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TMVA_SOFIE_RDataFrame.py File Reference

Detailed Description

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Example of inference with SOFIE and RDataFrame, of a model trained with Keras.

First, generate the input model by running TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C.

This tutorial parses the input model and runs the inference using ROOT's JITing capability.

import ROOT
from os.path import exists
# check if the input file exists
modelFile = "Higgs_trained_model.h5"
modelName = "Higgs_trained_model";
if not exists(modelFile):
raise FileNotFoundError("You need to run TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C to generate the Keras trained model")
# parse the input Keras model into RModel object
model = ROOT.TMVA.Experimental.SOFIE.PyKeras.Parse(modelFile)
# generating inference code
# compile using ROOT JIT trained model
print("compiling SOFIE model and functor....")
ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare('#include "Higgs_trained_model_generated.hxx"')
ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare('auto sofie_functor = TMVA::Experimental::SofieFunctor<7,TMVA_SOFIE_'+modelName+'::Session>(0,"Higgs_trained_model_generated.dat");')
# run inference over input data
inputFile = "http://root.cern/files/Higgs_data.root"
df1 = ROOT.RDataFrame("sig_tree", inputFile)
h1 = df1.Define("DNN_Value", "sofie_functor(rdfslot_,m_jj, m_jjj, m_lv, m_jlv, m_bb, m_wbb, m_wwbb)").Histo1D(("h_sig", "", 100, 0, 1),"DNN_Value")
df2 = ROOT.RDataFrame("bkg_tree", inputFile)
h2 = df2.Define("DNN_Value", "sofie_functor(rdfslot_,m_jj, m_jjj, m_lv, m_jlv, m_bb, m_wbb, m_wwbb)").Histo1D(("h_bkg", "", 100, 0, 1),"DNN_Value")
# run over the input data once, combining both RDataFrame graphs.
print("Number of signal entries",h1.GetEntries())
print("Number of background entries",h2.GetEntries())
c1 = ROOT.TCanvas()
ROOT's RDataFrame offers a modern, high-level interface for analysis of data stored in TTree ,...
unsigned int RunGraphs(std::vector< RResultHandle > handles)
Trigger the event loop of multiple RDataFrames concurrently.
Model has not a defined batch size assume is 1 - input shape for tensor dense_input : { 1 , 7 }
//Code generated automatically by TMVA for Inference of Model file [Higgs_trained_model.h5] at [Thu Dec 19 08:56:14 2024]
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "TMVA/SOFIE_common.hxx"
#include <fstream>
namespace TMVA_SOFIE_Higgs_trained_model{
namespace BLAS{
extern "C" void sgemv_(const char * trans, const int * m, const int * n, const float * alpha, const float * A,
const int * lda, const float * X, const int * incx, const float * beta, const float * Y, const int * incy);
extern "C" void sgemm_(const char * transa, const char * transb, const int * m, const int * n, const int * k,
const float * alpha, const float * A, const int * lda, const float * B, const int * ldb,
const float * beta, float * C, const int * ldc);
struct Session {
// initialized tensors
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_4kernel0 = std::vector<float>(128);
float * tensor_dense_4kernel0 = fTensor_dense_4kernel0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_3bias0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_3bias0 = fTensor_dense_3bias0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_3kernel0 = std::vector<float>(4096);
float * tensor_dense_3kernel0 = fTensor_dense_3kernel0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_2kernel0 = std::vector<float>(4096);
float * tensor_dense_2kernel0 = fTensor_dense_2kernel0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_1bias0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_1bias0 = fTensor_dense_1bias0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_4bias0 = std::vector<float>(2);
float * tensor_dense_4bias0 = fTensor_dense_4bias0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_1kernel0 = std::vector<float>(4096);
float * tensor_dense_1kernel0 = fTensor_dense_1kernel0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_densebias0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_densebias0 = fTensor_densebias0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_2bias0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_2bias0 = fTensor_dense_2bias0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_densekernel0 = std::vector<float>(448);
float * tensor_densekernel0 = fTensor_densekernel0.data();
//--- declare and allocate the intermediate tensors
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_4Sigmoid0 = std::vector<float>(2);
float * tensor_dense_4Sigmoid0 = fTensor_dense_4Sigmoid0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_4Dense = std::vector<float>(2);
