12#ifndef ROOT_TRootSniffer
13#define ROOT_TRootSniffer
139 virtual Bool_t CallProduceImage(
const std::string &kind,
const std::string &path,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
164 virtual Bool_t ProduceJson(
const std::string &path,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
166 virtual Bool_t ProduceXml(
const std::string &path,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
168 virtual Bool_t ProduceBinary(
const std::string &path,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
170 virtual Bool_t ProduceRootFile(
const std::string &path,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
172 virtual Bool_t ProduceImage(
Int_t kind,
const std::string &path,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
176 virtual Bool_t ExecuteCmd(
const std::string &path,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
195 void Restrict(
const char *path,
const char *options);
247 Bool_t Produce(
const std::string &path,
const std::string &file,
const std::string &options, std::string &res);
#define ClassDef(name, id)
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void on
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void value
The concrete implementation of TBuffer for writing/reading to/from a ROOT file or socket.
TClass instances represent classes, structs and namespaces in the ROOT type system.
Collection abstract base class.
All ROOT classes may have RTTI (run time type identification) support added.
<div class="legacybox"><h2>Legacy Code</h2> TFolder is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes...
Contains arguments for single HTTP call.
Book space in a file, create I/O buffers, to fill them, (un)compress them.
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Structure used to scan hierarchies of ROOT objects.
TString fItemName
! name of current item
Int_t fLevel
! current level of hierarchy
Int_t fRestriction
! restriction 0 - default, 1 - read-only, 2 - full access
Bool_t CanExpandItem()
Returns true when item can be expanded.
TRootSnifferStore * fStore
! object to store results
virtual ~TRootSnifferScanRec()
void SetField(const char *name, const char *value, Bool_t with_quotes=kTRUE)
Set item field only when creating is specified.
void CloseNode()
Close started node.
Bool_t CanSetFields() const
return true when fields could be set to the hierarchy item
UInt_t fMask
! defines operation kind
void MakeItemName(const char *objname, TString &itemname)
Construct item name, using object name as basis.
Bool_t IsReadyForResult() const
Checks if result will be accepted.
Bool_t SetResult(void *obj, TClass *cl, TDataMember *member=nullptr)
Obsolete, use SetFoundResult instead.
Bool_t fHasMore
! indicates that potentially there are more items can be found
Bool_t IsReadOnly(Bool_t dflt=kTRUE)
Returns read-only flag for current item.
Bool_t GoInside(TRootSnifferScanRec &super, TObject *obj, const char *obj_name=nullptr, TRootSniffer *sniffer=nullptr)
Method verifies if new level of hierarchy should be started with provided object.
void BeforeNextChild()
Indicates that new child for current element will be started.
TRootSnifferScanRec * fParent
! pointer on parent record
void SetRootClass(TClass *cl)
Mark item with ROOT class and correspondent streamer info.
void CreateNode(const char *_node_name)
Starts new node, must be closed at the end.
Int_t fNumChilds
! number of childs
Int_t fNumFields
! number of fields
Bool_t fNodeStarted
! indicate if node was started
Bool_t SetFoundResult(void *obj, TClass *cl, TDataMember *member=nullptr)
Set found element with class and datamember (optional)
const char * fSearchPath
! current path searched
@ kSearch
search for specified item (only objects and collections)
@ kOnlyFields
if set, only fields for specified item will be set (but all fields)
@ kExpand
expand of specified item - allowed to scan object members
@ kCheckChilds
check if there childs, very similar to search
@ kScan
normal scan of hierarchy
@ kActions
mask for actions, only actions copied to child rec
Int_t Depth() const
Returns depth of hierarchy.
TList fItemsNames
! list of created items names, need to avoid duplication
Bool_t Done() const
Method indicates that scanning can be interrupted while result is set.
Bool_t ScanOnlyFields() const
return true when only fields are scanned by the sniffer
void BuildFullName(TString &buf, TRootSnifferScanRec *prnt=nullptr)
Produces full name for the current item.
Abstract interface for storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer.
Sniffer of ROOT objects, data provider for THttpServer.
void ScanObjectMembers(TRootSnifferScanRec &rec, TClass *cl, char *ptr)
scan object data members some members like enum or static members will be excluded
const char * GetAutoLoad() const
return name of configured autoload scripts (or 0)
TString fObjectsPath
! default path for registered objects
void ScanHierarchy(const char *topname, const char *path, TRootSnifferStore *store, Bool_t only_fields=kFALSE)
Method scans normal objects, registered in ROOT.
TRootSniffer(const char *name="sniff", const char *objpath="Objects")
TList fRestrictions
! list of restrictions for different locations
Bool_t RegisterObject(const char *subfolder, TObject *obj)
Register object in subfolder structure.
virtual void ScanObjectChilds(TRootSnifferScanRec &rec, TObject *obj)
scans object childs (if any) here one scans collection, branches, trees and so on
TString fCurrentAllowedMethods
! list of allowed methods, extracted when analyzed object restrictions
virtual Bool_t HasStreamerInfo() const
Bool_t IsReadOnly() const
Returns readonly mode.
Bool_t UnregisterObject(TObject *obj)
Unregister (remove) object from folders structures.
virtual void ScanKeyProperties(TRootSnifferScanRec &rec, TKey *key, TObject *&obj, TClass *&obj_class)
Scans TKey properties in special cases load objects from the file.
