12#ifndef ROOT_TFitParametersDialog
13#define ROOT_TFitParametersDialog
static void update(gsl_integration_workspace *workspace, double a1, double b1, double area1, double error1, double a2, double b2, double area2, double error2)
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Enumeration specifying if parameters have been modified by the user.
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void on
Create a dialog for fit function parameter settings.
Int_t fNP
number of function parameters
TGCompositeFrame * fContMin
container of min range values
virtual void DoReset()
Slot related to the Reset button.
Double_t * fPval
original patameters' values
TFitParametersDialog(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, TF1 *func, TVirtualPad *pad, Int_t *ret_code=nullptr)
virtual Bool_t HasChanges()
Bool_t fHasChanges
kTRUE if function was redrawn;
Double_t * fPmin
min limits of patameters range
virtual void DoSlider()
Slot related to the parameters' value settings.
TGNumberEntry ** fParStp
step values
TGCompositeFrame * fContVal
container of parameter values
TF1 * fFunc
function passed to this dialog
Double_t fRangexmin
min function range
TGTextButton * fApply
Apply button.
virtual void HandleTab()
Handle Tab key event (set focus to the next number entry field)
TGCheckButton ** fParFix
fix setting switch
TGCheckButton ** fParBnd
bound setting switch
virtual void HandleShiftTab()
Handle Shift+Tab key event (set focus to the previous number entry field)
TGNumberEntryField ** fParErr
error values
TGCompositeFrame * fContStp
container of step values
void DisconnectSlots()
Disconnect signals from slot methods.
TGCompositeFrame * fContNam
container of parameter names
Int_t * fRetCode
address to store return code
Double_t * fPmax
max limits of patameters range
void SetParameters()
Set the parameter values inside the function.
virtual void DoParStep()
Slot related to parameter step setting.
TGTextButton * fCancel
Cancel button.
TGNumberEntry ** fParVal
parameter values
TGTripleHSlider ** fParSld
triple sliders
Bool_t fImmediateDraw
kTRUE if function is updated on run-time
TGCompositeFrame * fContErr
container of error values
TGCompositeFrame * fContBnd
container of bound settings
virtual void DoApply()
Slot related to the Preview button.
TGNumberEntryField ** fParMax
max range values
virtual void DoCancel()
Slot related to the Cancel button.
virtual void DoParValue()
Slot related to the parameter value settings.
virtual void DoParFix(Bool_t on)
Slot related to the Fix check button.
TList fTextEntries
list of text entries used for keyboard navigation
virtual void HandleButtons(Bool_t update)
Handle the button dependent states in this dialog.
TGCheckButton * fUpdate
immediate update switch
void CloseWindow() override
Close parameters' dialog.
Double_t * fPstp
original patameters' step
Double_t fRangexmax
max function range
Double_t * fPerr
original patameters' errors
TGNumberEntryField ** fParMin
min range values
virtual void DoOK()
Slot related to the OK button.
virtual void DoParBound(Bool_t on)
Slot related to the Bound check button.
TGCompositeFrame * fContFix
container of fix settings
~TFitParametersDialog() override
virtual void DoParMinLimit()
Slot related to the minumum parameter limit settings.
TVirtualPad * fFpad
pad where the function is drawn
virtual void DrawFunction()
Redraw function graphics.
TGCompositeFrame * fContMax
container of max range values
virtual void DoParMaxLimit()
Slot related to the maximum parameter limit settings.
TGTextButton * fReset
Reset button.
TGTextEntry ** fParNam
parameter names
TGCompositeFrame * fContSld
container of sliders
TGTextButton * fOK
OK button.
The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.).
TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons.
Yield an action as soon as it is clicked.
A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget.
Defines transient windows that typically are used for dialogs windows.
TripleSlider inherit from DoubleSlider widgets and allow easy selection of a min, max and pointer val...
ROOT GUI Window base class.
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.