63 if (tree->GetType() == 0) {
66 tree->InitBranches(
82 if (tree->GetType() != 0) {
A TTree is a list of TBranches.
virtual void SetAddress(void *add)
Set address of this branch.
void Browse(TBrowser *b) override
Browser interface.
Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects.
Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry=0, Int_t getall=0) override
get one entry from hbook ntuple
const char * GetBlockName() const
void SetAddress(void *addobj) override
Set address of this branch See important remark in the header of THbookTree.
void Browse(TBrowser *b) override
Browser interface.
This class is an interface to the Hbook objects in Hbook files.
Int_t GetEntryBranch(Int_t entry, Int_t id)
Read in memory only the branch bname.
virtual void SetBranchAddress(Int_t id, const char *bname, void *add)
Set branch address.
virtual Bool_t cd(const char *dirname="")
change directory to dirname
Int_t GetEntry(Int_t entry, Int_t id, Int_t atype, Float_t *x)
Read in memory all columns of entry number of ntuple id from the Hbook file.
A wrapper class supporting Hbook ntuples (CWN and RWN).
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID() const
Return the unique object id.
A TTree represents a columnar dataset.