95 for (
int i = 1; i <
argc; i++) {
125 for (
int i = 0; i <
fCount; ++i)
delete []
139 for (i = 0; i <
fCount; i += 2) {
size_t size(const MatrixT &matrix)
retrieve the size of a square matrix
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
void ToLower(char *z)
Convert a string to all lower-case letters.
void HtmlTranslateEscapes(char *z)
Translate escape sequences in the string "z".
TString ToLower(const TString &s)
Return a lower-case version of str.
char * StrDup(const char *str)
Duplicate the string str.
TGHtmlAnchor(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML anchor element constructor.
~TGHtmlBlock() override
~TGHtmlCell() override
HTML cell element destructor.
TGHtmlCell(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML cell element constructor.
TGHtmlElement(int etype=0)
HTML element constructor.
TGHtmlHr(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML hr element constructor.
TGHtmlImageMarkup * fINext
TGHtmlImageMarkup(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML image element constructor.
TGHtmlLi(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML li element constructor.
TGHtmlListStart(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML list start element constructor.
TGHtmlMapArea(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML map area constructor.
int GetAlignment(int dflt) override
Return an alignment or justification flag associated with the given markup.
int GetOrderedListType(int dflt) override
The "type" argument to the given element might describe the type for an ordered list.
~TGHtmlMarkupElement() override
HTML markup element destructor.
TGHtmlMarkupElement(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML mrkup element constructor.
int GetUnorderedListType(int dflt) override
The "type" argument to the given element might describe a type for an unordered list.
const char * MarkupArg(const char *tag, const char *zDefault) override
Lookup an argument in the given markup with the name given.
~TGHtmlRef() override
HTML ref element destructor.
TGHtmlRef(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML ref element constructor.
TGHtmlScript(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML script element constructor.
TGHtmlTable(int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
HTML table element constructor.
~TGHtmlTable() override
HTML table element destructor.
TGHtmlTextElement(const TGHtmlTextElement &)=delete
~TGHtmlTextElement() override
HTML element destructor.