ROOT Users’ Workshop 2015

ROOT Anniversary Workshop

The next ROOT Users' Workshop will celebrate ROOT's 20th anniversary. It will take place on 15-18 Sept 2015 in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.

(c) The Dom

Since now two decades, ROOT has established itself as the framework for HENP data processing and analysis. The LHC upgrade program and the new experiments being designed at CERN and elsewhere will pose even more formidable challenges in terms of data complexity and size. The new parallel and heterogeneous computing architectures that are either announced or already available trigger deep rethinking of the code and the data structures to be exploited efficiently.

This workshop, following from a successful series of such events, will allow you to learn in detail about the state of ROOT, the plans for ROOT 7, and it will help shape the evolution of ROOT.


  • Timetable, presentations and list of participants are in Indico
  • Add to your calendar here


Topics include

  • Presenting and discussing development activities in ROOT
    • ROOT 7 and its new C++ interfaces personality
    • steering ROOT with your web browser
    • concurrency and vectorization in and with ROOT
    • news from the math world, for instance ROOT's new R interface
    • storing C++14 types in TFiles and other new I/O features
  • Users' feedback to developers
    • What should we improve, what's annoying you most, what's most useful, what do we neglect, where do you spend most time with ROOT?
    • Discussion of lessons learnt from a users' survey scheduled for March
    • What did you do that's awesome and would benefit everyone?
    • Experiments' report: how do physicists use ROOT in analyses and online (DAQ / trigger / monitoring /...), what can we improve?
    • We are especially looking for feedback from outside CERN!
  • Impressions from the outside
    • Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++, on how to write modern, good C++
    • Electronic Arts / EA Sports, on how they do large-scale data analysis for instance for game data
    • Wolfgang Huber on data processing with R and Bioconductor

Just as the previous workshops, this anniversary workshop is mostly about intense interaction with the ROOT developers: we will discuss, solve, invent and plan. In the past, these workshops have been eye-openers for users and developers - and we expect nothing less for the 9th workshop!

Important dates

Venue, Accommodation

The workshop takes place at the Schweizerhof hotel in Saas-Fee. A set of rooms has been pre-reserved and can be reserved by participants. A wide variety of alternatives is available in walking distance.

Organizing Committee

  • Philippe Canal, Fermilab
  • Pere Mato, CERN
  • Axel Naumann, CERN