float * tensor_dense_4Dense = fTensor_dense_4Dense.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_densebias0bcast = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_densebias0bcast = fTensor_densebias0bcast.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_1bias0bcast = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_1bias0bcast = fTensor_dense_1bias0bcast.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_3bias0bcast = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_3bias0bcast = fTensor_dense_3bias0bcast.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_1Dense = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_1Dense = fTensor_dense_1Dense.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_1Relu0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_1Relu0 = fTensor_dense_1Relu0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_2Dense = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_2Dense = fTensor_dense_2Dense.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_denseRelu0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_denseRelu0 = fTensor_denseRelu0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_2Relu0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_2Relu0 = fTensor_dense_2Relu0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_3Dense = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_3Dense = fTensor_dense_3Dense.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_denseDense = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_denseDense = fTensor_denseDense.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_3Relu0 = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_3Relu0 = fTensor_dense_3Relu0.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_2bias0bcast = std::vector<float>(64);
float * tensor_dense_2bias0bcast = fTensor_dense_2bias0bcast.data();
std::vector<float> fTensor_dense_4bias0bcast = std::vector<float>(2);
float * tensor_dense_4bias0bcast = fTensor_dense_4bias0bcast.data();
Session(std::string filename ="Higgs_trained_model.dat") {
//--- reading weights from file
std::ifstream f;
if (!f.is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error("tmva-sofie failed to open file " + filename + " for input weights");
std::string tensor_name;
size_t length;
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_4kernel0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_4kernel0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 128) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 128 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_4kernel0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_4kernel0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_3bias0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_3bias0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 64) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 64 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_3bias0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_3bias0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_3kernel0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_3kernel0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 4096) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 4096 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_3kernel0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_3kernel0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_2kernel0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_2kernel0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 4096) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 4096 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_2kernel0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_2kernel0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_1bias0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_1bias0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 64) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 64 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_1bias0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_1bias0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_4bias0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_4bias0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 2) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 2 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_4bias0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_4bias0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_1kernel0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_1kernel0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 4096) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 4096 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_1kernel0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_1kernel0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_densebias0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_densebias0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 64) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 64 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_densebias0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_densebias0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_dense_2bias0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_dense_2bias0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 64) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 64 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_dense_2bias0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_dense_2bias0");
f >> tensor_name >> length;
