Class describing a 4D cylindrical coordinate system using Pt , Phi, Eta and M (mass) The metric used is (-,-,-,+). Spacelike particles (M2 < 0) are described with negative mass values, but in this case m2 must alwasy be less than P2 to preserve a positive value of E2 Phi is restricted to be in the range [-PI,PI) @ingroup GenVector
static ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<Double32_t>::Scalar | pi() |
void | RestrictNegMass() |
void | RestrictPhi() |
Double32_t | fEta | |
Double32_t | fM | |
Double32_t | fPhi | |
Double32_t | fPt |
Set internal data based on an array of 4 Scalar numbers
get internal data into an array of 4 Scalar numbers
Set internal data based on 4 Scalar numbers
get internal data into 4 Scalar numbers
--------- Coordinates and Coordinate-like Scalar properties ------------- 4-D Cylindrical eta coordinate accessors
{ return fPt; }
M() is the invariant mass; in this coordinate system it can be negagative if set that way.
{ return fPhi; }
squared magnitude of spatial components (momentum squared)
{ Scalar p = P(); return p*p; }
Energy (timelike component of momentum-energy 4-vector)
{ return std::sqrt(E2() ); }
vector magnitude squared (or mass squared) In case of negative mass (spacelike particles return negative values)
--------- Set Coordinates of this system --------------- set Pt value
set values using cartesian coordinate system
------ Manipulations ------------- negate the 4-vector -- Note that the energy cannot be negate (would need an additional data member) therefore negate will work only on the spatial components One would need to use negate only with vectors having the energy as data members
Scale coordinate values by a scalar quantity a
============= Compatibility secition ================== The following make this coordinate system look enough like a CLHEP vector that an assignment member template can work with either
{ return X(); }
====== Set member functions for coordinates in other systems =======