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Zbi_Zgamma.py File Reference

Detailed Description

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Demonstrate Z_Bi = Z_Gamma

[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([py_X_prior_b_X_px]_Norm[b]_denominator_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_denominator_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([[py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_X_px_NORM[x]]_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_denominator_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_denominator_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_denominator_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([[py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_X_px_cdf_NORM[x_prime]]_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_denominator_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([[py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_X_px_cdf_Int[x_prime|CDF]_Norm[x_prime]]_Int[b|CDF]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
[#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init([py_X_prior_b]_Norm[b]_denominator_Int[b]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(b)
Hybrid p-value = 0.9992259057034769
Z_Gamma Significance = 3.165495870670026
Z_Bi significance estimation: 3.1080438957471137
import ROOT
# Make model for prototype on/off problem
# Pois(x | s+b) * Pois(y | tau b )
# for Z_Gamma, use uniform prior on b.
# construct the Bayesian-averaged model (eg. a projection pdf)
# p'(x|s) = \int db p(x|s+b) * [ p(y|b) * prior(b) ]
# plot it, blue is averaged model, red is b known exactly
frame = w1["x"].frame()
w1["px"].plotOn(frame, LineColor="kRed")
# compare analytic calculation of Z_Bi
# with the numerical RooFit implementation of Z_Gamma
# for an example with x = 150, y = 100
# numeric RooFit Z_Gamma
cdf = w1["averagedModel"].createCdf(w1["x"])
cdf.getVal() # get ugly print messages out of the way
print("Hybrid p-value = ", cdf.getVal())
print("Z_Gamma Significance = ", ROOT.RooStats.PValueToSignificance(1 - cdf.getVal()))
# analytic Z_Bi
print("Z_Bi significance estimation: ", Z_Bi)
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
July 2022
Artem Busorgin, Kyle Cranmer and Wouter Verkerke (C++ version)

Definition in file Zbi_Zgamma.py.