Release 6.20/04 - 2020-04-01

Release NotesPermalink

The release notes for this release can be found here.

Source distributionPermalink

Platform Files Size
source root_v6.20.04.source.tar.gz 160M

Binary distributionsPermalink

Platform Files Size
CentOS Cern 7 aarch64 gcc4.8 root_v6.20.04.Linux-centos7-aarch64-gcc4.8.tar.gz 135M
CentOS Cern 7 gcc4.8 root_v6.20.04.Linux-centos7-x86_64-gcc4.8.tar.gz 184M
Linux fedora29 gcc8.3 root_v6.20.04.Linux-fedora29-x86_64-gcc8.3.tar.gz 218M
Linux fedora30 gcc9.2 root_v6.20.04.Linux-fedora30-x86_64-gcc9.2.tar.gz 223M
Ubuntu 14.04 gcc4.8 root_v6.20.04.Linux-ubuntu14-x86_64-gcc4.8.tar.gz 190M
Ubuntu 16.04 gcc5.4 root_v6.20.04.Linux-ubuntu16-x86_64-gcc5.4.tar.gz 197M
Ubuntu 18.04 gcc7.5 root_v6.20.04.Linux-ubuntu18-x86_64-gcc7.5.tar.gz 216M
Ubuntu 19.04 gcc8.3 root_v6.20.04.Linux-ubuntu19-x86_64-gcc8.3.tar.gz 216M
Ubuntu 19.04 gcc9.2 root_v6.20.04.Linux-ubuntu19-x86_64-gcc9.2.tar.gz 221M
Macos 10.13 clang100 root_v6.20.04.macosx64-10.13-clang100.tar.gz 133M
Macos 10.14 clang100 root_v6.20.04.macosx64-10.14-clang100.tar.gz 134M
Macos 10.14 clang100 root_v6.20.04.macosx64-10.14-clang100.pkg 134M
Macos 10.15 clang110 curl 134M
Macos 10.15 clang110 curl 134M

Installations in CVMFSPermalink

Standalone installations with minimal external dependencies are available at:


Example for setting up ROOT from CVMFSPermalink

. /cvmfs/


The entire ROOT source can be obtained from our public Git repository:

git clone

The release specific tag can be obtained using:

cd root
git checkout -b v6-20-04 v6-20-04


Windows 7/Vista/XP/NT/2000 are supported. We offer two packaging types:

  • exe: a regular Windows installer package also setting up the required environment variables. With uninstall via “Control Panel” / “Add or Remove Programs”. Simply download and start, or open directly. You can double-click ROOT to start it, ROOT files get registered with Windows.
  • tar: the traditional variant. Unpack e.g. with 7zip. Start ROOT in a Microsoft Visual Studio Prompt (in Start / Programs / Microsoft Visual Studio / Tools). If you installed ROOT to C:\root then call C:\root\bin\thisroot.bat before using ROOT to set up required environment variables.

Important installation notesPermalink

  • You must download the binary built with the exact same version of Visual Studio than the one installed on your system.
  • Do not untar in a directory with a name containing blank characters.
  • Take the release version if performance matters.
  • If you want to debug your code you need the ROOT debug build (you cannot mix release / debug builds due to a Microsoft restriction).