ROOT Users' Workshop 2018

(17 January 2018)

The ROOT team would like to invite you to the 11th ROOT Users' Workshop.

Festina Lente Bridge This time we meet in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina - a buzzing melting pot of cultures since centuries. The workshop features four days of presentations and discussions on everything ROOT: what works for you, what doesn't and how ROOT evolves to address future challenges. ROOT is changing; this is your chance to influence what happens and to interact with all its developers! Our way of saying "thank you for participating" is to make sure that you have a great time in a unique location!

ROOT 2018 Poster The topics will cover:

  • ROOT roadmap
  • TDataFrame, a modern TTree::Draw()
  • On the way to ROOT 7: graphics, histograms, trees
  • New persistency features
  • Concurrency and ROOT
  • ROOT in Javascript
  • Machine learning in and with ROOT
  • Math tools and techniques
  • User feedback

Please mark your calendars and start to think which abstracts to submit. Registration and abstract submission will open soon.

Registration, Timetable and Event Info

Please proceed to the workshop site at for registration, abstract submission, and further event information!