if (tensor_name != "tensor_densekernel0" ) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor name; expected name is tensor_densekernel0 , read " + tensor_name;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
if (length != 448) {
std::string err_msg = "TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the correct tensor size; expected size is 448 , read " + std::to_string(length) ;
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
f >> tensor_densekernel0[i];
if (f.fail()) {
throw std::runtime_error("TMVA-SOFIE failed to read the values for tensor tensor_densekernel0");
//---- allocate the intermediate dynamic tensors
//--- broadcast bias tensor densebias0for Gemm op
float * data = TMVA::Experimental::SOFIE::UTILITY::UnidirectionalBroadcast<float>(tensor_densebias0,{ 64 }, { 1 , 64 });
std::copy(data, data + 64, tensor_densebias0bcast);
delete [] data;
//--- broadcast bias tensor dense_1bias0for Gemm op
float * data = TMVA::Experimental::SOFIE::UTILITY::UnidirectionalBroadcast<float>(tensor_dense_1bias0,{ 64 }, { 1 , 64 });
std::copy(data, data + 64, tensor_dense_1bias0bcast);
delete [] data;
//--- broadcast bias tensor dense_2bias0for Gemm op
float * data = TMVA::Experimental::SOFIE::UTILITY::UnidirectionalBroadcast<float>(tensor_dense_2bias0,{ 64 }, { 1 , 64 });
std::copy(data, data + 64, tensor_dense_2bias0bcast);
delete [] data;
//--- broadcast bias tensor dense_3bias0for Gemm op
float * data = TMVA::Experimental::SOFIE::UTILITY::UnidirectionalBroadcast<float>(tensor_dense_3bias0,{ 64 }, { 1 , 64 });
std::copy(data, data + 64, tensor_dense_3bias0bcast);
delete [] data;
//--- broadcast bias tensor dense_4bias0for Gemm op
float * data = TMVA::Experimental::SOFIE::UTILITY::UnidirectionalBroadcast<float>(tensor_dense_4bias0,{ 2 }, { 1 , 2 });
std::copy(data, data + 2, tensor_dense_4bias0bcast);
delete [] data;
std::vector<float> infer(float* tensor_dense_input){
//--------- Gemm
char op_0_transA = 'n';
char op_0_transB = 'n';
int op_0_m = 1;
int op_0_n = 64;
int op_0_k = 7;
float op_0_alpha = 1;
float op_0_beta = 1;
int op_0_lda = 7;
int op_0_ldb = 64;
std::copy(tensor_densebias0bcast, tensor_densebias0bcast + 64, tensor_denseDense);
BLAS::sgemm_(&op_0_transB, &op_0_transA, &op_0_n, &op_0_m, &op_0_k, &op_0_alpha, tensor_densekernel0, &op_0_ldb, tensor_dense_input, &op_0_lda, &op_0_beta, tensor_denseDense, &op_0_n);
//------ RELU
for (int id = 0; id < 64 ; id++){
tensor_denseRelu0[id] = ((tensor_denseDense[id] > 0 )? tensor_denseDense[id] : 0);
//--------- Gemm
char op_2_transA = 'n';
char op_2_transB = 'n';
int op_2_m = 1;
int op_2_n = 64;
int op_2_k = 64;
float op_2_alpha = 1;
float op_2_beta = 1;
int op_2_lda = 64;
int op_2_ldb = 64;
std::copy(tensor_dense_1bias0bcast, tensor_dense_1bias0bcast + 64, tensor_dense_1Dense);
BLAS::sgemm_(&op_2_transB, &op_2_transA, &op_2_n, &op_2_m, &op_2_k, &op_2_alpha, tensor_dense_1kernel0, &op_2_ldb, tensor_denseRelu0, &op_2_lda, &op_2_beta, tensor_dense_1Dense, &op_2_n);
//------ RELU
for (int id = 0; id < 64 ; id++){
tensor_dense_1Relu0[id] = ((tensor_dense_1Dense[id] > 0 )? tensor_dense_1Dense[id] : 0);
//--------- Gemm
char op_4_transA = 'n';
char op_4_transB = 'n';
int op_4_m = 1;
int op_4_n = 64;
int op_4_k = 64;
float op_4_alpha = 1;
float op_4_beta = 1;
int op_4_lda = 64;
int op_4_ldb = 64;
std::copy(tensor_dense_2bias0bcast, tensor_dense_2bias0bcast + 64, tensor_dense_2Dense);
BLAS::sgemm_(&op_4_transB, &op_4_transA, &op_4_n, &op_4_m, &op_4_k, &op_4_alpha, tensor_dense_2kernel0, &op_4_ldb, tensor_dense_1Relu0, &op_4_lda, &op_4_beta, tensor_dense_2Dense, &op_4_n);
//------ RELU
for (int id = 0; id < 64 ; id++){
tensor_dense_2Relu0[id] = ((tensor_dense_2Dense[id] > 0 )? tensor_dense_2Dense[id] : 0);
//--------- Gemm
char op_6_transA = 'n';
char op_6_transB = 'n';
int op_6_m = 1;
int op_6_n = 64;
int op_6_k = 64;
float op_6_alpha = 1;
float op_6_beta = 1;
int op_6_lda = 64;
int op_6_ldb = 64;
std::copy(tensor_dense_3bias0bcast, tensor_dense_3bias0bcast + 64, tensor_dense_3Dense);
BLAS::sgemm_(&op_6_transB, &op_6_transA, &op_6_n, &op_6_m, &op_6_k, &op_6_alpha, tensor_dense_3kernel0, &op_6_ldb, tensor_dense_2Relu0, &op_6_lda, &op_6_beta, tensor_dense_3Dense, &op_6_n);
//------ RELU
for (int id = 0; id < 64 ; id++){
tensor_dense_3Relu0[id] = ((tensor_dense_3Dense[id] > 0 )? tensor_dense_3Dense[id] : 0);
//--------- Gemm
char op_8_transA = 'n';
char op_8_transB = 'n';
int op_8_m = 1;
int op_8_n = 2;
int op_8_k = 64;
float op_8_alpha = 1;
float op_8_beta = 1;
int op_8_lda = 64;
int op_8_ldb = 2;
std::copy(tensor_dense_4bias0bcast, tensor_dense_4bias0bcast + 2, tensor_dense_4Dense);
BLAS::sgemm_(&op_8_transB, &op_8_transA, &op_8_n, &op_8_m, &op_8_k, &op_8_alpha, tensor_dense_4kernel0, &op_8_ldb, tensor_dense_3Relu0, &op_8_lda, &op_8_beta, tensor_dense_4Dense, &op_8_n);
for (int id = 0; id < 2 ; id++){
tensor_dense_4Sigmoid0[id] = 1 / (1 + std::exp( - tensor_dense_4Dense[id]));
return fTensor_dense_4Sigmoid0;
}; // end of Session
} //TMVA_SOFIE_Higgs_trained_model
TF/Keras Version: 2.13.0
compiling SOFIE model and functor....
Number of signal entries 10000.0
Number of background entries 10000.0
Lorenzo Moneta

Definition in file TMVA_SOFIE_RDataFrame.py.