class TCollectionClassStreamer: public TClassStreamer, public TCollectionStreamer

  Small helper to save proxy environment in the event of
  recursive calls.

Function Members (Methods)

TCollectionClassStreamer(const TCollectionClassStreamer& c)
voidTCollectionStreamer::AdoptStreamer(TGenCollectionProxy* streamer)
virtual TClassStreamer*Generate()
virtual voidoperator()(TBuffer& buff, void* pObj)
TClassStreamer&TClassStreamer::operator=(const TClassStreamer&)
voidTCollectionStreamer::Streamer(TBuffer& refBuffer, void* pObject, int siz)

Data Members

TGenCollectionProxy*TCollectionStreamer::fStreamer/ Pointer to worker streamer

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

TCollectionClassStreamer(const TCollectionClassStreamer& c)
 Initializing constructor
{ }
TCollectionClassStreamer(const TCollectionClassStreamer& c)
 Standard destructor
{ }
virtual ~TCollectionClassStreamer()
 Streamer for I/O handling
{ }
void operator()(TBuffer& buff, void* pObj)
{ Streamer(buff,pObj,0); }
TClassStreamer * Generate()
 Virtual copy constructor.
TGenCollectionProxy * GetXYZ()
{ return TCollectionStreamer::fStreamer; }

Author: Markus Frank 28/10/04
Last update: root/io:$Id: TCollectionProxyFactory.h 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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