Bool_t CreateItem(const char *fullname, const char *title)
Create item element.
virtual Bool_t ExecuteCmd(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Execute command marked as _kind=='Command'.
Bool_t HasRestriction(const char *item_name)
Made fast check if item with specified name is in restriction list If returns true,...
virtual void ScanObjectProperties(TRootSnifferScanRec &rec, TObject *obj)
Scans object properties here such fields as _autoload or _icon properties depending on class or objec...
virtual void ScanRoot(TRootSnifferScanRec &rec)
scan complete ROOT objects hierarchy For the moment it includes objects in gROOT directory and list o...
virtual Bool_t IsStreamerInfoItem(const char *)
Bool_t Produce(const std::string &path, const std::string &file, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Method produce different kind of data out of object.
virtual Bool_t ProduceJson(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Produce JSON data for specified item For object conversion TBufferJSON is used.
void CreateOwnTopFolder()
Create own TFolder structures independent from gROOT This allows to have many independent TRootSniffe...
virtual Bool_t ProduceExe(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, Int_t reskind, std::string &res)
Execute command for specified object.
virtual Bool_t ProduceXml(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Produce XML data for specified item.
TString DecodeUrlOptionValue(const char *value, Bool_t remove_quotes=kTRUE)
Method replaces all kind of special symbols, which could appear in URL options.
THttpCallArg * SetCurrentCallArg(THttpCallArg *arg)
set current http arguments, which then used in different process methods For instance,...
Bool_t fScanGlobalDir
! when enabled (default), scan gROOT for histograms, canvases, open files
void Restrict(const char *path, const char *options)
Restrict access to the specified location.
void SetReadOnly(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
When readonly on (default), sniffer is not allowed to change ROOT structures For instance,...
virtual ULong_t GetItemHash(const char *itemname)
Get hash function for specified item used to detect any changes in the specified object.
Bool_t fReadOnly
! indicate if sniffer allowed to change ROOT structures - like read objects from file
void SetScanGlobalDir(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
When enabled (default), sniffer scans gROOT for files, canvases, histograms.
TObject * GetItem(const char *fullname, TFolder *&parent, Bool_t force=kFALSE, Bool_t within_objects=kTRUE)
Return item from the subfolders structure.
THttpCallArg * fCurrentArg
! current http arguments (if any)
virtual Bool_t ProduceImage(Int_t kind, const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Method to produce image from specified object.
TObject * FindTObjectInHierarchy(const char *path)
Search element in hierarchy, derived from TObject.
void SetAutoLoad(const char *scripts="")
When specified, _autoload attribute will be always add to top element of h.json/h....
virtual void * FindInHierarchy(const char *path, TClass **cl=nullptr, TDataMember **member=nullptr, Int_t *chld=nullptr)
Search element with specified path Returns pointer on element Optionally one could obtain element cla...
virtual Bool_t ProduceItem(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res, Bool_t asjson=kTRUE)
Produce JSON/XML for specified item.
Int_t CheckRestriction(const char *item_name)
Checked if restriction is applied to the item full_item_name should have full path to the item.
virtual Bool_t CallProduceImage(const std::string &kind, const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Invokes TRootSniffer::ProduceIamge, converting kind into TImage::EImageFileTypes type.
Bool_t IsItemField(TObject *obj) const
Return true when object is TNamed with kItemField bit set.
virtual ~TRootSniffer()
virtual Bool_t CanDrawClass(TClass *)
Int_t fCurrentRestrict
! current restriction for last-found object
TFolder * GetTopFolder(Bool_t force=kFALSE)
Returns top TFolder instance for the sniffer.
const char * GetItemField(TFolder *parent, TObject *item, const char *name)
Return field for specified item.
virtual ULong_t GetStreamerInfoHash()
std::unique_ptr< TFolder > fTopFolder
! own top TFolder object, used for registering objects
Bool_t CanExploreItem(const char *path)
Method returns true when object has childs or one could try to expand item.
Bool_t SetItemField(const char *fullname, const char *name, const char *value)
Set field for specified item.
Int_t WithCurrentUserName(const char *option)
return 2 when option match to current user name return 1 when option==all return 0 when option does n...
Bool_t RegisterCommand(const char *cmdname, const char *method, const char *icon)
Register command which can be executed from web interface.
TString fAutoLoad
! scripts names, which are add as _autoload parameter to h.json request
Bool_t IsScanGlobalDir() const
Returns true when sniffer allowed to scan global directories.
virtual Bool_t ProduceBinary(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Produce binary data for specified item.
TFolder * GetSubFolder(const char *foldername, Bool_t force=kFALSE)
Creates subfolder where objects can be registered.
virtual Bool_t ProduceRootFile(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res)
Produce ROOT file for specified item.
void ScanCollection(TRootSnifferScanRec &rec, TCollection *lst, const char *foldername=nullptr, TCollection *keys_lst=nullptr)
Scan collection content.
Bool_t AccessField(TFolder *parent, TObject *item, const char *name, const char *value, TNamed **only_get=nullptr)
Set or get field for the child.
virtual Bool_t ProduceMulti(const std::string &path, const std::string &options, std::string &res, Bool_t asjson=kTRUE)
Process several requests, packing all results into binary or JSON buffer.
Bool_t CanDrawItem(const char *path)
Method verifies if object can be drawn.