, which can be entered in any running web browser
If allowed, same window can be displayed several times (like for RCanvas or TCanvas)
Following parameters can be configured in rootrc file:
WebGui.Display: kind of display like chrome or firefox or browser, can be overwritten by --web=value command line argument WebGui.OnetimeKey: if configured requires unique key every time window is connected (default yes) WebGui.SingleConnMode: if configured the only connection and the only user of any widget is possible (default yes) WebGui.Chrome: full path to Google Chrome executable WebGui.ChromeBatch: command to start chrome in batch, used for image production, like "$prog --headless --disable-gpu $geometry $url" WebGui.ChromeHeadless: command to start chrome in headless mode, like "fork: --headless --disable-gpu $geometry $url" WebGui.ChromeInteractive: command to start chrome in interactive mode, like "$prog $geometry --app=\'$url\' &" WebGui.Firefox: full path to Mozilla Firefox executable WebGui.FirefoxHeadless: command to start Firefox in headless mode, like "fork:--headless --private-window --no-remote $profile $url" WebGui.FirefoxInteractive: command to start Firefox in interactive mode, like "$prog --private-window \'$url\' &" WebGui.FirefoxProfile: name of Firefox profile to use WebGui.FirefoxProfilePath: file path to Firefox profile WebGui.FirefoxRandomProfile: usage of random Firefox profile -1 never, 0 - only for headless mode (dflt), 1 - always WebGui.LaunchTmout: time required to start process in seconds (default 30 s) WebGui.OperationTmout: time required to perform WebWindow operation like execute command or update drawings WebGui.RecordData: if specified enables data recording for each web window 0 - off, 1 - on WebGui.JsonComp: compression factor for JSON conversion, if not specified - each widget uses own default values WebGui.ForceHttp: 0 - off (default), 1 - always create real http server to run web window WebGui.Console: -1 - output only console.error(), 0 - add console.warn(), 1 - add console.log() output WebGui.ConnCredits: 10 - number of packets which can be send by server or client without acknowledge from receiving side WebGui.openui5src: alternative location for openui5 like https://openui5.hana.ondemand.com/1.128.0/ WebGui.openui5libs: list of pre-loaded ui5 libs like sap.m, sap.ui.layout, sap.ui.unified WebGui.openui5theme: openui5 theme like sap_belize (default) or sap_fiori_3
THttpServer-related parameters documented in CreateServer method
Definition at line 791 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
void RWebWindowsManager::Terminate | ( | ) |
Terminate http server and ROOT application.
Definition at line 950 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
private |
Release all references to specified window Called from RWebWindow destructor.
Definition at line 686 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
private |
Waits until provided check function or lambdas returns non-zero value Regularly calls WebWindow::Sync() method to let run event loop If call from the main thread, runs system events processing Check function has following signature: int func(double spent_tm) Parameter spent_tm is time in seconds, which already spent inside function Waiting will be continued, if function returns zero.
First non-zero value breaks waiting loop and result is returned (or 0 if time is expired). If parameter timed is true, timelimit (in seconds) defines how long to wait
Definition at line 914 of file RWebWindowsManager.cxx.
friend |
Definition at line 42 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! HTTP address of the server
Definition at line 46 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! special exec to assign thread id via ProcessEvents
Definition at line 55 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! function called when RWebWindow is destroyed
Definition at line 57 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
! indicate that there are external process events engine
Definition at line 54 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! counter for identifiers
Definition at line 50 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! timeout in seconds to start browser process, default 30s
Definition at line 53 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! main mutex, used for window creations
Definition at line 49 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! central communication with the all used displays
Definition at line 45 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! secret session key used on client to code connections keys
Definition at line 47 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
private |
! function called for each RWebWindow::Show call
Definition at line 56 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
! use special thread for THttpServer
Definition at line 51 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
! use extra threads for sending data from RWebWindow to clients
Definition at line 52 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.
! is session key has to be used for data signing
Definition at line 48 of file RWebWindowsManager.hxx.